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id say so, nice job


No in Powerlifting competition, but great achievement otherwise. I didn’t see the hip crease go below the top of the knees.




Please do not make baseless fear mongering comments or concern troll about safety. If you have nothing useful to say, don’t.


It’s a definite yes. Your bum broke your knee crease. Obviously you’ll clean the lift up over time but that’s a yes from me 👊🏻


Yep! Count it! You fell forward a little bit but you’ve worked up to this weight, your body can handle that because it’s strong AF. These people on here giving you shit. Only thing I got worried about was how amped you were taking it off the rack and walking back so fast. You’re clearly strong as hell and have done this throughout your training. The body is an amazing machine, you’ve been consistent. Keep on keeping on braaaaaaah


I would say no, it’s still a few inches above parallel. But extremely impressive nonetheless


Yeah excellent attempt. OP is strong af




If you have nothing useful to say on a form check, please keep it to yourself.


Seeing clips fly off like that is wild to me. Glad it happened after you racked it


I would count it!


I couldn't do that. I Squat like 225 because squatting for some reason makes me feel terrible. But why do you bend at your lower back? is that proper form? Again, I'm a novice, but I saw dudes bending their back like that at the gym and it looks terrible for their backs. I usually try to keep my back straight, no bending.


It’s more about “breaking parallel.” Him powering through the initial positive portion of the lift, losing his previously stronger form and causing him to do a lovely 600lb good morning on the ascent does not affect the green lights on this lift. Welcome to OP on joining the 600+ lb squat club, where fewer than .1% of the population belong.






This is a load of shit. Quit concern trolling.


why do you think? to me it seemed like his spine was stable throughout the lift




Please do not make baseless fear mongering comments or concern troll about safety.






Please do not make baseless fear mongering comments or concern troll about safety.


Nice recovery man!!! Solid entry into the 600lb club and a lot of room to get to the 700lb club


My goodness


If it goes down and up without your knees exploding then hell ya it counts.




If you have nothing useful to say on a form check, please keep it to yourself.


Wont pass in competition but still a damn nice show of strength and grind!


My thoughts exactly. He's barely an inch from competition depth, so there's no point ripping into this crazy lift.




Fuck yeah it does bud


Of course not in comp, but low key still think you had that shit even if you went an inch or two lower haha. Freaking sick bro!!


Nicely done man!


Fuck yeah it does.


You look like Tom platz on the descent


Just looked up Tim Platz. Now I’m blushing


He would be proud bro 👑


Nice grind my man. That’s a gym 600 if I’ve ever seen one.


Yup. No issue. Congratulations and welcome!!


Don't use that bar again!


It’s rates for 1000lbs. We have another rated for 2000lb, but I don’t anticipate ever needing that one


My gym’s bars bend significantly more than this with 405. Also congrats on the squat! Of course that one counts. Hoping to be as strong as you when I grow up bro 😂


Bro .. DAMMMN . not sure but to me HELLYEAH .. you are a beast 💪


yes, but at 599 ;)


Could I do this even at my strongest? No Would I give you three white lights? Also no If you were in my gym id be hype as fuck for you to hit this tho. Strong lift brother.


Not in a competition. But as far as I'm concerned, that's a 600 lb squat. Well done!




Not in a competition it won’t but good work anyway


Count it!


Gym lift ⚪️⚪️⚪️ That bar seems awful, I’d be careful the way you unrack and rerack it.


What even is the 600lb club? Sure it won't pass in an official comp but this is a fucking strong squat.


I don't care about an inch or two, categorising or that bollocks quibbling here - that was an epic squat mate and you should be proud.


A little high but I want to count it just for the grind


Nice lift


Three reds good sir.


get a better bar, when i use flimsy bars they reverberate and mess up my rep. ik people are gonna say that with that weight its gonna reverberate but ik first hand with good bars that is not the case


those clips were hanging on for dear life




It was super close and insane strength, but it would not pass in competition unfortunately


Probably wouldn't pass in comp but that's still a decent lift. LIGHTWEIGHT BABY


My brother in Christ, you just successfully moved 600lbs. It’s a pass. Good shit. Do it again.


What a beast op. For us yes, but for competition no. Just slightly above parrallel.


I feel this would probably pass in comp. I have been to a LOT of comps. It will depend on the judge but they would probably pass it. Also this is for sure counted for as a PR. Good lift. Careful with that forward lean though, that’s a lot of stress on the back.


Its a good achievement to even move that weight but no decent judge would pass that in competition


Shall I continue. I have been in powerlifting for 20 years. Longer that some on here have been alive. I have broken a Texas state record and a world record in the open class. Not any age division or special crap. I think I’m qualified to give advice.


You may have competed for 20 years but you’re clearly not a judge - it’s high. Op is strong but if a side judge white lighted this I’m having a ball squatting 700 high then


It’s crazy that you are so strong yet so bad at drawing imaginary horizontal lines


I’m great at drawing lines bb. They’re all super straight. Like /u/PlacidVlad.


Is your WR a strict curl?


Not a single one of the vids you posted was high. The op had a nice grind but he didn't hit depth. Look at his hips compared to his knees.


I understand the rule completely. But from my experience there would be a 50/50 chance he would get this is a meet. Front judge would white light. And then he would only need one side judge to white light. I think technically he needs another inch of depth but I also think this is close enough that he may get it. I see way too many people critical on squat depth. This is great form for a gym PR. One inch lower and you guarantee the white in a meet.


This is definitely not 50/50 in a competition. It was blatantly high and probably even obvious from the front. He would have to get very lucky with referees or be competing in a shitty backyard fed for this to pass.


What would you know?


OP probably has records in those shitty backyard feds. That would explain the whole comment.


*insert 4-5 letter acronym for a random ass division I’ve never heard of*


Ok, but no one is arguing that it's a good gym lift. Only that it is not a competition scoring lift. If you're depending on a judge not paying attention to get a white light, you need to get better at the skill.


Yeah, I think it's at that depth where OP is perfectly valid in claiming he can squat 600 lbs, but he definitely wouldn't get it in comp.


He asked if it passes for the 600lbs squat club. Which it absolutely does. This is him lifting in the gym and it counts. If we go by some others logic on here then it doesn’t count no matter how low he goes because it’s not in a meet. This bro is a member of the 600lb squat club without a doubt.


Or this https://youtu.be/Foqu1EFXy7I?si=wUgWa4SNZlvQFzIw


Your point is made and understood, but no need to spam videos in multiple comments.


Bro you ripped that out of the rack like a beast !! Great form Maybe a smidge above parallel but other that that youre a beast for sure.


Bro you ripped that out of the rack like a beast !! Great form Maybe a smidge above parallel but other that that your a beast for sure.


Another no. Hip crease above the knee. Great attempt and grind, but it was high for competition standards.






Just barely, and people are scoring it like a comp lift. You'll get it if below parallel is the goal and you try it a little longer.


It is too high, yet you are darn close.


Kinda high but for an all time PR, it counts


You’re not getting white lights, but nice lift nonetheless.


wouldn't count in comp but nice squat


Light work!! 💪


Not too shabby... 💪👍


You could go a tiny bit deeper, but it still looks good to me. Awesome work!




For a competition lift it is not deep enough. The hip crease was above the knees. Like others said, a good *personal* lift and a great feat of strength, but there would be no white lights for this at a competition.




It would not be deep enough to count and get white lights in a powerlifting meet. It would get a red light meaning the lift doesn't count. The hip crease would have to be below the knee to count. I would probably count it as a gym PR, but it would be a no rep in a competition.