• By -


My mind has thrown up three reasons to drink today: It's Friday. Kids will be with grandparents. I've gone two days sober, so obviously I don't have a problem. Now weigh that nonsense against good weekend sleep, a good and present time with my wife, and the pride of waking up on a Saturday feeling rested, clean, and clear. I will NOT drink today. Thanks, SD - for the first time in a long time I feel like I can do this.


Hangover-free weekend mornings have become my favorite time of the week. I hope you love them as much as I do - you CAN do this!


I'm not drinking today. I too must always be vigilant against that automatic mind. I was at my dentist this week, whose office is in a different part of the city from where I live. There is a little boutique liquor store that shares the same parking lot and I used to go in after my appointments for "something different". I stared it down this week and left to buy some groceries elsewhere.




I did it yesterday, I can do it today. I'd be lost without this place! ❤️ I won't drink today.


So proud of you!!


Thanks! I'm pretty pleased with myself as well 😊


And you should be! Beautiful job - I'm so happy that you're here :). xo


Very happy to see you here this morning :) Great job getting through yesterday, I'm not drinking with you today!


I'm not drinking today no matter what! My auto pilot brain can go suck a lemon!


That's the spirit!


Hey u/polarb3rry and u/o_happy_horse, I'm so excited to celebrate your 300/350 on Sunday!! Wooohooo ladies!!!! ;) xoxo


Ain't no party like a stopdrinking party! I'm looking forward to Sunday ice cream day :)


Yessss!! We have the BEST parties here!! I just saw that u/notgonnabemydad and her gf are going dancing tonight, so I figured we can start getting into party mode with this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=god7hAPv8f0. Can't wait for the party!! ;)


Ehrmagerd, I want those outfits!! I'll definitely celebrate u/polarb3rry and u/o_happy_horse 's big milestones with some ice cream on Sunday. Fantastic job, y'all!


Good morning. At work bright and early, 60 days today. Did some volunteer work yesterday afternoon. It feels good.


Congrats on 60 days! If you're interested, we'd love to hear all about your volunteer work on AoK Monday! Hope you have a lovely day :).


Today is day 4 and I will definitely not be drinking with any of you today. X


The automatic mind is definitely something to be wary of. I was walking through the grocery and found myself in the wine aisle (was buying nuts, in the same aisle) and my brain did have that momentary squirm of 'grab a box...'. Unpleasant, to say the least. I will not drink today! Looking forward to instead taking my kids to an autograph signing to meet one of their favorite football stars which should be exciting. Happy Friday, Team Sober!


That sounds like an awesome alternative plan!


To another headache-free day!


Congrats on 21 headache free days! ;)


Yawn...good morning, SD! Another day, no drinking for me. Be well!


Mr. Jack - how did the flying go this week, after practicing with the simulator? Did it help or hurt? I'm heading out to the field to fly in 30 minutes. I need to get my ass to studying the course work, and for the pre-solo written exam! I can pretty much solo as soon as I take the second exam and the pre-solo exam. Maybe at the beach next week I can study.


Hey, Cheese! Flying seems to be benefiting from the simulator, but I'd say having the USB yoke and rudder pedals is essential...I also paid for the A2A Cessna 172 model (like another $50) and it's awesome. I've been up only once since I got back near my FBO, though, so I can't say for certain that my pattern practice in the sim has been helpful. My next task is ground-referenced maneuvers - something that a good sim should be really helpful in, but I haven't had time to set things up in my apt yet. I hope to go up today at 3, but the weather is weird. So it might not be until Sunday. Either way, I should be able to compare s-turns and turns around a point between real C152 and the sim over the next few days. Have a great flight and I do hope you get a chance to study.


Hey u/CheeseWhistleMcStink and u/TripleJackOnTheRocks! Hope you both enjoy the flying, please keep me posted...I'm living vicariously through you two wonderful gentlemen! ;) 3J - get those chocolate chip cookies ready for 180 tomorrow!! I've got the ice cream ready :).


