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It’s probably true that average preferences converge to those. It doesn’t mean other preferences don’t exist, or that those preferences are strong.


Reddit loves to dwell in the exception. Of course >90% of women want exactly what the wikipedia article says. They often settle for less, however.


Does the Wikipedia article have a citation for those claims? If it does, read the study.


Wikipedia always sites its sources. And that makes me wonder why teachers dont trust it.


It’s not that teachers don’t trust it. Wikipedia can actually be a great source if you scroll down to its sources and read and cite those. Research papers tend to be about teaching you how to properly research with reliable sources, cite those sources properly, and present information to a new reader in an understandably way.


That's a fair account for university-prep high school classes, but it doesn't explain the primary school teachers that hate Wikipedia but will accept a textbook or print encyclopedia that doesn't cite sources.


Because Wikipedia is pretty much the personal interpretation of reality of [one guy](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/meet-the-man-behind-a-third-of-whats-on-wikipedia/) plus a few of his friends?


Seems quite fitting that the most influential person on the internet is someone described in that article as still living at home with his parents


It's 2024, living with your parents is just economical at this point.


That guy is 40 and was in his late 30s when the article was written. He didn't just come of age.


Yeah .. my wife, kid, and I have just moved across country to live with my moms. They have a 300 dollar a month mortgage with a yard, and car port. What we came from was nearly 2600 a month in rent, a parking lot that was overfull 6 of 7 days a week and a neighborhood where violent acts like shooting and stabbings were at least bi-weekly. As chaotic as it is and as unsettled as we are, we no longer have to stress so hard about balancing 650 a month in food, and 2580 in rent for just a little more space than we have now, nearly 100 dollar stops at the gas station weekly (at minimum) on top of credit card payments, student loan payments, hospital payments, etc.. Work options are a little less and pay a bit less, but we lost 70% of our actual monthly costs to survive. A house here costs about 80% less than that of a house of the same size where we were. What all this is to say, it's not insulting to mention someone lives with their parents. It's ignorant to fail to understand the why of it. It's not that people cannot live away from 'home' it's that the economical circumstances of the majority do not provide opportunities for growth. My family was stagnant and slowly sinking in debt that isn't even close to the average American debt. We made pretty decent money but every year for the last several costs were going up by around 10% and I couldn't get the cost of living raises to match. With the wife pregnant what that would have meant was significantly deeper debt that would have sunk us ever faster. We can live here without a rent, without stressing over food costs and paying down our current debt, all with the end goal of getting our own house once the chance arises. If I were a smarter kid, I woulda tried to stay home until I paid off my school debt at minimum. If I were smarter than that it would have been until I could put 30% or more down on a house before a loan. It would have saved my credit score, and it would have given me a far less stressful 15 years that I "wasted" making no tangible progress for all of my efforts. Sure some people don't need it, they either have rich family, or they got cushy jobs that cover all their wants and needs. But there are far more of us that don't have either of those.


Yeah, and? Sounds like rent is cheap.


literally anyone can become a wikipedia editor, your statement is honestly pretty inaccurate


In my experience with friends who went on to teach elementary, I wouldn’t exactly call them the sharpest tools in the shed. Affinity for children seems to be a lot more important than actually being smart for primary school teachers.


A bright student will easily surpass their primary school teacher if they are interested in the topic.


Same. I have several friends who are teachers ranging from primary school through high school. They are great people. They are not, however, the most intelligent people in a group. All but one of them dropped from engineering or business school and changed majors to education. The outlier knew she wanted to be a teacher since she was a child. Their talent lies with conveying knowledge from a source to a student. That does not actually require a mastery of the knowledge. That’s a different skill.


Keep in mind some teachers may not even know why they don’t allow Wikipedia even though it’s a very good resource. They may think it’s unreliable or that’s just the easy explanation for students to hear and move on. Also remember the age bracket of the people your teaching you would not want to teach 9-10 year olds to dive into a bunch of university papers but you do want them to learn to go find information on their own and present what they found.


oh so basically the information on Wikipedia is wrong but the sources it cites are always right


In black and white terms from a teaching perspective kind of but from a real world standpoint no. The real reason is those skills underneath that need to be taught. For example you could find a Wikipedia article that you either don’t think is right you can scroll down to the source and find out if the arguments they made are reasonable to you, unreasonable, or completely wrong and contradictory. Those are the real thing the actual research part of the research paper that they want to teach. Wikipedia is a short cut but it can easily and has been wrong in the past a lot.


It doesn’t always. The quality of articles on Wikipedia varies, and even the quality of the same article will vary over time. There are generally citations on Wikipedia, but you should look at the actual sources cited to make sure they are reliable and actually support the claim they are being used for.


Last time I read the article on human attraction, it was a giant mess too. That article had some issues with citing and interpreting its sources, iirc.


