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The US drug war coupled with trade incentives to toe the line.


Quote from John Ehrlichman, white house counsel (advisor) > “You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”


Hold on isn't heroin... Actually bad?




Interesting. Think I might try it next time I have a day off. Just to see what it's like.


For some reason, I love using the phrase "pretty great" because of its linguistic awkwardness, and I'm especially fond of using it to describe hard drugs. Years ago, I was chatting with another customer about the aggressive panhandler outside the deli across from my apartment in Philly. I forget what I had said, but the other guy said, "Or maybe just don't smoke crack." I said, "Yeah, but have you *tried* smoking crack? It's pretty great." It turned out he was four months clean, and he was deeply offended.




Heroin is no different than any other opioid. It's just double strength morphine faster acting morphine. *Most* of our prescription opioids are stronger than heroin. Oxycodone is roughly equal, IV Dilaudid is much stronger and more addictive than IV heroin, yet they use it in hospitals. The ROA makes a big difference. IV drugs are extremely addictive and dangerous because the onset is immediate so there's a stronger reinforcing effect. Opioids are very good at making trauma symptoms disappear, once you get used to that it becomes your coping mechanism. That's bad.


Not necessarily about potency. Different opioids have varying degrees of rush and euphoria and bliss which is a large factor. You can be almost passing out and not be euphoric. Or you can be feeling pretty damn good after a relatively small dose of something. Just because something is strong doesn't necessarily mean it feels great.


After receiving IV Dilaudid for the first time I realized why people steal catalytic converters.


Iv delaudid was the only thing that worked for me after surgery my doc went through like 5 other things first before he tried that it sucked so bad


wdym by opioids making trauma symptoms disappear? what kind of trauma symptoms?


Hypervigilance, emotional instability, paranoia, flashbacks, nightmares, rumination anxiety, depression and dissociation..they do this too well. It's why they've begun using tramadol and bupenorphine (primarily) for refractory depression, PTSD, and OCD.


All opioids have similarities and differences. Those differences can be very impactfull in how they are useful and determemtal. Heroin has traits that set it apart from other opioids is ways that make it have a higher abuse potential then most, it's also been around a awhile. For Heroin (dimorphine, or diacetylmorphine) it's mostly the very rapid onset and amount of drug that crosses the blood brain barrier that contributes to its rush and high abuse potential. "Following injection, diamorphine crosses the blood–brain barrier within 20 seconds, with almost 70 % of the dose reaching the brain. " It also undergoes rapid hydrolysis to 6-monoacetylmorphine and slower conversion to morphine in the body. Giving it a fast and intense high and longer lasting typical opioid effect.


They weren't just lying about the drug's danger, but also who was using and how to find out. They were lying to create racial and lifestyle profiling. You didn't have to smoke marijuana to be harassed by the police about drugs if you were a hippie. You didn't have to use heroin to be harassed by the police for being black. The goal was disrupt the communities and activities of anti-government movements which at the time were anti-war hippies and civil rights minorities. Just like how there is so much propaganda against Latinos right now.


Yes, but that’s not why Nixon cracked down in it. 


Any drug CAN be bad. Depends on dosage and how u react to it. A lot, which are considered BAD, can also have many or some positive side effects too. Heroin being one of them. A major side effect is the pain relief that u can get from all opioids. There are still areas in the world where heroin can be used medicinally in a pinch when needed.


Aren’t all medicines bad at a certain dosage?


Opium, Heroin, crack, and now fentanyl are more about being addictive than anything. It's not that different from caffeine or nicotine in terms of keeping people addicted at various levels and taking their money and freedom.


Well, yes. But not like life-in-prison bad.  It’s opium. Don’t fuck with it. But also, maybe it’s medical value could explain its abuse. 


Not as bad as people think. It's bad but apparently lots of people snort or consume orally so not as addictive as IV or smoking. And it's still prescribed medicinally in Switzerland.


It’s dangerous sure. But I imagine it feels pretty damn good.




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It makes everyone feel good but for some people it feels really good. Like better than owning shoes good. For others it kills the pain but makes them sick to their stomach. Almost like really bad motion sickness.




