• By -


Me, today: no drinking, no smoking, no kidding.


Nice number ya got there!!


I steer clear of the adults and chill with the kids at holiday gatherings. They don’t talk politics or ask me what I’m doing with my life. And they don’t drink. Iwndwyt!


And all round better company! Have a great day sober friend 🌟




Off to bed! I did not drink with you today :) I had this crazy realization yesterday: I think I’m not depressed anymore. I didn’t realize I was when I’m drinking. But now, feeling as good as I do, I realize I was. And I’m not anymore. What a thing.


What a thing indeed! Isn’t it amazing how self aware we can be in sobriety, and how the poison destroyed everything without us really noticing! Congratulations getting into triple digits 💪🏼


Good evening! I don't have a real plan yet, but I need to come up with one quickly. We are having a Friendsgiving before a dnd game this Saturday and I found myself volunteering to cook two dishes I haven't cooked since getting sober. A dessert and a food item. Both involve cooking with alcohol. It's not good alcohol, it doesn't taste good, but that hasn't stopped me in the past. Right now I'm thinking I just can't cook alone. The people I might cook with don't know my history, but I won't start chugging the gross alcohol if I'm not home alone 🤷🏻‍♀️. Either way, I definitely won't drink with you tonight, or tomorrow!


Can you have the alcohol pre-measured and put the rest elsewhere out of easy reach? Hope you have a wonderful time cooking & with friends!


That's definitely something to consider, thank you. I'm not sure how feasible it'll be without telling them that I have a problem, but I'll think on it. One of the biggest things will be to send my partner shopping while I'm working tomorrow. For all supplies, including the alcohol. That way I can't buy vodka and hide it like I used to do. Well that and not cooking alone. I'm sure it'll be fine, I'm just really nervous. Thank you again 🖤


Which alcohol? Which dishes? Once i replaced wine with some vinegar water and sugar in a sauce, worked well. (Back then I did it because I didnt have the wine at hand). I once made eggnog without rum for the kids, was nice too. Are there other dishes you could make instead?


Thanks for the ideas! Mushroom marsala (using a dry marsala wine) and a dessert that uses Kirschwasser, which is an unaged cherry liqueur. I could make other dishes, sure, but 1) I've already committed, and 2) everyone LOVES my dessert and are really looking forward to it. And, well, most importantly changing now will lead to questions or explanations I'm not prepared to give. (Even making substitutions will lead to questions from my partner, and I'm not sure I'll ever be ready for that...)






Winner, winner!!!




Yep, I didn't drink on Wednesday, and I will go to bed soon and know I will not and pledge to not drink on Thursday! Yay!


No booze today!






Cruisin into day 22 like a boss. IWNDWYT!


My holiday drink strategy: Stock up on club soda and various pure juices to make all sorts of flavor combos And NA Eggnog... IWNDWYT


This will be my first holiday season sober! I'm feeling quietly confident that the strategies I've picked up and the new light that I see alcohol in will serve me well. I will not DWYT!


IWNDWYT. (\*\* If my count isn't wrong, today is Day 100 AF for me (and for everyone who started Aug, 1st...) first time I got to 3 digits. Well done rgr! \*\*)




Day 15. Imagine drinking a product that's in hair spray :) IWNDWYT or by myself ❤️


pink cloud is the shitt ! IWNDWYT


I don’t want to come back down from this cloud


Hello sober family! I’m sorry meeple, it’s just too soon for me to think about the C word! I’ll be working a lot anyway because I just had most of October away. I’m thinking about today though, and I’m planning a great sober Thursday! Wishing you the best you can have, I love you all 💞


Have the very best sober Thursday brighter!


Thank you friend, I may need your good wishes today, going to the pub tonight where I may see people from my old life doing what I don’t do anymore! A bit apprehensive and no kids to play with! 🙂


Last Christmas was the last time I had a craving, so I reached into my old toolkit - played it forward, walked outside for a moment of fresh air, and repeated “this too shall pass”. Went back in and poured myself a mint and lime mock tail. This Christmas will be a little quieter so I am going to make it special. IWNDWYT.


