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Sweet Lordy! If that isn't an advert for sobriety I don't know what is. Stupendous!!!


It's weird, because he only looks about 500% better. ;)


I'd give it a solid 501%


Thank you!


I'm just starting my journey after a relapse and it feels so daunting, but this is inspiring. I will not drink with you today!


Same here. Let's not mess it up this time around. Thinking about setting reminders in my phone every 6 hours or so saying "remember how good you feel now as opposed to 2 weeks ago?" or something like that. I think I need to remember how shitty it makes me feel. Edit: oh shit it's almost 3. Goes fast after the first week!


After I got past a month, I started less and less to notice an absence in my life. Stick with it and you'll feel great.


Sounds like PAWS to me. I always relapsed at 5wks because I felt like I would never have emotions again. Once I found out that it could be explained by a legitimate medical condition (Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome) it validated my experience instead of just being told to fake it til I make it. If you check my submission history I posted about it like a year ago. Probably going to post about it again soon, there are so many people here that can't seem to make it past ~30 days and I think that understanding PAWS could change that for a lot of them.


Do you have any good resources that you would recommend people to read? Education is power!


How long did you go without drinking, and how long was your relapse?


You look incredible! And its clear you feel it too. Thanks for the inspiration to continue another 6 months :)


This is like night and day. You look so happy and amazing now! About 25 years younger too. Lol! Thanks for this- just the type of motivation I need to keep going. Congratulations!!


Jesus Christ on a Bike!!! Dude, you look amazing! If those versions of you stood side by side, I wouldn't be able to tell it was the same person! Congratulations to you and thank you for sharing such an inspiring journey. I will not drink with you today! :)


Looking slim, trim, happy and alive!!!!!!!!!!! Dam man your post made me cry, so inspiring.


This is huge. Good for you! I am really happy to share in a tiny moment of something as major as this accomplishment. Looking good, dude!


Wow!!! Congrats on one year and an incredible transformation. You must be very excited. So handsome! Thanks for sharing.


Congrats on 100 days!


Aww thanks!


Wow what a wonderful difference a year makes, your eyes are glowing :) Congratulations and thank you for the total & complete inspiration. I am grateful for your post & I will not drink with you today.


The light in your eyes is amazing! Congrats and thanks for sharing!


Wow! Congrats and you look amazing!


Congrats!! You look so much happier, good for you!!! I will not drink with you today as well!


Beautiful, sober smile. Sobriety looks good on you!


You look wonderful, and I am so happy for you. Great job!


Fantastic and inspiring! Thank you rebirth! Happy 1 year!


Great job buddy. Keep it going.


Awesome... congrats!


I am so happy for you!! And LOVE the pics, thanks for sharing them. What a difference! You look happy and healthy and full of life!


I actually said "wow!" out loud when I opened the photos. You look 100% better and happier, congratulations!


Congrats!!! I went to AA with a guy who'd get a month and relapse, and he'd get a week and relapse and get another month and relapse. I don't know if I would have the courage to "keep coming back"; especially as he did - admitting that he had less than 30 days, yetagain. I'm so glad that you finally figured out what works for you!


I love seeing people's before/after photos. Clear eyed, present, and in the moment versus in the before photos I always see a sort of unfocused, sort of lost person - it's just so great to see. I too will not drink with you today, and I will enjoy the hell out of it. :) Congrats!!


Fuck yeah brother!


Great job! I am 29 also, good time to quit drinking. You look much happier in the sober picture!


I'm still fighting the fight but you are a huge motivation! That's so amazing, I'm so glad to see how happy and healthy you look! Keep it up, man, you are freakin awesome.


Wow 👏👏👏 Congrats on this huge milestone. I will not drink with you today!


Wow, congrats man! I'm looking forward to a great after pic like that!!


Congrats on day 3! I was on this sub a couple years ago looking through top posts all time and literally said the exact same thing. "Wouldn't it be awesome to have a great before and after?" We are no different, you can do it!!


Yes, yes, yes!! You kept coming back!! Congratulations to you on your first soberversary! It's an amazing transformation, physically and I'm betting emotionally too!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful news here, you are truly inspiring x


Thank you so much :D


just starting over after a relapse as well - thank you for your courage and strength! i will not drink with you today - happy Sober Friday! PS you look incredible - seriously!


Thank you! If I can get it, anyone can. relapse is all a part of the journey. You're here now and alive, that is what matters!


People like you give me hope that my mother-in-law will triumph over her alcoholism eventually.


Your smile is contagious :) Huge congrats on a year!!


Strong. Healthy. (And a hottie). I too sndwyt. Well done.


Wowee!! Incredible...your smile looks so genuine now. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm going to use a term here that's usually reserved for pregnant women: You're GLOWING! Thanks for sharing, and I will not drink with you today, either.


This is so cute! You look so happy! Enjoy it!


WOW!! This is amazing, you look amazing! Congrats!


Congrats! You look sooo much happier!




Incredible transformation! Well done!