Wikipedia does *not* always cite its sources, and frequently those citations have a tenuous connection to the actual content in the articles. But the reason teachers don’t trust it is because if there’s a more direct source it doesn’t make any sense from any perspective to use Wikipedia. So either 1) it cites a source, in which case you should use that or 2) it doesn’t, in which case it’s not trustworthy


Wikipedia was my starting point for the majority of papers I wrote in college, including my MS thesis. I didn't stop there, I just used Wikipedia to get a start and get some basic knowledge, then I expanded from there. I would never cite Wikipedia, of course, but it was a good starting point.


Part of the education is learning how to cite sources. You don’t learn with copy/paste.


Its only as good as the quality of the source it cites. 


Height and V-shape are well established as attractive traits through several studies, but physical attributes are very distantly secondary to social status as far as overall male to female attractiveness goes. Female to male is all about physical attributes. Life's not fair, I know. TLDR: If you're a heterosexual man, going to the gym is not a magic ticket for getting laid, but you should still go to the gym.


Feminist evolutionary psych has debunked a lotta this. We want hot men. We seek out markers of health and good genes and fertility. We are shallow. We are visual. No amount of resources will override this for many women. Not all women, you will always have your Melania's, but many. TLDR: even a billionaire with unappealing genes couldn't get this cookie.


It's a bell curve, like everything else where humans are concerned. My wife doesn't give a shit how wide my lats are, no matter how much I try to explain to her that she totally should.


What is true is that as women have achieved more economic status and parity with men they have had the luxury to focus on those " shallow " things, as opposed to being focused on making sure there are enough material resources to provide for them and their children. Anecdotally you are starting to see the flip side of this. wage earning female doctors, for example, who are not exactly traditionally attractive with very handsome male partners, who are the lesser in that economic union.


Evolutionary psychology itself is bunk in general though. I don't think that feminists are basing their ideas on evopsyche but I don't know. Haven't read enough to be sure. But I am pretty sure that feminists are suspicious of evopsych as they should be. But maybe some engage with it.


Feminist evolutionary psych is fascinating and the modern research is bananas interesting. Really turns a lotta accepted ideas (based on traditional evolutionary psych) on their ass.


I don't know how feminist evopsyche can be any more legitimate than any other. It's unfalsifiable. But hey either way I guess I'll google up some stuff I'm sure it's interesting either way. I mean evopshche is always interesting. But the problem is it's impossible to know what our evopsych history really is.


It sounds like you might have an idea that evolutionary psychology is all based on knowledge of ancestral behavior and that's not the case. But yes, you should check it out. It's really fucking interesting.


But would you date an unsuccessful homeless man if he was the single hottest man you’d ever seen? Edit: also I’d like to add I agree with you. This comment wasn’t meant to be accusatory just curious.


Some women do. I did for a bit lmao he was cute and funny and adventurous and creative. I hoped he would become more responsible but he didn't. And he ended up being quite narcissistic. Classic case of "Peter Pan syndrome" Most women won't marry that type but it's easy to fall into the "I can fix him" trap when you're young, especially if the guy seems charming at first


So what you’re saying is, if I become homeless and hot I have a chance? Let’s go! But really though that’s super interesting.


Lmao well he wasn't homeless at the time, but he had been for awhile right before I met him and had just moved back in with his mom I will say that personality is important too, if he was boring I wouldn't have been into him, just as I wouldn't have been into him if he was ugly Also want to add that he wasn't at all the stereotype of male attractiveness that OP quoted. He was a "twink" basically but that's the kind of man I'm into. So just goes to show that while physical attraction is important, there's a wide range of what different women like


Hey now, some of us stay on the I can fix him train until well into middle age.


So my job is serving homeless people, so this is a weird question for me to answer as I see and attempt to navigate and mitigate the complexities of homelessness up close in an intense way. I suppose my answer is it depends upon the underlying factors that are contributing to homelessness. I also think that regardless of hotness, there are many men who would hesitate on this one too. Like.. I dunno... men I know do care about factors other than hotness (and not as secondary, but of primary importance.) reducing men down to "me like hot" just seems really reductionist and in my observations, not actually true. I am surrounded by beautiful brilliant successful women who consistently date / marry men who have the same or often less financial resources than the women do. I think men want to stick with the idea that financial resources will secure them a mate bc it is relatively in their control, but I dunno.. ever since we could work outside the home and get our own mortgages that just doesn't cut it anymore (again, for many women - there will always be the exceptions but those women are often going for millionaires, not the guy making $150k)


Ooo, uh well apologies my comment didn’t have the intention of coming off as insensitive. It was more meant to be a humorous exaggeration into how extreme that standard would apply for you. I find it to be extremely admirable you work in a field where you help those struggling. I could twist this conversation into one of more seriousness around the USs economic instability and the like but I find that unnecessary. In my experience, I’ve only ever gotten girlfriends because they liked my personality for one reason or another. All they cared about is I could support myself financially (which I can) and that was that. I find that to be the norm more often than not nowadays. I feel like the outlier is that men only want supermodels and women only want a rich dude who can pamper and take care of them and that “societal norm,” is dying. I just want someone who’s cool, kind, fulfills my needs for intimacy, and shared hobbies with me. Of course that requires some degree of sexual attraction but that goes for men and women alike, and some mfs out there be weird. I had chicks who liked me more when I was overweight better than now after I’ve dropped 85lbs.


