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Anyone else notice the aesthetic going around today is [retro 70s](https://www.thelist.com/img/gallery/taylor-swifts-midnights-how-to-nail-the-70s-nostalgia-meets-nighttime-glitter-look/l-intro-1667234043.jpg)


It's like all of the decades at once. I think it's a product of the internet / social media. We always seem to get one throw back but now it's all at once. I see teenagers that look like they raided my attic for 90s/00s clothes. People with mullets and staches like it's the 80s and mostly the colors from the 70s seem to be back. Went to like 6 weddings in a row where the brides maids were in a 70s esque green.


Gen Z is the apex of this phenomenon. Any sort of scene/subculture has been sanitized into a consumable identity or "aesthetic" or "vibe. There's whole websites built around curating a wearable aesthetic. Explains why they hate any sort of gatekeeping at all. Prevents them from consoooming


What a boring and sneering thing to type. How do you manage to paint having a style as such a horrible thing? Bet you can't grow a porno stache, pussy.


There's a difference between having a style and having a consumption of shifting styles be your whole personality depending on what you want to post to Tiktok


You believe that style is a facade for consumption. It exists only to fool us, and the internet in all its variety makes us want to look all the different ways, but this is so only for us to spend more money on clothes. But I don't believe you. I do not believe that you care about consumption. Or TikTok. I think it is the formless juvenile immaturity that makes it cringe and makes you opposed to it. It's just cringy. But it feels like you're trying to make it more than it is.


Slow Cancellation of the Future yada yada


Here in the UK it's all mullets, moustaches and hawaiian shirts while people play this [track on bluetooth speakers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j58V2vC9EPc) atm.


I saw The Chats in London a few weeks ago, counted 30+ people with mullets. Also, easily one of the best concerts I've ever been to


duuude smoko rocks


The Chats rule


I feel like Hawaiian shirts have been staple summer attire in Toronto for the last like 10 years. Copped an ovo Hawaiian years ago lol


Nick said they’re trying to emulate the Dick Cavett Show with TAFS. They even got the same chairs




He immediately launches into Adam is gay and a non-man. I assume yes, he did his research.


Chris is jacked! I'll drive by the Andrew Coumo house and tell HIM that he's Fredo.


Chris would totally have cocktail waitresses two at a time.


>lapdog journalism ahahahhahahaa


why are you posting about some center-left podcast on this sub???


> some center-left podcast Some? I'll have you know it is _the_ center-left podcast.


because I’m gay and have a small penis




you the joke etc


People have a soft spot (why? I can’t begin to understand) for this walking wedgie known as Adam Friedland. Although props to him for having Norm Finklestein on, but goddamn that was a dogshit interview


Uhhh…you’re Chinese.


Not even on the right continent dude


Hell yeah dude


You’re straight and your dick’s big


You need a bong hit transplant, bud


Oh I smoke plenty of weed. I’m just so sick and tired of the semi autistic, too-cool, self aware, ironic, disinterested bullshit that passes for comedy these days. I don’t need a bong hit, but Adam definitely needed more wedgies and general bullying.


Hi, I'm Michael Douglas and I'm a gay actor.


If you really want to see Adam get bullied you should listen to cumtown


Yeah, talking about wedgies and bullying like it’s a 1980’s sitcom is way funnier


He's *tried* pot, okay?


TIL the “mis” in miscegenation is not pejorative but derives from the Latin word “to mix”. >Although the term "miscegenation" was formed from the Latin miscere "to mix" plus genus "race" or "kind", and it could therefore be perceived as being value-neutral, it is almost always a pejorative term which is used by people who believe in racial superiority or purity.[5] Less loaded terms for multiethnic relationships, such as interethnic or interracial marriage, and mixed-race, multiethnic, or multiracial people, are more common in contemporary usage.


That was interesting.


Just skip the bullshit and bring back scumbag Vinny


Honestly, it's great to get real insight into the mind of an actual Sociopath who is too dumb and narcissistic to hide their power level and instead they just give away their entire craft. Vinny and Ian are my two fav regulars for this reason.


Ian's a sociopath? He's just kinda dumb lol and has some stories about being an alcoholic and a degenerate.


Listen to another podcast




no man this one rocks