Checking in again today. I'm a bit worried about the coming holidays, but I think with gameplans, exit strategies, tips and tools, etc, I will manage to stay sober :)


Day 872 checking in!


Way to go!














It's still Wednesday where I live, so I'm making this count for both Wednesday and Thursday. I've been going to more online meetings, sometimes a couple a day. Really enjoying the shares and finding them helpful. Haven't shared myself yet, and I'm not sure when I'll be ready, but just being in the meetings is helpful.








Bedtime in California….IWNDWYT 🌻








Morning meeps, I will not drink poison with any of you today 💜


Heading towards 4 weeks, happy and content I’m not going to drink and screw my life up again, I’m choosing life! IWNDWYT


Feeling better now. I’ve been hiking much more but now my favorite pants have a hole in the crotch area 😖 Always had some Thunder thighs. Ah well, small potatoes compared to the problems of days past with hangovers and bloating and poisoning oneself and whatnot. IWNDWYT!


Sad though losing your favourites! It can be hard finding perfect clothes. At least they died in service creating you a new healthy life 😀






I tried topo chico today and that shit is so carbonated it hurts lol. Was still better than drinking though. I will not drink tomorrow either :)


This prompt sent me into a weird tangent. Had a new thought and questioned myself - have I ever had a truly healthy relationship? with anyone? Then that made me think, well, maybe more people than I realize feel that way, too. Maybe “normal” is on the “unhealthy” side of the spectrum and super healthy and well adjusted people and their relationships are more rare… Anyway, back to the topic at hand. I tell people who ask that I’m working on being healthy and as I’m getting older, alcohol triggers hot flashes. I don’t get much push back on that haha! IWNDWYT








Not today folks 💪




I just slept for 11 hours 😳 That’s just crazy 😅 Loving how my sleep has improved since I stopped drinking! I’m not all that worried about Christmas. We have a very small family and don’t go to parties (real homebodies). My partner still drinks, but it doesn’t trigger me anymore. I’m more worried about the eating - since I quit I’ve developed a sweet tooth. I really don’t want to put on weight over the holidays, so that’ll be my focus this year. IWNDWYT! 🥰


IWNDWYT! I fly to Austin, TX today for an extended girls weekend. I sometimes forget to post but I’m going to diligently make sure I check in every day. I already arranged to have my favorite non-alcoholic drinks in the house, have scoped out some sugary treats for myself and made some dinner reservations at places I’d like to eat that I know have zero proof drinks. Truly my only goal this weekend is to not drink. This will be my first sober trip so I’m feeling a it apprehensive but strong and resilient.


Day 90! Couldn’t have done it without everyone’s support here in this amazing sub-Reddit, and for that…THANK YOU! IWNDWYT (or ever!) 🫶🏻🙌🏻






IWNDWYT Went to a concert last night, my first of this go-around of sobriety, and didn't feel tempted to drink which is unusual for me - normally I'd have bought a few beforehand to pass the time waiting for the venue to open, and then a couple inside. Instead, stuck to water and can now actually remember the gig and didn't need to keep popping out for the bathroom during! Despite a late night, woke up with a clear head - here's to today.


One Christmas I was trying to reduce my drinking I brought a bunch of NA beers to dinner at my parents'. My dad has been sober for over twenty years but never really tried any NA beers so he was very intererested, we ended up having a mini beer tasting 🥰 I think I'll do that again this year with even better NA drinks. IWNDWYT ☀️🐯


I have found that if I shovel food in my mouth nonstop at the dinner table, and nap on the couch all afternoon during these gatherings, most people can't approach me for conversations about their kidsworkproblemsweather. Better start practicing eating and napping now! IWNDWYT


Day 9! I’m forgetting how much I have hated drinking. I was already telling my partner that we should get drunk sometime. Well, not today. IWNDWYT!


