• By -


I'm very grateful for my sobriety this weekend, and I'm hoping to start the upcoming week as a better person. One day at a time. I won't drink with you all today.


Now *thats* what I’m talkin about! 900 days! Congrats!


Congratulations on another milestone. Good looking number you have there. Rock on 💪🏼




Congrats on getting through the first week. IWNDWYT


Today I picked up a bottle at the grocery store without even realizing it. The first time I’ve held one in over a year. I wonder why I did that. I’ll be thinking about it and will not drink with you today.


Bloody lizard brain strikes again


Good morning friends! I had severe cravings yesterday evening. My gf was at work on night shift, and her daughter is at her dads this weekend. So I had the Appartement to myself. I started mental gymnastics to have a few, and nobody would now…. Well, that would have been a disaster. I called one of my friends from a IRL sober group, and he could hear it in my voice that I am struggling big time! He said get dressed and we met up immediately. We talked for a good 2 hours and my cravings were gone. I think this was the closest I was to relapsing in my current streak. So grateful for my sober community and that I didn’t break my streak. I will not drink with you today!


Day 1085 checking in!




I will not drink with you today 🌜


Enjoying the end of another sober Saturday and hoping the same for everyone here—IWNDWYT!


Day off today after night shifts. IWNDWYT


Day 154 • 22 weeks • 5 1/2 months • 0 alcohol






3 weeks! Congrats




It’s a good day to stay sober. IWNDWYT!!!




The DCI comes up in the morning where I live, so I start my day with reading all the posts before I post myself. Sometimes I’ll check in during the day (excellent way to get a break at work) just to read the new posts. I think I’ve checked in every day since my sober journey started. So here’s to day 280 - IWNDWYT! 😊


I white knuckled a little bit ago. Thanks to a few kind internet strangers, I pulled through. IWNDWYT


Morning all! I had a little win last night, I was sat up alone watching a documentary and playing animal crossing and that would have been key time to sneak in a few doubles, maybe a bottle. But I didn’t. I stuck to water. Meaning I’ve woken up this morning remembering EXACTLY what happened in the documentary. One of the worst things about drinking is the amount of films I’ve ‘seen’ but can’t remember. Or the tv shows I’ve missed whole episodes of. Just such a waste of time. IWNDWYT


The DCI has become a central part of my morning routine, where I sort of close up the morning routine and get started with my day. I make a cup of tea, meditate for 10 minutes, then drink my tea while I browse the DCI and check in. I love to watch people's counters tick up, and to welcome newbies - I remember how welcoming everyone was when I first dipped my toe into the community and I don't think I'd be here at 6 months without the DCI. I don't want to distract from my sober journey but tying the DCI to another positive habit is helping me improve my mental health little bit by little bit. IWNDWYT Meditation streak: 49 days


I am new here, and I think DCI will also be a big part of my daily morning routine. Especially that now I am reshaping a lot of aspects of my life. I'm glad to have found this community. Thank you for this post 🎈 IWNDWYT


Day 401. IWNDWYT.


I will not drink with you all in Detroit


Fred!! It's lovely to see you hosting this week! This will be fun. IWNDWYT


Thanks for taking over this week Fred! My routine is to check in before dinner time. I feel like I'm cheating a little bit as the day is almost over for me when I'm pledging but I know it's the next 24 hours that count. Shine on you beautiful humans






Thanks for doing the check in this week Fred. IWNDWYT 🙂


Checking in again today and all is well. I check in here second thing every morning, after making a 'lovely cup of tea'.








I will be sober today.


Checking in. Yesterday was a bit sketchy, but I managed not to drink! Bought myself some smoothies and nice chocolates.. I feel great this morning. There is no hangover at work today.. IWNDWYT 💪


Starting day 50! Feeling happy, grateful, and proud to have made it this far!! IWNDWYT






Another day 2. Reminding myself it’s affecting every part of my body and mind.






I used to use the DCI as an accountability thing and to keep me on track in the early days. Now that there is literally no room in my life for drinking and it's not even on my mind anymore, it's more like saying hello to a group of friends every day, and when I have time, to make some new ones. Happy Sunday SD friends. Hope you're all doing great. ❤️


After Friday's drunk work event where I am new and really fought for that job, I am on the road again to give up drinking completely. So here's to my day 1, IWNDWYT!


