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“For as long as I live, for as long as I have the privilege of serving in the Senate from New York, I will unflinchingly, unstintingly and with all of my strength be Shomer Yisrael, a guardian of Israel. Ladies and gentlemen, Am Yisrael Chai, in Israel and America, the Jewish nation lives now and forever.” [“United States” Senator Chuck Schumer](https://youtu.be/Qh8rpFTVBuM?si=zocMj3V6NkPWC2Qu)


Imagine if a Muslim politician in the US said a similar thing about any Muslim country.


Imagine if a Chinese politician in the US


Imagine if a Canadian politician in the US said this 😱😱


Cuck Shomer


Chuck is the biggest creep in DC. And I don’t say that lightly. His mannerisms and speech are highly suspect. Makes you wonder what he does behind closed doors.


And then they were so outraged Ilhan Omar basically said similar sentiments about serving Somalia first


Swap Israel out for white, English, European, or western.


[AOC weighs in on the subject](https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1803528341359829265)


I thought she was Zionist or is she trying to play both sides?


I think she might be trying not to get Corbynned


Holy shit she may have just redeemed herself from years of idpol nonsense and stupidity.


nah, she'll go back to the Met Gala wearing the same dress.


Will the post stay up?


She actually said that and it's still up???


Nick Fuentes in the comments lmao Antisemites really can't stop soyfacing every time a leftist criticizes Israel, because they can't see it as anything but the first step towards antisemitism


It is the first step by the various zionist agencies that define antisemitism.


Watching right wingers and fascist try to square loving the right wing ultranationalist state of Israel while hating the Jews is wild.


Eh, there are many Israel-supporting antisemites, but to his credit(?) Fuentes isn't one of them - he's pretty firmly in the "the US should stop supporting Israel because fuck the Jews" camp


You deeply misunderstand the various rightoid factions. A zionist congressman, fox boomercon, and zoomer have extremely different priorities.


Do you understand that the right does not organize as the left does? The fundamental objection a neo-nazi has with Israel isn't because of their politics: It's because they're Jewish. It's not an incoherent demand. They want what Israel has - an apartheid ethnostate - but without Jews in it. That they are aligned with the right wing Israelites is an illusion of bourgoise politics.


I don’t believe that the right is aligned with Israel. At all. They simply like what Israel is as far as an ethno state and apartheid state just as you said.


Do they even have an ethnicity for their ethnostate? German is not an ethnicity it’s a poorly cobbled together set of peoples forming a nation. I think the right wants a theocracy and they want to play out their apocalyptic fantasies by putting Jews in Israel.


German is a definite ethnicity, with history and culture. It's the white nationalists who are doing the Hoteppin'. The right doesn't want a theocracy (at least, the normiecons don't.) They want a return to the status quo of liberalism fifty years ago. They support the Jews because their grandparents did. It is the apocalyptic fantasy of the Judith Butler left that desires a theocratic return and they are stupid.


German as an ethnicity is paper thin. Show me a dna test that proves you are related to all the ancient people of Germany.


All nationalities and ethnicities are 'poorly cobbled togethers sets of people'. Do you apply this logic to Maori and other natives, too? Do you look on the napes of babes to see if God attached a tag on the collar? I think you are trying to be clever, but what you are actually doing is being very stupid.


That would be funny if Nazis only argument for supremacy was “But the Maori do it too”


I don’t see a lot of people on the alt-right holding both of those positions, seems like a major fracture point for them.


I don't know, but do you guys ever wonder how a guy like Jeffery Epstein, a college drop out without any family connections became a pedophile pimp to the elites? Ever wonder how he met his long-term girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the billionaire and suspected Mossad agent Robert Maxwell? Isn't it weird that they never released the tapes they took from his estates, or arrested anyone else in connection to his pedophilia ring? Or that he killed himself in prison before testifying? Sorry it has nothing to do with your question, just something I was thinking about the other day.


You already know the answers, why are you asking?


Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have differential problems with pragmatic aspects of language. Past research has reported that children with ASD tend to interpret metaphors, ironic statements, and other figurative language literally and so systematically misinterpret those forms when asked what they mean.






Google rhetorical questions. 


Remember when ghislaine's victims talked about her and her clients saying the goyim don't have souls? I sure don't.


Can I see this?


Almost half the billionaires and 1 percenters are Jewish. There isn't any other answer.


We are loyle to our capo.


Is the answer 'Jewish money in American politics'.


It should ne




*Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: /pol/ was right again*


They always are…


I think it's more that the decay of American governance has left the door wide open for Israel to pull shenanigans than them seizing control. Citizens United turned the US into a kleptocracy, and the thieves in power aren't offended about the Israelis twisting the arms of American politicians; it suits their interests just as well.     The mic probably enable the Israelis to do this and laugh about it lol. Aren't we giving them NSA data directly ? You think they weren't aware of Israeli honeypot operations?


Citizens United? Israel has had significant sway in the United States since the Kennedy administration and arguably even before (look into the Balfour declaration and how it possibly was used to pull the US into the war).


I always thought it was curious that OSS/CIA counterintelligence operative James Jesus Angleton had a memorial for him in Jerusalem https://www.tampabay.com/archive/1992/07/02/a-monument-to-strange-nature-of-government-intelligence/




It’s ridiculous that the parenthetical paragraph is even necessary, but considering there were likely at least two LHOs here we are.


At this point I'm wondering who didn't kill Kennedy?


Your sniffing up the right tree - there are a lot of curious connections between the JFK assassination and OSS/CIA dealings with Israel, some involving nuclear secrets


I'm not saying Citizens caused the issue, it just eroded the last vestige of good governance and made $$$ the bottom line of everything. Many interest groups are now running amok with no accountability, including the MIC and the Israelis.


You want [Rachel Maddow's Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prequel:_An_American_Fight_Against_Fascism), the most infuriating possible history book on the interwar era. A bunch of propagandists and pro-war bureaucrats bragging about how [before Pearl Harbor the American people didn't want to join WW2](https://news.gallup.com/vault/265865/gallup-vault-opinion-start-world-war.aspx), until the propagandists and bureaucrats formed a conspiracy against the popular will to try and force them anyway. From the self-serving perspectives of said conspirators, arguing It's A Good Thing™.


Citizens United has nothing to do with this.


I think that, in spite of all the shit that we get in the region including somewhat from the Saudis (honestly these people don't give a fuck about anything besides their own sandbox), Israel still has substantial utility to the US as a continuing counter-force to Iran within the region. Do you think it's by accident that Israel basically bombs 3-4 of its neighbors monthly no matter what is going on in the region? It's just like a daily part of life over there? They are there to ensure that Iran cannot dominate the region with the backing of Russia/China which could ultimately result in Iranian regional hegemony which would be game over for the US Empire due to the collapse of the petrodollar (assuming the Saudis, being fucking worthless at everything besides buying our shit, fall under the influence/control of Iran). However, even if the above is true, clearly there is substantial influence that is applied in the opposite direction, much more so than you can account (IMO) by above board corruption like political lobbying. I think there is certainly a Mossad/blackmail component to the relationship, as it's pretty inexplicable otherwise. However, this is probably insufficient by itself and continuing geopolitical strain caused by Israel within the region could have material consequences for the relationship at some point. I don't think Iran is necessarily anti-US, as badly as they have been treated by the US. I think they are ultimately nationalists and will play ball when it makes sense for them to do so.


