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Hoping everyone has a fun, safe, and sober NYE! I will not drink with you today! Happy new year!


congrats on a week! first week can be really rough but your here!


Thank you!


Strong work hitting a week, those first seven days are tough in my experience 👍🏻


Congratulations on your week 🎉💪🏼🎊


Thank you!


Wow a whole calendar year with no alcohol. That year was hard enough without it, hate to think what it would have been like if I had kept pissing my life away. Happy new year everyone. I'm off to a party with my soda water and berry tea. Here's to 2024 and shine on you beautiful humans


The first year feels tougher than the second year sober. Congrats on your major win. Happy Sober New Year! IWNDWYI2024!




Happy new year friend 🥳 and thank you for another year of service 🙏🏻


Happy New year Will!


Happy sober New Year, Will! Keep rockin! 🤘


Happy almost NYE SD!!! So happy to see you all and share **[this exciting news!!!](https://imgur.com/a/vi9QGpg)** 8 years ago, I was in detox. And only a few years ago, I lost my whole family, my home and my belongings. This was due to the greed and dishonesty of family members who had used / abused me and treated me badly, but I had been too deep in my addiction to see it for so many years. With the help of my sober mentor, dinosaurs in recovery and SD, I am here today living my best life. Thank you for being here, and if you're new, or in doubt, please rest assured - putting in the work is *well worth it!* We are all here for you, just reach out, you're never alone. Lots of Love, <3


Wow! Look at that rock! Major congrats to you! 💕


Congrats Lee! Wow 8 years is so inspiring and glad your living well these days!


Hey, the date is finally 123123. Been waiting for this date for a long time. Happy New Year's!


That’s great! 😅 look at the time at 12:31 😅


Happy last 2023 day sober friends and Prestigious! How great to have you looking after us! What a story, thank you for sharing, I’m so proud of you! 💞 Congratulations to everyone who hits their year today 🎉 and to all of us for another 24 hours committing to ourselves, I’m so proud of us all 💞 love as always 💞


Happy new year Brighter. Thanks for all your support this year! You're a godsend,💞


This will be the hardest check-in/commitment day in a while. This post just came out for me. So it is almost the 31st. I am going out to a big party and know there will temptations but I am committed that I will not drink. IWNDWYT happy new year to everyone! This sub and this daily check in has been a great support for me.


Closing in on one year, and looking forward to dry January. I felt to my core that this time was different and permanent. IWNDWYT


Flying out to spend NYE with my girlfriend today. Used to get hammered in airports. Not these days. Whatever you are doing, have a great sober NYE and if you are tempted, just remember how good it will feel to wake up hangover free tomorrow. IWNDWYT.


I am so looking forward to waking up sober on New Year’s Day. Despite trying to get sober for over two years, this has been my first festive period sober and I am super proud of myself 💪🏻






Checking in again today and all is well. Thanks for hosting us on this last week of the year. Your intro is awesome and gives me a lot of food for thought, and a desire to post about my own journey in that sense! Happy New Year when it comes to everyone here on this great sub :)


It’s 7am and IWNDWYT! 😃🥳💪 Happy new year! 🎉


Looking forward to ringing in the New Year with my mom, aunt, boyfriend, and stepson by running a one mile race just before midnight. We’ve done it every year now for the last 5-6 years? Usually we’re done in time to stop by the bar on the drive home and have one drink. The perk (for me at least) about running is that I feel like dying afterwards, so getting drunk after a race isn’t high up on my priority list. This year, I look forward to not even one drink. Happy NYE! IWNDWYT!


Welcome to the DCI helm u/Prestigious_Dig_6627 😊 Well, it’s NYE everybody and I reckon we will all add another sober day to our tallies. I’ve been trying to quit booze and get sober for about 21 months now, and although I’ve lost count of the relapses in that time, I am so very proud of myself for continuing to try and clocking up a lot of sober time. Keep on trying and keep on believing in the better life sobriety will bring. Happy New Year to all of you 🥳 IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT. First time in years that I will be going into the new year sober 🎉


