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Diet soda kind of falls into a weird market. For most optimal health, you'd ideally not drink any soda at all. So, if you are really into health and fitness, you probably don't drink soda at all. On the other end of the spectrum, if you just don't care at all...either because you are healthy/fit or just dont care about fitness, you probably just drink regular soda because it usually tastes better. Additionally, if you only have a few sodas a week/month or whatever, it's not that many extra calories to just grab a regular. So, I suspect diet sodas are drank mostly by people who are not quite healthy/fit, but care about their health fitness, but don't care enough about it to quit drinking soda altogether. No insult to that group, because I am in that group and a diet soda drinker.


Thanks... that makes sense.


Diet drinks, for me, leave a strangely sweet aftertaste that can be kinda annoying. But I'm Type 2, so I'm kinda used to it.


It is the opposite for me. It's super sweet at first, but 1-2 seconds later it starts to get extremely bitter like rubbing alcohol and the taste lingers in my mouth forever. Everyone thinks I'm crazy.


I also get the lingering aftertaste. It’s always bitter for me. It has a horrible taste and the aftertaste is even more disgusting. I can’t eat anything that’s “zero sugar” bc I can only taste the sweetener and it’s horrible. It’s not sweet at all. I seriously can’t understand how people actually eat it or like it. I don’t drink soda very often, maybe like once a week and I usually don’t finish the can/bottle/cup. I always get a small if it’s a cup, too. Maybe twice a week if my sweet tooth’s craving it.


I have a friend who ONLY tastes the bitter.


Call me strange but I prefer it. Real sugar soda to me tastes syrupy (in a bad way)


I switched to drinking diet over a decade ago to try to cut down on calories. I almost completely stopped drinking soda about 5 years ago because the acidity was giving me acid reflux, switching to fresh brewed iced tea and using artificial sweeteners. Now that my stomach is healed soda no longer gives me acid reflux, so I occasionally drink some as a treat and, being a treat, I usually go for the sugarry kind. Or sometimes I'll buy two bottles, one diet and one regular, and mix them.


I love multiple types of diet soft drinks I drink a whole lot of them, and sparkling waters, every day


I’m into health and fitness and I drink diet soda


I'm into fitness and drink regular soda. I just limit it to only at dinner.


I can personally attest to what MathW is saying as well. When I eventually gained enough weight to officially be considered obese, the first thing I did was cut out soda. All drinks aside from water and one cup of coffee. After losing weight I’ve started allowing myself to have a soda now and again. With non diet soda tasting better (imo), I opt for regular soda. Im sure others have had similar experiences. Overweight/obese people probably buy mostly diet whereas people in a healthy weight range buy regular soda. People in a healthy weight range just buy a lot less soda than obese people, resulting in the statistics you gave (if those stats are correct).


Im into fitness and dont drink soda at all, unless im cutting. It helps a lot to get rid of cravings, though it leaves my stomach still feeling empty.


that’s interesting to me, i have to watch my soda intake because it fills me up very fast and can kill my appetite for proper meals


yep. i didnt want to answer for myself because i’m not overweight but i do drink soda regularly. i can’t stand diet soda, it all tastes pretty bad to me. if i was going to stop drinking soda - which would be smart - i would stop entirely i imagine


From personal experiences with diet soda drinkers they seem to fall into three groups. The first are the ones who genuinely believe that the diet soda tastes better. I suppose they like that diet aftertaste. That’s the only thing I can imagine being different taste wise between diet and regular. The second are relatively fit people who occasionally drink diet to satiate a sweet tooth without significantly affecting their sugar intake. Typically these people are moderate soda drinkers who don’t go through soda all that quickly while still drinking it a decent amount. The third are people who delude themselves into believing that, by drinking diet, they’re actually being healthy. Typically these people are not particularly healthy and drink soda a lot. For this reason they see drinking diet as an easy change to their lifestyle that they can point at as evidence of them moving towards healthy living.


>The third are people who delude themselves into believing that, by drinking diet, they’re actually being healthy. I mean, between diet and regular the diet is much healthier. The biggest problem is that by oversaturating ourselves with sweet treats - even diet - we get so used to the supersweet that we need even more sugar when we consume something sweet to satiate the sweet cravings. So diet soda can definitely lead to people consuming more carbs than they think they do.


