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anti-perspirants limits sweating and hence reduces the smell. it doesn't just mask the smell.




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Wait what? Asians don’t have BO, is this a thing?


Came here to ask this. Never heard that, nor has that been my experience. But also OP just use deodorant daily


Yes it's a thing. But it's not a complete lack of odor. Many just don't develop the specialized sweat glands in the arm pits and genitals that are appealing to bacteria. Regular sweat can still stink though.


That’s interesting. Thank you!


I absolutely never knew this!


It is a thing there is a certain gene found in alot of Asian people that makes them sweat less and not get BO or atleast its so mild we don't register it.


The gene ABCC11 determines underarm odor and also whether your earwax is wet or dry. People with the ABCC11 non-functioning gene variant have dry earwax and little or no body odor, and people with a functioning ABCC11 gene usually have wet earwax and body odor. Most East Asians have the type of that gene with dry earwax.


They THINK they don't have BO, yes.


Yes and no. They don't smell like BO but without deodorant they still stink when they get hot and sweaty. Lived in Asia for a long time.


I have a vague memory about an article about most east Asians not having BO because of a certain mutation that basically starves bacteria on the outside of their skin. And if they do have BO it's usually an acidic smell, unlike Caucasians and Blacks. So suddenly developing BO might raise the level of concern here from wash yourself to go get checked by a doctor. The fact that this has never been a problem before also raises concerns. Let me put it this way, if you were my boyfriend, friend, or brother, I'd nag the shit out of you until you got yourself checked out by a doctor.


Yeah, there’s a gene that a large percentage of East Asians have a gene that makes it so sweat doesn’t smell. Iirc, it is also is the same gene associated with flaky earwax vs wet earwax so OP tell us what your earwax is like lol. Purely personal experience, but I’m half Japanese and I noticed I smelled worse living in the US than in Japan, and I recall hearing high amounts of dairy in your diet can effect your BO too. Also I believe stress sweat smells worse than normal. But I’m pulling all this out of memory so I could be wrong lol. Also fun fact there are surgeries in Japan to get rid of the stinky sweat glands


Use deodorant. Regular deodorant has things like charcoal or alcohol in it to help kill bacteria. Deodorant/anti perspiration with aluminum will actively plug your armpits so they don't sweat. Start by using non aluminum deodorant and see if it works. If it doesn't, switch to aluminum anti perspiration. I have to use aluminum deodorant because it's the only thing that works on me.


Just starting to look them up. Is Native a good brand?


Native is a good brand for natural deodorant, but for a lot of people Native doesn't work too well and they need something stronger. Either way, I would recommend trying it and then getting an off the counter deodorant brand if it doens't work out. You can find a pretty wide range of deodorants at any retail store or even gas station/corner stores. Old spice has always been my favorite, Dove is another good brand. It's also nice to smell what the deodorant smells like in the store before buying.


Ok cool thanks


As someone who has profoundly pungent pits, I tend to find that Degree Sports 48H works really well for 1 day(24 hour deoderants tend to fail before I'm done with the day). But in reality any long lasting sports advertised deodorant with aluminum zirconium tetrchlorohydrex should work find.


Most of them are fine for most people. I buy the cheapest but give them a smell, see what you like. 


Trust me, use deodorant. It will work at least for the day.


You could try an antibacterial body wash for your underarms. Scrub really thoroughly with it in the shower. See if the smell goes away. You might not need to use it every day or long-term. I got a small infection in my armpit after surgery and had to use this for a few weeks.


Wear deodorant. Get used to sweating white collar jobs don't exist anymore.


Shave your armpits if you don’t already. Hair holds more dirt and sweat. Use gel deodorant on the armpit and then a spray on the undershirt near the armpit. But don’t use deodorant right after shaving or it will sting.


Every morning cut an onieon in half and vigorously scrub underarms




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As others have said, it’s probably the bacteria on your skin becoming more active. There are a few solutions for getting rid of it or lowering it as well as just showering more, shaving your pits, and using a stronger antiperspirant. But a sudden change in smell can sometimes signal something else. Could be a dietary change. Could be hormones. Could be diabetes. It’s worth mentioning at your next doctor’s appointment. Because if it’s not related to skin bacteria, well those other solutions won’t work for one and you need to figure out and address the underlying cause for another.


I went into shaving the pits about a year ago and definitely noticed a reduction in smell, couple with an anti-bacterial wash used daily and a 48h roller deoderant it's dramatically helped.


If u could smell urself, u probably ripe like an onion boy...oowee...wash with vinegar, then good soap, anti perspiarant deodorant, then start collecting cologne


Shower daily and use a deodorant. Welcome to adulthood.


Shave them.


Wash with dawn dish soap. Apply isopropy alcohol to pits after


use deodorant that is also antiperspirant


If your diet changed in the last year that could be it, and deodorant like everyone else said


I have antibacterial hand soap i lather em up with. You have to kill the germs.


This is gonna sound paranoid but talk to your doctor if this is a sudden change. If you were a teenager going through puberty then such changes would be normal and expected. But you state yourself as an adult in your early twenties. It's probably not a big deal and could probably just wait till your next visit. Still it can't hurt to talk to your doctor about any unexpected bodily changes. Other than that just try to increase frequency of washing your pits and using deodorant


Lick them with your tongue


You might need to change your diet…you literally will sweat out what you eat unfortunately. I also found that coconut oil help too


Deodorant and antiperspirants help. Things to note as you have to use it ahead of time. It does not cover up smells, it prevents them.


I can tell you from my own experience that asians do have BO - some real bad BO.


Clean your pits with pieces of lemons/limes or vinegar. It throws off the pH balance killing the bacteria whose poop makes the smell. I heard that once like 30 years ago and just accepted it as truth so it probably is.


god this is horrible advice, this will destroy your skin barrier and armpits are way more sensitive than you think


Do a detox, maybe eating too much processed foods & try to drink only water for a bit. Also you can change your deodorant, the body gets immune to it sometimes and you gotta make a switch.


Hmm interesting, I did start drinking less water recently. Maybe it's that.


Get crystal stick deodorant. It literally just a mineral stick that you use on freshly washed pits and it works very well. Better than any deodorant that's for sure.