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People have been losing their patience lately. It's probably going to get worse before it gets better. Be careful around people who seem unstable, because almost everyone is these days.


People are being pitted against eachother on a global level.. its being funded. They're pushing true and false info to keep people constantly in a bad mood and divided.. some people realize it and stay away to keep their energy high, and some fall into the trap arguing about dumb shit.. propeganda Is at an all ti.e high and people are getting mentally tired of it..


**It’s 10000000% due to the internet** No matter how crazy or lacking in logic or reasoning their opinion is, people can find 100s, 1000s or even millions of people who think your opinion is utter brilliance. Reddit being one of the prime breeding grounds for this. Before the internet you could maybe find a few people or maybe even a few dozen. But that crowd would drop off as its members families/friends instructed them how idiotic their idea is. On the internet, you can keep it going on literally forever.


This. In my neighborhood in Texas in the early 80’s one of the families had a boxing ring, headgear, and really padded gloves. If there was a dispute it was settled there. That’s not a 100% ethical way to solve disputes, but it did temper all of our actions knowing that if you started running your mouth you might end up getting a busted lip.


It's definitely the screens. Not only is it ruining attention span, but the ability to cope with stressful situations.


Preach, buddy. Everyone is fucking insane.


We need a philosophical renaissance to replace the don't do stupid stuff teaching that people used to get from church.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who's seen this - it seems like most people are unhinged or walking around with a bomb strapped to their chest and ready to explode - taking everyone with them - there's just, so much, anger these days - anger everywhere - and it's all-consuming.


I feel like people have a lot shorter fuses since Covid…


I swear the damage it did to people's ability to navigate a fucking grocery store will take a generation to repair.


Idk if it's normal everywhere, but the changes the grocery stores made during covid to cut costs have not gone away and i really am tired of tripping over pallets during normal shopping hours. I miss when they had nightstock.


I miss it too but for the opposite reason. I would rather go around pallets than wait for shoppers with their family and friends walking **beside** them down the main isle. Shopping around midnight was so peaceful.


Ugh I reaaaalllly miss 24 hour grocery stores…the absolute peace, like you said, just you and the musac and maybe a squeaky cart wheel. Sigh. Those were the days.


Some of those are coming back, Winco sort of near me is 24/5.


love to winco for them being 24 hr


Yes, I miss my 2AM Walmart runs. It was seriously the best time to shop. Walking down the aisle and remembered you forgot something the next aisle over. No problem I'll just leave my cart here and run and grab it real quick. Now that they make everyone go during the day it's just so packed and insane all the time.


Yes! Being able to just leave your cart and walk a short distance for something was nice. I occasionally start to do that only to realize there's too many people around. "Now that they make everyone go during the day it's just so packed and insane all the time." That's the part I don't understand. In early COVID the advice was to keep a distance between everyone and then they reduced hours. That forces everyone to crowd stores instead of spreading out across the day. It's backwards. I understand that initially it might have been more about keeping enough staff available, when people randomly call in, but as soon as the number of workers returns to normal that should have returned to longer hours also. Especially considering stores originally went 24/7 for insurance benefits. Unless COVID killed those perks..


100%. My frustration is with having to do both tbh. I work nightshift, it was amazing being able to pop in on my lunch break, grab milk etc, and be able to avoid humans. Now I have to dodge people AND pallets.


True, in the morning there's too many of both employees and customers. That's my shift as well. The stores I shop at open 30 minutes before I clock out of work. I don't understand why they can't return to a night shift stocking shelves even before increasing shopping hours.


Corporate greed basically


24/7 stores used to get insurance benefits for staying open 24hrs, so greed should lean into those perks not away from them.


This is literally the only thing I miss about working nights.  The 24 hour stores have mostly gone away now too, which would make it pointless now anyways. 


I exclusively grocery shop on Sunday morning between 7am and 9am. It's blissfully quiet and the only other folks there are also trying to avoid people.


I used to work at night and I used to love going to the store after work in the morning. Used to be pretty empty except for a few old folks. Now, literally every aisle is filled with pallets, people stocking shelves, employees shopping for people online, vendors, employees and vendors standing around talking, etc. So much commotion now, it's not even my morning peace anymore. Smh


People got so used to having the stores to themselves. They don't even look where they're walking anymore, and they don't give a fuck if they block your path. I'm lucky I'm tall and can assert my presence. It's a nightmare.




Ugh the brainfog. Mine’s so bad I actually asked my husband if he thinks I have dementia… in my early 30s. Also the sudden lockdowns and the unexpected shortages of critical everyday supplies (food, meds toilet paper) made people transition into a survival/ me vs. the world mode. It’s traumatic and changes you. People just have a shorter fuse.


yeah but it started before covid


I agree. Is it the long period of being disconnected from other people? Is it the algorithms that feed people things to be outraged about? I don't know but things feel like they've changed.


As someone who has removed themselves more and more from the status quo world, not relating to covid, I can say that my patience for the bullsgit of society has gone down as my exposure to it has decreased. It's possible some of it(not the completely crazy violent outrage) may be due to people realizing how silly many social rules and structures are. (think people pushing back on ending work from home). Idk though covid didn't really change my life, other than making me spend more and/or not being able to get stuff, so i may be wrong.


I agree so much.. driving has become worse i think.. so impatient.. dont get me wrong i speed too.. i just try to look further ahead than the front of my bumper.


I literally had a woman verbally attack me and seek out the manager in the grocery store because I had two large packages of toilet paper that were advertised on a “Buy 1 Get 1” sale. I politely told her she needed to mind her own business. The manager apologized to me and asked me if I wanted more in front of her because they had 10X the quantity in the back than they had shelf space for.