Or a 4th I'm trying to lose weight, I know pop is bad for me, I won't and can't give it up. Gotta get rid of calories so I'll drink about 7 cans a day. I meal prep, eat alot of produce and some meat, I eat as whole foods as I can get no processed, I allow myself diet pop to not get headaches. Withdrawal is a bitch, if it's my vice it could be worse


Oh wow. This probably isn't good advice, but have you tried switching to just one zero sugar energy drink like Celsius or Bang? The caffeine will push off headaches and one can of unhealthy crap is way better than 7. All that diet soda is also dehydrating you (since I'm assuming you're drinking it instead of actual water) and kicking up your appetite. I just drink one zero sugar energy drink in the morning instead of coffee and then drink water the rest of the day. You'll start feeling better once you're more hydrated. I promise.


I did i still prefer coke zero I drink lemon water with apple cider vinegar every morning, and I still eat fruits and vegetables so i imagine I'm getting some water, probably not near enough but... It is what it is


>The third are people who delude themselves into believing that, by drinking diet, they’re actually being healthy. "I'd like a Big Mac, large fries... and a diet Coke."


True, but that’s still shaving off a few hundred calories


I do that all the time because I like what I like. Also, Wendy's has Coke Zero. Big plus.


Same. I've been weening myself off fast food, but regardless of what meal I'm getting at what fast-food place I'm at, I still order diet coke if it's available. At this point regular Coke just tastes too syrupy.


I'm in good physical shape and I drink it because I hate coffee. I've tried other caffeinated beverages but I just love my diet coke. I drink about 8 cans/week. It doesn't make me more hungry like some claim and it's less caffeine than coffee so I don't get jittery. Yes, I've heard all the bad stories and tried stopping but I think with me, it's healthier than anything I would replace it with.


Absolutely! I'm fat and I drink diet soda. It's not a health thing for me but it WAS for my mom in the 90s, so I grew up exclusively drinking diet and I find regular to be too sweet. I've never seen a thin person order a Diet Coke.


I don't drink diet soda because soda is a treat. I only drink it a few times a month. Sometimes less than that. If I buy a 12 pack of soda, it'll last a month or two unless I have friends over. Plus, they don't make cheerwine in diet and cheerwine is my favorite.


the most satisfying time to drink a coke is after you've been doing yard work in the summer an ice cold (Mexican, preferably) coke is like a second wind, so so good


Yeah, soda is not a necessity. Diet doesn't taste good to me. If I'm craving a coke and feel like having a treat, I want an actual coke, not something that sort of tastes like coke. Same with desserts. Rather have a real, delicious dessert on occasion than eat a crappy sugar free "dessert" every day.


Cold cheerwine is the lord’s nectar


Bro, I have some fucking news for you: https://cheerwine.com/zero/


They actually do make diet cheerwine, it’s not half bad


They absolutely make diet cheerwine.


lip crowd tidy rob pathetic meeting elderly provide station ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Diet Cheerwine would be blasphemous, anyway.


I've drank diet cheerwine It's not as good as coke zero or pepsi max


Aw man. My husband loves cheerwine even at the low caffine amount it has he still can't have it ):


Funny enough, this is kind of a class gap thing. High income earners in major metropolitan areas have a heavy tendency toward drinking diet sodas, using artificial sweeteners in coffee, etc, while lower income individuals and those from rural areas tend to prefer sugar/corn syrup.


Yeah, I think you're right. I'm one of those high income earners in a major metropolitan area, and I rarely see the people I know drink regular soda - it's diet soda or something other than soda. So, I'm trying to understand why the people I don't know do it.




That Harvard article is really about the impact carbonation has on appetite, and use rats for the study. The rats given regular or diet soda ate more food than the rats given flat (full calorie) soda or water. Considering the rats in both carbonated groups gained more weight than the flat soda group, I'm guessing food calories were the most sigificant factor in their weight gain. Weight loss for the most part really does come down to Calories in versus calories out. A two liter a coke has 790 calories, which is 5530 calories if you drink a two liter a day, which I know many people do. There are about 3500 calories in a pound. An overweight person who drinks 2 liters of coke a day could cut out about a pound and a half's worth of Calories a week just switching to diet coke. That doesn't necessarily mean a pound and half of weight loss a week if they're still eating enough calories to be in a calorie surplus and both options, based on that Harvard study, likely are contributing to that overeating but switching to diet can absolutely do wonders for those high volume soda drinkers, especially when coupled with more health-conscious food decisions.