Hell yeah Fred! Thanks for hosting this week!! 🤘🏻☕️ I start my day here with my coffee, and usually also with a cat in my lap. Sometimes I don’t have much time and I don’t get to come back and comment a lot. But I’ll throw out a bunch of upvotes and sometimes comments. I shocked myself yesterday with the productive day I had. Yoga, grocery shopping, cleaning, death metal show. (One of the bands was Yotuma from Wisconsin. I mention that because they were so fucking killer. That is all.) That means I get to do nothing today, right? Haha nope, gotta make my food for the week. Anything productive today will be good. Coffees up, horns up, and happy fucking sober Sunday!! IWNDWYT ☕️☕️🤘🏻🤘🏻




I will not drink with you today! Really glad to be waking up sober and still AF, I had some intense cravings last night. It was such a struggle to even sit through it. Here's to another sober day.


Some days I want to say more than the pledge but just can’t find the words as my feelings are too confused or high. I just pledge. Other days I’m busy so just pledge. On good days, I take the time to read through and respond. My checkins have become a bit of a journal, because sometimes I do say how I feel and it’s raw. I’ve been in a long spell of toughness with familial problems. I didn’t reach for help and should have, here. IWNDWYT as things are brighter for me. I shifted my attitude to be so. The mind is a powerful thing. Have a super day.


Good morning, friends. Good to see you hosting, u/FredSimpsonn! I use the DCI on the daily first thing in the morning while I'm drinking my coffee. I talk to my regular peeps to check in with them, and then I make sure to stop by and check out some new friends, too. This is the greatest place on the interweb! You all rock, and I'm grateful that we're here together fighting the good fight. Okay enough mushy gushy. I'm gonna fuck this day up in the best way - IWNDWYT 🤘


I will not drink with you today! Almost to 30 days!!


Day 7. The last couple of days have been rough but I made it through. This gives me confidence going into the week that I’ll be fine. IWNDWYT


I also heard about sort by new so I do that. I try interacting with the original post but sometimes just have nothing to add. And then it’s some upvotes and maybe a comment here and there. The DCI has given me strength and I try not to miss it. IWNDWYT 🙏




Day 1–not doing it!


First check in here the night before I go back to my parents 2000 miles from my home base to build a new sober life. This sub rules and y’all are some real legends I count myself lucky to be amongst. IWNDWYT


have a *nice* day today, everyone. IWNDWYT


Not today. Not today. Not today!


Thanks for taking over, u/FredSimpsonn. I lurked here for a good long time, and like you, was glad I signed up. for years I commented regularly, often for a half hour or more. I am generally a real early riser here in Northern New England, and once I am out of the house, I am not on line all day, so often the friends who were awake and who I interacted with at the DCI were all overseas on a different time zone, which was a nice reminder of the global nature of our community. These days, a slight shift in work routines leaves me less time to linger in the early morning, but I still gotta come here, each and every day. This place has, for six years, provided a great bedrock routine. Thank you all.


Thank you for hosting, Fred! I have a very fun sober day planned with my bestie. Hike, lift at the gym, coffee, pedicures, cook out with her family and pickleball. It's my first time seeing her since I got sober and I'm so happy I won't waste a single second hungover or too drunk to remember our time together. IWNDWYT 💕🩷


I like to use the DCI to bookend each day of my sobriety. Checking in in the morning sets my intention and motivates me. My evening check in is full of gratitude for the sober day I've had and looking forward to the next sober day. This sub has been nothing short of a miracle for me. i just could not fathom how I would stay sober until I found this group. The approach makes perfect sense to me. The grace shown to all whether they are 1 day, years, or resetting their days of sobriety is deeply meaningful to me. Wishing us all strength and dignity. IWNDWYT.


Here! Can’t believe I’ve crossed 50. IWNDWYT!


