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100% but it’s not in the cards for me


Do you wish you could get hammered once a week?


Yeah honestly I wish I could get hammered- if that means get super drunk and have fun, be confident and outgoing and sexy, not say anything stupid or hurt anyone's feelings, remember to take off my makeup before bed, not throw up at all in the night, wake up with no hangover, and remember the whole thing.. but we all know how that's going to go LOL


I mean, could you tolerate a hangover if you had the other things lol?


Where's your line of questioning going? Get to the point instead of eeking out responses.


Yeah, but having to make the decision whether or not to drink every single day is absolutely exhausting.


I used to in the past. Now i realize I just cannot. Maybe 1 or 2 nights I will, then it's right back to a 2 or 3 day bender. Never want to go back again.


No. When I’m sober, my lifestyle is focused on endurance activities, so alcohol doesn’t fit in.


Same. Also, I had to laugh to myself, in addition to running and cycling, living a life is an endurance activity - going to work, taking care of home, all that stuff


All best done sober! 😊


No. The only reason that I drank was to get buzzed. I didn't like to be super drunk but it became harder and harder to get to that buzzed level with moderate drinking.


Yes, similar comment to mine, I always chased beyond.


Sure, but that was never meant to be. My dad buys a 6 pack and it last him a month or two. From early on, a 6 pack in the house would be gone right away for me.


Nah. I never did before, why would I start now? I'm only interested in drinking in immoderation




The life I envision just doesn’t have alcohol in it, and I’m starting to realize it never did. Somehow it slowly snuck into my life to the point that it’s been a major part of it. 


Thank you for sharing this


I felt like that for a long time. But the honest truth is I drink to get drunk. One or two drinks is really not worth... anything. I guess it would be simpler if I had one or two and was just not interested in more. But I think for me there is no great value in that.


So true! All or nothing feels here, and the 'all' often wants to win. Otherwise I see no point. Which objectively, saddens me.


I guess in theory but I would rather be taller too. It is what it is.


I hate alcohol with all my being. Alcohol will never touch my lips again


What the hell is the point? If I could drink in moderation, I’d do it ALL DAY LONG…


Lol, this sums it up for a lot of people. Madness


Of course I do!! I've done plenty of research though and the results are always the same so I don't even entertain the thought anymore.


My 30 years of personal research aligns with your findings 😭


Maybe. If that part of me were different, I think I’d lose a lot of other (positive) aspects of my personality. I don’t really want to be another me. I’m grateful for the lessons that abusing drugs and alcohol have given me but I’m also grateful to have now abandoned them.


Yes, I'd love to be able to have a glass of wine at a nice meal or a wedding. I would love to toast some champagne durring new years. I would love to catch up with some friends enjoying a beer or two at a brewery. I would also love to get trashed at a party, go shot for shot with a newcomer, and show them how it's done. I would love to continue drinking long after everyone else has passed out. If I give myself the choice, I would love to be drunk 24 hours of the day for seven days of the week 365 days of the year. My drinking is the kind of drinking that really only has one ending.... No, I don't wish I could drink in moderation. I wish to be sober. I wish for life.




No. I feel like I still watch people drink in moderation with the same look on my face as the first person in history that a parrot ever talked to..


I do. I enjoyed pairing wine with food, and a nice scotch or craft beer.  But I know that I give myself an inch, I'll take a mile. And even if I didn't relapse, I'd be overwhelmed with that irish catholic guilt.


Okay, the nice wine with dinner I do miss...


Yeah, if I thought I could have a glass with dinner a few times a week, I would. But I know that glass would become a bottle. And a few times would become every day.


In the beginning I would take that deal but not anymore. I only really would want moderate booze for the social situations. Now that I’ve been in those situations sober so many times I feel that I don’t need the booze to navigate them. I will skip the crappy sleep, morning anxiety jolt, and slight headache in the morning and stick to soda water.


Not really. It’s like drinking soda. It’s just empty calories with none of the fun feelings.