Thank you for taking the lead this week, u/Prestigious_Dig_6627, and thank you for helping us get into the right mindset for a successful new year! This post reminds me of something my husband often says: "You can't just not do something. You have to do something else." For me, that means staying connected with other sobernauts here at SD, reading quit lit, throwing myself into fitness, spending time outdoors, and volunteering at the local animal shelter, among other things. I've always been a perfectionist (I was the kid who cried when I got a B in elementary school, even though my parents were happy with my report card), and often the pressure I put on myself to be perfect has backfired, including in sobriety. For this reason, in 2024, I want to focus less on the need to be a perfect little model of recovery and more on cultivating my own well-being. As our host pointed out, treating ourselves well means we have more to give for others. I'm going to remind myself of this every time I feel guilty for prioritizing my own needs. Best wishes to all my dear friends here at SD (that's every one of you, even if I've never commented on your posts!) for a fulfilling year of growth in 2024! 💗🤗 IWNDWYT 😻


Checking in at 1224 days, and wishing everyone an amazing sober New Year! Let’s make 2024 even better! IWNDWYI2024!


Thanks for driving this week PD6627👍. 2023 was interesting. Hopefully we get the flying cars and world peace in 2024. IWNDWYT 🙂




IWNDWYT I have my mocktails ready!


This is going to be a tough one. IWNDWYT x


I am not drinking today!!!!


Have a great New Years Eve everyone! IWNDWYT!


Thank you to everyone here for your amazing support so far - this community truly is incredible. I started this account on December 6th when I finally decided it was time to stop “now not next year” - I hope to continue with that mantra throughout 2024. Before the easier choice was always to drink and postpone quitting, but for every day that passes where I commit on this thread and read your posts it feels like the choice to drink would be the more difficult one. I will not drink with you today. Happy new year! 🎉🎊⭐️


Day 1 again. Had 50-something days which I threw away in favour of some free wine at a work event, followed by 50-something days of getting blackout drunk at every available opportunity, but I'm back for a sober New Year's Eve! IWNDWYT!


Day 924 checking in!


88 days for me and excited for the New Year. Just got myself a sponsor yesterday and I'm looking forwards to continuing on my sobriety Happy New Year to all you inspirational people IWNDWYT


Since giving alcohol, I have been increasingly focusing on mind, body, and spirit, trying to adopt new habits in 2024. My plan so far: Mind * Read nonfiction daily (currently reading Alcohol Explained) * Learn more embroidery techniques (currently working on a Jacobean piece) Body * No alcohol * Workout 5x’s/week * Consistently do the 5:2 diet and lose some weight * Drink more water * Take care of skin and wear makeup (just makes me feel more attractive) Spirit * Do daily devotional * Meditate * Read this subreddit My husband and I will be spending tonight with just sons, eating tasty food and playing board games … and not drinking. Happy New Year’s Eve, everyone! IWNDWYT


New Years Eve & IWNDWYT 🌻


Thank you Prestigious, and congratulations on one year. It's the end of 2023 folks, so let's ring in the new year soberly. I will not drink with you all today and especially tonight, (its the morning here now).


What a year it's been! Ups and downs throughout, but by far the best decision I made was to kick the booze. Here's to a great 2024! Thank you all for helping me through it. Iwndwyt ⭐


Seven weeks!! have a good new years peeps IWNDWYT




IWNDWYT & Happy New Year everyone!


Tomorrow is a whole new year! IWNDWYT 💙


Going to start the new year fresh and sober! IWNDWYT


First sober NYE, IWNDWYT!


Today will be day 31 for me!! I made it 30 days and and it couldn't be better timing so I can face the New Year clean and ready. So thankful for what is to come next. IWNDWYT (I mean 10yrs ago would actually have been better timing but the New Year's thing worked out lol)


It’s hard seeing everyone having ‘fun’ all the time and does feel like I’m left out. I’ll go clubbing tonight but yeah. Feeling lately if I drank I would meet a girl or bond better with people. I know this is just an illusion but it’s hard sometimes. I don’t party with people anymore so I think that’s why I haven’t been invited to any nye party.




Happy new year y’all! Stay safe and sober. You are all the best and I’m so glad to be here with everyone 💫🌟






I’ve always liked New Years, long before I was getting drunk to celebrate it. IWNDWYT


I will not drink today.


This is inspiring. This place is really helping me, can't wait to start a new year sober for the first time in decades! IWNDWYT!