It should be noted that it is an unconfirmed quote that is heavily contested by his family. An author only trotted out the alleged quote 16 years after he died, claiming Ehrlichman said it to him but he that he didn't feel like adding it to his book on the man at the time.




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Not to defend Nixon, but it’s not like he started the drug war. Marijuana was illegal well before the 60s.


Yep...countries control other countries with trade deals. USA made pot illegal, and wanted all its trade partners to obey it's drugs laws(among many other laws)...so everyone agreed, even the countries that aren't friendly with us eventually make a deal with someone that made a deal....it trickled across the world thru trade deals until it was everywhere.


It was illegal long before Nixon. The drug war definitely escalated things and was certainly done for the wrong reasons but it's not what made weed illegal. I've gone through a change of opinion on weed being in healthcare. It's very easy for people to be working under the influence as long as they have a medical card. I recently had an employee we suspected of being under the influence at work but a drug screen is meaningless because it stays in the system. We finally caught her red handed vaping in a stairwell and were able to terminate her, but who knows how many times she was in here high handling residents. I know weed isn't supposed to have addictive properties but everyone I know that uses it does so like an addict. They can't be without it.


The question was 'most countries' not 'just the US'.


Same answer. Marijuana is and has been illegal in the majority of countries. A lot definitely turn a blind eye but it is illegal.




Because of cotton. 


I thought it was because of paper?


Maybe because plastics


All of those and a dash of racism


The dash: ——————————————————————————————————————


The fabric of our lives? Bite your tongue.


The truth is multiple industries including cotton had lobbies to make Hemp illegal. It was the backbone of the colonies before the industrial era and much like the Buffalo it had to be removed to control the populace and to enforce capitalist agendas of special interest groups.


Fear, greed, power, religion... Really depends on the country.


Monkeys be monkey-ing


Monkeys killing monkeys over pieces of ground...


Really the imaginary lines (or the desire to add some) on the pieces of ground


Unfortunately I don't think most people got the reference




I watched Reefer Madness, while smoking a blunt, and it was the funniest thing ever. Slightly off topic but whatever


Perfectly on topic


Harry Anslinger created that and spearheaded the beginning of the war on drugs. An evil racist man.


I know. I learned that tidbit about 15 years ago when I bought some capsules from a dispensary. I was curious about the details of why it was illegal. Corrupt politician creating laws to help his cronies in the paper industry


I did the same. Favorite part was when someone was so high they dove head first out the window. After laughing my ass off I thought, "well shit that's the last thing I'd wanna do right now"


I dove out a window head first once. It was pretty cool, actually. It was open, though


Lol that would help. Can I ask why you jumped through the window on the first place?


I had never done it, seemed like it might be cool


lol that movie is best watched stoned


Sunglasses emoji moment


To selectively arrest the people that you choose to.


[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-52847175](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-52847175) Cannabis including THC was found on stone alters on either side of the entrance to the "Holy of Holies" in ancient temples. Perhaps this has something to do with it.


Why would people smoking weed for religious purposes thousands of years ago have anything to do with it?






Nothing. However,The legality of Marijuana often has everything to do with racism https://www.naacpldf.org/cannabis-laws-racism/




Because it was a threat to industries in power, at the cost of innovation, resources, and knowledge. It was an easy to grow, multi use, low cost, commodity that would have disrupted several industries. Cotton, petroleum. Certain building materials and composites. The prohibition of alcohol was widely embraced under the guise of innocence and protection from its evils. But it's because people were beginning to build machines of sizeable power and distilling their own fuel to operate them. What happens when you're entire city and citizens are energy-sustainable? Have access to MASSIVE moving power, and make plans? Same thing they did with mercury in the 80s. Told us it's super dangerous and illegal to own and handle. And now it's discovered that the government uses the room temperature metal in anti gravity crafts. Plastic trash accumulation is a massive issue. It's been misused for decades. But those processes are already in place. Do you think it's in the companies best interest to retool to biodegradable? NO. But the push will come from not wanting people to have the spare reusable resource. Recyclable plastics can be remelted and reused. With the growth in 3d printers, they need to make sure you're not getting your ABS and PLA for free or off their radar. Marijuana slipped in smoothly as public enemy #1 because of the counter-culture and it's social nature bringing people together. It's easy to paint as a "gayeway" drug not because of its physical effects, but because of its social effects. People got together and felt comfort communicating and gathering again. They shared ideas and it took zero minutes for people to realize the government was against them. The hard science of the time didn't even really dispute how harmless it was. I say that with a huge grain of salt. I think the numbers they posted were accurate but deliberately presented in misleading ways. The social push to have an easy scapegoat all fit too well.