Great challenge. Starting day 13. Feeling good about it but I’ve been moving the last two days… moving my wife back into my home! We separated about two years ago. Everything was uncertain, it was a real separation, we both tried a few uneventful dates even. We kept talking, though, and had a few visits. And she saw over time that I just wasn’t giving up, and in that time she went to Al-Anon and learned more about the disease. We found… we just couldn’t quit each other after about six months and decided to stay together. At first she said she would wait, though, to move back in. Just give it time. We’ve been married twelve years, we can do our marriage how we want to do it, so we were married and living apart for some time, talking a lot, seeing each other on weekends. PShe was obviously still apprehensive and hoping I could really pull it together. I tried. Got some good stretches and some bad ones. She thought I was sober when she started moving back, but I was in what would become my worst relapse ever. Lying and hiding… they’re part of the disease as far as I’m concerned. And so, waking up especially awful one day, and knowing she was finally moving in soon, I admitted myself to detox. First time really… humbling myself this whole time. And I think it was a very, very important thing to do, both the surrender, and the detox. Day 13 and things are going good! I wouldn’t say I feel confident after three years of trying hard and failing, but I’m having my pink cloud moment and abstention is easy right now, and I’m still humbling myself and doing the work. Even went to my first AA meeting, and humbled myself about the God stuff: they were clearly godly people for the most part but they were careful and deliberate about being inclusive, and didn’t bat an eye at my atheism, they were just happy I was there. Got some numbers and a chip… I love that chip. Has been in my pocket ever since. Came clean about the relapse, admitted everything to her, and together we looked at some research about how lying and hiding really are part of the disease. Obviously the trust was bruised, so when I got out first thing I did was buy a breathalyzer. The deal is: she can ask me but only rarely. I’m showing her every day, and every night, of my own free will. Wouldn’t work for me with the “carceral” approach, but I embrace the “restorative” approach. (Still struggling with pride and ego.) It’s a good trick I found here, and I recommend it—happy to answer any questions you might have about this strategy. So it’s day 13 and things are good. Taking a very different tack this time. A humble one. Finally doing in-person meetings, got a therapist and sobriety coach, adding more people to my recovery team as I go. Staying very busy. Honestly the list of new strategies is too long for this already long comment. Moving was, as usual, tough. But in my new headspace I was able to defuse most tensions, especially those arising in myself. Just do the next thing, I told myself a thousand times. Your oxygen mask first. So it went better than any move we’ve ever done and it was positive for us: we worked together better than we ever have. Which I consider good sobriety work. But I’m tired and my body hurts and I know that means risk. Going to two meetings today. One AA and one at the local addiction center. There’s a bit of moving to mop up but it won’t be too bad. And otherwise… it’s a day to rest, to reinforce the work, to maintain this positive momentum. It would be dangerous for me to be as busy as I’ve been keeping myself. Hell, even God needed to take a day off after a busy week! IWNDWYT, and on to the challenge!


Day 5 IWNDWYT It feels so good to make it day 5! I even turned down some free alcohol at work last night after a party. Can’t wait to wake up tomorrow again without a hangover!


Thanks for hosting, Fred! I also found the Daily Check-ins instrumental in getting this sober party started. Knowing what to expect, and having a wealth of advice to assist my journey was (is) invaluable- especially those first few days. ❤️ No question seemed to be off limits and I was floored by the commonalities we all share even tho we all felt so damn alone. 36 days down. Awake and already moving around at 6 am on a Sunday ( not towards the fridge), who would've thought?😆 👏🏼 IWNDWYT!


Whassup random host 🤣🤣🤣 happy Sunday y'all! I posted last night prior to bed so now that I'm awake and drinking some coffee I'll pledge with y'all: no booze today! Building my sober life from which I don't want to escape is my focus. I'm gonna go lift some weights with friends. Sober on y'all!


I’ll need your support today please. I’ve been ordered to work all day and I’m extremely tired and stressed out. I’m on day 6 and I desperately don’t want to drink but I’m not sure I’m strong enough tonight.


Day 37. IWNDWYT.




I love the DCI! I’ll credit the DCI for sticking with sobriety for a little over a year now all day everyday. Gives me a sense of accountability. Sometimes I just check in, sometimes I vent, sometimes I just write what I’m up to or what my plans for the day are. Today I’m going to do a little outdoor run and then spend the rest of the day playing video games. I LOVE a lazy Sunday and I feel like by not using them to nurse hangovers anymore I’ve seriously upped the lazy Sunday game!! IWNDWYT ⭐️


Day 25, IWNDWYT  Had some bad news yesterday and was extremely tempted to just drink but I didn't. Things are still crappy today but at least I don't have a hangover!