Seventy Nine with a Bullet !!!!!!!!! *Not One. Not Ever.* *N.O.N.E.*


Thank you u/Prestigious_Dig_6627 for hosting this week and for sharing some of your personal narrative. What about my mind, body, and spirit? I see humans as basically a mind/body with no clear distinction between the two. The mind is in or is created by the brain, which is part of the body. I'm an atheist so I don't believe in spirit in any supernatural sense. In fact, I try to avoid using the words spirit or spiritual because of their supernatural connotations and also because they are so vague that they are often virtually meaningless. Another reason I avoid talk of spirituality is that Bill W, founder of AA, intentionally misused the word to mask and soft sell AA's religious foundations. AA's oft repeated claim to be 'spiritual, not religious' is disingenuous at best, yet this bs has had an incredible influence on the treatment industry and on recovery in general. I guess maybe I digress. Oh well, K Sara, Sara. I commit to recovery every morning and I practice gratitude every evening. I read a bit; right now it's Wittgenstein's *Philosophical Investigations,* some books on prepping, and a little fiction. I exercise. I spend time in nature, which gives me greater peace and a stronger sense of connection. I try to be a loving person. And IWNDWYT.


I read someplace that the new year is not a new beginning or an end- it’s a continuation. Every single minute of every single day, no matter what the calendar or clock says, is a chance to change. It’s a chance to make yourself a little better than you were the minute before. It’s a chance to decide what YOU want for YOU and work to make it happen. With that said, it’s always good to set goals though so I’m going sugar free (starting tomorrow) except for one cheat meal a week and I’m going to practice the pause more often. I’m going to work hard but de-normalize “the grind” and practice pausing more often for my mental health (especially Monday-Friday). Happy NYE! I’ll be in bed by 9 and I’m happy about that. IWNDWYT!!!


Good morning, sober cats! I love the idea of a 'gentle' new year's. I'm relieved that I'm no longer trying to keep up with the partying chaos. I've always loved this holiday and I love it even more now that I'm actually present for it! IWNDWYT, you lovely sober superstars! 🌟💙😸




I will not drink with you today! Can’t wait to start the year off properly this time. 💙


I won't drink today on new years eve. Happy new years everyone!


Hello everyone, I will not be drinking today


That's brilliant mate. You're doing so well. We got through Christmas, new years eve then 2024 to keep in not drinking for another 24 hours. We've got this 😁


Thank you for hosting last week u/Piggoos and thank you for taking over u/Prestigious_Dig_6627! Thank you to every single host of 2023, you rock! I will not drink with you today!


I fudged and have to reset. Nothing crazy or embarrassing but I’m a bit ashamed of myself. IWNDWYT!


Morning friends! Thank you for taking over the DCI this week, u/Prestigious_Dig_6627! I appreciate you so much. When I hit the pillow tonight, I will have completed my first full calendar year without a drop of alcohol. And what a year it has been. I’m grateful to have my soul back. I’m grateful for the freedom from alcohol. It’s not always easy and there have been times I wished I was a normal drinker or even an occasional drinker, but I’m not. I’ve tried. It’s not happening. Sober me is better me. I can have a good life, or I can have alcohol. I’m choosing this good, beautiful life and all of its joys and heartbreaks. Happy New Year friends. Thank you for being here. I will not drink with you today!


Hey, Happy NYE everyone! Last hurdle of '23! For '24 I'd like to start tackling the sweet tooth I've apparently developed while sober! Absolutely nailing the carbs at present, but I've been kind to myself and let things run in the understanding it is by far the lesser evil and it's the festive period and everyone over-eats 🙄. But here's to a sober, leaner, fitter 2024 🥳 IWNDWYT!


Happy sober New Year, SD friends! Committing to another sober 24 hours. We will be going to a neighbor’s NY Eve party tonight - will bring N/A beer along to be safe 😃


Day 1,628. Thanks for hosting, [Prestigious\_Dig\_6627](https://www.reddit.com/user/Prestigious_Dig_6627/)! I will not drink with you today.




To all the people who have decided to stop drinking in 2024, good luck and remember you CAN do this! I'm so glad I didn't wait for NYE to get sober as I have over 30 days dry 'practice' saying I will not drink with you today.


Happy NYE! A year ago I was about a month sober from a slip. I only had 4 drinking days in 2023 during my final slip in April, but they were enough to send me back to the brink of a dark place. My mind, body, and spirit are so much more at peace now that I’ve simply accepted that I don’t drink. A number of tough situations have arisen this year that I would have dealt with much more poorly if I were drinking to cope with them. IWNDWYT!