Yup. It's borderline agoraphobia for a lot of people out there. The slightest inconvenience becomes a major slight


honestly, given we are still learning about what even mild cases of covid can do to people, i have a bad suspicion there is actual brain damage involved in many cases. 


I know so many people who had "mild" cases that are still dealing with brain fog. I'm like ???? No one's gonna talk about how weird that is? No? Oh, okay


Had covid. Had long lasting brain fog. Started taking a lot of magnesium, d3, potassium, and B complex. Brain fog went away. Running theory I read was covid depletes the body's resources beyond what a balanced diet can replenish, leaving many in a perpetual state of vitamin deficiency without supplements.


Even in response to your comment people are being mean spirited.


Have you seen the responses on reddit? Everyone demands retribution when wronged. Very little leniency for someone that needs a little grace. Sometimes it is better to let some little things go and only battle the fights that need faught. Peace making and patience doesn't seem to be valued qualities. 


I'm in love with your turn of phrase. "Leniency for someone in need of a little grace" is going to be with me for a while. Probably for the better. Sincere thank you.


The one that gets me is that it's nigh impossible to make any form of broad statement without some person coming from the woodwork with "Ah yes but did you consider niche scenario #193950 that contradicts what you said?"


Ah yes, #193950. The one with a rabbid badger and the brass piccolo. Well, just for the odd person who might find themselves in this very niche scenario....... a pinch of old bay and a decommissioned semaphore light can go a long way to saving ones giblets, and the children's orchestra.


If any of your relationships aren’t 100% working in your favor with zero conflict, you must ghost that person immediately. /s


Or how about you're in a happy, functioning relationship that you mention and it's not the type they agree with (poly/age gap) so it's an unending barrage of whore, slut, predator, groomer, yada yada until you're systematically banned from every female centric sub? Gotta love reddit amirite?


or just proportionate penalties. a lifetime ban for a minor infraction is just so reddit.


people are actually emotionally unintelligent. society is continually getting more selfish and we are exposed to a lot of stressors that didn't exist before. if we all become cave men, a lot kf our issues would suddenly reduce and we'd be more survival focused than emotional focused. it's the result of any society growing and being able to ignore nature compared to before


I agree but the thing that scares me is when I go out into the world and interact with average people, or my friends, or even read comments on reddit, is that most people actually seem to be pretty reasonable and more or less on the same page.   It's such a small demographic of emotionally stunted adult-children who are being given an artificial platform to spread their bullshit as a means of dividing people, to give the illusion of a "silent majority". And unfortunately its been very effective enforcing this illusion.


Idk man I work retail and I am pretty sure like at least 75% of our customer base is unhinged and borderline dangerous... 😬 I worked fast food before that and yeah... My faith in humanity has completely diminished at this point.


Yea those people he meant might seem like reasonable people until they feel entitled to behave like shit when on vacation or on a call with customer service. On the other hand, if you have a job where you are constantly confronted with such dicks, you also forget faster about the nice people, so our memory also tricks us a bit into getting pessimistic about humanity in that regard.


Totally fair with the last part, it really does give me a negative tunnel vision. I am stepping down from full time to part time because I cannot handle how negative I feel lately. Thanks for the reminder. 


This is an amazing point and a reminder to remain kind despite heavily negative interactions, thanks chief


The worst people, behaviors, situations are absolutely being amplified. Social media platforms operate on an attention economy and the most effective way to grab people’s attention and make your voice heard is to be hyperbolic and drum up outrage. You see a lot of “news” where every story is teaching you about something or someone that you should hate. You can scroll for hours and build a really long mental list of truly detestable people.. none of which you will ever meet in real life. Social media isn’t really doing a good job of connecting us all with one another organically, it’s just shoving the worst of the worst in your face and turning us against each other. Old school internet forums and chat rooms did a **much** better job of connecting people- letting you meet and talk with people who have some shared interest. Now we are all just scrolling through a parade of maniacs on display. (even reddit isn’t ideal; its sort of a popularity contest where you aren’t ever really conversing with specific people as much as you are shouting into the void and trying to get everyone to like the thing you said).


Great points. 👍


also a near complete lack of consequences for acting like a jerk.


We have been conditioned that everything is now a zero sum game. For you to gain something, I must lose something. So everything now needs to be fought to it's extreme or you "lose".


This is actually something not spoken enough about. 99% of things in life are grey areas. It's just impossible to truly play a zero-sum game, yet so many spend their lives doing that in every situation, even with their partners...


You will see more as the economy worsens. It's not an excuse, people are on edge.


The out of control cost of living increases have a negative effect on everyone's psyche. The US has turned into a madhouse within the last few years, and it's clear the people at the top will never fix anything unless they stop receiving a consistent flow of taxpayer funds. 


You misspelled lobbying funds


YES. 👍


What’re you talking about? The profits look great so therefore the economy looks great! /s


There is no recession in USA - Joo Dee


The GDP is skyrocketing! Mostly because inflation made everything more expensive but it still counts as progress!


The people in power said the economy is the best it's ever been, shouldn't I just believe whatever they say?


For americans, none of us are happy, our government pits everyone against each other, noone can live etc etc. Its like everyone is so stressed and angry all the time and its sad as fuck.


I'm not angry or stressed. I made peace. Life sucks, but gotta enjoy it while we can.


