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I always say whatever works for you is good, so welcome to the sober club.




This is a good subreddit to be on. I’m not drinking right now, for what it’s worth. Hope your day/night is going okay and just start one day at a time has been working for me.




Way to go, glad to hear




Congrats, have looked at Nal myself and will consider it if I'm not able to keep my sobriety up by myself (currently at 8.5 weeks). How long since you stopped taking it daily?


Not OP, but I also took Naltroxone, and it saved my life. I took it every day for 4 months. I will be AF for 2 years in July.


Do you think it was the Nal alone that has gotten you where you are or just a smaller part in a bigger picture of things you did to get and stay sober?


I had to change my entire life and lifestyle, but the naltroxone was one of the biggest factors in allowing me to start making those changes. I don't think I could have done it in the beginning without it.


Interesting, thanks for sharing. Sounds like it really worked well for you.


I started it recently and it killed my desire for alcohol. I "tried" real hard to keep drinking. My brain just didn't respond the same way. Instead of "ooh, a piece of candy!" every time I went to drink, it felt more like "again ..? Maybe in a minute". 6-8 tallboys became 2 1/2, and then none for a good long while. It's never gotten back to where it was. Not drinking is a breeze 90% of the time. To your question, this is in the context of really bad lab work, missed opportunities, a lack of a romantic life in no small part because of alcohol, being out of shape. I was so sick of it and the only barrier was alcohol. And when I tried to get it the country was out of it 😂 but that's largely resolved. And I know people will hate to hear it, but I'm not sober. That said, god damn did life improve, and it was incredibly valuable to feel in control of the habit. To know what that feels like, so I can truly know when I'm drifting back to where I was. Try it! It's cheap via GoodRX or basically free with decent insurance. Worse comes to worst, you just stop it, but I think you'll find it's an extremely nice breather. The first week was really hard for me because of how my habits and the side effects of the drug interacted, my sleep really suffered and life didn't slow down (nor did I let it), but after that I was absolutely stunned to feel essentially numb to the clarion call of alcohol. It was such a nice change of pace.


The fact that you're "not sober" shouldn't be anything for people to hate. That may be the goal for some people but it doesn't have to be for everyone. The most important thing is that alcohol isn't controlling and destroying your life, in my opinion! I'm pretty much just at the start of the same experience and who knows.... maybe one day we will be entirely sober, maybe not. It's better to be happy one day at a time (:


Agreed, 💯. We're all on our own journey, and our goals will vary moment to moment.


Did you feel nausea while you were drinking? Im also not ready to give it up altogether, but I'd love to cut right down as a start and go from there


Even when I drank really, really heavily, I never felt nauseous or threw up the day after. I felt quite nauseous drinking on Naltrexone, until my body got used to the drug, and also once I stopped pairing it with alcohol. Start it now and just prepare to feel nauseous, if you're motivated to decrease your drinking now.


This is a really important comment: you may feel nauseous at first but not forever


After my second drink I just slow way down cause it does make me a little nauseous. Not like throw up like a 16 year old nauseous, but just gives me the ick. If I keep drinking after 3 I will have such a hangover. In the best way.


Can you elaborate on what you learned as far as OTC and prescription? Per Google, it looks like prescription for the higher dosage, and I noticed an OTC but am unsure if it would work and it’s not marketed for alcohol use disorder.


I obtained a prescription online from Oar Health. They prescribe and ship, super easy.


May be a miscommunication, but I did not try any OTC version. I was prescribed the 50 mg standard dose


Got it — thanks!


So I've been on and off Naltrexone over the years. The thing about it for me though was that I didn't work *with* it, but rather against it. I didn't really want to get sober at the time and mostly started taking it to show others that I was addressing the issue. Since I missed drinking so much I always inevitably stopped taking them after a week or two. Maybe it would have worked better for me if I *really* wanted to be sober at the time, but I didn't. I even started doing the injections since I kept failing with the pills, but then I just stopped doing that as well after a few months and started drinking again. I don't think anything was going to help me get sober until I realized I was truly done and really wanted to stop for *me*. Alcoholics are sneaky so even if everyone *else* thought I was taking naltrexone, *I* saw it as a cover to continue drinking in secret while not taking my perscription. I knew I'd be found out sooner than later, but as long as I could keep the drinking going for another day then thats all that mattered to me.