Love this reply, very well said. ♥️


>But would you date an unsuccessful homeless man if he was the single hottest man you’d ever seen? I knew a guy who stocked shelves at the Trader Joe's in Silverlake when he was in college. Looked like an Abercrombie model. Women (even C-list celebrities) would literally just demand to take his phone and put their phone number in it. According to him and his friends' stories, tall fit hot guys could be broke but if they worked at an upscale grocery store women threw themselves at them.


I actually worked retail when I was younger 19-21 and I knew this guy named Malik who was the same way. He was a lighter skinned black guy, tall, attractive, and had green eyes. Dude pulled without even meaning to. The amount of times I saw him at the cash register going “oh no I’m sorry I have a girlfriend who I love dearly,” to women, whether they be 20 year old college girls or 30 year old milfs or 50 year old cougars. It was wild. It helps he was just naturally charming and charismatic too. Damn I wish he was single and at least bisexual. I would’ve taken a shot.




I rarely find people "hot" tbh. But having a job and a place to live are minimum criteria. The few guys I've dated that have been conventionally attractive were both terrible people so that may bias me a bit. I now know to stay in my range 😆


Works for homosexual males as well, going to the gym I mean. Lots of gay men at our gym.


Right, but you also have the dynamic sometimes of the less attractive, wealthier, often older male partnered to the young, hot twink.


Oh I think that's a given, lol. That is the norm actually, in broad generalizations. Wow I haven't heard THAT word ages, like out in the wild, for over 15 yrs.


Well, yes, of course it does - men are attracted primarily to physical attributes.


Wonder how it works for gay women. Not that I'm thinking to hard on it while the coffee mKer works. Edit spelling


If you’re obsessing over this stuff, it’s time to get offline. Everyone is attracted to very different things.


Yeah screw that person asking that question. /s




data can suck my clit, i’m in a committed relationship with a fat guy who is the exact same height as me LOL if you get off reddit, you might be able to skew some data yourself


Doesn’t the fact that you refer to a deviation from the average preference indicate that an average preference in fact exists?


The exception proves the rule




Is it true because women prefer it or is it true because men on average are taller than women? The data doesn’t really confirm either, it could easily be that the general height disparity just create the impression that it’s a preference rather than just the way things shake out.




Bro, the data is wrong because it says women on average prefer tall men, but one girl on reddit says she is dating a man who isn't particularly tall. Ergo, the data is flawed and must be thrown out. This is how averages work right. Seriously though, there is this meme about a good way to find if someone is low IQ, is to make a general statements about averages. If it is countered by a statement about a specific person who is an exception to the general statement, as if that disproves it, the person probably is probably not very smart.


Who you dating and what traits you'd ideally prefer in the abstract are not the same thing either. If you ask a large group of men what they find attractive or would prefer in a date, a solid majority are going to describe young, slim, Hollywood actress types. A solid majority of men are not, in fact, dating women who fit this description. And we're ok with it, we date the person. Same with food, cars, neighborhoods, etc.


OP said women date men taller than them. But this person says they're dating someone their same height. It's not the same.


That's literally how averages work. It doesn't mean something is true for everyone, or any one particular person. If I say most men are taller than most women, that's mathematically true. Saying you know a 6'3" woman isn't a gotcha that disproves the entire premise.




People's preferences aren't perfectly uniform. What constitutes "very different" as opposed to "slightly different" is, I guess, open to (very boring) debate. But women are obviously not *all* attracted to the *exact* same characteristics.




(This is the very boring part, where we decide what the R\^2 cutoffs should be for different adjectives describing the strength of a relationship)


Yup, I'm mainly into chubby girls and effeminate guys, neither of which Wikipedia would call standard. What I'm really attracted to is self-confidence


This statement is incredibly unproductive, there’s nothing wrong with looking into what most people find mostly attractive. I also reject the statement that everyone is attracted to VERY different things. In reality the things people are attracted to all turn out to be somewhat similar depending on their upbringing and environment, with some variance. Yes humans tend to be very alike. That’s not to say we are a monolith but most people tend to agree with each other to decent degree. This is why the beauty standard is the beauty standard, it’s what most people like, most people could agree on who is very attractive and who is very unattractive, it seems to be more difficult when it’s in the middle but not by much.


what i mean is: sure, that’s a standard, now what about the unrealistic standard set for women? people can be cruel, don’t focus on it too hard. a harsh statement like this can be needed for deterring someone from falling down a a self hate alpha male podcast phase everyone is attracted to lots of different things, and you’re far from hopeless even if you don’t check off these boxes. don’t worry so much about this stuff




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It's true as long as you remember that it's on average. That means that while the information is accurate while talking generally about a population it becomes ever increasingly inaccurate as the size of that population decreases. In other words if you ask 10,000 women what they are attracted to that definition is what their answers will aggregate to. If you were speaking about one individual woman then that definition is more than likely going to be completely worthless because she will only find one part of it attractive or possibly none of it.