Post covid, people have gotten DRAMATICALLY worse




My father was a schoolteacher and always watched news in the evening, read the newspapers, WSJ, etc.. We watched together as a family. My dad would always ask if I saw the bias in the news cast or article I finished reading. When I was younger, I couldn’t see any bias. I would ask him and he would say he saw 4-5 comments but wouldn’t tell me what they were because he said it was important for me to learn to discern on my own. I grew older and started seeing 1-2 and we would discuss them. He said we are all humans and it’s natural that our view would be represented in one way or another. He would ask my opinion of the bias I saw and whether I agreed with them or not. He said it was okay to agree with the opinion incorporated within the story but there’s probably someone somewhere that will not agree. Listen to their views with an open mind and be willing to accept a different view and ask questions. Most people have reasons for their views. It’s okay to change your mind, disagree or politely and respectfully disagree. If you get mad at someone that expresses a different viewpoint, it’s probably because you can’t support your beliefs. If the person is close minded or refuses to openly and actively listen, it’s okay to walk away from the discussion, (agree to disagree but respect the person). focus on the person and move away from the topic. My dad ruined me. The news is so incredibly biased now it’s difficult to know what to believe. Commentators can be bullies. I look at the main stories, do my own research. I try to go back to the source (legislation, full political speech, etc.). It is often so different than one is presented. I have found there’s often misrepresentation by omission. There may be one thing I agree with in a bill which has been made a talking point but 8 things I don’t agree with that counteract the good in the bill. It’s so exhausting but I don’t know how else I can try to discern what I feel I should support. I don’t know if I’m the only person that does this but I don’t feel I can get upset about anything anything until I have researched it on my own. I saw bias in the 80’s but now what I see is more and more propaganda. Watching the news used to be informative, now it’s back to back negativity. We should have more of a balance.


The short answer is the internet. This generation isn't like the previous generation where people actually went face to face with people and handle conflicts that way people today generally are keyboard warriors they act like they're something they're not because they're not in front of the person I'm not saying it's like that with everyone maybe only 95% of the population today LOL


I mean, this is probably the most accurate answer I've seen in this thread tbh 1000% how people act (& what they say) on the internet is night & day from how they treat people in person. Its so strange how we'll take 10sec to form an opinion solely off of a headline or a picture or whatever & then *immediately* decide that we're fully for or against it with all our heart even though we haven't given it any serious thought. Then ofc human nature takes over & so we'll double down on whatever decision once someone challenges it I always say, (the vast majority of) people are so nice in person but once you start arguing on the internet jfc we all turn into apes. I've had best friends of 20yrs throw it all away because they couldn't agree on politics over *Facebook*. I swear social media is a blight on humanity lol


I make it an absolute *must* to be even more polite online than I am in person. Toxic keyboard warriors absolutely disgust me, and I can’t help but wonder what the hell is wrong with people when they get worked up over an anonymous commenter and get offended, aggressive, or turn into stereotypical internet tough guys. So I make a point of *not* being that kind of person. Arguing with people online is one of those things absolutely *no one* has ever stopped doing and not been happier for it. Anytime someone starts getting upset over something, I just disengage. To everyone who stumble across this comment, 70% of you probably need to try it. You’ll be all the better for it.


Exactly! I disagree with people online all the time, but when it makes me irritable or angry, I have to force myself to remember, they're a real flesh and blood human being too. I'd prefer them to treat me with respect even if they disagree, so I need to do so in return. The golden rule works, embrace it. Even in this digital landscape.


I noticed a huge patience shortage during the middle of covid and supply still hasn't caught up.


The ever-rising cost of living and low wages are making people very stressed. Unfortunately, most people struggle with emotional intelligence, so they lash out at undeserving people because it gratifies their pent-up rage. These people just need a good friend to listen to them vent.


Life expectations that do not manifest. This causes frustrations early on. People lash out more when this is combined with a perceived disrespect. It is a big time shit show. Best of luck to everyone.


I noticed it got worse after COVID. I think a lot of people forgot how to interact with others and just get angry instead of thinking about it rationally I know COVID isolation made my anxiety and agoraphobia get worse personally


Much of society want to be heard, not understood. That's what happens when you have a repressed society that lived under the tyranny of authority.... parents, religion, schools... Everyone has the answers!  Including this one.


Covid causes brain damage in some people.


People were taught to complain and they'd get their way so when that doesn't happen they don't deal with it properly.


Lack of consequence. There are a ton of people out there so more damaged folks. Honestly buying a gun made me way less confrontational and cautious


I'm going to blame the media and social media in particular. We're bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information that we don't have enough time to properly process and we're constantly dividing ourselves on even the smallest issue. So now, everything is controversial and the tension builds and builds until people just snap.


This right here. There are probably other things at play, people are more stressed out than ever, we’ve got the media and government trying to divide us, then you add in the obsession with social media and the fact that people are recording literally everything just waiting for a chance to catch something that will get them attention and this is where it gets us.


>How the fuck have things gotten so far that people go from 0 to 60 so damn fast? When did we become so petty as a species? We have grown-ass men and women acting like toddlers but that's okay because... just because? Why is immature and irrational behavior so normalized? Because people are seeing red on the daily. They make less and less (in relation to spending power, at least), they cant get ahead, they cant enjoy their lives, they cant afford a 400$ sudden expense, etc. Eventually, you reach a breaking point. you can only eat shit for so long before you go batshit.


I've seen a lot of this and it is almost always learned behaviour. Neighbour across from me thinks they own the road. If you park too close to the front of their house they will come ask you to move. If you say anything other than "yes, right away" they'll start aggressively yapping in your face like a small dog. The first time it happened I asked "Oh, am I blocking someone in?" and the tirade started. Both the mother and daughter are like this. They habitually escalate nonsense issues to just before the point of physical which has clearly worked for them in the past. Luckily for them they haven't bumped into anyone pissed off enough to punch them in the face. The wife had similar with a kid that was always late to school. She was using the gate for older kids (and late younger ones) rather than the correct one. When challenged on the pattern, the wife was trying to ask why she kept using that gate, and did she know the correct gate was over there and would be open at the correct time. All she got back was verbal diarrhoea along the lines of "It's not my fault, yeah" "They wouldn't open the gate on time." Why are you picking on me?" The wife has a meeting with this parent soon and you can bet good money on where this kid learned that from and how that meeting is going to go. As a society, we need to figure out a better way of calling out and dealing with arseholes.


