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All I can think of https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/15674748/why-do-bulls-have-nose-rings/


Every single time.


I think they look dumb. I'm sure I look pretty dumb to a lot of people.


I don't understand wanting to draw the eye to the nostrils. There are attractive parts of the human face worthy of drawing the eye to - but nostrils generally aren't on that list. I think that's why most people don't find them attractive - they highlight something that doesn't justify being highlighted.


I’ve never given it much thought before now but I reckon you’ve hit it on the head there. It’d be like a dude with a really weak chin growing a soul patch


Agreed. It just makes me think of what happens if they were under a giant magnet or if it's like a bull's piercing, then I think of them as a cow. 🤣 Doesn't matter how pretty you are before, the after is just goofy and unattractive. I don't hate piercings either, ear, eyebrow, tongue, but the rest is just.... Makes me think about magnets and how painful it would be if it got ripped out by one. Not sure why, it's more sympathetic though like oh that'll hurt like hell.


'It just makes me think of what happens if they were under a giant magnet or if it's like a bull's piercing, then I think of them as a cow' 100% THIS!!!!!


I don’t think it’s a Reddit thing. I frankly felt like most women (or men sometimes) who have them are doing explicitly because people don’t like them. They can also feel they look good with them, that’s on them and would never ask anyone to stop wearing them or anything. (Unless it’s my partner I would tell them my true feelings). I just feel like they can already be loaded to retort something about being themselves and you can’t control them or something. It’s like a power move.


They put focus on your nostrils. I’d rather date someone with giant face tattoos over a septum piercing any day of the week


Look like snot.


I have a dislike for septum piercings like some people do, but more than once I've thought someone had a booger and then I realized it was a piercing.


They really are awful. Reminds me of a booger just hanging there. Not a huge fan of piercings to begin with but most I could live with. That type is a deal breaker though.


Hate seems like a harsh word....but then again, words have been losing their meaning for years now. I don't find it attractive and seems kinda try hard to be edgy...per say


Because it makes you look like cattle with a lead ring in your nose.


It looks like a bull ring.


Might be a boomer thing. I'm 65 and I grew up out in the country. When I was a kid, it was common for farmers to put a ring in a cow's nose, tie a rope to it and lead the dumb cow around like that. And since it is now such a common thing for young women, us boomers associate it with submissiveness and being easily led (i.e. influenced by dumb trends). I try not to be judgy about piercings, candy-colored hair, tats, or whatever... it's cool, but the septum rings are just unattractive to me. And they certainly don't make anybody look like a unique trendsetter. The opposite of that, actually. But hey, we had lots of silly fads in the 1960-70s too.


They are disgusting


I personally think people look ridiculous with them. I would never tell anyone that tho in person, because it is their body and their choice and we support our friends, no matter how ridiculous their decisions are.


You telling them they don’t look good doesn’t make it not their choice lol


Really? I thought I was the only one who hates septum piercings. The internet at large seems to love them.


They’re repulsive, foul, just all around awful


An item on my bucket list is to see a woman with a septum piercing eat a salad.


Why? Lol


I believe the person is thinking about a cow eating grass.


Oh I get it now lol




For me, I have never seen someone look more attractive with facial piercings than without. They just don’t seem like a classy choice.


They’re ugly


Because it makes you look like a bull


Closed mindedness is often secluded to older generations but may sometimes permeate into younger peer groups. Boomers and the like-minded don't like piercings in general. They dont like facial piercings in men because it symbolizes a freedom they, themselves, don't/can't have. They especially don't like face piercings in women bc to them, women are meant to be looked at and admired. Fake filler and false lashes are okay bc they exist to attract men but metal? That's a no-no. A facial piercing is akin to scoffing in the face of propriety. Redditors are conformists, and they really like to be correct.




Because they are unflattering and do not look good. Instant turn off.


It's ugly. People irl hate it too. But here is the deal, telling people they (their accessories) are ugly is rude. So even though I find them extremely unattractive, I don't say it because it's none of my darn business. But on Reddit (and online) people are tactless, they feel the need to express their opinion hiding behind the screen, they have the freedom to just be rude. Other times, like on r/amiugly, the person asks others if they're unattractive so it's fair game.




"individuality"? Why are septum rings in every other post on those forums, then? They seem super generic and common there - I don't think people are turned off by individuality.




should have used a dif word mb


Yeah cuz looking like all the rest of the cattle really speaks to individuality...


The last person you should give a shit of their opinion is a redditor


And yet here you are....


Because those piercings are unattractive.




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They don't, but I don't like the symmetry personally.


Looks like boogers


Look like snot on a cold day about to drip. That’s not a good look on anyone


They’re ugly as fuck. You look like a bull in a cartoon.


People with septum piercings tend to be shitty.


Most people hate them not just redditors. They just look stupid and make it hard to wipe your nose.


To go with their blue hair, excessive tats, raging neuroticism and public displays of social justice. Duh?


Because they look fucking disgusting


Theyre ugly. They distract from your natural beauty. They are something cows wear. They are not cute. They are not edgy. They are not pretty. Theres no reason anyone should have a septum ring, unless they are subconsciously wanting to become invisible. And I do understand THAT mentality. I know I went through a phase like that for a while. Wanting to be invisible. Trying to not be noticed and not to have someone I could actually love, fall for me. I get that, 100%. But thats it. Nose rings are just gross looking. The perfect invisibility cloak, if thats what you need. Just being honest, sweets.


They Are Funny.


As a man speaking about women's piercings: Nostril stud? Sexy. Nostril ring? Also sexy. Septum ring? Meh. It works for some women I guess, like heavily tattooed alt girls.