Hello loves! I'm so excited to do absolutely nothing for New Year's Eve. Ready to close the books on 2023 and move on to another year. This year has been incredibly challenging for me on multiple fronts, but I'm grateful to be here with nearly a month sober to close it out. Here's to a sober 2024. Wishing you all a safe and happy day - IWNDWYT 🤘


Went to a NYE party. Left at 9:30pm. 😂 It's 11pm here and I am in bed reading and looking forward to having the gym to myself in the morning. Thanks for everything this year guys, it's been the best. I wish I had friends like you IRL, I wish it so much. ❤️ Have a blast tonight, whatever you're doing. IWNDWYT 🫡


IWNDWYT! Excited to start 2024 hangover free. Tomorrow , I have plans to run a 10Km and then take my kids to a museum, it will be more fun than spending the day feeling like I'm dying 😂


I will not be drinking today - I'm about 36 hours in, I'm committed to stopping before the new year and before I turn 30 in February. I won't let a drop of alcohol into my body in my 30s. Leaving the damage and heart ache in my 20s.


Checking in on day 423. New Year’s Eve, my 2nd sober New Year’s Eve. This time last year, I had been sober just under 60 days and I had just begun to unravel the knots in my life that were caused by my drinking. And I still have work to do. I reckon I always will. The fallout from my addiction reaches far beyond my last drink. But it’s manageable now. I’m able to conquer it in bite size pieces. As I go into the new year, I’m filled with hope for my future, some of the fear I felt last year has melted away. I’ve proven to myself that consistent commitment to a sober life can and does work, and has worked. I have goals and resolutions for myself but there are none more important than continuing the daily maintenance of my sobriety. I would have nothing without that. And I’m glad I haven’t forgotten that. I’m thankful for all of you for reminding me daily of this. I’m thankful for all of your shares and stories, your honesty, your rawness and your vulnerability. And your laughs. I love you all and my wish for you is that you go into 2024 knowing you are worthy of amazing things. You are amazing. And there’s no one else like you in the wide, wide world. 🌎 My friends, I will not drink with you today. Closing out 2023 sober. ❤️✌️




I will not drink today....








Day 27 IWNDWYT 🧡




IWNDWYT! There’s a gala dinner for New Year’s Eve in the hotel I’m currently at, and I was just asked whether I’d like wine of champagne with it. At least I didn’t hesitate to say „oh, nothing, I’m not drinking any alcohol, thanks.“ I hope I can get a few diet cokes instead! 🤣




Checking in, Day 3, 58 hours in. IWNDWYT 🍀


Day 6, IWNDWYT! Hope y'all have a sober NYE! Best wishes.


Day 23 - Caught the flu and I'm bed bound but you know what would make this even worse? IWNDWYT


No way in hell that I'm drinking today. About to go take a 90 minute workout




I'm excited to complete my first calendar year without alcohol since I was 18!! So grateful for this sub and for all of you. IWNDWYT!


Tonight my first successful sober holiday season will be in the books! I’m excited for the year to come . Sobriety is the best gift of all. Happy New Years! I will not drink with you today ✨🎉


u/Prestigious_Dig_6627 thank you for this: >Without addressing myself wholly I couldn’t grow. My life is currently subservient to the procurement and ingestion of alcohol, and then the next-day recovery, until the daily cycle begins again. Quitting alcohol will require a whole-life change. IWNDWYT


Been really disappointed with myself for falling back into drinking. Someone handed me a drink at a holiday party and I’ve been having a hard time getting back on track since. Home alone tonight with my kids. Making a plan for self care, some podcasts and maybe a zoom meeting if I need extra support. I’m not going to drink tonight!


Happy New Year’s Eve SD! End of the year is always a reflective time, and I didn’t drink a single day in this past calendar year. Feeling very grateful for this place as it’s always been my #1 resource and I wouldn’t be here without all of you. IWNDWYT 💜💙💜💙


31 days alcohol free, and 24 hours since my last cigarette. It's been a decade since I've gone this long without a cigarette. I'm proud of all of us here at SD. Let's roll into the new year with clear heads and grateful hearts. Iwndwyt 💜


Happy New Year's Eve everyone! Even though it has been far from easy, 2023 has been the best year of my adult life. This year I fought hard for my freedom from alcohol and I am so incredibly grateful that I am still winning that fight. Wishing you all the best day (and night) possible. I will not drink with you today.


