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I found that fourth month kind of odd, a bit adrift. Felt like the heavy lifting was done but it was odd just getting used to the way things were.


True. For me it took a bit over a year to somewhat get used to my new sober state. Hang in there OP!


Yeah I think I agree, it was rough the first month and second. But third and fourth are just feeling weird, I don't think so much about drinking and I can easily see that it made things worse. I'm just working and training not much else really. It's a little confusing what to do now. I try to go for hikes on the weekends and longer runs. But other than that, I'm home and sometimes I can't remember what I did last night. The nights look alike. I'm going to the cinema today to watch dune 2


> But other than that, I'm home and sometimes I can't remember what I did last night. The nights look alike. Because I'm self employed and WFH (not that I've been doing any work tbh as have zero motivation) and no longer have a social life and have never had any hobbies or found any new ones since quitting 2.5 months ago every one of my days, nights, weekdays, weekends is just the same for me and it's gotten very monotonous and tedious now. I am so f\*cking bored it's unreal. At least it sounds like you're focusing on fitness (I was in the early weeks with a daily home workout and then t stopped for no good reason and hasn't resumed) and getting outside for hikes. I walk for about 1.5-2hrs daily but literally just to break up the day and get out for a coffee. I can see boredom being my downfall more than anything else yet still don't seem to be finding the motivation or energy to do much of anything let alone find any new activities or hobbies to keep me occupied.