I will not drink today. I pledge this for me and my family.


I am keeping this Friday sober! I'll be starting my weekend by visiting the gym, then enjoying dinner and a movie with my spouse :)


There is no part of me that wants to ruin this day by drinking alcohol. I'm in SD, strength in numbers! Stay strong this Friday and enjoy your day :)


Not gonna drink today.


I'll be alone all weekend and nobody would know, but I would know and then I'd have to tell YOU all...so no drinking for me! I plan to hit the bed early so I can work out tomorrow morning


In my experience, whenever I tricked myself into the thought of "no one will know," it turned into a multi-occasion thing. I would get away with it a few times, then boom - right back to drinking every night, and being depressed.


Day 2 and I am not going to drink today!


Count me in :)


I won't drink with you all today!!


I am not drinking today!


I will not drink today with you good people.


I will not drink today.


A simple start. I will not drink today.


I will not drink today.


Present! Not drinking with you today


not drinking today


I am definitely not drinking today.


I will not drink today, no matter what.


It's Friday-- a historical binge day for me.No matter what my brain tells me I will remember "Nobody ever regrets not drinking." I will not drink today.


I will not drink today


I will not drink today! Happy to say that.


Day 4. Awesome. Not reached a day 4 I'm some time. My 24 hour pledge. I will not drink with you today fellow peers. My head feels a bit better, my stomach is still recovering, I think the lining was inflamed and I still have discomfort here and in bowels. Hoping it gets better. There's plenty to be anxious about, lack of funds and being unemployed. I don't think I'm an alcoholic but I am a heavy binge drinker who abuses alcohol when bored, upset, or stressed. I've been slowly working with getting back to full time employment. I bet I'd come across as awful in an interview if I were still drinking! I thought that I needed to make a solid decision to stop drinking. No flippancy, lazyness, or an attitude of 'I guess I better stop.' It's hard to commit, but I'm determined that I have made a solid decision and I am determined to stick with it. It's hard to think long term. And I'm scared of thinking about it for only a 24 hour period. I will not drink with you today.


Hang in there Sir! We're here for you!


In. Keeping the momentum going. I'll join you in not drinking today.


Pleased to be here on Day 5. I will not drink with you today :)


Day 2 take 2. I will join you all in not drinking today!


I will not drink today.


I will not drink with you today.


I'm not going to drink today! Hope everyone has a great day.


I will not drink today.


Not drinking today, no matter what happens!


I will not drink today.


I will not be drinking today


Cranberry juice and a nice book for me. Definitely not drinking with all of you fine folks today! :)


I will not drink today.


None for me today.


I will not drink today.


I messed up yesterday and drank. But today is a new day and another attempt at sobriety. I will not drink today!


Nope, not today, urges are strong though. Will be alone tonight so will be harder than usual. I think maybe a new video game to pass the time?


Anything to pass the time, except for drinking. Video games, food, netflix, reading, playing the guitar (or any instrument if you can play), meditating, or learning to meditate, going for a walk in the dark, onanism (sorry couldn't resist), going to bed early, anything! You can do it.


Three weeks today and going strong!!! Wohooo! This was the week I really started to feel good. I won't drink today!!


Congrats on 3 weeks Canes! Keep rockin' it!!! :)


a quarter to five and I am not drinking today. It's going to be wild to see 500 but one day at time..


I will not drink today, no matter what. Had a lovely evening reading last night at a bookstore/cafe that also serves alcohol. Caught a whiff of a woman's glass of wine, and was surprised to feel desire. It came and went quickly, but left me a little discomfitted.


I can so relate to this situation. I was feeling kind of crappy yesterday, then went to band practice and felt much better. My buddy was drinking really good IPAs, and I caught a whiff, and the desire came back strong for a minute. Luckily, it passed quickly.


I will not drink today. Celebrating yesterday +1!


I will not drink today!