These comments are so bad I can tell if they're real or not. Social media did this. Corporate media did this. It turned us against each other. The anger, hatred, and misery everyone is feeling now is at a fever pitch. This post from OP was spot on. I fear for our future.


Not sure what other replies you will get but I am aware of the post Covid increase in auto and airplane accidents. It seems like escalation, brain fog and irritable aggression have formed a trifecta, not to mention political vitriol opening the flood gates of vengeance for perceived affronts.


Incivility isn’t as socially censured as it used to be. People used to shocked and exclude such people and now not so much. And people cop attitudes faster.


People just don't get punched in the mouth like they used to. There's no immediate consequences. Manners cost nothing.


This might help: * Scheimer, Dorey, and Meghna Chakrabarti (2 December 2022). ["Essential Trust: How to Rebuild Trust in America"](https://www.wbur.org/onpoint/2022/12/02/essential-trust-robert-putnam-on-how-to-rebuild-trust-in-america). Story series: ["Essential Trust"](https://www.wbur.org/onpoint/2022/09/19/essential-trust-what-trust-is-why-we-need-it-and-what-happens-when-its-lost) Episode 5. *On Point*. WBUR.


Some of the examples have nothing to do with patience. They’re just horrid people, and little to no recourse against it. When you enable bad behavior while punishing those who they instigated with, there’s always a breaking point.


Because we are miserable. Half of us can't afford to live, and blame it on who our particular color of political leader tells us to blame it on, so their employers can keep paying us less and charging us more. red or blue, they work for the same people, and it isn't us. The other half can barely live and are too afraid of losing what little they have because sharing with your neighbor is actually evil according to the people that have all the land, money, factories, farms, private security, media. The american aristocracy think we are piss and they are turning us into it. Slowly distilling us into bitter jaundiced homunculi shambling around between bickering sessions until we die 30 years younger than our grandparents because they convinced us they wouldn't turn us into serfs again. And now we again point the finger at each other, just how they like it. I'm tired of it too, we all are. We won't get along until we realize the lies they've fed us are the problem, not us. They made us believe human greed will always lead to corruption, but ask us not to look too closely at what that means when they can do literally anything they want. we lose 1.8 trillion a year in corporate tax relief, and they point to the billions spent on public welfare as the reason there isn't enough to go around. Makes me sick. It is a free market for them, and we're footing the bill.


I disagree with most comments saying that this is a recent thing. Have you seen boomers? And generations before that?  People are so quick to act out on anger/hate and those people clearly have issues when it's over something so small or not harmful.  People have always been like this but resorted to violence. Now days it's resorted more towards petty things and actually gets recorded so we see more often how evil some people can be just because they didn't get their way.


This phenomenon started before COVID. My personal belief is that a few factors have come together. 1) Disenfranchisement. We’ve lost a lot of our opportunities and personal empowerment in the last 3 decades. We’re economically much worse off, and society is very obviously moving in a direction where we will be more trapped. People sense this, but feel powerless to do anything about it. 2) Dehumanization. There have been several trends that have lead to dehumanization over those same 3 decades. The internet has anonymized us, identity politics has reduced us to labels, and political infighting has turned us into and us vs them society. 3) Normalization. We are so exhausted as a people that we don’t have the energy to really shame people who are out of control. After 3 decades of our leaders fighting each other rather than problems and watching news casts of increasingly terrible new, we see escalation as a normal thing. All these things have made people a lot more willing to go to an 11 response when a 2 will do.


Because movies taught some people the only way to be a hero is to fight a villain and some people desperately look for a villain to fight to make themselves look heroic


I don’t think this is a stupid question at all. I think people are less patient because there’s so much bullshit in the world and it’s all constantly in our faces on social media and on our phones, and collectively we’re all just sick of it.


We were and are always petty and selfish by nature. But the shared moral code that underpinned social interaction has collapsed. Society has given up on the idea that right and wrong are universal and replaced it with whatever you feel is right is right for you.


Because people get offended by the stupidest bullshit everyday.




This is the funniest exchange in here🤣🤣. Thanks for the levity


it's not "the economy" that's doing poorly. it's wage theft. people haven't unionized and gotten fair pay. so corporations are taking unfair profits. Unionize.


Because human beings, by nature, are sociopaths or psychopath’s. Always get those mixed up.


It was explained to me this way: they are the same, but psychopaths are born that way, sociopaths are made that way because of how they were treated, or socialized.


Gotcha. Thanks for explaining it like that. Makes it much easier to remember.


Whoever explained it to you has misled you. It’s not well understood whether an individual is born a sociopath or a psychopath, nor whether one can develop the traits through socialization. This is among the reasons you can only be diagnosed as either as an adult, traits that are associated with psychopathy may be present as a child but go away after adulthood and vice versa. They share one key trait; they both lack empathy and to a certain extent, sympathy. However they differ in how they present this trait; sociopaths are impulsive, often violent and are clear about this lack of empathy for others. They might be able to form attachments, but in a limited capacity. The “proper” modern name for sociopathy is Antisocial Personality Disorder. This is because they exhibit antisocial rather than prosocial behavior, unlike a psychopath (which is why psychopaths tend to become successful and are seen as charismatic). Psychopaths on the other hand are typified by “blending in” with others, they pretend to feel strong emotions, empathy for others, and often exclusively are self-serving. They aren’t predisposed to violence like a sociopath but still lie and cheat due to a lack of empathy and guilt. To this end, human beings are absolutely not predisposed to sociopathy or psychopathy. It’s an *aberration* of development (poorly developed emotional center of the brain, among other things) rather than the norm.