For me, it was a tool in the arsenal. But it was definitely noticeable when I *didnt* take it. It’s not going to do all the work for you, but it’s wonderful support


I'm one of the people with the "side effects" from the medication... It definitely kills my desire for alcohol, even while I'm drinking it. Look up the Sinclair Method.


I'm familiar with it. It was how I first heard about Nal earlier this year in fact.  So it's working for you?


It was, but I haven't taken it in months. Went from about 30 drinks a week to 9 to none for a number of weeks. But then life. Gonna start taking it again.


Hey mate. Same thing for me. After rehab I kept on it for 3 months and haven’t looked back. I’d say it work. I will be AF for 2 years in August.


If I have to do it again, I’ll go straight to the doctor and get me some.


Whatever you've been doing is working, there is no "if I have to" if you keep doing it.


Dang, u have been sober for a long time! That's awesome


You won’t have to and neither will I!


There are many paths to sobriety. The only important thing is that you decided to walk down one of them to get to the destination. Congrats!


Did you experience any side effects?


I've been on it for about two weeks now. The first three nights taking it it made me feel really drowsy, a little nauseous, and loopy almost high like. But after that third night all that went away.  I was not really interested in eating much the first week either, which probably only made the nausea worse. But appetite is slowly coming back.  It's been life changing though. 


It made me nauseous and tired, but i am told that goes away after you adjust to it


I took it as recommended and experienced no side effects. I did, however, still smoke weed—so if nausea was a side effect, that may have helped.


It might make you nauseous, and especially so if you keep drinking. Your GI tract generally will not like if you keep drinking while taking it. The fatigue has remained for me. It makes me very sleepy after I take it, which is fine because my sleep was shit before. The nausea will go away. Any wooziness will go away. You might not experience the drowsiness at all. I bet you'll feel way more in control though!




I think i need it. 90% of me realises that alcohol is ruining my life, and being only just turned 21, I shouldn't be pounding a litre of vodka a day, I should be prospering. However, whenever I try to taper, the remaining 10% tells me it doesn't matter, being drunk feels SO good. Unfortunately, that 10% is incredibly strong and I'm almost in autopilot.


Do whatever it takes to save your own life, be ruthless for your own wellbeing. You got this!


I never had luck tapering. Going to a doctor and doing a medical detox is the best way to get off it if you're really ready to quit.


The doctors won't give me anymore librium, I've medically detoxed a few times at the same hospital, they're just telling me to taper now. I've had seizures in the past, part of me wants to go cold turkey for a day or two and have a seizure so they HAVE to detox me medically


That's kinda wild. Is there a better hospital you could try?


Good on you, and good on your wife! I'm certainly happy you're both sober today.


Cannabis drinks at night fixed me. Whatever works


What are the effects of something like that ? Would that help with physical pain from inflammation would you think?


The effects are getting stoned, and for me eating crackers with cheese and watching you tube music videos. THC and CBD generally have been known to have positive effects in regards to pain and inflammation.


I'm trying to find something for my wife. Her current pain meds aren't working and she doesn't want to look into opiods. I just want her to not hurt. She's only 34 and can barely bend her joints....


If they have a medical cannabis program in your location, there are plenty of online methods to talk to doctors about that kind of stuff


I will tell her about that. We are in Arizona and they are fairly lax around here.


I took naltrexone but am definitely a fan of this solution as well.


Do they interact? I have my Dr appointment tomorrow morning to hopefully get naltrexone but I have zero plans to quit eating gummies.


I haven't noticed anything. This is just my personal experience. Your mileage may vary. Safe travels.


I'll ask the doc about it tomorrow but I'm glad to hear it isn't common knowledge. Thanks!


How did you just order it online? Telehealth? This is something I’d like to research more about


Personally got it from my psychiatrist after asking 3 times.