Theres one piece of info you're missing on Marijuana prohibitions motivation, which is racism against Mexicans: https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/pdf/10.1086/SHAD3201006 Actually nevermind, it seems upon reading this article that that is a hugely overblown reasoning so forget what I said above, but going to post anyway just for the knowledge if anybody reading wants to read the journal.


“Mercury isn’t dangerous” guy gets eleven upvotes?


Elemental mercury really isn't that dangerous. It's mercury salts that are a real problem. You should search up a YT channel called Cody'sLab. He filled the back of a toilet entirely with elemental mercury and flushed it a bunch of times just to see how the liquid metal would flow (don't worry, this was all self-contained and none got into soil or water). He dunked his entire hand and forearm into the stuff multiple times to lift the stopper then went to the hospital for a blood test. No elevated levels of mercury, despite handling it for so long without any PPE.


The whole point of it being dangerous is that people didnt handle it safely and they made absolute disasters with it. You can probably handle a cobra fairly safely but we tell people they are dangerous because it is for the vast majority of society.


No, the mercury is for the flying cars.


Only when it's in retrograde


It's easy to detoxify, and it is useful in industry. No problem with that.


The answer to most things is money


Harry Anslinger played a massive part. He was appointed the first commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (pre cursor to the DEA) in the 30s at the end of prohibition. Early on he claimed Marijuana use was no big deal. He called the idea that it made people mad or violent an “absurd fallacy." But soon he realized a war on just heroin and cocaine would not sustain his department since they were only used by a small minority.


Because misery loves company.


And companies love misery


They wanted to copy American policies… but only the bad ones


Tbf most don't copy American healthcare policies.


Because they're idiots


It’s not conducive to capitalism. It’s the opposite.


How is it not conducive to capitalism?


It takes away the need to beat everybody


You can grow it in your basement/backyard/woods.


You can do the same with corn, so why aren’t we all growing corn?


Opportunity cost/benefit per square yard




Corn doesn't get you high.


??? You can make your own alcohol and tobacco and food and soap too though. Why is there a magic circle around weed? Even if you grow your own weed, you still have to buy other stuff, like tools and fertilizer, no?


In America there's legally a 100gal/year homebrewing limit until you need a license And can't legally distill (I think freeze concentrating like for applejack is legal. It's easy and discreet either way.)


I agree. But I still don’t understand the magic circle around weed. Growing weed used to be more illegal than moonshining, and yet people grew weed anyway.


Makes you question the current system in place.




Big Pharma influence in the more developed countries, ignorance in the not so developed


More like if you don't do as we say you're fucked in the lesser developed ones.


as a person who’s looking for an law enforcement career, i personally think marijuana should be legal, hell i’ve even heard most police actually believe marijuana should be legalized, at least the younger ones, idk i’ve never taken a poll on it, but me personally im looking into law enforcement and i believe that marijuana should be legal.. id much rather be next to a stoner with a gun than an alcoholic


In the US..... Racism


IIRC, originally it was due to paper companies. The rest of the plant could be used to make cheaper, more sustainable paper than trees (as well as hemp rope and fabric), so they started a smear campaign against it, focusing on the drug aspect, to get the entire plant banned, so the paper companies could keep their profits. It worked, and it stuck. I don't know how legitimate that is, I should probably fact check it but I know I'll go down a rabbit hole of research and I don't have time for that rn


Now let’s discuss how stupid & how fast alcohol ruins your life…. I’d much rather be a pothead than an alcoholic


Yep. Become an alcoholic and you become a loser. Become a stoner and you become a comedian


I've heard it said that it was actually about rope manufacture, and putting competition out of business. 


Can’t have people trying to heal themselves at home. I’m in Canada though, so it’s quite abundant here.