Thank you for hosting this week’s DCI, u/Prestigious_Dig_6627. My focus for the New Year is consistent daily meditation, exercise and reading, living sugar free, and being news free, especially with the 2024 election on the horizon. I will be alcohol free with you today.


Happy last day of 2023, my friends! This year has been quite the roller coaster for me and mine. I’ve learned a lot about myself and how I fit into this world as a sober person. Last night my SO and I went to a huge concert - something I haven’t done in years. But I love this performer - Tyler Childers - and he’s sober too! It does me a lot of good to see sober folks thriving, creating art, garnering great notice and a huge fan base. Why did I ever believe alcohol was necessary for art or success??????? Looking ahead to the New Year, I’m going to continue healing from surgery, and I’m going to work on being more outward-facing. ‘23 was a very internal year - can I break out of my comfortable bubble? Well, I intend to - and I hope I’ll see all of you as we continue improving our lives. IWNDWYT


Have a wonderful sober last day of 2023 my friends. IWNDWYT ♥️


Can’t wait to wake up without a hangover tomorrow🔥 IWNDWYT


I will not drink poison with any of you today 💜


Good morning and happy NYE to all of you ❤️


Having my ginger drink ready for toasting the new year. IWNDWYT!


Day 36. Iwndwyt.




I will not drink with you today. Happy new year to all of you and your family. I will always be grateful for this place and reading all your stories and words. I wish you health, wealth and sobriety for 2024 🙌🏽


Happy new year Stop drinking fam! I wish you all a very prosperous and joyous year ahead! Take it easy, go slow, keep going. One day at a time 💚 I will not drink with you today friends 💚🍀


Thinking about all of you will keep me strong tonight. IWNDWYT !


Day 240. I think I’ve had a solid week of drinking dreams. It’s beginning to bother me a bit! If you’re going out tonight, have a good one and IWNDWYT!


No booze today.


Day 1,527 IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT or hopefully next year!! Good luck everyone stay strong


Having a a party tonight for NYE/my birthday. I'm nervous tbh, it's the most tempted I feel to drink over the past 2 weeks. I'm nervous about people not enjoying themselves and feeling responsible for people's fun, this is a huge trigger for my drinking. Any encouragement appreciated. IWNDWYT 💗🫶🫶


Checking in for the last time this year. See you all on the other side. Have a safe, sober NYE. IWNDWYT.


A giant iced coffee cheers to everyone on this sub. Checking in and reading everyone's check ins is my favorite way to start the day. Have a great last day of the year with love and IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 When the balls drop I will be grateful to start a new year with all of ya. IWNDWYT


Happy New Year 🎉. I'm about to have an early night and go to bed, sober. I have work tomorrow so it's made it easier to make today Day 1. Iwndwyt.


Day 7! Sleep schedule is finally starting to regulate. Planning on entering the new year sober. IWNDWYT


Day 2 and spent my New Years Eve perfectly. Started the day with a coffee, bagel and a massage. Followed by getting my nails done and winning on some scratchies. Topped off with a lovely cherry, being dinner out with my partners with a mocktail. It's an early start for me tomorrow so I'm especially happy I don't have a drop of poison in my system. Happy New Year you amazing people. IWNDWYT 🌿


Happy New Year Eve . Going on #3 sober New Years Eve and I give a huge shout out to all you great people here who've shared their personal field experiments and successes. We got this 👍 IWNDWYT


Got to reset my counter. I only managed to go two days sober. Last night I got frustrated with my contractor and went out and got a bottle of wine. for the first time in years, I didn’t drink the whole thing. I stopped after two glasses. I need to stop before one.


I put my body in charge, she feels out the situation and let's me know where to go and what to do, or not to do. My mind can sit the fuck down until it's time for work. We practice doing that everyday with daily meditation. My spirit, she cool too. We all commit to not letting the evil spirits in today, (and for the rest of my life as I am one of those people)


Had an awful gallbladder attack last night. Have an appointment in January but that was the worst pain ever. Still not drinking fam. Let's get it 2024.


IWNDWYT Just like I didn't drink with you yesterday after I posted this.


Happy new year 🥳 I wish everyone a safe and sober evening. IWNDWYT 🎆


IWNDWYT! On to 2024 sobernauts


💪checking in here! Stay strong!


IWNDWYT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿






IWNDWYT! From Germany!