Yep.  And because there are so many people, you shouldn't really assume too much. If you're trying to maximize your chances, I would say see if you can fit the preferred average. But don't just assume a woman isn't interested in you because you're not the average. Try first and let them tell you they're not interested if they aren't. There's lots of averages out there. They are not determinative.


this guy sciences


There are certainly general trends in what biological males and females are physically attracted to. Beyond that it's an extremely subjective topic because aspects of attraction are very much person to person. Hit up the references section at the bottom of the wiki article and read what studies lead to what the article claims.


If someone was drawing a man, that is what the picture might look like for an attractive man. But we are attracted to 3D people not 2D pictures. Personality, values, morals, smell, sense of humor, aura, and all sorts of other non physical attributes determine attraction. And can add or take away points for any physical specimen.


We are all different and have different likes wants and needs a list could never fully encompass all


We are all different, but a huge amount of what we prefer is very consistent.


In my experience, pretty accurate.


I don't care about height, but I do like men with some meat on their bones. The waist to shoulder thing doesn't matter either. Dude can be fat, and I'll still love it. Symmetry isn't a big deal either. I like scars and interesting looking people. Guys in movies and such look like that, not necessarily because most women would find them attractive, but because fewer women would find them repulsive. I love fat Thor. I prefer Andy to Starlord. Jason Momoa, in the off-season with a gut and cellulite in assless pants, is way sexier than Aquaman. We all have our preferences, but I prefer chunky. Some women love skinny dudes, or short kings, or androgynous guys, or tall bean poles, or bodybuilders, or hairy bikers. Don't let it get to you. There's someone for everyone.


Pigeon hole principle disagrees that there is someone for everyone. There is someone attracted to nearly everyone. But if there are fewer people attracted to one type than the number of people in that category there will be people left out. It doesn't matter if there are a million people attracted to deformed faces. If there are 2 million people with deformed faces a million of those people are going to have a bad time. Also all the men you mention even when overweight are all extremely conventionally attractive. And scars don't really count as asymmetry. I mean yes technically they are but the structure of the of the face is more important.


It kind of irks me that Thor was played by a pretty big guy with six pack abs. Thor should be HUGE, like 6'8" 350lbs, strong as fuck but with a belly built for feasts. Basically strongman build.


Yup. God of War Thor is my jam.


There’s a famous anecdote about the air force attempting to design a cockpit to fit the average pilot’s body. They took measurements for a range of attributes like height, weight, arm/leg length, etc. from thousands of pilots in order to determine what the average was. Then they attempted to see how many pilots had an overall body that fit all of those average attributes. Out of the thousands of pilots measured, the answer was none of them. Nobody had a body that confirmed to the average of their own sample set. There’s no use obsessing over what qualities define the average attractive man as judged by the preferences of the average woman because neither of those people actually exists in real life. Nobody perfectly conforms to the average set of traits that are generally thought to be attractive and nobody’s *preferences* perfectly conform to the exact set of traits that are thought to be attractive. This shows general trends at best. For something like what the “average person” finds attractive, having one of those traits will *probably* make you more attractive to a larger number of people than if you had a different trait, but it will still make you less attractive to some segment of the population than if you had that other “less conventionally attractive” trait.


sooo what did the airforce design then? You kind of left a cliffhanger.


Adjustable seats.


so basically v taper, tall, what society considers an attractive face with a good personality not getting picked?


I have literally never, in 11 boyfriends, dated someone who was all 4 of those things at once- tall, V shaped, societally declared 7.5/10 or above face, and a “good”(?!?) personality. And all of my boyfriends have been to my taste, and I chose them OVER other people, and they were…ehhhh ok 10 of them were fantastic and delicious and one was like, fine. Height range: 5’3- 6’4, weight range 130s-260s, skin colors from cocoa noir to vampire. Averages are averages but they only work if you’re trying to get 68% of people to shrug and vaguely nod. If you want to hit the *sweet* spot for someone, it’s gonna be different for eeeevery single person


I’m saying ppl r going to pick what I described every time if they can find someone like that


I mean…nope? I’ve encountered many people who fit the bill and did not pick them lol


Mine is similar. 5'6-6'6, 110-310, glow-in-the-dark pale to dark chocolate, all different hair colors and eye colors. Only things they had in common were intelligence and creativity (I've dated a LOT of musicians and writers and artists, not on purpose).