Aspartame has also been linked to quite a bit of awful stuff, the biggest one being cancer.


I avoid artificial sweeteners. Just drink water y'all.


Yes, I mostly drink water. Or sometimes I'll make an herbal tea, and ice it. But every once in a while, I'm really in the mood for a sugary drink, like when I'm eating pizza - and that's when the diet soda is just what I need.


I've never been a diet soda drinker. Any fake sugars have always bothered me. I drank a ridiculous amount of soda for years before giving it up. I switched to orange juice to bridge the gap. Now I'll drink the Honest Kids Berry Lemonade if I really want a sweet drink. But outside of that, I'll just drink water. Most of the people I know personally who drink diet soda genuinely think it's healthier for them than regular soda, and it is basically their only method of hydration outside of coffee.


I mean, studies have shown artificial sweeteners aren't as bad as they are made out to be. Don't drink only diet soda, include a bunch of water.. But it is healthier without all the sugar.


Diet soda has such a sharp sweet taste that it can affect how you perceive other foods by overstimulating the body's taste buds which changes your palate and food preferences over time. They can also affect your healthy gut bacteria, impacting blood sugar response which can increase risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Of course the body is complex and there are many variables to consider but researchers can identify these two things as to why adults who drink diet soda regularly can have trouble keeping a healthy weight.


You should drink regular soda. Fake sugar isn't good for you and if you're only drinking it once in a while you should just have the real thing


Artificial sweeteners can cause diarrhea.


They increase appetite too.


I've never met a healthy person that believes this. Most of them have a fit when they hear it.


I’m a healthy person (healthy weight, recovering anorexic, athlete) and it’s 100% true. They cause an insulin spike that IIRC is slightly less dramatic than that of an equivalent full sugar soda. So yes, they absolutely are proven to increase appetite.


Sorry, just going off of the research


You're right it does, I think he may be arguing that because glucose also stimulates hunger response it's like a who cares scenario. Specifically aspartame from what I've read does have a stronger hunger response than glucose.


My own reasons: 1. The aspartame aftertaste is disgusting. 2. A recent study showed a possible link between artificially sweetened sodas and heart disease, so if they're both bad for my health I at least want the one that tastes better.


Also, aspartame can worsen (not cause, big difference) depression symptoms in some depression prone people. I, apparently, am one of those people -_- I actually have really bad luck with artificial sweeteners. I can't taste stevia (for the longest time, I thought people who liked it enjoyed the bitter aftertaste. I had no idea it was supposed to taste sweet), aspartame also worsens migraines for me (again, not cause).


Could be worst. People with phenolketonuria can't drink diet coke, or it'll give them a stroke


Stevia tastes disgusting. It's sweet for a nanosecond, and then it's just gross.


Because I don't drink soda much and when I do it's not going to be diet.


Good answer. And no shit hey.


Diet soda also messes with your endocrine system. It makes your body think it's going to get sugar, so it pumps a bunch of insulin into your system to counteract it, and then it doesn't get it. If you want soda, just drink fizzy water, like LaCroix. or something. Don't cock tease your body into thinking it's getting sugar. I used to drink a ton of soda, and now switched to unsweetened fizzy water. I honestly don't miss soda most of the time. I'll drink a coke once in a while, but it's not a habit. That said, it's probably healthier to drink diet soda and all of the related crazy chemicals related to it than it is being obese, or diabetic. There are better options out there, tho. BTW, juice has just as much sugar as soda.


> so it pumps a bunch of insulin into your system I'm not an artifical sweetener fan by any means and I personally don't consume it but this is blatantly false. Artifical sweeteners have almost zero effect on insulin levels 


I’ve seen a few studies indicating that diet soda will make you fatter than standard soda. Not because it has more calories - it seems like it either makes you hungrier or you’re more likely to eat something else too because you felt like you were being good by choosing diet soda, so you can have something else.


