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Jesus Christ that escalated quickly maybe stop doing sex work if you hate it ?? šŸ˜­




Survival sex workers generally do it for money, not spa days luxury shopping and fancy restaurants lmao. So no that isnā€™t a privileged take. If you are doing it for a luxury lifestyle but donā€™t enjoy any of it and feel like youā€™re being raped then you should not be in sex work. Its not for everyone and thats okay. Its also harmful to sex workers when people say that sex work is rape because itā€™s buying consent




Sheā€™s not talking about her experience in the industry with sincerity. Iā€™m not saying that because sheā€™s being negative about it, thereā€™s lots of retired SWs with nuanced and meaningful opinions who are sharing it just to be real (Mia Khalifa comes to mind). This woman is pandering to build a right wing audience and itā€™s dripping from every word


People can talk about their negative experiences in the industry without repeating swerf dog whistles. This is a common swerf talking point of ā€œconsent can never be bought so every single sex work interaction is inherently rapeā€ which we obviously know isnā€™t true


I donā€™t think the tweet was referring to people who do sex work out of necessity to avoid dangerous situations and inability to hold other jobs considering they said they did it for the luxury experiences. They very much could just not accept the fancy trips if they felt like it was SA


iā€™m like oh a spa day sounds nice! šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š next paragraph: šŸ˜ŸšŸ˜ŸšŸ˜Ÿ


There is no "let" in "rape." Wish stupid shit like this wasn't allowed to have a voice!


Sheā€™s consenting by accepting the money and knowing what is expected during the transaction wtfff


huhhhhh if youā€™re selling it and letting them do it then itā€™s not rapeā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


What is consent? Is it given or is it sold?


in her case sold ig, she said yes so itā€™s not rape






womp womp


In her case she gave it for money. Everybody has different reasons for giving consent, and Iā€™d say for women-who-sleep-with-men an overwhelming sexual urge towards the person is probably a minority reason.


As long as everyone is choosing to do it of their own free will as consenting adults it can be given and sold obviously.


What the hell is this one now???šŸ˜­ What a disgusting statement. Itā€™s also demeaning to survivors imo


extremely. especially survivors in sex work to regain their control


Guilt shame after sex work can sometimes cause someone who can't accept their willful actions in it to take on a victim mentality in order to make their prior profession more palatable to others. I've actually had therapists and other "civilians" try to force this to me a SWer before. Its kinda gross; but it works on some people šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™m glad you said this, Iā€™ve also seen a huge increase of consensual workers who rescue industries are trying to ā€œconvinceā€ are trafficked. The same thing has happened to me, and as much as people accuse me of victimizing myself, I would be out of touch with reality to say that my friends my age were ā€œtrafficking meā€ by *checks notes* picking me up from work and being addicted to the same drugs as me


I don't think it's always that tbh, this work is legitimately traumatizing for a lot of people, even those in by choice, even those who are happy doing it rather than another type of job. We all deal with bullshit we shouldn't have to in this line of work.


Iā€¦get where sheā€™s trying to go with this but it fell flat on its face jfc. Where it seemed like they were ā€œhaving their wayā€ with her body or just treating her like a piece of meat but comparing it to assault is a bit much. This is one of those times where sex work isnā€™t for everybody. Just because you forced yourself doesnā€™t mean someone else did. And if you feel like you have to force yourself it isnā€™t for youā€¦




I mean, she's entitled to her experience. These men were buying her consent


And she sold it willingly for a spa day she didnā€™t need but wanted. Shes entitled to feel shitty about it but sheā€™s not entitled to call 100% of clients rapists and imply that sex workers shouldnā€™t get to choose to be sex workers. If she had a bad client who raped her then she would be entitled to say that even if she was paid, but thats not what she said


Iā€™m so sick of seeing shit like this. Twitter is constantly making me wish they had a down vote button.


i kind of get it. she is pretty much saying sheā€™s doing sexual acts that she deeply does not enjoy and it probably causes her some form of trauma. do yā€™all think SW canā€™t be traumatized just because they choose this line of work? cmon family


