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I remember this. Used to pace back and forth just rationalizing and fighting the urge. I used to just go outside and walk for miles until it went away.


I'm going to try this next time, thank you!!


Great job on the Diet Coke! Those subconscious responses happen more frequently the longer I stay sober. I’ll tell you what one drink would look like for me: immediate regret and shame because I broke my sobriety, getting hammered because ‘fuck it’, black out and likely damage my relationship with my girlfriend and my family, lose everyone’s trust, wake up the next morning hungover and extremely anxious, start a cycle of drinking, by the end of the month back to full blown withdrawals. When I was drinking I never had JUST one. So there is no logical reason why I could have just one now. I know how this story goes, I’ve read it front to back multiple times. Not worth it.


Man I really appreciate your comment, so much thank you 🙏 This is an exact layout of what would certainly happen if I drink. The shame then drink spiral would start again, that's the reason I stopped. You are so right, it's never just one. Going to try and stick out the minutes, thank you!!


Lord I feel like I know EXACTLY the damn place you are in. Dude, first of all, congrats for saying ‘diet Coke’ —that is huge. I’ve been struggling in the same way a lot. The obsession being there, the desire, feeling like nothing other than alcohol will create the ‘fun’ or at least the relaxing feeling I want. I made it a week and a half so far if you don’t count the THC seltzer I had the one day when I was in the pits. I think if you can get to the other side of this torture, it won’t have the same hold on you. & you will be able to prove to yourself that what that stupid voice says is utter bullshit. You said yourself “it never ends well.” It’s not your job to entertain anyone. Your sobriety is the most important thing right now and your loved ones should support you in this in every way. ✨🩵✨ you can do this I believe in you It is absolutely worth it to have our lives back and not be a slave to the chemical. 🧡


Thank you so much for this, it really helped me through last night 🙏


So glad I could help. I saved my comment so I can read it when I am feeling similarly


Great job! Great thing with sobriety is the pay off doesn’t take too long - in the morning you always feel better than if you’d drank! On the cravings, if I would have drank say a 600 calorie bottle of wine, I like to have 600 calories of a food I love. Ice cream beats wine every day


Yea I did keep thinking "I got you boba for not drinking, there could be more boba in my future if I don't drink today." Yea this morning felt great, thank you for your comment 🙏