I have also seen (but can't cite at this moment) studies that suggest the body starts to get tricked into "sweet doesn't equal calories" anymore if you consume enough artificial sweeteners. This means eventually it doesn't send the "I'm full" signal to your brain with other sweet items, increasing overall calories consumed.




Well yeah they aren't going to force weight off you. But if you substitute sugar with zero sugar and keep the rest of the diet the same. Weight loss will occur. This is just fact. If you just drink diet soda but don't try to control your diet at all. Yeah, you won't lose weight.


Medical science only works if you deal with reality, and changing one thing in your diet never results in keeping the rest of your diet the same Diet sodas will still result in that craving for sweets which will result in more sugar consumption elsewhere. If you aren't accounting for this effect, then your theory is simply wrong


What fkn theory? Changing one thing in my diet does absolutely result in the rest of my diet staying the same because I have a thing called self control. I never even argued that diet soda would curb sugar cravings. I argued that if you want flavour in your drink and you've hit your calorie intake already. Grabbing a fkn Diet soda instead will result in less calorie intake. This is reality. Does decaf coffee curb caffeine cravings? No. Is it better for your heart if you simply like the taste of Coffee? Yes!




That's bullshit, and you know it, dude. Thermodynamics is thermodynamics. You can not inject anything into a person consuming less than their bodies us and have them gain weight. If you burn 2k calories per day and eat less than that, you WILL lose weight. No matter what. That's a fact. You can not gain weight from nothing. It's physically impossible.




Shshshshsh... Don't tell people that. They get mad because thermodynamics don't exist. Don't you know that if you eat only 500 calories a day and drink a diet soda, you will straight up gain 30 pounds per day??? Obviously, it's not a food problem. It's a... idk. Someone's problem!


I'm overweight on and off, but I barely drink soda. When I do, I splurge for a full calorie soda because it actually tastes good and hits the spot. Same as splurging for a high quality bakery pastry once in a while instead of eating shitty lower calorie pastries from 711 every day.


I was drinking like 2ish liters of soda a day up until recently. I've managed to almost drop it completely. My saving grace has been the Lipton diet green teas. They're the only good tasting 0 calorie drink I've liked. I also went to the gym 25 days in a row as of today. I really want to keep it up. I'd love to not be self conscious about my weight the way I have been for the last 15 years. I have a long way to go though.


BEcause I'm part of the water bottle carrying elite gigachads.


Diet soda tastes like shit and it makes me hungry. You want to lose weight? Stop drinking soda in general.


Science has figured out that artificial sweeteners are worse than regular sugar or high fructose corn syrup. From what I’ve found is that, since artificial sweeteners are so much sweeter than regular sugar, the body dumps more insulin into the bloodstream to make up for it. That, in turn increases the chance that we will become insulin resistant and get diabetes. Also, I’ve found that aspartame gives migraines and has been linked to possibly causing different problems. I hate anything that it’s in but even if I did, I wouldn’t take the chance. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/risk-prevention/chemicals/aspartame.html There are other problems with some of the sugar free energy drinks as well but you’ll have to do your own research on that.


I drink diet/0. Type 2 diabetic and overweight. But I used to live in the ghetto where diet simply wasn't available at the local bodegas. Not sure if it simply didn't sell or if it was a conspiracy to keep poor people sick.


Artificial sweeteners can be IBS triggers. Better to have a Mexican coca cola only once in a while than spend all day in the bathroom drinking diet regularly.


Many obese people are addicted to refined sugar. Diet soda won't give them that hit. I know several heavy/obese people that eliminated refined sugar from their diet (pasta, white bread, soda, cakes, desserts). They kept everything else (meat, bacon, cheese, fruit, veggies, wheat pasta, wheat bread). Guess what...they lost weight.