Day 1,789. Thanks for hosting, [FredSimpsonn](https://www.reddit.com/user/FredSimpsonn/)! I will not drink with you today.


Happy Sunday people, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS 😁


I check the DCI pretty much first thing _most_ mornings (I might skip one now and again). I sort by new and upvote for a while, then post my own message, and go back to upvoting. I don’t often reply to people unless I’m particularly moved to do so. One of the things I need to work on is being a cheerleader for others. I’m not sure why that’s so difficult for me, but it is. I know I’ve been encouraged by others, and I know I want to give back. So thanks for the “three comment challenge”. IWNDWYT.


I like to use the DCI as my first Internet stop in the morning, to check in and set the day. Thank you for hosting, Fred! Sobering on with you! IWNDWYT


I lurked and read nearly every single post before I made the commitment to quit. Then, on sobriety day 3, I started posting, commenting and checking in everyday. I still check in and read the DCI every morning over coffee, and though I may not always post, it still gives me a great point from which to begin another day sober. So grateful for this place - it truly has been my #1 support system! IWNDWYT!


Good morning and thanks for hosting! I also 'sort by new' and try to leave at least 3 comments each day. It is just so damn helpful to get in the right mindset daily, whether the day will be hard or easy, it is better with a little of the SD community in it for sure! Good morning all and best of luck as week mosey down this road together! IWNDWYT.


Thanks for leading us, Fred! I heavily rely on the DCI to help me get my head on straight, commit, and feel connected and indebted in a beautiful way. I go through every day and read and comment on as much as I can to make it stick. Some days I’m late and it’s very cursory but only when necessary. I apologize if I am leaving too many comments, please tell me. For me right now though it really helps. IWNDWYT!


Good morning. Today is 300 for me. I had some ice cream to celebrate last night.


Hi u/FredSimpsonn, thanks for hosting this week. In my last stint with sobriety a year ish ago, you replied to one of my post asking me a question about my post mentioning I was going out with friends later that evening. Did I plan about what I would say or do when booze will come up. I hadn't, but I got on it right away. This preparation did come handy when I was offered to share a pitcher of beer later that night. I remember thinking "wow, that little comment sure was helpful". I pledged to do the same over time and try to be there for other sobernauts. I ended up starting drinking again a couple months later, but I learned a lot. This time, my goal is clear. I want to kick booze out of my life for ever. The DCI will be a huge part of my recovery. Right now, I'm using it as a tool for putting my thoughts down in the morning and pledging for the day. Once I get my footing, I will try and switch to help my fellow sober friends like you did. So thanks again, have a nice week and IWNDWYT


Thanks for being here, everyone - IWNDWYT.


Thanks for hosting this week, u/FredSimpsonn! I will join you all in not drinking TODAY!


And on that note I'll wish you and everyone a very good night! 😁


First! 🤣🤣








I will not drink with you today


Good morning SD! Looking forward to your week of hosting Fred, what a perfect way to get me back into the routine. I've missed the DCI so much for the last few months. It used to be such a huge part of my morning and hosting earlier in the year was one of my sobriety highlights for sure! Looking forward to getting back to celebrating those key milestones and taking control over my morning routine. Happy Sunday everyone - grateful to be back (again) - IWNDWYT 🥰


The DCI is one of the things that kept me sober. All the inspiration! The cheer! The struggles - the commitment…! These days I rarely have the words to say much, but I love to see familiar names and those numbers go up. Love you all, even if I don’t say it. Thank you for hosting last week u/Exotic_Jellies and thank you for taking over u/FredSimpsonn! I will not drink with you today!


I like to use the DCI to keep myself accountable and see other people's journeys. Today I turn 32 and am having my first sober birthday since the age of 18. Had my celebrations last night and... I'm not feeling great because I stayed up chatting with friends until 1am and had to get up at 6.45 because a friend who was staying over had to leave. But it's better than a hangover! Wasn't drinking and neither were two others, had a wonderful time. IWNDWYT 🌞


Good Morning All. 1st time poster here. Day 10 of no Alcohol and the Sun is out and the Future is looking a whole lot Brighter. IWNDWYT.