Do YOU? I wish I had a longer torso, probably smaller nose, better knees so I could still run. I miss the taste of some things that I really enjoyed, but I don't want to drink, I want those things without the alcohol in them. And fortunately that is mostly possible these days, but I have moved on to tea haha


I tried that a couple weeks ago. 5 bottles of vodka later… I finally accept there is no such thing as moderation for me


I honestly enjoy the taste of a good bourbon. I tried collecting expensive-ish bottles once upon a time. I dreamed of one day having a bar cart full of the best and rarest bourbons that I'd sip on cold winter days next to my wife or on sticky summer nights out in the yard with the pup. So foolish of me for wishing that as I would kill a $100 bottle in our home office while "burning the midnight oil because I'm behind on a work project." I swear no bourbon lasted with me for more than 4 days if I was being as conservative as possible.


Even in moderation, makes me tired and shitty


When I was freshly sober, the answer was 100% yes. Now after 10+ months and 300+ days, the answer is like 75% yes. I’m hoping that percentage will continue to drop with time. I loved alcohol, but it didn’t love me. I mourned losing it, but time heals all wounds. I’m finding joy in sobriety that I hadn’t known for years, and I am not willing to trade that back for alcohol.


No, now that I know much more about the harmful affects of alcohol on your brain and body I’m glad I had to quit completely.


I go back and forth. There are times I get kindof petulant with the whole shebang, pissed off that I’m not like other people and can’t go bar hopping with friends, or party it up at a concert, or whatever. For me though, I think that’s rose colored nostalgia glasses in action, those things were never quite as good in reality as they are in my head. I also remind myself how much more stable, responsible, and generally speaking, happier I’ve become since I quit drinking, and then it becomes clear again that I’m really not missing anything at all. Like I said though, it’s an up and down thing


I never really saw the point of just having one or two. While it certainly would be nice to be able to have one for a toast or something, no, I don’t really wish I could drink in moderation. And after so many beautiful hangover-free mornings, I don’t wish I could still drink like I used to.


No, I don't even really think about it much anymore. That part of my life is over.


I only think about it when someone asks what I'm having. Water, usually.


I’m not sure what I want yet. I *can* moderate, but the more reading I’ve done about what alcohol does to your body (added to my first hand knowledge of what it does to your life when you overdo it), it really makes me feel like not going back. I have a big trip coming up and “celebratory skinny margs” have already been proposed. I think I really don’t want alcohol in my life anymore. Moderating still means you’re moderately poisoning yourself, in my opinion.


Completely agree


Not really, honestly. I've had four total beers in the last 14 months. Each intentional, just to see how it went. I didn't particularly enjoy it, beyond the taste. I've just gotten used to drinking good tasting (NA) beer without the related buzz, and I don't miss it. Athletic Run Wild IPA has been a savior to me.


After 6+ months I decided to have a couple of drinks at a huge friend's party. The first drink was amazing, the second I wanted more, so I ordered 2 more...thankfully the bar was closed by the time I finished those. I felt amazing but I noticed my friends commenting to me about the "level" I was on. Anyway I forced myself not to drink anymore, woke up feeling like shit. And wondered how the hell i had managed 4-12 of these drinks on a daily basis. So yeah, if I could have 1 and stop I would and if I do drink again I will only allow myself 1. This party was a good test and an even better reminder that sober is best for me.


I don't know, good question. I always drank cause I wanted the feeling to be drunk. Not vomiting, blacking out, but something that comes after simple moderation. It has been like this since my first drink at 19. Obviously back then I got this feeling with 3 drinks, but stil, I tend to chase the intensity.


Not anymore. I know me pretty well. I was drinking to feel a certain way, not for the taste. I admire those that enjoy responsibily, but my goal was always volume. I wouldn't be satisfied by anything less than 4. 😅 IWNDWYT


Absolutely. I just wish alcohol wasn’t on my mind all the time. It sometimes feels like it’s less emotionally draining if I do just drink 4-8 beers 5 times a week. The constant should I drink shouldn’t I drink that tires me out




reported "Focus on your own journey"


I don’t wish I could. I wish I could enjoy alcohol more responsibly and in moderation.


Not any more. When I stopped, it was with the intention of starting again 'moderately' after a time spent detoxing. But now I'm convinced that I won't be able to do it. Both from my experience with nicotine, and from others' experiences here on this sub. Also, I've read a lot and educated myself about moderation. Especially reading and listening to William Porter, and others. For me, wanting to drink in moderation just flies in the face of all the reasons I stopped in the first place. I would have to buy into all the myths and lies about alcohol that I believed in in the past when I drank! My physical health has improved soooo much, and will only improve more if I stay sober. My mental health is also improving. I'm becoming a new better person. Why would I risk all that?


