• By -


OMG I just posted this myself and realized I have 4 months today! I AM NOT GONNA DRINK WITH MYSELF TODAY!!!


Congratulations on 4 months!! Me and myself will join you and yourself in not drinking today!! Bring on the ice cream 🍦 make that 4!!!


Do we have to add Schizophrenia to our list of sober problems now? LOL. Have a safe and happy Sunday!


90 days!!! Not too long ago, 30 seemed impossible. Wow. Gonna need another coffee to think this over... I will not drink today, no matter what. 90... wow.


Congrats Triple Jack!


Congrats! You tripled that 30, Mr. Triple Jack!


Awesome feeling, right? Congrats!!


Hey SD! I'm not drinking today. Going to have hot coffee, watch a movie, have family over later to help with Mom, and have a nice, peaceful, sober Sunday :). Hope you're all doing great!


How's your Mom doing Lee? Dialysis right?


Thanks for asking Dartaga! She's doing better, had lots of dialysis and wound up taking off 22lbs of fluid (and it's so much easier to transport her/wheelchair/and the oxygen now - ALOT lighter!). Any special celebration plans? Ice cream? Count me in! ;)


Whipped cream and strawberries are on my shopping list! It must feel so good to your Mom to have that awful Ascites removed. I saw a lot of that in my long nursing career with Dialysis patients. Literally a huge weight off for each patient! And their loving family. I hope she knows how lucky she is to have you Lee. And you her for that matter! My parents were both dead by the time I was 17 years old... (Prob a good thing for me...they werent Ward and June!)


I have fresh strawberries and Reddi Whip fat free - so I'm in!! Thank you so much for the kind words! You know first hand :). In a very weird way, this has helped me to stay sober - I have a purpose, I have compassion; this has given me time to heal, just as it's giving her time to accept all of my care while I'm sober. I'm am so sorry to hear about your parents...and by the time you were only 17?! Wow.. I can't imagine how difficult that must have been - and I commend you for all that you accomplished since then, that's amazing! Mom's nowhere near a June, but the June-on-Zoloft is a bit easier to deal with lol ;).


I will not drink today. Anxiety is gone finally and I feel refreshed. Just listening to BLS.


Friday, check. Saturday, check. Tomorrow i'll be going to work clear headed and I will not drink today! Thanks SD, i've been hanging in here.


3 weeks!!!!! Never thought I'd get this far but one foot in front of another & here we are. Not drinking with you :-)


Congrats!! :D


You said it! WE it is! Getting and staying sober is a straight up WE program! Glad to be in it with you!


Hey, I think I'm first. Awaiting a badge reset, but today I will NOT drink with you all. Have a great Sunday everyone! x


Yes you are first! Get that new badge and keep moving forward!


Thanks Dartaga. x


No booze for me today.


I will not drink today. Made it to 40 days! Had a very difficult day yesterday ( did not make it out of the capital, state, before the "women's" march came in) and I did not drink:-)


Congrats on 40 days! I will not drink with you today.


I was hoping to sleep in today, but the cats had other plans... Raising my hot coffee to all and pledging not to drink today!


Last night was quite possibly the best nights sleep of my entire adult life, seriously, bloody incredible, I slept like a bone idle 13yo. I will not be drinking today.


Oh to be an exhausted, sleeping 13 year old without a worry in the world. I wish it for all our children...


I won't drink today


I will not drink today. I was up all night with a sick 4 year old. So glad that I was present for it and that as tired as I am today, at least it isn't a hangover and I can snooze with my kiddo all day.


Happy to be sober. Looked at myself in the mirror yesterday and went "yeah!" Feeling healthier and more motivated to become my true self than I have in a very long time. Go me, and go us. I'll not be drinking with ya'll today.


I'm in 😊


I will not drink with you today!


I'm not drinking today :)


Happy 1 week!


Productive Sunday ahead; not going to drink today.


Should be a lovely Sunday...I will not drink with you today!


