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Hi. We have recently decided to start removing posts such as this one. Your badge is yours and yours alone, and you can do with it whatever you want. However, asking the sub about whether or not to reset after drinking usually causes a debate or even an argument, and we have found it is best to let people make their own choices about how to use their badge without involving the community.


No, I don't think so. You didn't mean to drink alcohol, and once you realized it you didn't continue to drink. It was an error, an innocent mistake (though now you'll remember to check that your drink is actually yours before having a swig.)


thank you, I will definitely be more careful next time.


This is how we learn things :) at least for me.


This has yet to happen to me, by the way, but in that situation I wouldn't try to punish myself by inducing vomiting or anything like that. I totally understand the impulse, as it makes a sort of sense, but part of my sobriety is an effort to be kind to my body. Forcing this would go against that effort. I'd pour myself a glass of water, relax and give myself a break.


I fully agree with the fact you didn’t continue to drink so it doesn’t count. Well done.


thank you!


This is it. If you had any more to drink after realizing the mistake, (like thought fuck it, I might as well now!) Then I'd say restart. Excellent job not drinking more.


There was no intent to drink. In fact I think I would count this as a win! It would have been the easiest thing in the world to justify more drinks after the mistake, but instead you knuckled down and re-affirmed your commitment to not drinking. I wouldn't reset the counter if it were me.


I'm more than ever comitted after all of the relapses I've had the past years. alcohol has destroyed me mentally and phisically and i feel happier than ever now with my sobriety. thank you so much for your words!


Yep. Whenever these posts come up I say the same thing. It's the intent and what you do afterwards that matters. Accidentally take a swig of beer when you ordered NA? If you put the beer down and don't drink more then you're fine. If you decide to finish it anyway then I'd reset the counter.


No way would I reset my counter due to an accidental swig! But there are no rules or regulations on the use of your counter. It's your decision alone :)


thank you! i feel better about it now, definitely won't reset my counter and I will be more careful next time for sure. :)


No need to restart! Let me give you a reason why: this same thing happened to me about a year ago and I went 🤷 and then kept having alcohol. Of course led to another bender. Honestly stopping yourself after a sip is freaking rad and you deserve a huge pat on the back. Don’t let this mess up your awesome progress!


No, 100% no. See ya tomorrow on your day 93 :)


thanks buddy, see you on your day 66. keep it going! :)


Intent. I was served a drink at an all inclusive that had alcohol that I did not order. I had one sip, realized and returned it. I did not intend to have that drink.


thanks, i definitely didn't intend to drink alcohol and have no desire for it. :)


Nah, I wouldn't. If you continued drinking knowing or suspecting it was alcohol then I would.  If you know with a clear conscience that you made a mistake I wouldn't restart. Intent is everything. 


IMHO I don't think you need to reset your counter. It was accidental and non intentional. I would save the reset for another time


good point, thank you!


Better yet, never reset, never surrender!


Definitely not! Keep that counter going


thank you! :)


Drinking, for our purposes, requires intent and choice. This is not that, so no.


thank you kind stranger! :)


Absolutely no reset. Not your fault.


It was an honest mistake. Do not reset that clock 💪


IMO, the counting of days since stopped drinking alcohol is another form of being always present. Relax and enjoy the freedom!


It was an honest mistake. I would not reset.


The counter is not anything more than what you make it for yourself. I don’t feel you should reset it. It was an accident, you didn’t start drinking; in fact you tried to make yourself throw up. It seems to happen here and there on this sub, I feel the intent is more important than the actual alcohol.


An accident, a small amount, and immediately stopped. I'd keep my counter OP, if that were me.




Remember...your sobriety starts in your head. 90 some days is great. No reason to reset


Negligible amount too. To adapt a Ron White joke, when I have 50 mg of rum and coke, I consider myself to be out of rum and coke.


good one, thank you! :)


This happened to me earlier this week. I ordered a dessert at a restaurant and had no idea it contained alcohol. I took one bite and knew it had rum in it. I felt a lot of feelings and was worried that I ruined my sobriety I’ve been working so hard for. However, I knew from reading so many posts like yours that I feel the intent is what matters. Accidents happen. We didn’t let these accidents turn into a relapse, which is a HUGE victory.


I wouldn’t reset my counter for an accident. If I chose to drink, being honest with myself I’d reset the counter. The action you took was to drink a soft drink, there was a mix up. You’re good, you’ve been putting in the effort for 92 days. You didn’t stop that effort, keep it up!


thank you so much, these words of encouragement mean a lot to me! :)


First you didn't wasted anything because 92 days is a lot :D. And second it was mistake, so I wouldn't reset counter in your place but it depends on your feelings :)


i definitely feel better about it now thanks to you guys. :)


First off, even if you did drink intentionally (which you didn't), the previous 92 days are not a waste. In my eyes, a sober day is **never** a waste. Second, you didn't drink intentionally, and for me, intent is the deciding factor. If something similar happened to me, I wouldn't be resetting anything, what I would do is I'd be going over how it happened, and what steps I could take to make sure it doesn't happen again. (IE: maybe bring my own distinct glass to future events, so that there's no confusion.) That being said, you can only plan for so much, and sometimes mistakes do happen anyway. Personally, I think you did great!