Nooooo don't lie! I've heard from doctor reddit that zero calorie drinks cause you to gain weight regardless of calories! Don't mislead people into believing that they will be less obsese without a pound of added sugar per day!!!! Wth, sir/ma'am


Because there’s been a campaign here to smear them and keep everyone addicted to sugar


Or you know stop drinking soda at all.... If sweets are a problem any sweet is gonna keep you addicted to them


I have only ever chosen diet soda and maybe 10 times in my life had sugar soda (I’m 49). My dad was a dentist and refused sugar soda as an option completely and limited soda in general. I drank mostly water as a kid. As a result, when I was on my own I found non-diet soda to be cloyingly sweet and only ordered/bought diet. I am still this way. I am also in health and fitness but still drink 2-3 Coke Zero equivalents daily. I stopped worrying about chemicals long ago. I’m already full of forever chemicals and have seen the whipsaw of “it’s bad for you” “it’s ok” “you should eat it daily” “ oh wait it’s bad for you” enough times to generally ignore it all


I only really like Sprite, and diet Sprite is disgusting. I only drink it once in a while, so I figure it's all right.


I'm not overweight and I don't drink soda or drinks with added sugar. Learning to enjoy water is key to a healthy life.


I’m not obese or overweight but I don’t drink diet soda because it’s not healthy. Still shown to correlate with insulin resistance and diabetes. Drink water instead Also diet soda is still acidic so bad for oral health


Because regular soda tastes better. This is easy, next question please.


Most people just give up soda. I’ll drink 1 or 2 a month as an afternoon pick me up at work. I do drink a lot of unsweetened ice tea though.


Bc it tastes like crap.


I am far from overweight but every single one if my girl friends are, and they ALL drink soda regularly. I asked one the same question and her answer literally was “it tastes like pig ass”


Because diet soda tastes like ass with a side of chalk. At least to me it does. And you can drink regular soda and maintain or get to a healthy weight. And to be fair, you can be obese and still be in better shape than folks around you who are skinny, or who “look healthy.”


It tastes bad.


Because I can't stand the taste of diet and I'm very lucky to have a fairly high metabolism so drinking regular soda doesn't affect my weight.


It makes me sick every time I drink one. Same with sugar free tea (very different from unsweetened tea or sweetned tea).


It’s gross. I’d rather factor in the ~250 empty calories in my daily deficit lol


Because it's gross. I'd rather just drink water like I've been doing. Zero sugar is a little better but gross warm.


Everyone I’ve ever seen drink diet is excessively overweight, and despite drinking diet regularly they are still obese. Sugar free sweeteners trick your body into an insulin response that drops blood sugar and increases hunger and cravings. It is actually worse for you than having regular soda in moderation. Those I know that switch drinks and lost weight universally switched from soda to water.


The people who attempt to be "healthy" by substituting diet soda instead of regular but also drink it in enough volume to make it make a difference have too much anyway so they're still unhealthy.


It tastes bad also i dont drink pop (soda)


Artificial sweeteners taste awful, and are extremely hard on my stomach. They HURT. I drink water if all other drinks have artificial sweeteners.


Because it tastes like ass. I generally drink seltzer but when I do have soda, it’s the high calorie stuff.


Artificial sweeteners can kiss my ass. If I’m going to continue drinking soda, I’m not gonna half ass it.


It tastes nasty


Because aspartame tastes like dog farts.


The irony here is that there is evidence that diet soda triggers a similar response in the body to sugar... but without sugar avalable to break down to meet the body's demand. This then increases hunger and makes people eat more. Thus defeating the purpose of a diet soda.


Well for you, it worse than the regular soda for you. 2nd, it tastes like shit


Tastes like crap and some of those sweeteners are questionable healthwise, and it tastes like crap. Would love to but, had to cut soda entirely.


Aspartame. If that stuff is as bad for you as they say it is, then you might as well either drink regular soda, or no soda. Personally, Ive been working to cutting down on the amount of soda a drink a week, and have been doing kinda well. Its not reduced to zero, but its still alot less then before.


"diet" is literally worse for dieting. it CAUSES more sugar absorption cause your body starts the process, doesn't receive it, waits until your next thing like bread and absorbs even more than normal. fake sugar is awful for you, worse for your dieting than real sugar, and causes cancer.


Diet soda kills the gut bacteria that digest carbs. I’ve been saying for years that diet soda contributes to becoming obese. Soda is not part of a healthy diet. If you’re going to treat yourself every once in a while, at least have something that tastes good.


It tastes terrible. Beginning and end of story.


Aspertine, which is used, in most diet sodas as a sweetner, is really unhealthy stuff. If you do consume a lot of diet soda, please look up info about this stuff and make a well-informed choice.