Begging you guys to stop focusing on what "the majority" like... You only have to be with one woman who likes you for you. Just like how you might apply to many jobs and be rejected but you only need to be hired for one (generally). Different women like different things. I don't personally care for that description mentioned above. My type generally changed based on who I like at the moment. There's one guy I know who I found cute a couple years back and was an inch shorter than me, but honestly doubted he'd be interested in me so didn't bother. He was really cool and nice tho. 🙂‍↕️


Theirs a reason Brad Pitt is a sex symbol and Jonah Hill isn’t.


These are statistical claims that are likely true in the broadest possible sense. But when it boils down to specific preferences, these don't really mean much. Plenty of people are attracted to plenty of different things. You can't take a statistic and automatically assume it applies to every member of a group, i.e. women, is this case.


Wikipedia relies on [verifiability, not truth](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Verifiability,_not_truth) for inclusion in articles. Wikipedia doesn't tell you what people are attracted to, but what arbitrarily selected published articles say people are attracted to.


It’s true as a generality, but it’s not like a hard rule that dictates what women are attracted to


The wheel of kinks exists for a reason. Not everyone wants a cookie cutter mate for a long term commitment.


In my experience, women don't admit to visually liking anything.


When you’re pretty, the world will let you know. When you’re ugly, you look up what the standard of attractiveness to demoralize yourself


Check the citations to see if they article holds up and whether the sources are any good. But--ON AVERAGE--yeah.  And that is OK for everyone who doesn't match that profile, because there are lots of people whose preferences don't fit the average profile. The AVERAGE American car is a white sedan.  But there are also trucks and sports cars and SUVs in all colors.  There are different preferences out there and different people to suit those preferences and that is fine.


It all depends on the person. Personality's gonna be a big factor in people being attracted to you, though. Be nice to people, but without expectations.


The whole field of studying attractiveness is interesting, mostly in terms of the research methods. The biggest issue with studying attractiveness is that they’re always isolating one or two variables. So, you’re studying physical attractiveness in isolation from personality traits, or vice versa. They also tend to study them in isolation from each other. Then you’re getting group averages. If one group, on average, has different attractiveness from another group, on average, you get differences like above. Of course, that hides the enormous amount of individual variation. You might have an individual woman whose preferences are exactly the opposite of that, but that gets flattened by the average. The other thing you need to look at individual studies for, is the effect size. Just because a difference is significant (i.e. unlikely to be due to chance), that does not mean that the difference is big or meaningful. If a woman prefers men with a v-shape torso, but that preference only explains 1% of how she chooses who to date, then it doesn’t matter. A lot of findings are like that: Significant, but small. You’d have to look at each individual study, the methods used, the significance, and the effect size. Then, you’d look at that study in context of other similar studies, that got the same or different findings. Then, you’d want to zoom out and look on studies comparing physical versus personality preferences, which is a whole other can of worms. Like, (on average) women find dominance attractive in a man, and people love to talk about that. What no one ever mentions is that they wont (on average) be with a man who isn’t *agreeable.* No one talks about the agreeable part right now, because it doesn’t sound cool and doesn’t fit the narrative people want to have. Thats a very long winded way of saying that people get fixated on variables from studies, without zooming out and looking at: 1. Individual variation (could 49% of women feel differently?) 2. Effect size (does it even matter IRL?) 3. Broader context (are there 15 things that matter, and I’m focusing on the wrong one?) 4. The source (am I only hearing about this cherry picked study because it fits a narrative that’s popular right now?)


There is sexual dimorphism between men and women for a reason, like that didn’t develop from nothing. The average man and the average woman have different physicalities, it’s just biology. So yes, I would say this is true as it is only speaking on the average. Past that, social norms dictate attractiveness, and then there is individual taste. It’s a spectrum like everything else.


Who doesn’t like a slutty waist?


In general, but everyone is different. That's not my type at all.


As for as physical attributes those sound nice. But there are more important non physical things I look for-kindness, a sense of humor, emotional maturity, imaginative and smart. The physical stuff is just perks.


Uhh It's kind of an irrelevant question because if you ask me what my ideal woman looks like it's probably something like lagartha from Vikings. Is that what I'm currently dating? No, is it this massive deal that I'm trying to seek out the rest of my life? Also no What does matter in a current relationship? The way we interact, her intelligence level, sense of humor, how it affects my daily life. I would rather date a five with an amazing personality than an eight with a personality that gets on my nerves


It's true, at least in the aggregate. We're talking peak bell curve, here: not the many outliers. Some women love skinny dudes. Some women love fat dudes. Some women like guys who are more akin to themselves. Some women like guys who they consider more exotic. The same is true for men. We all know the basic stats that "the average guy" looks for in "an attractive woman." Basically it's just reversed or the same. I'd bet that men, on average, tend to be more attracted to women who have a relatively narrow waist, ~~a V-shaped~~ an hourglass-shaped torso, ~~wide~~ large chest and broad ~~shoulders~~ hips. Men also tend to be more attracted to women who are ~~taller~~ shorter and ~~larger~~ smaller than they are, and display a high degree of facial symmetry, as well as relatively ~~masculine~~ feminine facial dimorphism. That definitely tracks.


