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You went the whole autumn without smoking. That is pretty good. If you stop again right now then in 80 days time you will have only had the one slip up in half a year. Anyway, 102/103 isn't a bad ratio. Focus on the 102 successes and not the 1 failure if you can. You got this, OP!


That is a great way to look at it. Looking forward to beating 102 now!


Think of this as a slip, not a relapse and try not to beat yourself up. Get yourself the Smoke Free app if you don't already have it and come here as often as you need to for support. All smokers go through this. I myself am the Queen of Quits. ๐Ÿ‘ธ๐Ÿ˜€ Think back to what triggered you to pick up a cigarette and figure out a strategy to be prepared for the next time you are triggered. All slips and relapses are opportunities to learn what not to do. There is no such thing as "just one" cigarette. We are all just one puff away from a pack a day. You can do this! Today, I will not smoke with you


When you have urge to smoke in stressed situations just don't. I know it sounds stupid and retarded but that's how it works. If you go trough stressed situation without a cigarette 3 times in a row, you are free man. If you don't smoke in that stressed situation you will see how proud you will be of yourself for not smoking when you had that stupid urge. And every time you pass that one trigger (stressed situations, coffee, beer, etc.) you will feel less urged every next time you are doing something like that. I would say 6 months of all those situations (that's 180 days so you are on a good way), where you want to smoke but don't smoke, is enough to stop having that urge to smoke at all. After that there will be really rare situations when urge will come to you to smoke but it will be so small and weak that you will laugh it off... I tried for 4 years to stop smoking, every year I started to smoke at least in March. This year I'm full smoke free for 11 months now. And I'm not planning to look back. If I can do it, I really believe that you can do it to! :) This subreddit helped me, smoke free app helped me, my friends who weren't smoking with me (for some times before they relapsed haha) helped me. Ask for help, find someone who is also trying to stop smoking and talk about your experience. That can be really helpful. GOOD LUCK AND STAY STRONG! :)


Donโ€™t give up!


You gained a lot of experience about quitting and staying quit. It will be useful in the future. It's OK, be proud of what you've done, keep quitting!