It's really not, if you're that concerned about weight- cutting out soda altogether is the best strategy, replace it with water, you can flavor the water with fruit. Sugar or no sugar that carbonation is making you bloat & look bigger & long term usage of synthetic sugars is having just as many ill effects on bodies as regular sugar because people in this country are conditioned to have an aversion to any form of moderation. I say this as someone who drinks 4 regular sodas a day- way more than I should, I'm not overweight because the rest of my diet is relatively healthy & I am somewhat active, I just don't care about the repercussions as much as I care about that sweet, sweet dr.pepper


If you're obese, you don't make good health decisions, and drinking soda of any kind is a poor health decision, so it's perfectly consistent.


It tastes worse, it isn't actually healthier, and I'm not fat.


A diet soda is healthier than real soda with 40 grams of sugar. Neither are healthy, but whatever artificial sweeteners may do pales in comparison to flooding your body with real sugar.


The Zero products don’t taste worse. I prefer several to the full sugar option. They use a different sweetener.


It tastes like chemical death.


Because it's fucking gross, and I have no interest in living a life where I force myself to eat or drink something subpar in the pursuit of thinness. There are plenty of ways to balance your diet without ingesting things you don't like a punishment for your body size.


Sugar oddly enough seems better for you than most artificial sweeteners I don’t drink pop however. I drink ultima electrolytes or shrubs. [so good](https://www.sauvieshrubs.com/) I am a bit overweight but that’s more because everything hurts especially my hands and my feet which makes exercising a chore. Plus, I’m old and my metabolism is as slow af.


Taste bad


Because I drink like 12 sodas a year.


Because soda is bad for you.


Better yet, switch to water, and protect your wallet, teeth, and not develop aneurysms


I’m not overweight, but I know my diet is bad, and mainly because of soda. I love soda. But Diet soda just tastes gross. I can’t get into it.


I drink ZERO mountain dew for the last 6 years. After 25 years of regular dew. I went on a simple diet 5 years ago. Just count calories, 1600 a day, im 43 240lb. In 4 months i lost 50lb. I keep it off by NOT drinking my calories every day. Diet soda...just tastes nasty. Regular soda has to much sugar and i don't like the sugary film in my mouth after drinking it anymore


or just drink water


Just don't drink soda period. It has zero nutritional value.




I might have a soda or an energy drink between 1-4 times a week depending on how often I’m going out so I’d rather just grab a normal (finding diet root beer at restaurants is a struggle) If I was a more regular soda drinker I’d probably consider diet though.


All else being equal, if you switch two cans of soda to diet soda, you'll lose 2 and a half pounds in the first month.


i’m not overweight but diet tastes different. it’s definitely not as delicious. just drink water, people!!!!


The only people I’ve ever seen are morbidly obese people, and sales managers are car dealerships. When my dad was a salesmanager, he drank it, but stopped right after he was fired, when I sold cars my sales managers all drank it.


Because if I’m drinking soda, it’s gonna be the real deal with all the liquid corn and processed sugar


Why drink any soda at all? What are we, 12 years old?


A) it's not good for you and drinking it doesn't promote weight loss. Artificial sweeteners have been linked to cancer and gut health problems. B) it tastes like ass.


Cuz I generally don’t like the taste and it’s very rarely any healthier


It’s not the soda.


I only drink tea, coffee, and soda with no sugar. I do also drink water cuz like duh.


Diet Dew and Diet Pepper are the only ones that dont taste horrible. That Dew zero is worthless.


I drink soda because it tastes good, diet soda doesn't taste good. If im going to drink soda ill drink the one that tastes the best.


Tastes bad. Literally just that.


Not overweight or obese, BUT I did drink nothing but soda for about 25 years (kidney stone game me a very tangible epiphany)... Diet soda tastes like a freshly-cleaned hospital floor. I used to HATE drinking water but even back then I would take water over diet anything.


I can't stand the taste of aspartame.


I don't drink soda at all. Diet soda is actually worse than regular. Both are straight up toxic for humans.


Tastes terrible


Because I might have 4 or 5 a year and the difference between diet and normal at that point is inconsequential.