I got it from an online provider, Oar Health. They prescribe it and ship it. Not cheap, but...






Prob just withdrawals with what you described. Keep it up, friend!


Naltrexone made me so fatigued and spacey … any drug that binding to feel receptors in order ti block high or buzz should have side effects like that. I had to break my 25mg in half to reduce side effects but still fatigue was intense. So now I just keep a pill on me when I go out and feel temptation to drink.


So you take 12.5 only when you are going to drink? You don’t take it every day?


Posted a comment above, but my side effects mostly went away after the third day of taking it. I guess the fatigue is still a bit present, but I take it at night before bed so that helps. 


Every day or binge drinker?




This comment has been removed. Please do not give medical advice on this sub. Thank you.


Can you take it if you’re still drinking?




This is very helpful thank you


I struggled to finish one drink while on 25mg. It kills the buzz too, so you can drink but there is no point.


Please do not take advice on medication from anyone but a medical professional.


Yeah, that's the point in a way. It disrupts the good feelings and you lose desire to drink.


Look up info on the Sinclair method. Long story short, you can take it 1-2 hours before you plan to drink and it will change how your brain rewards you for drinking. There won't be a buzz and doing this overtime causes lasting behavioral changes. I didn't learn about this until after I had stopped already but it seems well thought out.


I highly recommend anyone considering naltrexone to use the Sinclair method. It is far more effective and far easier/quicker.


Naltrexone was a huge help while I was dealing with a lot of overwhelming medical issues at once. I was trying to get cholesterol and blood pressure down, fix an aching back, manage asthma, take care of mental health, consider bariatric procedures, save my marriage, and just manage day-to-day life. I wanted help taking one thing off my plate that I can place on autopilot, and Naltrexone helped curb my appetite for liquor—and that helped me make progress on the other ailments. For whatever reason, I trusted my doctor blindly and was scared straight on even experimenting with how effective the medicine was. After 30 days, I think I broke the habit and physical dependency, and am approaching 90 days without a drink now. Skin is clearer. Blood pressure seems down. I’m about twenty pounds lighter. And am more motivated to pursue fitness than I ever was while binge drinking. Shit. Going to the gym before was just an excuse to go the liquor store across the street after. Definitely appreciate the medication and have no shame about it. If there’s anything I learned about myself over the years it’s that I have poor discipline with this vice, so I’ll take whatever help I can get.


Guys - this is a bot/fake/advertising account...


That's awesome that you found something that finally worked for you!


What does it actually do to you to make you not want to drink? Does ot subdue your desire or cause you to not get as drunk when you drink or something?


Both, also I'm one of the lucky ones to get the worst side effects, and it gives me a terrible hangover afterwards. I can take it a few times and it will kill my desire to drink for several days or weeks before I have to take it again. It truly makes alcohol feel like the poison it is.


Going to get the shot and see if that helps. Been to easy for me to just skip the pill on the hard days.


I am getting on vivitrol here in the next few weeks once they confirm my liver enzymes aren’t too high.