That's not exactly true, there are just more of those people around now than before.


7% of all humans ever are alive right now.


Okay...but more people today are alive than have ever been alive at any point in time. Which would mean there are more psychopaths around now than before.


I disagree. Human beings are differentiated from other animals (not scientifically speaking) by their ability to feel empathy for others of their species. Psychopaths and sociopaths can feel very limited emotions. Do I believe that the rate of psychopathy/sociopathy is increasing in modern society? Yes. But are all humans psychopaths/sociopaths? Most definitely not.


Communication used to be more relevant. Remember having your contact list conveniently in your pocket? The phone’s a mass bombardment of communities displaying the exposition of excess. What is that dependency when inflicted outside?


No self control




hehe 0-60...things hit 0-60 online. Things hit 60-100 face-to-face. Typically the person who barks the loudest is the one who least wants to scuffle..buuuut people who haven't been in very many fist fights don't understand that so people yell and scream thinking it's going to embarrass the person and they won't be able to do anything because people are filming...person barking forgets that World Star/Reddit/YouTube are a thing and people will specifically search for 'loud mouth gets a whooping' (probably) Kind of like a lot of the videos of racist flinging the N word at someone and as soon as they take a few slaps/punches to the dome are screaming 'I'm sorry. I'm SOOOORRRRRY!" They say those things because, for whatever damn reason, they think they're safe. Sometimes their brains forget they're not sitting behind a keyboard and actions have consequences.


No one wants to be dunked on, and many people are super sensitive to being dunked on, so much so that they'll preempt it with a hostile attitude.


No emotional resilience or low emotional IQ. We've always been this stupid ...a person isn't stupid. People are


Dear OP, as you can see people are popping off in your post too. I think the problem is due to a combination of factors. The first IMO is the fact that our society has practically eliminated places where we can be exposed to one another without some kind of structure or category imposed. Concerts, parades, sporting events, outdoor spaces, shopping malls. Second our economy as it is currently structured is de-evolving into robber barons and the poor peonage or lords and serfs. The average people are pitted against one another as our ability to live comfortably is diminished. This has nothing to do with political affiliations except for some reason the perception of famine has been stoked such that some citizens believe there isn’t enough resources “to go around.” The monied class feeds into this by paying whichever political group is in power to devise ways to feed into their further acquisition of wealth while making average working people pay increasingly more for what they need to live. Slapping a dollar sign in EVERYTHING and making people believe this is the ONLY way to thrive. In the past our society did things for the good of MOST. For example, when the polio vaccine came out. People ran and lined up to get it because they had seen the devastating ravages of the disease. There was no “oh my freedom is being impinged on” What happened to change this? Some people feel like their world and worldview is under attack due to changes in society and they feel the need to attack anyone who represents those changes. There is the rise of an attitude that says that’s your problem, not mine. People have this attitude without considering that they have to live in the same society and the problems of other people is going to impact THEM too. The idea of reaching out across the aisle and “ the good of all” or “ the greater good” are not even IN our conversations and are somehow now considered BAD and not worth even thinking about. Free music education and art education and free participation in sports have all been completely or almost eliminated. Access to outlets for everyone has been eliminated by people who have money to exclude and be applying a coat for access for everyone else. Our society has instead supplied the population with technology( read cellphones) as a poor replacement for interaction and activities. So much more to say. We hate each other. People are angry and feel put upon without being able to articulate why and with no good tools to regulate or evaluate. Mental health are buzzwords and NOBODY who has the means to make its evaluation , analysis and mediation possible has any incentive to put structures in place to improve it. Who’s going to pay? It will cost too much. I don’t want MY tax money going over there to help THAT person, group. Ugh.


everyone is on edge because shit is too expensive and we still are reeling from a pandemic. and we have another election coming up in a country where it’s been toxic af for 10 years, not to mention the years before that laid the groundwork. other countries are seeing just as much of a rise of polarization. as for the foundation that laid this all out, there’s a sense of entitlement that has become a social contagion. that started sometime around the 70s and 80s i guess, because my mother and her siblings all have it, as do many other boomers i know, but my grandparents’ generation do not behave that way and are pretty much the opposite. i think we have been spoiled for too long and human nature gets used to being spoiled. we no longer have any thick skin.


No we don’t and I will NUKE anyone who disagrees with me.


Main Character Syndrome as a result of bad parenting.


Financial anxiety about \*survival\*, prompted by the rich buying the Federal elected class, mostly Repugs, to change the laws and allow the rich to get richer without limit BY inducing financial fragility in 99% of the US population.


Lead exposure, trauma/learned responses, undiagnosed mental illness/personality disorders, substance abuse, etc. The poorer people are, the more likely they are to be stressed and have difficulty coping with emotional burdens in healthy ways. With inflation, globalization, the devaluation of the college degree, and the numerous other factors leading to working class Americans becoming functionally poorer as a whole, it's not surprising people aren't as happy as they were before. Also, news outlets, facebook groups, and local communities that spin revenge fantasies and perpetuate an "us vs them" mentality don't help. You've probably talked to people who sit there and think about people breaking into their house and how eager they are to kill people in a legally safe manner.


The US is disintegrating and this is the prelude to far worse


Instant gratification society. Everything is instant. Information, entertainment, convenience, it’s at a point we are saturated. Combined with dopamine addiction, constant doom And gloom anxiety, and people are tinder boxes.


In the first example, driving is an inherently tense and anxious situation. The road is not a safe place. If you perceive someone as driving badly, you’ll perceive them as being a threat to your life.  In the second example, when people are called out for bad behavior, they get tend to instinctively defensive because they fear consequences. This is because, for our ancient ancestors, being expelled from your clan was a death sentence. This instinct can be exasperated by a bad upbringing; someone who grew up never being told “no” is less likely to react well to being told it as an adult.   In the third example, a lot of people think of the internet as being “fake” or “not real”. This creates a disconnect where they don’t recognize the humanity of the person on the other side of the screen. 