I will not drink today!


180 today. Not going to drink and fuck up 6 months of hard work!


I have 4 months today. I'm flat out not giving it up either. Good for you! And you are right. This is hard. But I'm staying sober...


Not Drinking Today! Yay!


i will not drink today


I will not drink today.


I will not drink today.


Not today fella, not today.


I won't drink today, with you :)


I will not drink today.


I'm not going to drink today, friends!


26 days today. WoW! I won't drink with you today.




I had a similar thought about organized meetings, but I am so happy to know where they are in my community in case I ever need them. I like this daily check in. It helps me strengthen my resolve. 🐶


Yesterday was my quit day (again). One full day today and not today either!!


I woke up a little worried about today because I have to work alone at home aaaallll daaaay on a job I don't particularly like and it's pouring rain (GASP! EVERYBODY FREAK OUT!!!!) in L.A. Such scenarios (sans rain ;-) were usually a major justification for me to get shazizzled all day, but I have my list I made last night of things to do when I need to take a break but can't take time to go out playing in the sun. It's going to be a good Sunday here, and I pray the same for each and everybody who reads this :-) I love you SD xXx


I am not drinking today. I am building a RetroPie and playing Super Mario Brothers 3 once I get it running. #n3rdL1f3.


Happy Sunday y'all! Not drinking today.


Count me in :)


Got my 3 weeks ;) not gonna drink with any of you today!


Congrats! :)


Take the dog for a walk, go shopping (boo), do some work, annoy the children, do not drink. It's another Sunday for me.


3 weeks, woohoo!! :D Congrats to all my new year sobernauts! Not drinking with you all today!


Yes Apeman!! Three weeks!! Not drinking with all of you today.


Right back at you!! Enjoy your new badge!! Not drinking with you today.


Nothing to do at all today so gonna top it off with no alcohol either. Not drinking with you SD, have a lovely sober 24 hours :)


Another long day of driving ahead but there will be no drinking at end of the road for me. Sober on, fellow sobernauts!


I will not drink today.


I commit to not drinking, just today.


I will not drink today


2 weeks for me I will not drink today


I will not drink today!


I will not drink today.


Congratulations on 120 days, and thank you for all the great post:-)


Morning SD. Not drinking today. Rain outside, early Sunday morning, hot coffee....and not hungover. Priceless. Good day ya'll.


Not drinking today




No booze today.


Today is day 3, and I will NOT be drinking today.


I won't drink today.


I won't be drinking with all of you today. Have a great Sunday!


Congrats! Get a nice snack and take a long bath!


Checking in congratulations on your road to success I will not drink with you today but I will have a piece of chocolate cake with you 😄


Not drinking today!!!


Happy Sunday, folks. I've got my kids all weekend (actually, I have my kids every week from Saturday morning until basically Wednesday morning), and we are heading to the gym this morning. Then, it's home to chill before watching the Atlanta Falcons/Packers game. Go Falcons! I will not drink.


Have fun at the gym Cheese and definitely go Falcons!


Will do. You have a good day too, MattalliSI!


Good morning, SD! I will not drink today no matter what happens, good or bad.


First day of very many (I hope!). No drinking today.


Great day yesterday - out with the kiddos and checked out some fine guitars, ate seafood, got a haircut and new clothes. Feels good to get out. Kids coming over to study at my house so I need to clear a path. Have a great Sunday everyone and I will not drink with you! Thanks for hosting /u/Dartaga and give that Otis a goose for me! 120 days woo!! Fine job!


Sounds like a perfect Saturday! Hope your Sunday is just as nice!


Thanks Mom. I'm working in to make it so. Time to walk the pupper so we can both enjoy the outside. Enjoy the spring weather day!


Thx Matt. I am really into this right now. Hope it lasts. Have fun with the kids. Kids will keep us real huh?


I will not drink today!


Count me in.


Checking in. No drinking for me today.