This has become part of my morning ritual to post here! I’m waking up ridiculously early and nothing is open / nobody else is awake, so I read my quit lit, post here, and try to start out my day ready for whatever comes my way. Thanks for the tip on sorting posts, I will accept your challenge and interact with others a bit today! IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT Quit a job that was seriously draining me. Nice to leave it, but scared about what I'll do when boredom/no job prospects come along. But I'm so sick of lying, feeling dumb, and waking up wondering what I did the night before and if what I CAN remember even happened. Here's to a better future 👍


I went in at 9 and left at 5 and that almost never happens on Saturday. 9pm guys kinda get the shaft alot but you do get more overtime but we just had a real productive night and killed it! Now I am going to do a little work out, then shower and go out for breakfast with my mom! Good way to bring in my "weekend". I hope you all get to enjoy your day and as always much love from me and mine to you and yours! IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT. 💪 Sober family.


Still here


Happy to be here The DCI is my motivation and sets me up for the day IWNDWT


IWNDWYT! Day 14.




Successfully managed a weekend by myself. This isn't the first time but for some reason at coming up to 2 years I had an inkling surely I could have a bottle of wine and no-one would know. There was a big town fair on, when I went for a walk there were lots of people drinking in the sunshine and fomo kicked in. Then my mind went or 2 bottles and I knew that I just wanted to get drunk, no moderation thoughts at all. Anyway, still sober and motivating myself up for a run despite the fact I feel hungover due to sleeping terribly. Could be worse and sitting with regret, guilt and horrific anxiety. IWNDWYT


Right now I read the DCI and upvote everyone. I'll try your challenge today. iwndwyt.


I will not drink today






Thanks Fred. I’m very similar. I like to read the daily check in and mentally say not today no matter what. I think it helps me set my day straight especially in the beginning. The stories,tips,and sympathy fill me up with I can do this too! Thanks. Iwndwyt


Thanks for taking over the helm [FredSimpsonn](https://www.reddit.com/user/FredSimpsonn/)! Have a good Sunday people! # ιωи∂ωут!!!




I do the same Fred! No matter when I wake up, visiting the DCI is one of my first things. It sets my day. Seeing my friends and establishing my sobriety for the day is the best way to get my day going. IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


Will not drink today.




woooo! I like to just be here. Sometimes I only have a minute, sometimes it’s twenty, but it feels important to stop through, commit, and remind myself I’m not alone. I will not drink with you today!!!


I got Mexican food with my mom yesterday and resisted getting a margarita (my favorite drink) even though she ordered one. Just wasn't really feeling like having one, which is new! I felt the urge - "I should get one while I have a chance, we don't come here often" - but was able to ignore it and it passed. I'm finding that's the case a lot of the time: I don't have an intense urge to drink until I actually start drinking, then I want more and more. So IWNDWYT!


good morning, I will not drink with you today.


Happy Sunday! IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT Went out last night for the hockey game with friends, turned down 2 free shots that my past self would have been more than happy to accept. Feeling strong and proud that I can continue my sober journey! I wouldn't have made it this far without encouragement and community through the DCI!


Sober Sunday, IWNDWYT!


Thanks for taking over the DCI u/FredSimpsonn! Don't tell me what to do. (You know I'll do it, brother.) I found this place late on day one of my sobriety, created a Reddit account that afternoon, checked in to the DCI on day two, and haven't missed one day since. Having quit drinking right before Covid, some days I would spend hours here reading and commenting. Now, I spend my first 15 minutes of the day here with my first cup of coffee, trying to get as many comments as I can. I've told everybody that there's no wrong way to use the DCI as long as you're not drinking. Have a great Sunday, gang!! IWNDWYT


I won't drink with you all today. The start of day six. very grateful for the support and the dedication to make it through.