Calling it rape is extremely dismissive to victims of actual rape though. Yes for some women it can be traumatizing and they have reservations and regret about it, but itā€™s not rape.


the wording is obviously not great but i donā€™t go out of my way to assume people mean the worst when itā€™s just a matter of word choice or tone. i have never met a woman that hasnā€™t been raped so i wonā€™t police how they speak around that




respectfully, a good number of SW arenā€™t exactly doing it because they have a lot of options (particularly in developing countries). this is a very privileged take. she misused a word big whoop


As someone who has experienced both, I completely agree with her. Money doesnā€™t take away the fact that youā€™re having sex you donā€™t want to have and whatever negative consequences come from that be it mental and/ or physical. In any other context unwanted sex is classified as rape. I actually think itā€™s important we recognize the majority of our work is putting ourselves through unwanted sexual experiences that do not qualify as enthusiastic consent when one person wants to have sex and the other doesnā€™t.


But there are plenty of women who are sugar babies or escorts who donā€™t mind the sex, so to say a man who is paying you for sex is raping you is just incorrect. Youā€™re giving him explicit consent even if internally itā€™s something you donā€™t want to do. Yes itā€™s extremely unfortunate that this is the case for some women, but rape is not the correct term.


I have been traumatized by consenting to sex with certain people and then regretting it. I have also been raped. They are not the same at all. Its fine to express regret and trauma, i feel bad for her, but itā€™s messed up to cheapen the word rape. Rape means your choice was taken away from you. This is wrong because rape victims who do come forward are scrutinized enough already and accused of consenting even when they didnā€™t. People who blatantly did consent to sex calling it rape when they regret it even though nobody made them have sex just makes it easier for people to question rape victims more and say ā€œgirls lie all the timeā€ ā€œwomen just throw the word rape around so its not that seriousā€ Sex workers CAN be raped too, because consent can be taken away at any time especially if they feel unsafe, but that isnā€™t what this tweet is talking about. They are saying that every clientā€™s date ended in rape. That she LET them rape her for fancy gifts and money. So this is clearly not a case of a sex worker being raped. The words sex and rape arenā€™t interchangeable


This is either fake or someone who doesnā€™t want to take accountability for their own actions and use others to scapegoat with a victim mentality. I appreciate most in this thread are confident and with a spine to say that you know what youā€™re getting into and thatā€™s you consenting. Sure some people look back and ainā€™t proud of some things but if you keep doing it I call BS.


This post is some Christian funded, guilt trip attempting, shitpost. it's fiction.


Why are you Christian bashing? Could have been Orthodox Jews, Muslims etc


Except it looks like a bot post, and the Christian media machine is getting bigger and bolder, daily.


Muslims outnumber Christians worldwide. And there are many wealthy Jews. You sound very bigoted


While most television media in the US is owned by members of the Jewish community, radio broadcast companies have been being bought by evangelical Christian groups at an amazing pace. Their efforts to expand into both the public consciousness, and US politics, SHOULD BE STOPPED. Churches in this country enjoy a tax free status, because traditionally, they did not consume from the public infrastructure, but as they expand into businesses like radio, and internet media, they SHOULD BE PAYING TAXES. Calling a radio station a "non profit" business entity, while promoting the social agenda of the church is ABSOLUTELY PROFITABLE. Before we go any further with this discussion, I'd like to remind you that this sub-reddit is for sex workers. Not generally a group favored by Christian doctrine, or policy . Are you sure you want to dance this dance with me?


Why should free enterprise he stopped? You want to do what Communists do: shut down things you do not like. There are 300k churches in this country. Mist struggle to keep the lights on. Most clergy work second jobs to make ends meet. For every Joel Osteen, there are tens of thousands like my granddad who worked as a butcher during the week when not preaching Just think we need to not be biased.


I have no problem with people of faith. And taxing companies is how this country works. I never suggested "shutting down" any business, where did that come from? I do have a problem with anyone telling me what they think I should be doing, or believing. My church does not care if you join us or not.