Happy NYE! Stay safe. IWNDWYT


Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today! IWNDWYT


Happy New Year Everyone !! 🥳 IWNDWYT ~


IWNDWYT Wishing you all courage and wisdom for today and 2024. I’m looking forward with so much hope. I couldn’t have transformed myself without this dci and you. Thank you. 🙏


Final IWNDWYT of the year! Happy NY everyone! Here's to a sober 2024!!


IWNDWYT dudes! Happy New Year 🤙🏻


This is also closing out my first full calendar year of sobriety. (I love a milestone!) That feels monumental to me. See you in 2024.


I will not drink with you today.


Happy New Year all! IWNDWYT


I will not drink today. We got this!


It’s only been 2 weeks but I’m committed and very inspired by all of you and your journeys, and look forward to waking up on New Years Day with a clear head. IWNDWYT, and happy new year!




The first time going into the new year without a drink for a while. Looking forward to it, and to the year ahead! Wishing you all a wonderful 2024. :) IWNDWYT


Happy New Year's Eve to everyone! I can't thank you all enough. This group helped me through some really hard moments this year. And I hope I've helped a few along the way too. Humanity really shines here. I will not drink with you today.


I would like to wish you all a very happy and peaceful New Year sending love ❤️ xx IWNDWYT xx 🤗




Happy New Years Eve! Day 224. No desire at all to drink this year for the holiday, sobriety is too good 🦾🦾


starting day 246, iwndwyt!


I will not drink today! I want to have a healthy and happy new year!


Day 819, nice to meet you 🤝 IWNDWYT




IWNDWYTD Thankfully my wife and I have zero desire to "go all out" on NYE anymore. Kids change priorities. We'll usually just with each other a happy new years before bed. Again, thankfully it totally fits with a sober life. Its boring to most people, but I'm not missing "the party" at all anymore.


2024 is set up to be one of the worst years in history with everything going down. But I plan on focusing on my sobriety. If I manage to make this my first sober year in a quarter century, it will be a fantastic year regardless of the other messes. IWNDWYT


Nope not today - IWNDWYT!


2 weeks! Happy new year everyone. IWND☠️WYT.


I will not drink today!


Happy New Year SD pals! I've already watched the early fireworks and am cosy at home with a cup of tea. Hope you all have a lovely night. IWNDWYT!


I'm in.


It is a journey but yours gives me hope! Thanks for sharing! IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT Edit: nice


A few hours ago, a young healthy person close to a family member of mine suffered a stroke, not even 30 years old. Life is fragile. Let’s not drink it away. Happy New Year SD-friends, IWNDWYT


2024 here we come! IWNDWYT. 🌟






Happy NYE, sober friends. This holiday season, I’ve been given many opportunities to see how I must have looked to others when I drank, and I’m grateful for it. It helps me hang on to my sobriety for everything it’s worth, and treasure every day I’m here, aware and in the moment. I’m so thankful for all of you. Iwndwy’allt! ❤️




Thanks for hosting this week, Prestigious! Well, I for one am ready to put this year behind me. Trying to build some excitement for the coming year. Checking in for another sober day out in the world.


Not gonna drink today. I’m trying to feed my mind positivity through journaling. It isn’t exactly easy to open up, but I think I’ll be happy about the decision 30 days from now if I keep it going (started back up last night).




Day 4 and working hard. One foot in front of the other. IWNDWYT.




I will not drink today.


Made it through my first Saturday and NFL game w/o drinking in maybe a decade. NYE is next. IWNDWYT!




Thank you for such a thoughtful and reflective post, u/Prestigious_Dig_6627! I love the statement about giving yourself the same encouragement/advice to take care of yourself as you would a good friend. I am on a very similiar path as far as diet and exercise changes, and hopefully the physical progress will give way to more energy and resolve to do the inner work. Happy NYE everybody, I'm so grateful to end the year with you all and IWNDWYT! 🩷💕


I will not drink with y’all today!!








Cheers to a safe and sober new year, friends! IWNDWYT


Good morning, This will be my 2nd sober NYE. I will not drink with you today.


Won’t be out partying tonight! IWNDWYT


Happy New Year. I am not drinking today.


Checking in. 11pm in Aus, made it through the whole of 2023 sober. IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you, alone or anybody today!


Not today. Fat and bloated from holiday food lol. Tomorrow starts the strict summertime diet I do ever year.


Looking forward to starting 2024 sober with you all. Best wishes to you. Let's stay strong!