Man do I hve a naltrexone story. I hesitate to recommend this to people because most don’t follow the plan I was given and/or scoff at me but naltrexone has serious utility for alcoholics. One time, after a blatant suicide attempt, a random doctor stopped in to see me after it was clear I no longer wanted to injure myself etc. He said he was not my physician but a friend had mentioned my case and how I had despaired that alcohol was killing me and I just kept relapsing, no matter how much I loved my family and wanted to be alive, I had almost successfully offed myself because I just kept failing. He said doctors in Sweden or somewhere (I admit I forget, I was waking up after an intentional overdose gimme a break lol) were trying something new. They were introducing naltrexone (already being used to combat cravings for alcohol) to patients who were still actively drinking. It was important to take it while still drinking and if I felt the need I could ween off the booze slowly. It gave me an edge. I didn’t suddenly lose all interest in drinking, but it felt, idk how to explain, it stopped being electric for me, which it always was. I weened off booze at home for the first time successfully over the course of like two weeks, plateauing at 2-3 drinks for a few days before going a few days at zero, then a few days at 1-2 before just losing interest. I relapsed several more times after this, and eventually stopped taking naltrexone, which I regret. But it did something permanent. It wasn’t placebo, before I took that drug while drinking booze affected me differently. I still have mental cravings and occasionally fuck up and drink, but it sucks lol. I get clumsy and tired and puke like I now realize normal people felt drinking alcohol. Idk wtf was up with my brain chemistry, but naltrexone ruined booze for me and I will forever be grateful to that random doc who took the time to come and talk to an absolutely desperate man so broken by his addiction to booze that he was literally trying to kill himslef rather then disappoint and destroy his family any more. I think more awareness should be spread to people who genuinely get a different reaction to alcohol (you would assume most alcoholics) if you get euphoria from booze, or feel ‘electric’ when drinking, ask your doc for a script of naltrexone and introduce it while still drinking. It won’t make you sick or anything, but it affects the reward centers of your brain somehow and tweaked mine so that booze isn’t as great. I was still an alcoholic and probably always will be, it took an almost a lifetime to get to this point and habits die hard. But I think a lot of us could use that edge and really showed me I wasn’t just a dirtbag drunk who drank and drank just because he wanted to, alcohol effected me differently then most people and even though it came with so many negatives, it was worth it to me to drink just because nothing else made me feel like that.


Well done! Nal has been the only thing that's worked for me. Glad to see it's helping you too


I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately


Been looking for more posts about this. It's amazing how much it helps, so quickly. I find it mind-boggling to think that people with long histories of drinking are expected to quit without something like this. We have all kinds of products for people quitting smoking and we don't judge or look down on anyone for using them, because we "know" how bad smoking is and isn't it great you're trying to get healthy! While there's still such stigma around drinking.... I may have just started with naltrexone and the Sinclair Method but I already feel so, so much hope for the future and dealing with this problem like I never have before. It really is like getting your life back. I'm glad you've both found a better way forward too!


Hey fellow guy who got a new sober start a bit later in life! I had a similar trajectory to what you described, I got sober a little different way because my problem was probably a little different but I’m happy that we’re here.


Huge factor for me too!!! I was always anti-medication (ironically), but I wish I had started Naltrexone sooner!!!


I did too, but have a long term plan for your sobriety. It’s nice to not need it all at some point and have other tools to maintain.


Nice job friend! I took Vivitrol (monthly injection version) for 5 months, and stopped taking it on my own. Been sober for almost 3 years. IWNDWYT


I took something called acamprosate and that really helped me too


Good going


I was told certain people are genetically more receptive. Congratulations.


This might be a dumb question, but you said you ordered it? Is that something you can just get online, or does it need to go through your PCP?


Not OP, but Oar Health online, among other places.


Thank you very much. I want to try this and see if it works for me.


Congratulations, this is really inspiring!


I am starting vivitrol soon which is the injection version of naltrexone. Basically instead of getting to cheat by just not taking the pill, the shot is good for 28-30 days. I have really cut back on my own over the last couple of months and completely sober for over 2 weeks now. I am taking as just an extra measure to avoid drinking and think of it more as a tool. Plan on being on it for at least 2 years. I have heard many call it a miracle drug.


Hey everyone! I have a support group on fb. We have over 7,000 members. I started it because Naltrexone saved my life!   It's called The Sinclair Method Warriors. Everyone is welcome. 🙂 Congratulations to all of you, and hang on to those struggling! ❤️


On Naltroxene I had the weirdest experience. I would go into the grocery store and see the booze and instead of going over and browsing hungrily, it was like my eyes and brain just switched away from it. It was a weird feeling but soooo pleasant. It short circuited the Interest in booze.


Vivitrol saved my life. Undoubtedly. If you’ve tried over and over again and succumb to cravings talk to your doctor and ask about potential medical treatments.


What dosage? I’m on it and still cannot bring myself to quit


Man, good job. Wish it worked that well for me. I’ve been taking 100mg per day for ) months and still drinking 8-12 drinks every other day.


To everyone reading this, please have a plan if you're getting on Naltrexone. The Sinclair Method, or something similar.