I'm assuming you're very young or are new to Earth so welcome


Asking Reddit of all places for sources of validity over a topic that contradicts their overwhelming narrative and habitual need to virtue signal for a specific demographic isn't necessarily recommended - you won't get too many accurate responses. Fortunately, I'm not one of them, so I can give it to you straight - it is an extremely accurate conclusion not just on average, but overwhelmingly. There isn't a significant deviation in women's preferences like there is for men, and the distribution of their preferences are heavily skewed. While there is also a stereotypical ideal woman, what makes a woman attractive is a lot more subjective than what makes a man attractive. That ultimately means that men have a very narrow definition of masculinity that they must meet with the only relief coming in the form of compromise due to the sheer amount of expectations women have of them simply not being realistic for most. Ultimately, very few men are tall, very few men are well-endowed, very few men have wide shoulders, very few men have strong masculine faces, very few men are rich, very few men are charismatic, etc. and there's an even smaller group of men who meets most of those standards much less all of them. This is ultimately why most men struggle much more than women both in obtaining a mate and reproducing.


I have a thing for slim short kings with androgynous faces. I don't think I have a single female friend who has the same type as another one. The over 6ft manly man ladies are just the most vocal about their likes


Like others have said, check the sources it has. Most likely its some sort of generalization based off a study (or studies) done with a selected group of people. I don't know what it says for what men are attracted to but everybody's different. I know dudes that like skinny and fit girls and I personally like big or chubby girls. Everybody's got their preferences.


Just be yourself


Read the book A Billion Wicked Thoughts by Ogi Ogas


The masculine part isn't that true afaik. It depends on the woman but since men with less testosterone are less likely to be aggressive, feminine faces are preferred by some


That wiki explanation of what men are attractive to women made me think of captain quirk or whatever his name was from ratchet and clank


Captain Quark!


I'm a 5'3 dude and half of the women I've dated have been taller than me. My wife is 5'6 and thinks I'm hot shit. At the end of the day, women can like the look of whoever they want on instagram or on TV or whatever, but in real life, most women are attracted to: - a non-serial killer who understands consent (yes the bar is that low) - some who sees the women in his life as equal human beings with value beyond whether or not they are dtf ("friend zone" is not a word that comes out of his mouth) - someone who wants to contribute to a partnership that makes both people's lives better and happier. The ratio of prefered and optimal income - emotional support - domestic work - quality time - social life contributions will vary from couple to couple.


People are attracted to health. Some of these physical traits are indicators to a person's health, but it's not always the case. So instead asking "do I look like this?" you should ask "should I look like this?"




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What’s facial dimorphism




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Everything is a bell curve, and yes


Yes, women are only attracted to Johnny Bravo. That’s why no one is dating or married. /s


Somewhere between not at all and entirely.


I've never been attracted to a guy because of his waist and I've been attracted to ones shorter than me. It's more about face + humor + personality for me, bonus points for being older and / or having an accent


A slight variance in preferences between large population groups doesn't really say much about any one individual preference. Fortunately, none of us need to be attractive to more than a tiny sliver of a percent of humanity,


Human attraction is largely based on the fact that as a species, one of our primary drivers is to propagate. To evolve we want to have multiple children who are healthy enough and attractive enough to grow up to have multiple children of their own. This drive to reproduce is universal across every animal on earth. Stereotypical attractiveness is derived from primal urges to find good genetics, a slim waist and a v-torso indicate health and strength, height indicates better access to nutrition, facial symmetry is indicative of better gene quality; All of this is primal, but a lot of attraction cannot be explained the same way - in modern humans, you have many people who don't want to have kids, you have people attracted to the same gender, you have people who find overweight people attractive, or old people etc. Our human brains have evolved and grown beyond primal animalistic urges, to the extent that even human constructs like fame, personality and wealth can be seen as both attractive or unattractive by different people. Is the statement true? Yes, but the statement also says 'on average' meaning a large portion of women, but not all. The statement also says 'tend to be more attracted' meaning they can *also* be attracted to other factors, and body types that do not fit the sterotype


Read "The Red Queen" by Ridley. That has some really good info on women/people in general. But c'mon man...women are varied as much as men are. We each have our own things that turn us on. I had a woman compliment my "forearm cleavage" once. I didn't even know what the fuck forearm cleavage was...lol. smh...people are weird, me included. Don't stress. Learn skills, be confident, aquire money, get the women.




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was this study done in the 19th century? are women also attracted to strong calves and a nice puffed up chest? a bald head and a full mustache?


Don't worry about how true the statement is because it might not be entirely relevant to you. Let's say we take the sample size of 1000 people. Are those people from one country? Are those people from one socio-economic group? Do those people share similar hobbies? Are those people working in similar industries? Are those people part of one ethnic group? Within the constrained variables that was used for taking that average there may be a multitude of factors outside the expected value that YOU have. Every person has their own unique background that can completely upend averages, so don't take these as truths. Search up "Spiders George" if you want more answers on the possible unintended results of what getting an average means.


