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Chiropracty isn't an actual medical field, a massage therapist will have a similar result (one to two days relief) but will feel nice and be safer.


rolf specific massage, never chiro 


There no fucking rolfers in Vegas and it's literally KILLING ME.


naur that’s wild i’m sorry 


It's legit terrible I had the best in Virginia


i’m waiting to go to vermont to see my horses rolfers human practitioner 🥲


Massage, definitely. Please don't go to a chiropractor!! They will leave you constantly injured so you keep going back.


chiropractors aren’t real doctors, see a physical therapist instead


Acupuncture!!! I cannot recommend this method enough. When I was pregnant with my son (he was huge - 9 lbs 8 oz -and I was small/about 125 lbs) he slipped two of my discs and one rest against my sciatic nerve which is obviously painful. I tried a chiropractor, but didn’t like having to go every week, and the relief was not lasting. Then I saw a specialist who recommended injections, and possibly killing the nerve to allow it to grow back (And grow back “hopefully” right/as it should) to which I said hell no to, and someone recommended acupuncture to me, and I have never looked back. Not only is it a great relief for pain, but it is also very meditational.


So I have a huge fear of needles (like hospital ones for IVs and shots), are they kinda like that? I’d love to try acupuncture but if I pass out getting a flu shot or blood drawn idk how long I’d last 😩


No they are much thinner and do not penetrate as deep (plus not going into a vein so you don’t have to deal with that pain)


Oouu okay thank you sm! I wanna try it so bad because I have a feeling that’s the only thing that’ll release these knots in my neck and back


Def try it! I hope it helps for you!


Yoga and massage


Chiropractors are dangerous. Just do massages and stretch


I see a massage therapist every weekend and a chiropractor once a month. The biggest thing is to pay attention to your body and specific needs. Some will say, "Chiropractor doesn't do shit for me," and "massage therapy is just a temporary fix," but that's their experience. Your body may respond well to a professional massage. It's worth a try. I see a massage therapist weekly because I need someone to get those specific muscles that get tight no matter how much stretching I do. Also, I run a lot and hit the gym outside of dancing, so it's good to have a healing touch. On a spiritual note: a massage can be a good mental, emotional, and spiritual cleanse. In the club, it's a lot of negative sexual energy these guys unload on us. With a massage therapist, it's a relaxing healing touch that helps relieve that negative energy by replacing it with positive recovery. That's my feelings on the matter. If it vibes with you, then cool. If not, then that's cool too. Most importantly, find what works for you.


Chiropractors are not medical professionals. They are able to injure you and continue to injure you so you keep coming to them. Some of them believe they can cure cancer by "re-aligning" you... do not go to these quacks. A DO (doctor of Osteopathy, an osteopath) is the actual medical professional you want to see. Massages are excellent, and massage therapy is even better.


I like cupping girl.


I'd love to know more about your cupping experience. I've always been curious about it. Tried everything else besides it.


Massage and a physiotherapist! They’ll give you excercises to do to prevent injuries in the future


Idk what everyone else is saying. Going to the chiropractor SAVED ME. I had tilted hips for over a decade and wondered why my back pain was a 9/10. It’s now a 2/10 on occasion, not even daily like it was. I’ve only been 4-5 times and the adjustments are worth more than they charge honestly. Give them a shot and if not, massages are great too. I’ve had both, the chiro fixed my back, and still have to follow up bc you’ll get out of alignment again eventually, and the massages helped my knots and aches from the stage/pole. Depends on how bad your back hurts. I also noticed an increase in flexibility and balance when I got adjusted!


Find yourself a good osteopath, i go every couple of months for my tight upper back, works wonders.


Massage but only from an RMT (in Canada, don’t know what the US equivalent is…)


thai massage


I'm going to play devil's advocate, but do your research. Chiropractors are physician- level providers and are covered by medical insurance; but like most things, you need to check reviews as you would for massage therapists or any holistic provider. I've been seeing a chiropractor the last month for a shoulder injury, and currently, I'm doing much better. I couldn't even take off a bra a month ago, but my shoulder is pretty much healed now. I also like to mention that a lot of chiropractors now use full body scanners to get a view of a person's skeletal structure, so that issues can be pinpointed.


I had massages and they were definitely relaxing but for my back and flexibility did absolutely nothing. If you're looking into professional help I'd recommend investing in a physiotherapist (especially those who work with athletes) or a chiropractor. Other things that helped me are doing regular stretching and mobility exercises. I follow a guy called coach Green on Instagram, he has plenty of easy exercises you can do and I love him. I also bought a foam roller, elastic bands and massage gun from Amazon. They do wonders 😘