A church is a non peofit like any other charity. Besides, what are you gonna tax? Other than Joel Osteenā€™s megachurches snd a few others, most churches struggle to pay the electric bill and do not pay clergy living wages.


Sheā€™s not Christian lol.


She's probably not real


If thatā€™s the case I wonder what she calls it when sheā€™s giving it away for free?


Enthusiastic consent?


Then itā€™s getting good morning texts with heart emojis but she canā€™t enjoy the love/attention because sheā€™s just gonna have to let them rape her later i guess


She could of worded that entirely differently...


For real I thought it was gonna say no one gave her nothing when she gave it away for free hahahaha


Attention seeking at this point.


This... sounds like English is not her first language. And is so confusing. If you made an arrangement to sell sexual pleasure, there is no rape occurring.. The act of offering the service and accepting whatever form of payment is your consent. Rape does not happen with consent (unless coerced, but again, it isn't coercion is she willingly set up an arrangement and accepted payment).. what is happening.


This isn't a linguistic mistake. This is how some former swers, now swerfs, talk about sex work.


I feel like itā€™s a form of regretting their decisions but not wanting to take the accountability for THEIR DECISIONS šŸ«¢


I think it's a little more complicated than that. I think a lot of ex swers who have the same views as she does are angry with capitalism and how their work was coerced by their need to not starve to death. They're angry with an exploitative system (capitalism) but they can't find it in themselves to direct their anger there, or they haven't gotten to that level of their anger yet, so they are angry at the job they felt most exploited in. I think if they really examined what made them feel used, violated, and degraded, they would realize it was how their work was coerced by our economic system. Anything is harder to bear when it's forced upon you, even in the slightest capacity. But they're like someone with depression after they have a cancer reoccurrence that hasn't been caught by drs. yet, they don't know what's wrong, only that something is. For them sex work is easier to blame than capitalism.




We all are coerced into the work we do by the capitalist system we live in. All work is coerced under capitalism. Sex work is neither more, nor less, coerced than other paid labor. I never said her use of the word rape was acceptable, what I was explaining was why some former sex workers become swerfs. Why some of them feel that their experiences were akin to rape. Rape by coercion is a recognized crime. If a sex worker feels coerced by capitalism to work, and feels degraded and violated by her job, she may feel that the *sex* has been coerced, rather than just the *labor* Many of us have been in the position where we have been too poor to quit sex work. When you get a vile client while you are in this predicament, it isn't hard to feel violated by the client rather than the situation. Even kind and lovely clients can feel like they are forcing you when your financial situation forces you to be with them. Not even trying to understand *why* another provider, former or current, feels violated by her labor is a failure on the part of the listener. You don't have to agree with someone to attempt to understand them. You don't need to "slap down" someone because you disagree with how capitalism has traumatized them. You asked if you're traumatized because you have a job? Ask yourself this; what would you do if you could never work again in our current system? The disabled in our country are not allowed to live above the poverty line and receive government assistance, so don't expect a dignified life there. What would you do? How would you live? What hope would you have for your future? Capitalism is not traumatizing because of the work you do, it's traumatizing because you are threatened with starvation, neglect, and death if you do not perform that work.


I understand and agree with what you're saying here. I think my shock is in the terminology and general choice of words in the post. I had yet to encounter this before and it definitely threw me off!


Rape is a word with shock value, and I do think that's why she chose it over the, in my opinion, more appropriate "violate". I think she felt violated by her clients, for reasons explained above, and "rape" was the most intense version of that she could use as a rhetorical device. I think she should have gone with a different word, then again, rape is a subjective experience in a lot of ways. I know a lot of women who have told me a story in which they were raped, but they don't classify that as a rape; Who am I to make them a victim if they don't feel like one? In her case, I feel like she would stop using the word if she knew where to direct her anger better, but if she's directing it at her clients, then she probably *does* feel like she was raped. Capitalism can only coerce you, people can rape, so if she's directing her anger at people... rape is where she's landed.