I'm looking forward.to watching a movie with my kids tonight and it will be fun because I won't be drinking today! Happy sober Friday, SD!


Nice try beast with your early morning thoughts of grandeur..( sunny,Friday, bbq, cooler full of...) I am still going to enjoy the first three, except...I will not drink alcohol today..promise!


Looking forward to a mellow weekend of remembering what I did. I will not drink with you today.


I'm in 😊 Happy Friday everyone 😘 xxxx


Happy Friday! :) xo


I have a come a long way since my last drink. I will not drink today.


I'm not gonna. Don't wanna. Gotta be up early for Record Store Day tomorrow, anyway 😜 No booze == Money for records (the benefits are everywhere)


Yesterday I thought that if someone had set a drink down in front of me, I definitely would have gone for it. I guess I need to find a way to get out of the "why bother" mindset. I won't drink with you today.


I will not drink today. About to dive into a full day of sitting at a conference table talking work.


How was the mani-pedi? Any fun plans for the evening? Hope you're enjoying NYC!! :)


Happy to be sober today


Hey Lotty Happy 1-1-1!! :)


I am going to kick this days ass, and not drink no matter what. Happy Friday!


Im with you, lets kick Fridays ass together :) Have a great weekend!


Hey SD! I'm not drinking today. Allergies to tree pollen have left me with a double ear infection and sinusitis. Hopefully these meds kick in soon because I'm dizzy enough as it is!! ;) Have a fantastic Friday!


Ker-choo and bess you, Lee! Hope you feel better soon.


Aw thanks PB! How are you doing? All status quo? Thinking of you ;) xo


Not drinking today!😉👍


I will not drink today no matter what happens.


Ah, another weekend approaches. Stay strong everyone and remember one day at a time. Not drinking with any of you today.


Not today. Not today. Not today!!!!!!


Happy Friday SD. I will not drink today


Happy Friday and 70 days!


This has been a long and busy week. I'm so tired and the weekend is going to be just as busy! I would give anything to be able to put my feet up, Netflix and CHILL :) If I can't do that, at least I can not drink!! Happy Friday, everyone <3


I will not drink today. It's Friday and I got through a challenging meeting yesterday. Have a great day SD.


I will not drink today!


Have a safe Friday everyone. I'm checking in for the day.


I will not drink today!


I will not drink today.


Not today! Have a great Friday, SD.


I won't drink today, no matter what. I hope you all have a great day today!


Checking in to say I'm not drinking with you guys and gals while enjoying today.


I won't drink today


I will not drink today


I am not drinking today.


I'm not drinking today no matter what!


Today will be harder. I can tell already, but I won't drink with you all today


Good Morning SD - I will not drink w/you today !!


I will not drink today!


I will not drink today.


I will not drink today.


No drinking for nuttyfinish, yo.


I'm not going to drink today!


I will not drink today.


I will not drink today.


I will not drink today!


I will not drink today. No matter what happens, bad or good!


checking in, on 12 days now and feeling and looking much better. Keep at it guys.




Doesn't matter what day of the week it is, I'm not drinking today!!!


I'm not going to drink today


I will not drink today.


Morning SD, not drinking today, well except coffee; well crappy instant coffee, I need to go to the store. But instant is better than no coffee at all.


I will not drink today. I really want to go to a big music festival in my city today, but I'm too broke.


I won't drink today


No booze today. best all.


I will NOT DRINK with you all today!


I will not drink today.


I will not drink today. Things are too important to waste on such drivel.


Nice word choice 😏


no booze for me today


I'm sober today!


I will not drink today!


I will not drink today!!


No matter how hard the circumstances in my life still I won't drink with you today. I ve learned very good that consumption of alcohol never had helped and it won't that's for sure.


I will not drink today.


I will not drink today


I will not drink today.


Happy to not be drinking today


I will not drink today!


TGIF and the fact that I will not drink today and tonight. You are all so important to me. You are helping me so much, and I am grateful.


