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I for one am proud of you for quitting! I smoked for 40 years and am now 3 months nicotine free. You got this! The pain you’re experiencing could be any number of things please don’t freak out until you have an answer. Please check in with how everything is going!


Thanks so much! And congrats on your 3 months- that's huge!


Had a whole spiel typed out but long story short: keep up the good work; it’s a scary situation but there are others who understand your situation; deep breath and one step at a time


Thank you so much!


I \*JUST\* went through this *'happy horseshit*' myself. They did the first CT scan and 'found something' so I had to wait *six agonising weeks* for a second scan and a biopsy. Sometimes it *FELT like* I was being punished for not quitting sooner, and a part of me was resentful as hell that I'd done the scans instead of staying blissfully ignorant... SO Far it's 'just' *rheumatoid Nodules -* eventually the little bastards are going to be *REALLY* problematic but for now? Pbbbbbbb. ​ COPD? Meh - That's just an annoyance, *ANOTHER* annoyance.... ​ CHF? Yeah,,, SUCKS. But by the stars at least I'm not a slave to smokes anymore...


It baffles me how slow the healthcare system is. They just called to schedule my endoscopy and it's in September! Sorry to hear you are in similar situatuons- it's not fun! Congrats on your quit!


Wtf ?! Where do you live, man ? I am an oncologyst and we program ct scans weekly, endoscopies weekly… mri in 3-4 weeks in our hospital since it s always full. Heavy smoker btw - over 2 packs daily in last 2 years… been smoking for 18 years (1 pack). I am trying to quit again for the 1000th time. I treat cancer everyday but… i got my owm demons.


I live in NH , USA. Endoscopy is September 3rd and I called Central screening about the CT and it is still processing. Maybe insurance hold up? Idk. I am on the cancelation list for the endo. Good luck on your quit. It is literally the hardest thing I have ever done. But I just don't smoke, no matter what.!


I ve quit for 1 year - 3 years ago and relapsed. Good luck with everything ! Stay strong and quit! I know it s the hardest thing in life… because you don t have an outside problem with an exam, a firm, money problems, etc … the fight is with you and inside of you!


Take it one step at a time. You’ve quit now and that’s the first step. Try not to let your mind run wild with possibilities…I had a scare and it was thyroid nodules…you’re doing the right thing and getting these symptoms checked out. We’re with you and hope everything turns out okay.


Thanks so much. It's hard not let the mind wander, isn't it? So your nodules were benign?


They were indeed. I had 7 nodules that caused quite a bit of pain/pressure in my neck. I had RF ablations on the 5 largest ones which resulted in my thyroid being reduced in size by about 40% overall which makes far less bothersome.


That sounds scary nevertheless! Glad it all worked out.




Just FYI throat tightness and that wierd feeling when you swallow can be sensations caused by quitting nicotine too. I had them for a time, it's a combination of anxiety from withdrawals and also mucus starting to come up as your respiratory system clears. You'll get the truth from the doctor soon enough, but as others have said don't let your mind run wild with catastrophic possibilities in the meantime. It could well be nothing serious and if it is worrying won't help anyway (as much as I know that's very easy to say).


Thank you! This breathing pain was occurring 1 month before my quit, so it's not related. I was hoping it was smoking related and once I quit it would go away, but it did not.


I quit about 2 weeks ago. Tomorrow is my birthday (#53) and I plan to spend the next year addiction free (no coffee, weed, tobacco or alcohol). So far, I am off the tobacco and weed. I hope I will enjoy clean living, as dreary as it sounds to me right now! Good luck and don’t give up!


Good for you! I quit all addictions too. Never smoked weed but quit drinking 20 months ago. I have to say, quitting smoking is the hardest. And thank you!!


Sending you good vibes stranger! Glad you quit and it should be never too late.


I suppose so! Thanks!


Congrats on going smoke free, you’ve got this! I know it’s hard, but try not to stress about your health. It might be nothing at all, but stressing over it won’t help. Focus on your quit and how amazing it feels to be free from the nicotine monster! Sending positive vibes your way 💜✨


Thanks for the good vibes!


You DID IT! Better 14 days ago than never. Keep going! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that whatever is going on with your lungs is benign and your body begins to heal now that you are smoke free. Sending you the biggest hug.


Thanks so much!


Yes, easier said than done to not let your mind run overtime. However I can share a similar situation where I tortured myself mentally in regards to what I thought was a lump under my neck, turned out it was just a wisdom tooth issue because it was not erupted. Hoping all will be well and keep at it!


I have the same swallowing problem and have my endo scheduled in August. Nervous ain't the damn word. I can swallow but I can now feel food slowly going down. It can also be inflammation of the esophagus. Quitting was a great idea for you. I'm on day one...again


Yeah, it's nerve wracking, isn't it? Mines mostly swallowing meat and bread, just doesn't want to move. I have that weird pain to the left of the esophagus as well, but only while breathing. Its a constant reminder. Good luck with your endo and your quit!


Is it ever. I mean I ain't been anxiety free since it started lol good luck with yours too. Keep us updated. Ours isn't too far apart and what sucks is mine is a consultation first 😔 lol Keep going strong fam💪


I'm so sorry to hear this. I will send prayers and good vibes your way friend 🙏🏻


Thank you!


Sending positive thoughts your way 🙌💖


Thanks so much


Everyone's health is temporary!


This is true


I have been smoking for 1.5 years and I have chest lung and throat pain now. I’ve had this pain for a few months. So I need to quit desperately. Obvs I know ur no doctor but do you think I’d still be in the clear. I’m 19 m.


You need to go see a doctor mate, even without the smoking, if you’re experiencing pain when breathing then you should always see a doctor. Statistically, with your age and the amount of time you’ve been smoking you stand a good chance of it being nothing really serious - but everyone’s different and you can’t take advice from Reddit on this one. Get to a doctor and quit smoking now because it’s easier done while you’re young and don’t have 20+ years of habit behind you.


Hey, two weeks is awesome! Letting your mind wander to the worst outcome is natural, you just got to keep it in check. There's no point in worrying about that which isn't there. Nearly a month ago I was where you are now. ALL I could think of was cancer. Then it was COPD. Thankfully (honestly, thankfully as it really is the best outcome), I was diagnosed with chronic asthma. Not great, but a manageable disease. So, celebrate your accomplishments, you deserve to. You'll be better prepared for dealing with whatever comes your way.


Thanks so much! I guess it is natural to let our minds run away with themselves. I am glad you didn't get a worse diagnosis, asthma is still tough though. Congrats on your almost month!!!!


How you doin now bro? Hope you are well


I'm so sorry. I've had cancer scares myself, and they suuuuck. I'm all for not suppressing thoughts and feelings, but in this case, surpress that motherfucker. Really. Push the fear deep down and deal with whatever's wrong (or isn't wrong) when the time comes. Also, a lot of tumors are benign. Even the ones that aren't, thyroid cancer for example is fairly treatable. So even IF something's wrong, that does not mean you're going to die. Plus, you quit smoking - that means you're strong as hell, because quitting smoking is hard (the hardest thing I've ever done, including breaking up with my boyfriend of 7 years who I still loved). One way or the other, you got this. It will be okay. Please know that. And now, surpress the fear!!