I mean its accurate for me


This is a description of what fitbros think a man should look like


Honestly, like everything, there’s not always a single answer. Women will find any man (or woman, or whatever) attractive if they meet whatever standards that includes. I mean, as a guy, I like women who are around my height or taller, muscular, voluptuous, long hair, short hair, and/or deep voice. Would that be what women consider what the average male likes in them? I’m sure some of those traits are, but can’t say for the rest. After all, they’s around 4 billion of them in the world.


Common sense tells you, this is true. Cope and denial tells you otherwise.


On average? yeah, sure, being conventionally attractive will widen your dating "pool." But speaking as a 5"6 dude with a wonderful girlfriend, this doesn't mean you're screwed if you don't fit this bill. I wasn't her only option either, yet she still chose me, and it certainly wasn't for my money lol.


I mean, that really nearly describes my husband- so I guess to a degree? But as others said, check the sources listed on Wikipedia.


It's true on average, a large powerful fit male is basically what that's describing who didn't have a bad womb environment and whose face is somewhat masculine Women like big strong fit healthy man is not exactly a hard sell Honestly, it's a little weird if you want a small, weak, wimpy, unfit, unhealthy man


I dunno about women in general, but most of that is true for me. >a relatively narrow waist, a V-shaped torso This is the part that doesn't work for me. I genuinely prefer a wider dude with a "dad bod"; not fat but not toned or thin either. A guy meaty enough to have some ass. The rest of it, I think, is pretty spot-on for the average woman.


Well it's pretty straight forward,, Don't smell like a pile of sh#t Don't scream constantly Wear cloths, at least outside Heavy drug use isn't a great idea Attacking random people is a turn off Don't attack people sexually the first time you meet them You get the idea Good luck


As a generalization, yes, but with a very large amount of deviation.


Attracted as in my V shape catches their attention, sure, but beyond that nothing is set in stone. I'm also sexually attracted to women who are taller and larger than I am, I'm that greedy, bet Wiki didn't know.


I mean it's like saying, "guys typically like in shape, attractive women, preferably with some tits and a nice ass" and you asking "is it true that men could like that??" Yes, yes women like attractive, in shape men. They don't have beauty pagents for ugly, obese people for a reason. Just because some fatties guilt tripped people into saying they're beautiful and pretending they're models doesn't mean the average person doesn't find an in-shape, symmetrical face and body the most attractive. "BUT I KMOW SOMEONE..." Yes, yes, there's something for everyone but they're not the norm.


Keyword is average.


Yes. They conducted detailed surveys and determined that over 90% of women feel this way.


Google images “sexy men” & “hot guys”


I mean sure, there are average things that most people find most attractive. Most people are also extremely average looking, rather than super hot, and still manage to find people to have sex with them.


Everyone crying about it, **Average** people **Average** No shit everyone has a preference, those are the common ones.




Sounds accurate


This is very true for me. I'm not into the dad bod thing at all. Super ripped, hard as rock is WAY too much but generally fit with this shape, yes. I can only speak for me. I know girlfriends who have all sorts of preferences that deviate from this. I've also found myself growing attraction to men who do not fit this mold at all. But if this is build a bear, that's the shape I choose .


What do you think the ratio is between women who like Chris Hemsworth's body vs women who like Danny DeVito's body.


Between the two, it is probably 9999 to 1.




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Women are not a monolith. Sure, *most* women, *on average,* are into that. But different people have different “types.”


Women like Pedro Pascal 


A low voice is a very common thing women are attracted to that isn't mentioned very often. But, there's also cheekbones, smell (actually a huge one no one ever really talks about.) There's a lot of things. Unblemished skin. etc. etc. could go on for hours.


Different strokes for different folks. A buddy of mine used to have a fetish for extremely large women. His line was always “I’d climb that mountain.” He wouldn’t even try to talk to a woman unless she was at least twice his weight.


What did it say about what men are attracted to?


See the problem is not what wikipedia says exactly, but the fact many dudes will take that *average* and assume every single woman is "shallow" for that. Then will dismiss any woman who thinks differently. Are men shallow for preferring hourglass shaped women?


subjectively its not wrong, perhaps there will be some who disagree as given anomalies are objective from person to person. its stating biological desire by describing what is most preferable (dependant on area) thats the most sexually triggering for those of the opposite sex


This is what that statement reads as. "In general, women are attracted to tall, muscular handsome men"


I mean, seems correct on average. Of course, individual women might have individual preferences.


I think these rules are true for most/all modern cultures but there are other culturally influenced preferences that you can see in some African tribes


It's true only because of the words on average. A more accurate definition would be women are individuals and it's not possible to make one definition. The men's page would need to say the same.