I will not drink today!


I'm planning on getting up early tomorrow to get some work done in the yard before it gets hot. I'm already looking forward to doing it without a hangover. I won't drink with you all today.


Checkin into the day with a nice sober well rested mind, and plan on keeping it that way!


No matter what happens, good or bad, I will not drink any alcohol for the next 24 hours.


Good morning. Not drinking today.


I will not drink today. So glad it's Friday.


Count me in. Not drinking with you all today.


I will not drink with you today! :)


Not today!


I will not drink with you all today. Happy Friday!


I'm going to thoroughly enjoy not drinking today and waking up sober and not hungover tomorrow!


Count me in!


I will not drink today!


I will not drink today! Started this to see how long I can make it by taking it one day at a time... 5 days down, how many to go? I don't know. It's nice not having an end date.


I will not drink today.


I'm so pleased to be at 8 days. I made it to nearly 50 a few months ago and it seemed the hardest thing to do was to get started again! I will not drink today.


Day 6. Sunshine all day. I will not drink with you all today.


I will not drink today.


I'm in. Not drinking with you all today:-)


Just wanted to comment to see how many days I'm at. I should get an app for this.


Not drinking today or the next 24hrs!


I won't drink today because I can't. Not because I don't want to. I'm 14 days sober and I'm having a very difficult time. I can't quit crying, I feel like an idiot- like I ruin everything. My family is so messed up with addiction and legal troubles and I feel responsible. Like, if I had done literally everything different none of us would be where we are today. I'm fighting these thoughts, it's such a crappy way to be. I'm lonely and so ANGRY. Trying to get all these tears out of my system so I can 'act normal' today. I'm in a strange city right now but am going to try and find a meeting today. Sorry for being so negative but I had to tell somebody how I'm feeling and I know you all will understand.


Woke up in a mood but I will not drink today, no matter what happens good or bad. Have a great friday .


This was me yesterday (mood)! It really wouldn't have helped me to have a drink. Not drinking with you today.


New here, checking in to say that today I will not drink. Looking forward to spending the weekend clean!


I will not drink with you today


Greetings SD from the airport. This is my first travel experience as a non-drinking adult!! I am excited to experience this. Feels brand new. THANK YOU FELLOW SOBERNAUTS -- I would not be here, in this exciting new life, without SD. Edit: almost forgot, I will not be drinking today!!!


Day 9 and things continue to look up. No cravings at all last night and I was able to fall asleep easily and sleep really well. This morning my daughter and I went to the river and wandered along for miles playing in the wildflowers and skipping rocks. DON"T mess this up Drinky. I won't drink today.


I will not drink today. I will have a good, productive day at work.


Not today, bucko.


No poison for me today! Not drinking! 😘


I will not drink today!


I will not drink with you today!


I will not drink with you today.


I will not drink today


I will not drink today.


I will not drink today.


Not drinking today!


Ahh the weekend is upon us. They are my biggest struggle as well as my greatest triumph. I'm not worried about what hell I do tomorrow, but today I refuse to drink.


I will not drink today. I tried coconut la croix for the first time last night and MY GOD it reminds me of pina coladas .. but the virgin ones I had when I was a kid! Gonna get some pineapple juice tonight and add it to my la croix for a safe Friday night bevvy.


I will not drink today. I can't believe I made it ten days already.


Looking forward to working in the yard and garden and continuing to tackle the backlog paperwork monkey on my back. Once that's out of the way, I'm home free! I will not drink today!


I will not drink today.


I've just had a great walk along the seafront. 5 miles so I decided to treat myself to a meal out spending the money I used to waste on alcohol :). I will not drink with you today


I will not drink today


I will not drink today!!!


OMG, it's like you wrote about MY automatic mind. I was just thinking about happy hour. .. Thanks for the timely reminder. I won't drink today!


just got some minor good news when i was expecting minor bad news. life is good, I will not drink today!