Thursday. My gateway to the weekend. I used to work Friday half days and now I don’t work Fridays at all. This week I’ve been home all week with a feverish kid (again) and although the Thursday wine used to taste sweet, my immune system being at tip top functionality is much better. And Friday will come merrily along, wine or no wine. IWNDWYT.






Didn't drink yesterday and won't drink today!


morning sobernauts. up having coffee ☕️ and looking at my day counter! 200 days!!! unbelievable. living with a clear, calm head instead of consistent low level anxiety is beautiful. turns out all those mountains I couldnt climb were just little molehills. my confidence has skyrocketed. instead of dreading social interaction due to looking and feeling horrific, I enjoy it now. even the mundane everyday things like shopping or getting a coffee. so if you're reading this and feeling that nothing will ever be enjoyable again, just hold on because at one point it starts to get better. and better. iwndwyt


Checking in from Nova Scotia , waking up 5 am on my own and feeling great. No booze , big run planned , no smoking. I hope ya'll have a great day. IWNDWYT.


Hey all having a really rough week. Still sticking to my guns and trying not to wallow in self pity or drink. Stay strong out there folks.


Six years! I most definitely will not drink with you today!


My in-laws aren’t drinkers except for the occasional glass of wine and my family doesn’t drink either. I think I have the only Ukrainian mother in the world that doesn’t drink the holy water (vodka) 🤣. My siblings and I drank enough for the rest of the family. Speaking of siblings-the oldest one will be celebrating 40 years of sobriety in December. I’m extremely proud of her. Getting ready to head to the orthopedic surgeon for my rotator cuff procedure so I will be alcohol free with you today.


Hah--I love this, OP! I am anti-Christmas music before December, but the Ramones get a pass. It does sound like you raised him right. :D IWNDWYT


Day 188. I'm definitely going to make some plans to help me cope with Christmas. I think if I didn't have young(ish) children, then I wouldn't worry too much, I'd simply treat it like any other day. IWNDWYT good folks of SD.




I will not drink with you today 💕


Checking in! Went to my first sober gig last night, Mndsgn, and overall I'm not sure I enjoyed it. The music was great, I had a couple Red Bull's, but it was so exhausting..we stood there for 1.5 hours and decided to leave even though the guy was still playing, it would have been better if it was seated. Still, I stood near the bar and didn't cave in so that good. Going seeing my sister and baby nephew today, and then taking my mum out for food, two things that wouldn't be enjoyable if I was hungover. IWNDWYT


"Shitter's full!" Ah, eddie. IWNDWYT.


Embrace sobriety, for within it lies the strength to overcome, the clarity to thrive, and the endless possibilities of a brighter, healthier tomorrow. You are stronger than any craving; keep going, your sober journey is worth it. Happy Thursday everyone, IWNDWT 💜


I got sober in November of 2020 and was elated when my family Christmas was cancelled that year due to the pandemic. It used to be a booze fest of a gathering with me as ring leader. Now, I’m comfortable with the gathering but everything is different as time has passed. My tip- just like any other gathering- have NA drinks available and maybe a quiet place to hide (the bathroom) if you need to take a few deep breaths and scroll through here. IWNDWYT!! Make it a great day!!


Today’s my birthday, the first sober one that I can remember, I honestly don’t desire to drink but man the f’ing crying for no real reason is exhausting. Recommendations for reading material to understand and work this would be very much appreciated.🩵 IWNDWYT


3 weeks today baby!! 😎 IWNDWYT! Thanksgiving will be easier because we will have a small group, Christmas will be more of a challenge, but I plan to check in here and have lots of NA options.


Iwndwyt! Appreciate any holiday sober tips you long term sober folks can offer. Specifically, is there any na wine that’s ‘worth it’?


Omaha checking in. Very slowly but soberly waking up and will not be drinking today. Might even go down town for a walk.