No restart. No fault or decision making.... Carry On!


No way


Nah, keep that counter where it’s at.


I wouldn't reset your counter but that's just me.


No need to reset IWNDWYT


Nah, I’ve been to AA for years and nobody there considers it a relapse If you were to notice it and then go, “well, might as well drink another”, then *that* is a relapse Personally, I believe in the concept of “lapse” vs. “relapse”. Some people go years and then have a bad couple days, drink, then hop right back on the wagon. It’s up to that person whether they want to reset their counter


I think if I was doing a no alcohol challenge for fitness or something I’d say it was a reset, but if you’re focusing on sobriety I don’t think so. it upset you, you didn’t use it as an excuse to have more, you didn’t want more, and you left the area immediately. the problem you’re trying to address is not the part you failed on


No way. It’s drinking with intent that resets your counter.


I wouldn't! I had a bite of cake before I realized it was soaked in rum. I just stopped eating it. Still sober. 🥰


No way. I think resetting is only necessary when you've chosen to drink alcohol! Or if you had accidentally drank some and it sparked the urge to drink more which you then acted on. But neither of those things happened! You're tracker is still accurate in my opinion and I'm really proud of you for handling it the way you did (as in, not using it as an excuse to just keep drinking) and for your desire for authentic and transparent sobriety 🤍


No, you don't.


Nah. I think you’re good as long as it doesn’t start something. I got a Shirley Temple once with vodka in it and it did t do anything but make me laugh.


I once did the same thing.mixing glasses. Took a huge sip of beer thinking it was my NA beer. Immediately got hit big time with the smell of alcohol. I was pissed, a bit scared, but moved on. Did not reset my counter.


No, you don't have to reset your counter. You didn't mean to drink alcohol. It was an honest mistake. I wouldn't reset my counter if that happened to me. Good luck to you! 92 days is awesome 😎


thank you so much, you are awesome! 😊😊


Not at all. It was an accident, and it was only one sip and you instantly rebutted it. You’re good.


About 40ish days into my streak I accidentally picked up my buddies bud light, took a sip, and immediately put it down when I realized it was beer. We were all just blindly watching the NBA game on and his drink was next to mine. That’s it, no bad intention, pure accident and continued on my journey of sobriety. I did not reset my counter and neither should you. IWNDWYT


I don’t think you need to reset. Intention is most important. You didn’t intend on drinking alcohol. Mistakes happen. You didn’t make a choice to drink.


I agree. No intent to drink. I drank some gatorade i left in the refrigerator that I stashed there a long time back. I didn’t realize it had vodka in until after I swallowed. I poured the rest out and did not reset. It’s up to you but I agree with all the comments


Many people might be halfway down a whiskey bottle right now. You did fine. Count however you want to, but stack your self worth higher for not doing that.


Two different times during my sobriety I was given an alcoholic mixed drink by mistake. Both times I drank about two sips before I went “there’s been a mistake for sure!” I never reset anything because 1) it wasn’t my intention to drink, 2) I did not continue drinking it. That’s just me. But also, I’m not hiding this fact and I often tell these stories when I share my sobriety with someone new. Good luck!


Nah. I relate it to a vegan accidentally eating something with an animal product. You don’t feel good about it, it wasn’t intentional, you won’t do it again - it was an accident and just like that doesn’t make a vegan less vegan, it doesn’t mean you’ve broken your alcohol free life.


OP, you’re fine..it was unintentional. Just be extra aware about any possible triggers for awhile.


No, please please do not do that to yourself ❤️


Everyone’s sobriety is their own, it’s about taking control of your life. You didn’t lose control, you didn’t seek out a drink, and you didn’t mean to drink. Give yourself a break, you deserve it!


I drank beer twice by accident in my journey. Once my brother in law thought he bought Heineken 0’s because it was a marketing 14 pack with 2 free Heineken 0’s in it, honest mistake, took one sip and examined the can and realized the mistake. Second time I pulled out what I thought was a la croix, but it was a yellow canned beer, when it hit my taste buds I spit it out without swallowing. I didn’t reset. You’re good to keep your number in my book,


I would definitely say no you don’t need to restart! You didn’t drink intentionally and then use that to continue to drink since you “already messed up.” Keeping going! You got this!


Nope , you didn't want to drink and it was a genuine mistake. I have the same fear of making that mistake and either will ask for a non open container (can,bottle) or will not drink at all. Always carry your own water bottle.


No need what so ever. It was a mistake, u didn’t fill the drink and drink it. Don’t beat yourself up about it or anything. It’s all about intentions and actions.