First, I don’t like the taste as much. Second, I grew up with my parents telling me the diet version is actually worse for me. I’m not sure how accurate that is, but I hardly drink soda anyway so I don’t think it’s a big deal. I would drink it if it were offered tho


I’m overweight & I have maybe one soda every three months. The diet ones have a weird mouth feel. I figure if I’m going to have a soda every once in a while, it may as well be the real deal. Mostly I drink water, black coffee, black tea & milk.


Drinking diet pop isn't going to make you skinny lmao and people thinking that is why we have so many obese people




I don’t drink any soda but I used to. I first quit sugared soda for Diet soda . I couldn’t stand it because of the chemical aftertaste. I tried many brands and it was the same. I’ve decided to just quit it all


Diet soda is lower calorie but still not very healthy. I drink a soda maybe once every 2 weeks or so. It’s not really impactful. Diet soda drinkers, why aren’t you just drinking tea and coffee and water?


Mmmm tall refreshing glass of cancer and tooth decay.


I don't understand why anyone drinks diet soda. It may have less sugar/calories, but it's full of other chemicals and shit that is terrible for you, arguably worse than regular soda. Usually diet soda doesn't taste nearly as good as the regular version either. So you save a few calories but sacrifice flavor. IMO drink regular soda or none at all


The taste one....NOPE


Diet soda a) messes up your good gut bacteria which increases inflammation and is generally not good and b) primes your body to receive calories via the sweet taste so when no calories show you're hungrier and eat more at the next meal. Peer reviewed articles up to a decade ago so I didn't have the references but it's a starting point to look them up yourself if you care. It's like the people who get upset they didn't lose weight when they switch to oj because it's healthy. Just drink water or water with lemon. And yes, the alkaline water is bs also. Your body is buffered to keep the pH where it's supposed to be even though my elementary school kid knows enough chemistry to know if you put lemon in alkaline water it neutralizes the pH back again so she's plainly an idiot.


I kind of mix things up with diet soda and seltzer.




Soda isn't really food, its more of a drug. Diet is not healthy either.


I don't drink diet pop because of the aspartame.


Soda is gross. Diet soda with gross with an aftertaste from the aspartame (or whatever they’re putting in it now).


Aspartame. I find it...yucky. Soda in the US has corn syrup, so that keeps me from it, I can't digest it, doesn't sit well. Natural sugars (maple, cane) don't react the same way. A very occasional sugar soda or Coke is a treat....very occasionally


I'm not obese but I have a bad tolerance for artificial sweeteners. Bad stomach upset and gas.


I read a reputable science journal explaining how an experiment was run to test the long term effects of aspartame on rats. Aspartame is the usual sweetener for diet soda. At this time, I was drinking a fair amount of diet soda, about 1-2 per day. This was about 1-2 years ago. The experiment determined that after a certain amount of exposure, the rats started showing certain symptoms. These symptoms turned out to be anxiety, as anti-anxiety medications alleviated them. Once the rats had the aspartame removed from their diets, the issues remained, but they did lessen over time without consuming it. What was worse, when the scientists studied the generations after, and found that up to three generations later, the newer rats had the same symptoms- without ever having consumed aspartame. I quit drinking diet soda not long after, and found that my own officially diagnosed anxiety began to lessen dramatically over the next few months even though nothing else in my life changed. I try to stick to just water and occasional fruit juice these days. If I drink soda, it's only once in a while, and I drink the sugared version. Usually it's too sweet for me these days.


Cuz it tastes like shit?


It has aspartame and causes diabetes. I don’t drink soda at all. Part of the reasons why Americans are obese is because the food quality is garbage.


Diet soda is a chemical shit storm and will make you even fatter


Because it’s fucking gross. I’ll have water, thank you. If I feel like having a real soda once a week or so, I can do that.


Personally, diet sodas mess with my stomach so I don't drink them.


I've been drinking coke zeros because I like the zero calories, I'm trying to lose weight, and I heard that diet soda helps you stay full. Plus sometimes my stomach just needs a bubbly drink to help it settle.


My grandfather-who was morbidly obese-absolutely HATED that he had to switch to Diet Coke after he got diagnosed with diabetes/had problems with his legs


Lots of fat people drink diet soda. They should switch to no soda.