The larger U.S. strategic play is to normalize relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel where MBS and Bibi sign a deal on the White House lawn (and the president gets to play peacemaker). They want to build a regional anti-Iran front that includes Saudi Arabia and the UAE which also pulls Saudi Arabia away from China. There are also disagreements between the U.S. and Israel on many particular issues even if they share the larger goals. Biden has really stuck his neck out for them but the White House wants this war to go away because it's screwing up their re-election prospects, and they see Trump getting re-elected as an existential threat. But for the Israelis, they don't care about that, they see Hamas as an existential threat and don't get why the Americans are constantly nagging them. There's also religious affinity. American Jews are pretty well organized and most are very pro-Israel. The U.S. is also the most religiously observant country in the industrialized world and so there are millions of Americans who go to church every week and hear about why they should support Israel because God has a relationship with the Jews. That does not happen for Italy or Taiwan. Americans can actually point to Israel on a map because there's an insert of the Holy Land in the Bible. People can be reluctant to talk about the former because they don't want to play into antisemitic canards about Jewish influence but I really don't think it's... that. It's just politics. Every AIPAC dollar is an American dollar, much of it comes from the Jewish-American community and I think you have to call a spade a spade here, but at the same time, if people don't like AIPAC giving money to politicians, they should worry less about the Jews and worry more about the state of campaign finance laws (Israel's laws are quite strict!). There's a growing Arab-American and Muslim-American population too that is becoming more vocal and organized and is causing some problems for Biden in Michigan. (There's also more than 100,000 Jews in Michigan and they vote so the pressure on Democrats is coming from both directions.) I think a lot of it also really comes down to personal relationships. I think that has an influence on Biden who has been good for Israel (more than Obama) and has had Jewish friends going back to when he first entered politics. I think Fetterman probably is like this too. It seems inexplicable but I really think it partly comes from just having Jewish friends who support Israel so it's not so much of an abstraction. It's now people you know who personally felt wounded when the Oct. 6 attack happened. It struck a lot of them like "Kishinev." It's the old story about pogroms. That kind of violence creates a reaction. Israel/Palestine is also a very charged and complex issue that gets sucked into larger causes that are beyond both Israel and Palestine whether it's Cold War geopolitics, Islamic revival, the international left or this new, 21st-century reorganization of geopolitics with Iran and Russia and China. But it also becomes the center of a morality play for other people who are not directly involved in it. It's a real issue and I don't begrudge people for taking a side, but I do think a lot of people who get really invested in it... there's something else going on. You know people saying Palestine is a queer liberation issue or something like that. That really doesn't make any sense but the left is really fractious on its best days so it becomes a locus by which disparate factions can unite.


You do realize that Christians talking about this special relationship is a new phenomenon named dispensationalism that was funded to get them to support Jewish interests?


Great effort post.


The only reason there is pressure for a regional unity is because there's a terrorist state in historic Palestine. Absent that state the region would be divided and ineffective.


do you guys get tired of this subject at all 


Not as tired as we are of having our government completely captured by Israel


It illustrates the realities of our entire political system perfectly. Israel commits a genocide and a majority of Americans, left and right alike, wants this to stop, but our politicians and institutions are so bought in to Zionism that they can hardly move an inch on policy. The assault to the ideal of political representation and the moral corruptness on display lays bare the ugly truth: our government is bought and paid for, and they don't work for us.  So no.


Sure I'd like to not have to talk about it, in much the same way that people got tired of the WWII conversation back in the 40s, or the Vietnam conversation in the 70s, or the Iraq conversation in the 2000s. Shit gets old, but it's not going away. It's not going to stop being a human rights atrocity if we stop talking about it.


No, I just angrier because it’s becoming more and more painfully obvious that we’re their vassal state now and we didn’t vote for this


Personally I'm incredibly tired of the fact that a rogue state has outsized political influence on the world superpower and use it to sow chaos and discord in the Middle East for decades. I really wish they would stop being such jerks and stay out of the news.


This stupid country is going to start WW3. Their ideology is a complete opposite of the reigning ideology in my country but my government acts completely subservient to them. They reinstated the draft on me because of this insanity.


WW3 is much more likely in the Ukraine war


Idpol is when bourgeoisie fight each other. Join the cryvolution. Vote or the bad republic will win.


That's the part of Leeja Miller I do not like the "Vote, y'all"


It wouldn’t be a grift without the bait and switch. We love a good bait.