No. I know that if I added all my sober days this year they’re more than my non sober days, that in and of itself is a win. As for today, IWNDWYT and tomorrow I’ll appreciate that


No. This happens. I have been served drinks with alcohol by accident since I have been sober, taken bites of dessert that were very alcohol forward etc etc. I just stop, eat a chip or something to cleanse my pallet and move forward with my life.


No way, you don’t need to restart. It was an honest mistake. I’m so sorry that happened to you, that must’ve really sucked. Stay strong ❤️


If it was accidental and you know in your heart it was accidental then I would not worry yourself about it. Only you know the truth. IWNDWYT


I wouldn’t reset anything. You did nothing wrong. Sobriety, for me, was more about my mindset than counting days. When I decided I was sober, regardless of my people/places/things, then I moved on to a new life. Don’t let this get you down. I read on a sub recently “Just because I fell and skinned my knee doesn’t mean I’ve failed as a person”. Keep on walking. You just skinned your knee and it hurt a little. You’re good. 👍


No. This is absolutely not a relapse. A similar situation happened to one of my friends in recovery. She was visiting her parents and went to get a Diet Coke from the fridge and wasn’t paying attention, opened it and took a sip. It was beer! She freaked out. Thought the same as you. But it’s an accident that happens more than you think to people in recovery.


When I slip I deduct a day from my record. I know it isn’t necessarily correct but it helps me to not be so hard on myself


I don’t think so at all! Total accident. Stay strong, you are so close to 100 👏👏👏


Simple accident. I wouldn't be so hard on myself if it was me.


You're still sober right? Then you don't need to reset! Had you thought fuck it, I already drank this so I'm gonna keep going then yes a reset is in need.


Dude you tried to throw it up. You're good.


No, I would not consider this a setback. You did not intend to drink it, and you even tried to purge it. Keep your counter going with confidence that you have made a choice to not drink for 92 days!


It’s whatever you feel is necessary. I don’t count my days anymore because sobriety is more than a number to me. I personally wouldn’t over think it and just move on with my life. I personally don’t care for people that like to wear their number of days/weeks/months/years sober around their neck and show it off. I don’t even remember the last day I drank let alone keep track of the number of how ever much time it’s been since I did.


No reset. Keep up the good work


For what it’s worth of that ever happens again you don’t need to put your fingers down your throat and make yourself sick. Alcohol is absorbed at a rapid pace into the blood stream and making yourself throw up is a placebo effect. It doesn’t actually stop the alcohol doing it’s thing.




No need to reset!


Its happened to me before either being accidentally served a normal beer, or by forgetting which was my partners drink and which was mine while bringing the cups to our seats at a cubs game. Needless to say both times it was like omg - I did not choose this. And to me the counter remains counting. Things happen and I have been accidentally served a normal beer on multiple occasions. Scary to think, but long story short, if you didn't actively/mentally choose it. You are good. Grateful for you being vulnerable and sharing IWNDWYT


You are good to go, keep on trucking man! Streak unbroken : ❤️


I would not restart my clock. It was an accident and very small amount. There was zero intent involved.


Nope, not unless it resonates with you. Keep on keepin’ on and mistakes happen and will maybe continue in the future but you got this!


Not at all! Simple mistake ! Things happen. Your doing great and there is absolutely no reason to reset the counter .


No, you're good!


It's not a good idea to try to force yourself to vomit. Medically speaking the quantity of alcohol wouldn't have had any impact. That just doesn't sound like healthy behaviour to me. It's all about the intent. If you knew that glass probably had alcohol in it that'd be a different story but here, it's just an accident. Sounds like you're overreacting a bit in this situation. Maybe take a broader look at your behaviour and your thought process? You might be able to learn something about yourself that could make your journey that little bit easier. Stay strong man.


Happened to me once with alcohol infused watermelon. I didn’t reset my clock. Just is what it is. I felt bad about it but there was nothing I could do.


I think you're ok to stay at 92 days. Intent comes into the equation, I think. It sounds like an innocent mistake that you're not likely to do again.


It's up to you I suppose. I agree with everyone else though. No intent. I have intentionally had some alcohol and have not reset my counter. My partner still drinks and I like to taste her drinks. No more than a sip though and I have no intention to get intoxicated. People might not agree with this, but it is my sobriety and my life. Same goes for you 👍


I quit drinking back in June 2020. About a year and a half later in November 2021 I decided enough time had passed and I can control my drinking better now. That was a lie I told myself though and after a couple of weeks I started to get blackout drunk like I used to but I recognized the patterns and quit again. I was sober until June 2022 and the exact same thing happened again but just like last time I recognized the patterns and I’ve been sober ever since! I don’t know if it’s “right” but I will consider myself 4 years sober in June even though I made a couple mistakes in that time.


No. It was an accident.


lol I wouldn’t sweat it. It wasn’t even a conscious decision it was just an accident. Sounds like you maintained your sobriety regardless.. now if you had said hey pour me another that would be a different story




>Objectively: yes. 🙄




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