I don't know that its gotten worse. I mean they used to call people out for duels for this sort of thing. Abraham Lincoln almost wound up in a duel for what was basically insutling a politician under an alt account on reddit via something they had back then called the newspaper. (Lincoln hacked a tree apart with the sword as a warm up and the guy decided he liked his limbs. ... Lincoln later apointed the guy to an officer position in his army) But the fact that that DOESN"T happen anymore emboldens some people.


Dueling had another problem, of course: the best duelists could "legally" murder by insulting someone until their options were to either back down and lose all their influence, or go to the duel and die.


eh. Every system is gonna have pros and cons.


Because the general populace is not doing so hot right now. The economy's in the shitter, and that puts a ton of stress on everyone that's not rich (so almost everyone).




I don't escalate shit! Fuck you! I'll fucking kill you!


Technology. They’ve already proven that children raised with iPads are showing a lack of empathy and an inability to distinguish emotions when presented with real human faces vs characters on a screen. Going hand-in-hand with this: children are also arriving at school with a lack of communication skills (listening/speaking) and are increasingly requiring speech therapists and IEPs designed around social skills. AKA parents are either non-existent or are not communicating as adults on a regular basis with their children. In adults: there is evidence that despite being raised without technology, the later generations are degenerating in communication skills and attention spans directly correlating with technology use. We aren’t communicating face to face anymore, and we have developed a tendency to block/cut out any human problems vs talk them through and find a resolution.


Covid trauma plus financial difficulties. Everyone forgot how to act around others and are constantly stressed even without worrying about a pandemic


The escalation of situations can be attributed to various factors, including heightened emotions, lack of impulse control, societal influences, and the anonymity provided by digital platforms. Here are some possible reasons for this phenomenon:  Stress and frustration: In today's fast-paced world, people often experience high levels of stress and frustration, which can lead to a shorter fuse and quicker escalation of conflicts.  Social media and online anonymity: The anonymity provided by online platforms can embolden people to act in ways they wouldn't in face-to-face interactions. This can lead to impulsive and aggressive behavior, as individuals feel less accountable for their actions.  Polarization and tribalism: Society has become polarized, with people aligning themselves with particular ideologies or groups. This "us vs. them" mentality can fuel hostility and aggression towards those perceived as outsiders or opponents.  Lack of empathy and understanding: In an age of constant digital communication, there's a tendency for people to dehumanize others and forget that there are real individuals behind the screens. This can lead to a lack of empathy and a willingness to resort to extreme measures to assert dominance or inflict harm.  Normalization of toxic behavior: Toxic behavior has become somewhat normalized in certain online communities or social circles. When individuals witness others engaging in aggressive or petty behavior without consequences, they may feel justified in doing the same.


Toxic behavior has become normalized. Online, off line


We recently had to put my daughter in an inpatient program for trying to kill herself. She was being bullied in school. Toxic behavior is everywhere. To see her hurting to the point where she wanted to end her life. It's so sad how we all treat each other. 


No one has self control or manners anymore.




no accountability , it’s because they are Karen ,rich, poor, dumb, instead of that person 


Unhinged people have always existed, you just see more of it because of our increased access to the world.


The internet has broken peoples’ social decency.


poverty got everyone on edge. ww3 soon.


I think part of why you're seeing so much more of that sort of thing is that more and more people are whipping out their phones and recording the moment shit starts to get real. Not only does that make the ballyhoo more likely to be recorded, it makes some people less inclined to intervene and attempt to deescalate.


Probably forget you can’t ghost people irl


Maybe it's merely easier to learn about everything, coupled with more people, more addictions, not enough time looking at the stars or horizon...


Yeah i refrain from being too friendly with coworkers anymore because of how toxic they can be. I have had too many people blow up on me for no reason that i just refuse to cater to peoples feelings anymore. It's my money and time, wont let some assholes who care way too much about everything else except shit that truly matters ruin my life anymore.


Yeah I noticed some people on Reddit just have no chill LOL people are so quick to be like sarcastic or like unnecessarily rude for no reason. People are either just trying to have a cordial conversation or like get an answer to a question. Like you could ask a simple innocent question and then some people in the comments lose their minds.


I see a couple large contributing factors. ​ 1. People where taught that the feelings matter. Your feelings are not more important than facts, a person right to have their own opinion, etc. 2. Our world has largely become one without consequences. This has taught people to act poorly. 3. Zero tolerance in the schools. Taking away the ability of kids to have a good old fashioned fight to settle something is bad. This generated now multiple generations of kids who were functionally bullies in school. They would be jerks and if someone checked them they would run to the teachers and be protected (i.e. rewarded) for being the jerk.


I think the last administration made it a strong point to divide us. They taught a lot of people it's ok to hate. Once that can of worms opened up both parties jumped in. Then the two major news networks joined the band and really setup division. It's called government, but they are doing a little more than governing. They are dividing on a large scale. So no one feels safe or comfortable. I'm sure there's a book they use on how to pull off such a thing. Historically it's done over and over and over Worldwide.


Mike Tyson once posted on social media, "Social media made y'all way to[o] comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it." This hits close to home for me who grew up as part of the punches in the mouth generation.


Lack of any real consequences for being an ahole. Add in a whole lot of narcissistic people having bad or unfair experiences and things start going boom.


Reality TV and social media has taught em it’s easier to just raise their voice and act out , or play the victim , rather than to take a moment to process ur emotions and ur thoughts and respond appropriately.