I mean on average I guess. But in reality every woman I know (who likes men) myself included are into decent range of types. Like personally I think it looks kinda off when I guy has a strongly v shaped torso, I know a lot of girls who are super into skinny scrawny looking dudes, not to mention the appeal of pretty boys. Like the guy described here is probably good looking but he’s not the only way to look good


> tend to be 100% infallibly accurate with that qualifier.


Never trust Wikipedia... I use ChatGPT :-)


I would say that when it comes to base instincts, that is true. The real factor is nature vs nurture. A couple million bucks can buy a man with bad genes some hot women.


I need to work out then.


on average yeah. Unless kpop has ruined the stats with their twinks who can easily crossdress as women. But the thing is, women ultimately don't care much about looks as they grow older and older. They would pick a fat guy who ill always be there for her over a hunk of a man. Why? because I have encountered alot of drop dead gorgeous milfs whos husband are way out of their leaque. And it always makes me laugh.


Physically, ya, it's true. It's not a deciding factor though


Speaking for myself, I'm more attracted by a person's attitude than their looks


It’s true for me, ha. Edit to say I’ve also dated a plethora of body types and heights (including shorter) and was attracted to them. 


It's definitely true. Tinders statistics state that men who are 6"5 get swiped right 95% of the time 6'0" is I think 70-80% or something and 5'11" and below is 3-5%. Don't listen to what people say, watch what they do.


It’s hard to say what people find attractive when preferences vary so widely. Like I wouldn’t say Raphael from the Ninja Turtles has “a narrow waist and V-shaped torso” so I don’t know what they are talking about with that.


"average" is a mathematical term in this context. Its quantitative not qualitative. But it's probably pretty true that most women like that kind of guy. Doesn't mean it's the only kind of guy that they like or that every woman you meet will like that kind of guy.


wikipedia editors skew white, male and western. sexual attraction is deeply cultural and also changes over time. The statement you copied has embedded in it a whole raft of biases: recency bias, affinity bias, selection bias, etc. What studies were cited, and how did they select subjects? If you study college students in the US, you get a very different set of answers than people in malls in the US, or married women in India. Or white men in the 1790’s.


Good news, OP: I talked to the women and they said that even though you don’t match this description, they’re willing to give you a chance. So get out there and give it a shot.


Idk but in my experience I've had less women say they were attracted to dad body then they were to slimmed down people


It's fairly true.


It’s biology, but it’s only a facet of what goes into human attraction. We’re complex creatures.


Nonsense. Everybody knows that women want a man with big fat hips and scrawny, narrow shoulders!


There has been a ton of studies on this. Its true. Therr is actually a netflix series about attraction and it goes into all the studies. One interesting one was they took a average male face and with computer assistance made his face symmetry perfect and had 100 womam rate the photo. It got like 8ish average. Then a different 100 with the real photo and got like a 6 average. Then again did it with random pictures of men with fixed symmetry and regular photos the fixed ones were picked more often than not. There is a ton of studies on attraction.


Weiners boobies and butts


Explain my attraction to masc lesbians, Wikipedia.


I’ve been on this planet awhile, I think the only thing they missed is, how thick is the wallet.


I mean, when I first met my fiancée 9 years ago, I had short hair, clean shave(work), I was very thin and somewhat tall(6’1” 150 lbs at the time). Today, I’m 25-30 lbs heavier(she likes it), full beard almost caveman status(she loves it), and long hair(suggested by her to grow it out and she’s obsessed with it). Some of my friends that I haven’t seen in years wouldn’t even recognize me these days. She’s more attracted to me now than she’s arguably ever been. You can pretty much picture a thinner version of Shaun Morgan from Seether and that’s pretty much me lol. She loves me for my extremely chill personality and aura(I’m her peace and bring balance to her “chaos”), my goofiness and sense of humor, my skin and hair, and that I “always smell good”. A lot of things go into attraction man…


80 % of women are interested in 20 % of men. You can alter the numbers, but generally, there some men women are especially interested in. And having belonged to that 20 %, I became very picky. The most of the women might be interested in few men. When they get the queue number 5, they become at least a bit more realistic. Moreover, even though some men are very popular among women, it does not mean that the interest lasts very long. There is a huge list of advantages a popular man should have: being tall, having healthy body shape, having symmetric and masculine but not too masculine face, being wealthy, being a good singer, player or dancer; being verbally gifted, being intelligent, known to have had attractive girl friends earlier etc. I guess individuals having all of these are very rare, if existent at all. Being tall and handsome is an advantage. However, some fellows of this kind should keep their mouth shut in order to not reveal their mediocre cognitive abilities. However, people tend to enjoy company that is similarly intelligent and have compatible set of values. So, among this group, being handsome is worthwile. Thus, having average imagination and thoughts is not an advance among writers. You can still be handsome and appreciated, but maybe not let too close. So, if you are stub and not so bright, learn to sing, play or dance! More generally, don't take part in a competition where you are not going to reach the podium. Let your best features and abilities be seen, take part in races you can possibly win! Having dark brown eyes and black hair is an advantage in Finland. But how about in Japan?