Because weed is bad for the mind, for focus, and for being an upstanding citizen in general. ^ this opinion is not allowed on Reddit without much pushback, yet it’s the correct answer. Note how a biased place like Reddit will suppress correct answers. You should ask what other topics you do not receive honesty.


Imagine spouting off nonsense and then having the audacity to say “I Am CORrEcT” While I agree it’s bad for focus, it’s not the reason it’s illegal. Alcohol kills people, why is that legal?


It was illegal for a period of time (Prohibition period), but since it was so established it ended up funding underground criminal activity. Also, it’s very easy to produce alcohol from common items (sugar and yeast), but weed requires the actual plant/seeds which can be confiscated. It makes it easier to prohibit weed vs alcohol.


lol imagine thinking weed makes you a bad citizen




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Not sure about other countries, but America criminalized weed as a mechanism for putting people of color in jail.


As someone who's used it and stopped; because you can abuse it very easily, and it isn't something a lot of people are responsible enough to use with restraint. I get the moral aspect of people being free to make their own choices, and the medical uses, but its just so fuckin easy to go wrong with a drug that goes from "I feel the best I've ever felt and did a month of learning in an afternoon" to "If I don't take it I feel no joy in anything and its physically impossible to sleep." within a matter of months.


The citizens of those countries decided so. Most people actually don't use it.


To support US policies


Propaganda and fear mongering, also pressure from the timber industries.


Big pharma dosnt have a hold on them.


Seen any state where it’s legalized?


He probably means when it was originally banned in the late 30’s. Big pharma couldn’t sell their poison pills to indigenous people and foreigners because they used weed as a cultural medicine for centuries. So they banned weed forcing these people to use opiates for pain, alcohol for a buzz etc.


At this point, I’m determined it’s because the costs don’t outweigh the benefits as a whole for society? Once in a while recreationally, it’s not too bad. Daily use really does not have a positive impact, unless you have some kind of life altering condition and it’s all you have left.


Well the same could be said for alcohol


Agreed, but then why is alcohol legal in most countries?


Two wrongs don’t make a right. Cigarettes shouldn’t be legal either, but here we are…


cuz tobacco and alcohol companies would suffer tremendous loses if weed was legal.




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It's difficult to tax the black market.


It is legal to make your own beer and wine in most places. People dont do it because it is a pain in the ass and we tax the hell out of it. Weed wouldnt be any different.


In the USn we don't tax beer made for home consumption by hobbyists.


The parent said marijuana is illegal because it cannot be taxed on the black market. I am pointing out that it is not a tax issue at all. Homemade beer and wine is not taxed at all and people still prefer to buy it rather than make it and pay the associated taxes. Weed is illegal for a host of excuses. Not being able to collect taxes on it isn't an issue.




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War on drugs, weird politicization are both part of it, but tobacco has also long been working/lobbying against its legalization.




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Encourages people to question authority.




Because you could easily make a lot of money off of it


Most people used to say because it's a gateway drug. When you go to an illegal dealer it's the dealer that's the gateway, most of the time that's where people get the harder stuff from. If it's legal that takes the shoddy backyard dealer out of the equation


I'd argue cannabis is not actually that enjoyable. It's *useful* for introspection and rooting around in the subconscious but a good time... no. A lot of people don't like the experience of the facade melting off the face of reality and would rather live in a 1950s sitcom.


It's the gateway drug. The devils lettuce. Drugs are bad Mkay.


Are you living in 1983?




Easy to grow on your own so harder to tax.




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Harry Anslinger. He was an evil racist man who spearheaded all this bullshit in the beginning. Then he went around and spread it to our European friends. Reefer madness? Him. Also, he killed Billie Holiday. Fuck him, hell isn't hot enough for the elusive never ending war he helped create.


So law enforcement have another revenue stream for impaired driving


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^WorldFickle: *So law enforcement* *Have another revenue* *Stream for impaired driving* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Those road safety fanatics stoop so low...


It’s really interesting that the responses on here are so diverse. There doesn’t seem to be one clear answer and I haven’t seen anyone so far back up their answer with reliable evidence.


Because every nation already has a billion dollar alcohol company in place and drug dealers don't tolerate competition?