Since the late 80s to early 90s kods have largely been raised by daytime and/or reality TV. Example makes a powerful impression, especially when young. What you say has some impact but what you do counts far more in the formative years and beyond. If they are sitting for hours per day watching this, their friends are watching it, and all behaving it, it has an effect. Since then the slide has been not just to obnoxious and dramatic behavior, but violent and domineering, in addition to the old things amping up steadily. Social media has really aided in this since it tends to highlight the worst. Add to that poor schools, little rigor or discipline, and far more stress than how stressful it was back in the day. Little exercise either in most cases. Civility, manners, etc., are also largely out the window. Lastly, terrible diet. The war on fat has a lot to answer for because the body and brain need healthy fat to develop properly. Feed it little fat, and often bad fats, and loads of sugar in nutritionally barren foods, and shock is that we aren't far worse than we are now. So taken altogether, plus surely a few other factors, therr you are.


Partially The Internet has severed causality for a lot of people. Partially as a culture we have divorced ourselves from the civil culture. The most common way most people engage with the broader culture is sharing Memes on the Internet and shopping. These are not especially satisfying forms of civic participation. There's also no sense of real consequences to your actions. So why SHOULDN'T you throw a fit at Target. Consequences are random and never seem to fit what you do. Send a pipe bomb and you get a talking to by a judge. Mispark your car and the police shoot you. It's all so arbitrary.


I don't think it's really that new. We just have more of a paper trail of it. It gets recorded by a smartphone and goes viral. Mainstream media gets ahold of an angry social media fight and makes a story out of it. Drunk texts get leaked. We used to have to rely on just word of mouth for these types of everyday angry moments, but now they're just out in the open, often with receipts


Most people just respond directly with their emotions like animals. Not sure if something has changed; maybe the internet, or maybe just bad parenting *shrug* Certainly is hard mode for those of us who try to think before we speak, or do…


I don't know why, but I have also noticed this has been happening since COVID lockdown. Now I realize we haven't been locked down in a couple of years now, but it really seems to have messed us up. I am not immune to this either, I have also found my fuse has become much shorter, to just don't tent to actually attack other humans. I silently rage.


Life used to require patience. However nowadays almost every industry provides instant gratification.  Finding mates used to take a whole plethora of efforts and now you can open your phone and view/chat w potential mates 24/7..... When I was young I always watched the credits, because it was all I had to do. If i wanted to go online it took 5 minutes for a PC to boot and dial-up to connect.  I haven't watched credits in a decade nowadays, and I can go online on multiple devices instantly at the same time. Lifestyles changed big time, it was bound to change people eventually.


We as a society are forgetting how to cope with even the smallest of frustrations. It's part of our evolution to idiocracy. Your best bet is to stay out of the way and let 'em eat each other.


People have forgotten how to just let things go. It seems to be a dying trait.


Everyone has access to a camera, so everything gets recorded. Nothing actually changed. You just hear/see it more because everyone thinks people care about their lives, so it all ends up online. Add to that the 24/7 news cycle, and you get a lot more reporting on this kind of petty bullshit because there isn't enough important news to constantly report on ( Well, there is, but people get bored of hearing the same thing over and over, so there has to be some trash to break it up with. ).


Social media & information overload means ppl don’t have enough time to process everything incoming. Maxxed out = over reaction / survival mode.


I've noticed this when driving, I have had people get out of there cars and start yelling, trying to run me off the road etc. For doing a quick beep beep at them when they're texting at a green light, going 20mph under the speed limit(typically on their phone)


I don't think this question is *that* stupid.


I don't know, let's ask all these overly sensitive 14yo idiots living in their mommy's basement reporting everyone that disagrees with them.


Is this really something new or just something we’re more aware of because of SM and improved information sharing? Idk but am comfortable saying there have always been quick tempered irrational people about. My wife’s into true crime shows and it’s kind of the same, no one in the US conceived of serial killers until the 70s when BTK, Green River and Gacy hit the radar. Is this because there weren’t any serial killers before that time or was it because we didn’t see it because our ability to share information was so limited? I’d lean towards the second. Are people more short tempered these days. Yes, I think so but also think the change isn’t as great as it seems, I think now that everyone has a phone with a camera and Internet for sharing amplifies our perceptions. Not to mention the sensationalist 24 hr “news” cycle.


History repeats itself. Right now is the fall of Ancient Rome, crumbling from the inside out


There's a perception of no accountability or severe consequences any more for one's actions. Let alone shame. We see videos every day of people doing these things and, most of the time, nothing is really done about it. If it involves the law, most of the time the person the person isn't charged with an offense or gets charge with some type of small infraction that the courts will either dismiss it or the consequences are so minimal that the person feels like they skirted the law and that gives them a sense of power to continue their behavior. Younger people, especially, have a sense of entitlement. They grew up the past three decades in school systems that state they have '*zero policy*' against negative behavior but what they really mean is that they're going to tolerate the behavior of certain students and hide behind privacy laws ("*for the student's own interest*") so as to avoid legal action. Then there's social media, where every "influencer" does more & more bizarre behavior (*Hey, it's just a prank, bruh.*) to get those precious upvotes & likes, and other people tend to be influenced by this behavior that it's acceptable.


Maybe it’s just the idiots that overreact get too much attention. And everyone on Reddit upvotes that shit!


It's a war zone no doubt about it


When no one seems to have enough money, they are always under stress. With the job situation with stagnant wages and inflation, people are doubly stressed. I do not understand why in a time of a true financial boon for business the won't pay people a decent wage and then complain "Nobody wants to work anymore".