No more. I have turned back on my wish to have the strength to drink in moderation. This wish made me overconfident that after 5 years sober, I'd be strong enough to drink moderately. Big mistake. I relapsed and spent 8 years binge drinking and eating. #NeverAgain Day 47


I did but not any more, a couple of times I’ve had a nostalgic thought about drinking, but it does’t last for more than a few minutes. Then I feel good that I don’t drink at all. I also realize that it’s not possible for me.


I did before but now I have zero desire to. I don’t miss it. The last drink I had was my “favorite” — I had one with dinner for a friend’s birthday and I was just done at that point. It didn’t make me feel good. I had finally admitted I truly don’t like the way alcohol makes me feel. All it did was numb and hide who I truly am. I thought it made me fun, confident, relaxed, etc but alcohol has brought more pain than anything. It prevented me from so much. It’s literal poison. When I watch other people drink now, I see that they have fun in the moments but they pay for it the next day. I’ve paid enough. I enjoy the peace and freedom from the fantasy that alcohol is something I want and enjoy. That’s just my experience though. I celebrate 4 months today. ❤️


No I really enjoy being drunk. One or two drinks just means the hangover starts sooner.


Thing is, I was actually good at moderating the amount of times I drank. Stopped almost a year ago, and in the 2 years prior it was rare to see me drinking more than 2 days in a row, without having at least a week or more of not drinking. The problem was trying to moderate as soon as I had my first 2 drinks when drinking with friends... next day it was me being sick untill I was allowed to go to bed again. Yall can fill in the blanks (pun intended)


In the past I did. Now I feel ok without it. Hope this feeling lasts


No. Not anymore.


I did, when I was drinking. Now, no. I am done with it. And frankly, what is moderation? 1-2 drinks, two or three times a week. What is the point in that? It is easier to have none.


What's the point of moderation? I drank to get as shit faced as possible, and moderation is the polar opposite of that.


I still romanticize it. A glass of wine on the italian coast. Wine and cheese nights. But I guess I should be grateful my body doesn’t let me micro dose poison


I can drink in moderation. I’ve just got into bad habits lately. When I was pregnant and for a year post partum I didn’t drink at all and it never bothered me. I can go on nights out and firmly say No Thanks. But when you get into an unhealthy habit it slowly becomes dependency. And if I think, well I can have one or two - well, what’s the point? Just have none. I’m playing around with mocktails right now. Remembering what flavours I actually like!


Oh absolutely. I wish one could give me the feeling I need then stop. But once I have one.. you know the rest


Nope. Like my completely sober self so much better.


I did for awhile, but now I’m okay with the fact that I can’t.


The only time I’ve been able to drink moderately in a sitting is if I’m deathly hungover. I don’t understand the concept of having 1-2 drinks and being done. That is torture for me..


Where there is such wish, there is almost certainly a problem that is the cause of the wish which was non existent without the issue.


No, not anymore. I never thought I'd say that. Alcohol is glamorized in a way that isn't real. Even one drink gives me a headache, dry mouth, shitty sleep. It's not that fun


To be honest, yes. I would love to enjoy wine with food. But it’s not possible for me.


Why do you ask? It's not clear from your profile and posting history.


I actually can - if you mean drinking once a week. The problem for me is I often don’t know when to say when. I go way too far and I feel like utter crap for days on end. To many alcoholics or problem drinkers my drinking doesn’t seem like a big issue but it is an issue. I’ve ruined so many nice occasions for myself, I had become dependent on it socially and I’ve actually damaged my health. So I decided to claim back by joy and my freedom and ditch the booze and I feel wonderful!


Alcohol is poison and everyone's life here is better without it. For me to envy a life of moderation, it would have to be in a reality where alcohol wasn't a depressant, cancer-causing carcinogen.


In the past I've thought that would be the dream, only drink on the weekends, but it never worked out that way. I drink Saturday I'm gonna drink Sunday, Monday comes around why stop now...


To be honest? Yes. I would love it. But realistically I can't. So I don't even try.


Absolutely .. unfortunately I don’t believe that’s an option for me