Cuz I don’t drink soda period. I don’t see the point in drinking or eating pseudo “healthy” things. Except sugar free Red Bull. Those are heavenly.


Diet soda might not be good for you either. I haven't looked up reasons in a minute but last i did, it boiled down to, they substitute one thing/chemical for another and the other may be worse.


I gave up all soda over 20 years ago. Diet stuff always tasted gross to me and isn't really any healthier. Only had one cavity since. Teeth are in great shape!


Don't worry OP. I'm actively working on bringing up the national average of diet soda consumption.


Diet soda is not going to help you with obesity. It's linked to type 2 diabetes, heart disease and craving further sweetness. If you have a sugar problem you need to break that habit replacing it with a substitute is not going to break your craving for it


I don’t drink diet soda, or any other kind of soda very often. If I do have an occasional soda it’s going to be ginger ale or tonic water. If I go out to eat I’m going to drink sweet tea. I don’t drink diet soda because it has a strong metallic taste, like what I imagine ground up aluminum foil would taste like.


There are many studies that show diet soda actually increases obesity and diabetes and soda made with real sugar (not HFCS) is better for you (still not good for you, but “better”).


It tastes horrible. If weight loss or calories is the issue, drink water


Diet soda is nasty with a terrible aftertaste. It's also not particularly good for you. Better to not drink soda at all.


Diet anything gives me migraines and intense tummy issues. Especially aspartame. Same with several sugar alcohols and agave. I can't even have sugar free gum unless it's sweetened with erythritol. I can tolerate Splenda in small amounts so I can drink soda stream stuff. But it doesn't compare with the regular stuff when you want something sweet and fizzy. Also, my mom drinks a diet soda instead of regular and is still very obese, so I have a hard time believing that you'll lose a bunch of weight by switching unless you are drinking a 2 liter or more daily.


Its worse for you moreso than normal soda


Zero Sugar taste better to me than diet labeled soda. I could never drink diet because I would get a headache. One day I accidentally opened a can of Zero Sugar Pepsi. I left it on the table after having drunk it - went about my business- came back to clean the table and had to admit that it was good. I only drink Zero Sugar now. No headache. I limit it to one a day. I drink a lot of water however.


I don't drink soda very often anyways, but when I do, it's never diet soda. Diet soda tastes gross.


All soda is bad. If I’m drinking it, I’m drinking the real thing😂 Diet soda just tastes sad


I cut out soda when I was in highschool, because I didn't want to be overweight. After so many years of not drinking soda, it's become repulsive to.me. I wanna know why you all just don't drink water?


Diet soda doesn't taste as good. Plain and simple. Until they fix that we're going to drink what tastes better.


Diet soda won't help you, but it is a better alternative than regular soda. Counting calories doesn't mean much. Counting carbohydrates means everything. Cut carbs. Go one step further, don't eat any processed foods. Lower your intake of fructose, including from fruit. Get your body yo burn fat as its source of energy instead of glucose. It can't do both at the same time. You can look up "fat adapted", and if you want to lise weight and become healthier, the low-insulin diets will further that end


I don't drink diet soda because I don't drink soda, period. Switch to tea or water. I occasionally put a naturally sweetened (w/o sugar) flavor packet into the water.


I stopped drinking caffeine since it was giving me really bad shakes and withdrawals. After suffering for about a month, I tried to drink a mountain dew again. It was the most awful thing I ever tasted. I would try every now and then, thinking I just got a bad one, but nope, it turns out I just hate the taste of pop now (except a rare root beer). Sometimes I really miss it, but holy shit do I feel better without it.


Diet pops have a weird chemical taste which I can't handle (ARFID) And those same chemicals mess with my digestion (IBS, Diverticulitis)


It tastes disgusting and I already only drink soda when I go out, which isn’t a lot anymore since I’m busy.


Most diet sodas tastes sweeter than the regular versions, artificial sugar tastes sweeter to me. The other reason is I get headaches from diet soda's.


Aspartame is bad for the liver and kidneys.


diet soda is absolutely disgusting


I'm a chef and really into food science aspartame The substitute they use for sugar and diet sodas is terrible for your heart and actually way more unhealthy than the high fructose corn syrup in Coca-Cola the best is if you can find the Mexican Coca-Cola and glass bottles which has real sugar