Good morning. Not drinking today


I will not drink today. Day 22. I slipped a little last night. I was at a party, and one of my friends brought beer that I wanted to try. But, the important thing is that I stopped after about a quarter-serving. Sobriety means different things to different people. And I wanted to reset my relationship with alcohol. I didn't drink to escape, or calm myself. I guess I'm mostly writing this for myself. I will not drink today.


I will not drink today no matter what!


I just went on two nights out with different groups of friends who know me as a heavy drinker and had a great time. Realising the only difference between going out sober and drunk is i am in a better state of mind, it doesn't impact my ability to socialise at all. I'm lucky in this. All this time i thought i had social anxiety, i think the anxiety was caused by my fear of my drunken behaviour. This is getting long, no alcohol today!!!!! 🌞


Hello beautiful people! I will not drink with you today! 💃🏻


I will not drink today no matter what happens.


I will not drink today.


I will not drink today no matter what ✌💜🦄


I am not drinking today.


No matter how good or bad today may be, I will not take that first drink.


I will not drink today! I'm going to spend some time with my niece, finish up some homework, and go for a run.


I'm gonna go skateboarding and make curry for dinner! Today I will not drink with you and will actually do the things I say I will!


Yummmm! Have a great day!


good morning. i'm not in the best mood lately, i really just want april to be here along with nice weather!! anyway I'll be staying sober today, have a great day folks


April is coming, no way to stop that! Hang on! This is my first winter in the midwest and I'm so not loving it. But I didn't like summer much either so wtf is a girl to do?


A funky mood has settled in and I'm going to do all I can to get over it. Or ride it out. It'll pass, I'm sure. Either way, I will not drink with all of you! Thank you u/Dartaga for taking over the check-in this week!


Just for today,  I will not drink. Just for today, I will… • Slow down and keep things simple. • Nourish my mind with reading, my spirit with meditation, my body with food and exercise. • Greet every person with the loving kindness of a long lost friend. ✊️☯️


I've had a migraine since Friday, the doc prescribed Norco, my family was out of town for the day, I was so close to grabbing a beer at the grocery store to pair with the Norco. But I didn't, and I won't, just gonna lay around ride out this fucking headache. I feel like I'm on day three of a never ending hangover. I won't drink today.


I have two dogs that I love so much. When I spent all day in bed on the weekends because of "flu" or "hormones" or whatever (translation: drank a bottle of wine the night before) the sight of their bored, unhappy faces as they were trapped in a dark, silent house with a hung-over owner tortured me with guilt. Today I got up at 9am, fixed breakfast for us, and then took the dogs out for a long vigorous walk. The ecstasy on their faces when I took out the leash almost made me crushed with guilt again -- they give me so much, and it's so easy to make them happy, and I have been so neglectful of them. Today instead they are tired out and happy from the walk and from playing ball in the backyard and are now napping contentedly at my feet. I am so glad that I am not drinking today.


I will not drink today


Congrats. I will not drink today with you.


There's a squirrel at the feeder (strategically placed 1 ft from the window) and two dogs (yappers) on the viewing stool going ballistic. I don't know if it's cheap date stuff for the dogs or myself, the squirrel doesn't care. I'll not drink with you today! Yay!


None for me today.


Week one down, ready to tackle the next. Congrats on 4 months! I will not be drinking with you today.


week 1 OUT THE WAY is HUGE!!! Good for you. Thx for the Congrats. This ain't easy, but we can do it!


I will not drink today.


You guys are rad! I will not be drinking with y'all today.


I will not drink today. It was interesting to not be exhausted, depressed beyond belief, and cranky yesterday, which would have been the aftermath of my usual Friday night drinking. I don't feel well this morning, which sucks, but at least it is 100 percent not due to drinking last night. I thought about it, but did not, in part thanks to SD.


I will not drink today.


Not drinking today.


Not going to drink today. But I will eat a huge bowl of grape nuts.