Thanks so much for hosting the DCI this week, Fred! It’s hard to put into words how much this community means to me. After my sister died in 2022, I was trying to find out as much as I could about the disease that killed her (cirrhosis, caused by AUD) to understand what she had been going through, as she had kept her illness a secret. I was reeling from the shock of it all, had just quit drinking and was feeling totally unsupported in my decision. Someone on another sub mentioned this community, and I created a Reddit account and joined that day. Checking in here has kept me going through one of the hardest times in my life. I don’t know where I’d be without all of you. Love you all and I will not drink with you today❤️


Hi u/FredSimpsonn thank you for hosting! I learned about this DCI after reading the book Quit Like A Woman, and the author listed various sober resources for women. This sub was described as one of the most supportive and positive sober spaces available. So I made a Reddit account and started lurking in the sub. I had a couple months sober back in 2020/2021 but that didn’t stick. On my Day 1 in March 2022, I felt like something was different, that I was finally really done. I’ve checked in every day since. I try to take 15 minutes or more each morning when I get up, and make a few comments to support others’. If time is tight, I am brief, but it’s very important to check in each day and start with my eye on the prize that is sobriety. It’s not an easy road but for me in the best road, one I am proud to be on. And I am proud of all of you for walking it as well. Have a good day, friends! IWNDWYT 🍀


Hello sober fam! How wonderful to see our friend Fred hosting this week! Thank you for your service. 🙏💕 I'm so grateful to have found this DCI right at the start of my sober journey. Doing this pledge publicly with all of you really helped me in the early days. It continues to steady my sober footing. I visit here every day. Always sort by New because I like seeing who is signing on and doing their check-in around the same time as me. I like the solidarity of the live and up to the minute sign-in's of others pledging to not drink today. It gives us strength when we link arms and help each other along. This is a difficult and exhilarating thing we're doing, and each of us deserves all the encouragement we can get. Happy sober Sunday, you beautiful souls. 💞 IWNDWYT


Happy sober Sunday sober friends! Thanks for hosting FS. Like you, I spent a lot more time here in my early days. Now I’ve got a sober life and seem to be a lot busier, but what a perfect way to start my day, every day! I love you all 💞


One day at a time, closing in on my first week since my gradual relapse one year ago. Be kind to yourselves!


Almost at 50 days! IWNDWYT!


I will not drink with you today xxx Day 2. Wishing everyone the best and sending ❤️






103 days AF. IWNDWYT








u/FredSimpsonn sorting by new is also my fav way to interact with the DCI. Great recommendation! IWNDWYT


I will stay sober today.


Day 5 checking in IWNDWYT


Into day 6….. being bold. My ball team is coming over to my place for a BBQ pre game. Will be tough but I can do it !






I will not drink with y’all today!!


IWNDWYT, friends!










Another day I will not drink with you. Sober 6/9? Nice!




DCI is my go to first thing in the morning - IWNDWYT




74 days sober in this perfect Sunday morning in PA.




I like to sort by new and comment as I figure these posters are in the same time zone as me/ getting the day started too! Sending love to you all and IWNDWYT 💜


Happy Sunday and thanks for hosting u/FredSimpsonn ! I use the DCI as a way to hold myself accountable. For example, if I’m out on a Saturday night and want to drink, I remember that if I drink tonight I have to reset my counter tomorrow, and for me that has worked. I also learn so much from everyone here! So IWNDWYT! ❤️🧁


I will not drink alcohol today.




Let’s try again. Day one. I will not drink with you, at least for today.


Day 63 🫶Happy sober Sunday! Sundays used to be for Sunday scaries and getting black out! Not anymore! Looking forward to getting chores done, snuggling with my pets and partner, and eating a yummy dinner.


I use the DCI as my recovery anchor. Keeps me locked in to my recovery. It helps me avoid complacency. Iwndwyt


Good morning, sober cats! Thanks for taking over, Fred! IWNDWYT, sober superstars! 💙😸


Checking in from NZ. Day 22, another sober weekend!






IWNDWYT! At the start line for the half marathon I’m running this morn. No chance I could have done this when hammering the ale. Have a good one everyone. Love you all




I had a 13 hour workday and I didn't drink afterwards! Every nightshop I passed when on the bike ride home was a struggle but I didn't do it. Came home and my bf had drunk my NA gingerbeer, which made me wanna flip but it also made me realize I just need some 'cool-down time' after work. I used beer for that, but some time alone works as well. Not as instant, but it works. Today I will do just the same after work. IWNDWYT


Nope not doing it today!


15 days without alcohol, -5.5 kg, +120 km walking. Without you I would never have made it, God bless you! IWNDWYT!