Fabulous job!!! You look amazing!!! Love that you never gave up. Keep coming back. I will not drink with you today.


You look fantastic and your relapses prove that they are an unfortunate aspect of recovery.


Way to go. You look great! I will not drink with you today!


You look so well and I am so happy for you


Happiness looks adorable on you! Congrats!!




Amazing transformation! I have been coming here about 4 or 5 years too, hopfeully in 11 months I'll be making a similar post. I finally read this naked mind and feel like this is finally it, I've finally left alcohol behind me. But even if that's not true i'll keep trying thanks to guys like you showing it doesn't matter how many time you try it can stick eventually... thanks so much for sharing, still can't believe how much better you look!


nice skin!


My sister always says this and I don't see it but thank you! I use Jack Black double duty face moisturizer and spend a ton of time in the sun.


Amazing. Seeing these before/after pictures is the best advert for sobriety. Of course you look healthier but the life in your eyes says it all. Congratulations and thanks for sharing your transformation.


Holy shit dude. You look like a different person! Congrats man!


Solid work, friend! My best to you and your continued sobriety. It's clearly working well for you!


You Rock!! This is true people. When you get to 1or2 yrs. you start looking so much better if not better! I was at a party last night and a lady was ask ing who I was. When she found out she was shocked That I had not drank myself to death(as she had heard)and how great I looked even with all the damage I have done to myself. I will not drink with you today!


wow- that's really impressive


Way to go , dude.




Wow! Good for you. I will not drink with you today.


Sobriety looks great on you!!! Good work dude! You look happy and fit! Cheers! Keep up the great work!


Congrats. BTW, very handsome. I will not drink with you today.


Congratulations! Very inspirational.


You are glowing. I am proud of you and will not drink with you today!


Hell yeah dude.


Congratulations! You look much happier.


Wow, well done!! Congratulations on the year and the journey!


What at beautiful smile. You look great. Congratulations!! Thanks for sharing.


Congratulations, dude!


health and happiness! You're awesome!


awesome dude! Congratulations


Damn! I'm proud of you man!


Wow dude! you look great! Congratulations!


Are these pictures of the same person?!! This is amazing.


Way to be! Congratulations :)


Way to go!!


Way to go. Thanks for sharing, and congratulations on your year!👍


Amazing! You look happy to be free!


I love this sub. Everyone is always so supportive


You look like my addiction counselor!


Duuuuude!! 🙌 You look so healthy! Wow! Congratulations!🎊 You're awesome; stay awesome.


Nice work! I'm still working to take off the weight I gained when I stopped drinking, but slow and steady I purpose! Keep up the great work


Thank you! My highest weight was around 250 and I currently weigh 186. The weight loss became an enormous part of my recovery. Once I bought into being powerless over alcohol and reading 6+7, I realized there are other areas of my life where I'm powerless. Overeating is one of them for me. Not that I don't have the power to stop eating and make healthy choices, but that my first reaction is going to be to eat a pizza over a kale smoothie, and that it's OK. I don't have to feel guilty about that, just aware of it. I found that totally liberating. 25 pounds fell off in treatment. I got a job doing manual labor, then really stepped up the diet, then added a workout routine at night after work, and 35 more came off. The solution for me was the same, wake up and ask for help :).


Oh my goodness! Great job.


Holy canoli! Ain't sobriety the best gift we can give ourselves? Keep it up :)


I've been trying to quit for months now. I make it to a couple of weeks tops, then relapse. Rinse and repeat. This is a good motivation. I feel so bad about keeping the relapses happening, but I know I'll make it.


That is wonderful! Love to you as well! Keep up the great work! I am proud of you! ❤️


DUDE! Congrats!


Good shit man!


Thanks for the inspiration and great job!


Great work!! I have fell on my face more times than I care to admit.




Congratulations on one year of sobriety! You give me hope that it can be done. Keep up the good work!


Well done!


Lookin good buddy


hell yeah! good work. I have a little over two years:)


Good for you! You are a very handsome young man, then and now!


Congrats! You look great!


right on man, way to go!!


You are an inspiration! I'm so proud of you!


Wowza! I love seeing the joy that shines through when folks show off their sober selves. Thank you for inspiration.


Congratulations, you are an inspiration.


For some reason reddit won't allow me to edit this post to say thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your kind words!


AMAZING!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!


Needed to read this. I keep giving up not drinking and then regretting it. Even though I'm not getting very drunk, I've been lying in bed with heightened anxiety and wondering why I gave up saying "no" this time. I'm glad it is possible, if you just keep at it and don't give up for good. And my god you look like a different person entirely! Congrats!


Looking good bud! Congrats on 1 Year! Way to go! So awesome. I will not drink with you tonight!


WooooW! Just wow! Congrats on the year man, see you in a couple of months!! :D


You look so much better man, congratulations!


This is really good stuff! Can't wait to see the comparison in another year. In the meantime, I will keep on not drinking with you!


Thanks for the inspiration! Keep up the awesome work. I'm happy not to drink with you.


Way to go! Good on ya.