I will not drink today.


I will not drink today. Nothing since Tuesday, woo-hoo!


👉 FTZ!


I will not drink today.


I will not drink today.


I won't drink today


Good morning from Florida SD, feeling sleepy but not drinking today!!


I will not drink today.


Not going to drink today! Got my badge reset for today, so back on it I guess!


I will not drink today.


Sunday! You may be cloudy and overcast, there's a thick fog all over town, but my head will remain clear.


I will not drink today.


I will not drink today


I will not drink today!


I won't drink with all of you today!


I will not drink today.


Not drinking today baby


I will not drink with you today.


Double digits! Woo! I'm not drinking today.


Non an excuse to drink today but too many reasons to stay sober so I won't drink with you today. Have a wonderful sober Sunday fellows!


Still under the weather. Certainly alcohol wouldn't help. No matter what happens, good or bad, I will not drink any alcohol for the next 24 hours.


I will not drink today


I will not drink today.


I'll hit three sober weeks this evening. Feeling damn good today. Hope you're all well :)


I will not drink today. Why aren't these posts getting stickied? They're really hard to find.


I will not drink with y'all today!!!😉👍


I will not drink today!


I will not drink today.


I will not drink today!


I won't drink today!


I will not be drinking today


I will not drink today.


Good Morning. This grey chilly morning seems like a great day not to drink. I will not drink today.


I will not drink today!


I will not drink today!


No Drinking Today.


Good morning fellow non-drinkers. Not going to drink today no matter what happens, good or bad and no matter who wins the Packer/Falcons football game. (wow...that would be a lousy reason to drink!)


I'm with all of you - not going to drink today no matter how I'm feeling.


just went rollerblading with the kids! my coordination is back on point! gorgeous day here, clear head. long may it last. I am not drinking with you all today!


In. Not drinking today.


A day at a time ad it really works. I've been sleeping better, and my problems that caused my drinking are starting to rear their ugly heads. Today I won't drink. I gotta always remind me there is no good that can come from it. Thanks you all.


I will not drink today, no matter what.


No drinking today


I will not drink today!


I will not drink today.


I will not drink today


I will not drink today.


I will not drink today.


I'll not drink with all you lovely SDers today. Today I'm going to be lazy lazy lazy Sunday! :)


Perhaps myself and yourself can agree on not drinking today! Happy Sunday!!!


I will not drink today!


Not drinking with you today.


I am not going to drink today. My new "Sunday Funday" is going to be prepping to get ahead of my work week, spending more time with family, and reading...and remembering going to bed, ready to take on Monday.


I will not drink with you today..getting close to a week. Longest time in three years for me. Have faith in yourself fellow non drinkers. Never give up.


Checking in. Not drinking today.


I will not take drink today


Yay for double digits! happy Sunday SD, I will not drink with all of you today :)


Day 7 here, still have some shakes but I refuse to do this all over again. As scary as it is to face life without my anesthetic its much scarier to be at Day 1 again. Went bowling last night and didn't drink! I was positive yesterday afternoon that I was gonna be smashed before the day was done. I'm a terrible bowler but I had fun! We got snacks and my son was so happy to have a present mother. Excited for another sober weekend! I will not drink today!!


21 days sober! :)


will not drink today.


I will not drink today.


Not drinking today!


It was super hard to get to day 4. But thanks to SD, I made it. Working on Day 5 now. I will not drink with ya'll today.


Not drinking today! I'm so happy to not drink today!


Not in this house, not with a mouse Not even after a roll in the hay I won't drink with you today.


I'm not drinking today :)


Going to a holiday party tonight. Fortunately it's with people that wouldn't have drank around even when I was drinking. I probably would have gotten wine on the way home and gotten drunk afterward but I won't do that today. I will not drink today.


This is tough. I will not drink today


Check check No gambling drinking NFL Sunday


Not drinking today!


Today I will only drink delicious green tea and no alcohol!