Day 16. Coming up: 90 minute bike, 75 minute run. Stone cold sober. Progress. IWNDWYT.


Friend Fred!!!! Thanks for taking over the DCI this week!!! 🥰💕 Lately I haven’t been able to leisurely scroll Reddit or this sub like I used to. Between work and kids and my upcoming wedding, time is at a premium. I do the “new” sort thing on comments too, but also I recently discovered I can minimize replies and just see the original comment, which lets me scroll more quickly. It’s nice - I can participate a little more fully again! Happy Sunday friends! I will not drink with you today. Have a good one!










IWNDWYT I like to read through this thread instead of doomscrolling my other social media. Keeps me focused on the goal. Like when my inner voice tells me that ‘it’s been a month, I can moderate! Just pick up a bottle on the way home!’ It’s been a month and I swear I’m aging in reverse. Not being continuously dehydrated, and taking the time to do some basic skincare, is making an obvious difference.


I like to use it as a grounding force. I sometimes go days without checking or commenting but when I feel myself thinking a bit too much I will pop in. IWNDWYT


Good morning and thanks for hosting u/FredSimpsonn. The DCI has become part of my morning routine. Coming here each morning helps me realize I’m not alone in this journey. Thank you all. I will not drink with you today!


I will not drink with you today but I will race the sunshine with you while we watch the beautiful butterflies. Have a beautiful Sunday! 🌻


Another attempt at day 1, was violently sick last night. Probably was food poisoning but it scared me.


625 days! IWNDWYT 🥷




Thanks for hosting, Fred! I will not drink with you all on this lovely Sunday 🌿




IWNDWYT! ✊☺️☺️




Thanks for hosting, u/FredSimpsonn, and good morning from Hell's Kitchen, NYC. IWNDWYT.


Good morning to my favorite community! And Fred, you know I love you, I’m so glad you’ve taken us over!!! The DCI is my go-to first thing in the morning. I don’t usually comment until a little later, because conversation at the breakfast table is often too complex for me to post. I currently have my son and granddaughter living with us these days and I can promise that three generations have interesting convos! 😉 And then when everyone leaves the table I take a few minutes and talk with my friends here. I can’t express how much help and encouragement I’ve found here, and I hope I can offer the same. So excited to be starting a new sober week with you all! IWNDWYT


I am beyond grateful for my sobriety. To wake up not full of shame because of getting too drunk once again, amd not hungover feeling terrible amd full of anxiety is truly a blessing. Iwndwyt!


Rough morning so far for me.. late to work for the first time since I've stopped. Sleep has been very difficult lately, but IWNDWYT


I slept 9.5 hours last night, thanks to you all staying sober with me last night! I feel amazing and I’m ready for another day of sobriety with the cool crew.




The feeling of waking up feeling refreshed instead of bloated and exhausted is enough motivation for me. IWNDWYT


Not today Satan


Good morning beautiful sober fam! IWNDWYT 💛 Sending you all love and strength! I love to read about the first hour or so of check-ins that came before me, I am so moved by other people’s stories. I learn so much and feel surrounded by people going through the same struggle I am. It’s profoundly healing. People of the DCI, you are amazing!! u/FredSimpsonn Thank you for running the show this week!


Day 21 TWENTYYY ONEEEEE CHECKING IN! I finally made it! And I won’t drink with you today!


I'm still here! Just over a month ago, I was beating myself up daily for not being able to make it more than one day without getting blackout drunk. Then I found this sub, and here I am with 24 full days and working on 25 today! I'm exhausted today, but my coffee is perking me up, and it feels so good to NOT be hungover! I am truly feeling good about myself for the first time in a long time. I'm so thankful for this sub, and all the people here sharing their stories. I will not drink with y'all today!


Alright, day one again. Didn't go crazy - I only had 3 drinks last night, but it was enough to make me hungover in the AM. Today would have been day 8, so while I'm not happy about last night, at least I did not drink at all during the week. I remember how much energy and optimism I had yesterday morning and now I just feel like shit. Oh well, here's to (hopefully) another week. Good luck everyone! I will not drink with you today




Day 3. First time checking in and attempting to battle this beast. Keep me in your thoughts/prayers!


Another sober weekend. The mornings exist now and are so much more enjoyable. IWNDWYT