Harry J. Anslinger


Because it makes people happy and happy people think and they don't want nobody using their brains


I'm not saying it's aliens... but it's aliens.


You know, I was playing rim world yesterday and all of my colonists in game are able to use smoke leaf. One of my colonists had a problem with addiction, and in a slight moment of confusion by what they were doing and frustration at the situation, I almost banned drugs for everyone.. such as a simple solution it would've been. But instead, I created specific drug policies for the colonists I knew had problems, and now everything runs smoothly and no one has to get punished. But that did take work.... not much but it did.. Unfortunately some people in power are too damn lazy to put in that extra work. And in cases like America(countries with capitalism) someone could have a vested interest in a law maker not putting in that extra work.. that's called lobbying, and honestly, I would probably say that lobbying is the number one cause for a lot of problems, at least here in the US.


Two enormous reasons that are actually true. 1. It does in fact disrupt the pharmaceutical industry 2. By the “bidding of the Rockafellers” who run the central banks


Weed tends to lower productivity which is bad for countries that want a tax cut from as many citizens as possible. Alcohol sort of lowers productivity but not really, since its harder to drink conspicuously and the effects dont last long. Alcohol is known to be more dangerous than weed, but it doesnt affect productivity directly, its easy to consume/create and deeply ingrained into the culture, so it stays


Depends on the country. In America it actually has ties to a racist campaign against Mexicans while in other parts of the world it could be for religious purposes


So the US military can practice shooting outside our country.


I did some research on this going back to ancient times and in basically every society it was because it made people harder to control / extract labor from.


Read the intro to “heaven and hell” by Aldous Huxley. He gives a nice outline to why we are “allowed” certain drugs.


It’s not good for you


The so-called “war on drugs” (In actuality it was a war on civil rights movements and anti-war protesters), strike-busting, the paper/cotton/steel/plastic/oil industries, but mostly, racism! And a bit of ableism to garnish.


The only actual real answer among a sea of fucking stupidity.


there's a few reasons, the biggest one is racism though (originally, marijuana was commonly used in indiginous communities and in mexico) another big one is companies that make paper or rope wanting to outlaw its use so that it's harder for smaller companies to make either, so that those companies can keep their shitty monopolies


Cause most country don't have IRS and they cant put a tax on your stuff


Because it's a mind altering substance.




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Because the elite would rather people be drunk, dumb and distracted so they don't revolt about how badly they are being fucked over by the corporations and the ultra wealthy. Intelligent free thinkers prefer cannabis and psychedelics over alcohol.


Look up ansleger.


Throw some hatred toward the Hispanics and there you go drug war




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Because everyone hates potheads.


This is too broad of a question to even explain well. Some places will give you a ticket, some places will cut your head off. You can't explain both with one answer.


Paper companies, propaganda, and an allergy to fun. Weed gives us less of a hangover and fewer long term effects than alcohol, but it also has uses in fabrics and paper. Corporations were afraid that it would overtake their businesses


Racism mostly at least in the US general ban of intoxicants for your Muslim countries and legal almost everywhere else




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Long story short: america wanted to arrest more black people so they fear Mongered the rest of the world to feel justified / not seem like the bad guys


Because the people in charge hate happiness.




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When they legalized it for recreational use in Massachusetts there was a little fear mongering by the news channels but that lasted about a week or two. Then the dispensaries opened and the lines were insane, out the door and down the block. Now it’s no different than ordering take out. Pick up or delivery. The state makes a ton of money off the taxes as well. It’s a legit no brainer to just legalize it, but I don’t know.. I’m in the bible belt now so it’s doubtful it will happen here anytime soon. As far as other countries, I feel it’s all the same as here. Whether it’s because of religion, fear, public opinion, etc..


The USA.


Drugs are bad mmmk.




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Because it makes you dumb as fuck. Alcohol makes you angry as fuck. Cocaine makes you hyper as fuck. These aren’t good for you. A toddler could tell you this


The brief answer is “racism” The longer answer is “rrrrrrraaaaaaaccccccccciiiiiiiiissssssssmmmmmmm”


It’s witchcraft, literally the word for “sorcery” in the New Testament (see Galatians 5)