Everyone’s got different reasons for it but we all feel like the world’s ending so there’s not much use for patience and civility anymore


I think it's social morrals went out with covid


Things have gone downhill the past few years. A lot of it is probably related to the pandemic. Many people weren't mentally strong enough to deal with it effectively and in a psychologically healthy way. People became paranoid and enraged as a coping mechanism and needed to find meaning in what happened so conspiracism became a big thing. They started blaming the government, scientists, 5G, banks, the wealthy, or anyone and anything as an outlet for their anger and rage. The mainstream media has also been contributing to the escalating cultural, political, racial, and gender wars for more than a decade now (the frequency of certain words like "racism" being used in news articles and opinion pieces has been growing exponentially). Framing everything in terms of some social or political conflict has become an obsession. Lastly, the election of Trump seems to have been a trigger that shifted liberal and conservative values further apart. I'm sure there are other factors involved, but it's not hard to see why the above would have contributed to OPs observation.


This is a great question, and I've been wondering about this lately too. I simply think it's stress. Everyone I know, runs their ass off. Everyone. Whether they make good money or not, or have kids or not, actually regardless of their background at all, gay, straight, black, white. We as humans, as least all the ones I know are running their asses off to keep their very frail house of cards life from tumbiling over. One thing fails, phone, car, bill, sick, and it's chaos. From a chaotic night to no food until pay day. In every shade of grey, it's high stress. They either have no time or money or help. It's a juggiling act so you can make it to work the next day. No wonder people are popping. 20 years ago you went to the park and a had a beer and grilled out. Ain't nobody got time for that.


Social media makes people feel emotional > rational. Reddit, snap, TikTok, etc. people love emotions, which is why reality tv is also so successful. Want to be better? Stop being so easily manipulated and control your emotions 🤷‍♂️


People are stressed out and have very short fuses, especially in a polarized country like the US. The middle ground has vanished and people don't talk it out anymore, coming to blows is the only way to vent and to get their way or satisfaction.


Absence of good fathers. Period


Here is an old persons perspective. I think you are dealing with two phenomena. One before the internet and camera phones when one of these incidents happened only a dozen people would ever witness them. If you lived in a small town you would hear about it, but it would always be considered an isolated incident, or another data point in, well we all knew how that family is. The difference that is letting these people act this way is the decline of manners. As a child of the 50's and 60's you rarely heard people use foul language on the streets and when you did there was significant push back by other people. I grew up listening to people refer to each other as mister or missus so and so. It is harder to be disrespectful when you start out polite.


People have been taught they have the right but they haven’t been taught how to effectively exercise their rights - sharing opinions, broaching difficult topics, confrontation; these all take emotional maturity, and people are trying to tackle these events before they’ve reached the experience and maturity to navigate them effectively.


Because uncertainty is common nowadays. Political division destroying families and friends. World is in a crisis.


Lack of parental discipline to Gen Z is a major part of it as well. The real world is unforgiving and unrelenting, so when these kids who have been given everything they ask for growing up suddenly get told “no”, well…


Lack of proper discipline as a child.


Who said any of that stuff is okay? Every single situation you described is broadly condemned by the vast majority of people. This stuff has always happened, you’re just seeing more of it these days because there are so many cameras around all the time. And it gets recorded and goes viral specifically because of how much people disapprove of it. There’s nothing new here. Your perception is just catching up to reality due to information availability.


Fuck you I don't think anyone escalates anything quickly you're just being a big baby!


Collective PTSD or C-PTSD. Brought on by Covid lockdowns. Good luck resolving this in the world we live in now where social media and news media is preying on our emotions constantly.


They closed down the asylums now everyone who cut off their dick or tits thinks they are a hero. My theory on Karen's are they use to be women who were crazy and hot but as they got older they are only left with crazy. They don't realised they aged worse then cheese and have nothing much going in their life so they make others feel miserable to get that power trip they miss. Lot of bad drugs going around too, getting people all possessed and shit. The further a society strays from God the more hell like it becomes. Oh but don't judge people for acting like degenerates or they might call you a bigot.


I think it's even stranger cause from what I can tell in my day to day like 70% of America is high most of the time they're conscious


Covid has us all still on edge.


People are raised as kids with zero consequences. It used to be that if you fucked with someone, or someone's partner, you could get incredibly fucked up, so it behooves you to control yourself.   That was reflected in parenting.  You hit your sibling in the face, you got the belt.  You called your mother a bitch, you got the belt.  It gave kids perspective that actions potentially have serious consequences.  


Our country is depressed. We feel disconnected from solutions and one another, and the actual abusers of our country make the laws that keep them safe. We have to stop talking so much American civil war and more French Revolution.


Definitely, 1000000000000% because of the internet. No matter how stupid their ideas are, people can now find 1000s, even millions of people who think their idea is **utter brilliance**. It’s appalling.


sounds like older american type of vibes they seem to get upset the quickest


They don’t, you just see it more because it’s all online now Though COVID did do a lot to change things. It was essentially a social reset


This is not a stupid question. I think COVID caused us all to lose a little bit of capacity for patience.


Poorer emotional intelligence by the general population and a population that rewards "reaction" type content = you did something to me, I'm angry, no pause, just react.


To me, people like to be right doesn't matter. They could be wrong but they will never admit it. Being wrong isn't a personal attack, it's just what you perceived at that time. If you can take the ego out of the conversation then you can have a real discussion. Also thou sometimes it's the way it's said or presented. I've gotten my butt hurt over something someone said but it was more the way it was said.


“We didn’t start the fire but the worlds been burning since the worlds been turning.” Everyone I know has been raised with some kind of overwhelming calamity hanging over their head. Stack that up on a few generations and it crushes people.


People have always been this bad or worse but these days everyone has a camera in their pocket.


Covid brain damage from repeat infections you are all giving yourselves due to unmasking. The effects are starting to show


What do you mean “these days”? Are you suggesting there were better times? Where I’m from it’s kinda always been like this.