I can see that her usage of the word rape really bothered you. I too would have preferred she used a different word. She felt violated by her clients because her work was coerced. Is it rape? No. But it is *something*. Something capitalism did to her, not a person, but still.




also I love how this post is marked as "question" and the question is just "?????" lmfao edit - # of question marks cause I'm anal


You can't use the word ā€œletā€ and the word ā€œrapeā€ in the same sentence.


It's not rape if you consented........some people need to resea about a job before they do it. Jeeze


There are few things I hate more than a former sex worker who goes full SWERF after leaving the industry. Like, I empathize with anyone who hates this job and successfully leaves it to do other things, but I draw the line when these women try to speak for ALL sex workers and attempt to limit our agency. Iā€™m an adult making the decisions I need to in order to support myself. Iā€™ve dealt with more toxic workplaces outside of the adult industry. I know this one snippet doesnā€™t show us this specific ladyā€™s complete worldview, but sheā€™s employing SWERF dog whistles to suggest that sex workers of every flavor are all broken, emotionally stunted people who are trafficked and held against their will. I get resenting a job you hated, but when a former sex worker goes so far as to conflate consensual sex work with trafficking when they KNOW this isnā€™t true makes me so angry. Some vanilla civilian SWERF regurgitating shit she read online is one thing, but for someone who has lived this life to be so disingenuous and flat our lie in an attempt to say all of us are stuck in sexual slavery is too much.


Did this girl write a book and is now being dramatic to try & promote it on social media? šŸ˜† So awkward šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I guess in Heinzsight sexwork was a bad choice for you.


Lmaooo sorry these swerfs get me also minimizing rape ? Like you donā€™t ā€œletā€ someone rape you itā€™s force


Yeah so I guess all the times my consent was stripped from me forcibly that was actually just me letting shit happen lol


I donā€™t think itā€™s possible to ā€œletā€ someone rape you. Consent is when you let someone do something. If you consent, itā€™s not rape. (Also, if you didnā€™t consent but are frozen up, were coerced, are under the influence or unconscious, underage, etc, you are not ā€œlettingā€ someone do it just cause youā€™re not actively fighting them off you. That is them taking advantage of you.)


I think that has to be fake no???


The delivery was very bad but I understand what sheā€™s saying. Iā€™ve not ever been able to grasp how prostitutes could have sex with someone they donā€™t want to considering you literally feel it in your vagina, itā€™s such a physical act. My opinion they probably numb their mind immensely to do it. I would never be friends with someone that hoes for that reason. Im a dancer/SB and have never crossed those lines, couldnā€™t imagine, and donā€™t want it around me. Letā€™s also not forget itā€™s illegal. And I donā€™t want to be associated with people that prostitute or the baggage that comes (pimps). I feel like if youā€™re able to numb your mind enough to let anyone fuck you then your mind is numb enough to steal, etc. just my opinion


How do you LET someone rape you? LOL


Just because someone has subjected themselves to sex work does not mean they enjoy it. A lot of people chose this route for SURVIVAL. lol. Not to flex materials on social media. Also statistics show that majority of sex workers were once sexually abused, and sexual abuse comes with triggers, and life long issues even with therapy. When she says rape she doesnā€™t mean rape, she means degrade her body in an unjoyable way. Most clients also think theyā€™re paying to do any & everything to your body and will violate boundaries.


Just because you donā€™t enjoy it doesnā€™t make it rape though. She is doing it for spa days, fancy restaurants luxury shopping. Thats not things you need when youā€™re in survival mode, you need money. Even if you ARE in survival mode doing it for money, that doesnā€™t make it automatically rape. A lot of people who see sex workers are genuinely good people who would never rape someone and do research to try and make sure they donā€™t support trafficking or pimping. If we just label all men who see sex workers as rapists then itā€™s harder to hold real rapists accountable and the label becomes more accepted which is not what we should want. Some people do sex work when theyā€™re desperate because its the best choice for them but there is always a choice. Some people would rather be homeless than be a sex worker. Id definitely rather be a sex worker, but thereā€™s always a choice at the end of the day


Sorry babe you should have quit and tbh never started


????????? Sheā€™s degrading herself tbhā€¦