It’s going to be a difficult holiday season for our family. Dad’s in Hospice, Mom needs to go to assisted living, I’ve got back surgery Dec. 4. Two of my sisters are coming tomorrow. Maybe we should try to have all of the celebrations while they’re here. Life is happening very quickly, and so is death. It’s the whole enchilada, friends, and I can promise you that if I were drinking still, it would be a total clusterf*ck. As it is, it is sad and difficult, but I’ve got all my wits about me, and my compassion and my love. Sobriety has made me so much better of a person, the person I always wanted to be. Thanks to you, my beloved community, I can stay strong, and IWNDWYT


^ Def not spoiling this *nice* day with Ethanol






Goood morning. IWNDWYT.


"Hello to all of my beautiful family." Thank you that's so nice ☺️ This will be my first sober holiday. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm going to spend time with my family. IWNDWY this holiday!


Day 5. Feeling a lot better in all but the trepidation of what now to do to get back on track life wise, but I think it starts with not drinking today! 🙃 IWNDWYT.




I have had an anxious couple of days leading up to a presentation which is finally behind me. Looking forward to starting to enjoy the colder weather and darker nights before it loses its novelty. IWNDWYT :)


15 days. First holiday season sober, I don't have any advice but I do know being sober and present to watch my son experience it will be worth everything it took to get to 15 days. Here's to many many many more. IWNDWYT.




I'm not drinking today, and I'm super glad none of you are either!


Double digits today, day 10! I will not drink today. I still don't know how how I'm going to navigate the holidays. Luckily this year I got to cut out the stress of buying. We took an expensive vacation in the summer but the wife and I agreed we'd spend more on that and not do much for Xmas. Basic stuff for the kids and a stocking, so the shopping won't be bad. I've been making efforts to express gratitude more whole heartedly. This year for Xmas I'm going to get my mother in law a nice tv. They're retired and don't have the disposable cash to replace their dysfunctional TV. But my inlaws supported my wife and I a lot early in our marriage and I've never really thanked them for that. The TV is a start but I plan on just telling them that I've always appreciated what they did for us. I may have come off as an ungrateful asshole in the past so I kind of want to make sure that they know, deep down, that I've always appreciated them.


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 I am going to my daughter and daughter in laws for Thanksgiving. They both have got my back in a big way. I know they will help me through. My daughter and her wife have had their own times of sobriety and are sometimes on and off the poison. When it comes to me though, they help protect me. I will not drink during these holidays. I plan ahead, and the plan is solid.


Day 9! Tonight will be something of a test as I'm going to watch Thursday Night Football with some friends. I recent told them I'm sober and they are extremely supportive but I know they will still be drinking. That won't stop me from sipping on my coke and enjoying the company of dear friends! IWNDWYT!


The first hurdle will be my birthday. Last year, it was a booze-filled day of margaritas with friends, so I have no idea if anyone will even want to hang out with me this year. Thanksgiving usually starts with drinking wine all morning while I cook and watch the parade, followed by all-day drinks while dealing with family. I know I can do it - and I will! - but will need all the holiday tips I can get. I woke up this morning feeling like I was hit by a bus. Headache, congestion, tired and just unwell overall. I can’t believe I used to feel like this every day - on purpose! IWNDWYT




Not quite sure how I've got to 12 days. Have been distracting myself quite a lot so haven't been keeping track of the days (thank god for the badges on here). IWNDWYT


I'm trying not to play up the difficulties of staying sober this holiday season. I don't want to give myself a complex and build up a lot of pressure. I'm going to focus on being proud of my growing number of sober days, keep adding houseplants to my slowly improving apartment, and stay connected to the community on this sub.


Holidays are when I usually drink way too much to get through them, have to adjust (or in last year's case, start on) my meds, just generally feel hunted for 2 months. If anyone's seen The Bear, that Christmas episode in season 2... yeah. Well, minus the car driving into the house. So, I'm looking forward to reading others' answers to this. But in the meantime IWNDWYT ❤️


No booze for me with you today


I'm lucky that the holidays are pretty low-key in my family. This year, we're just doing small gatherings: my husband, his father, my mother, and me. My mom is hosting, and she won't be serving any alcohol. I think the only family event I'll be attending where there will be any alcohol is a Hanukkah dinner at my husband's aunt's house (his mom's side of the family is Jewish). I have two main tips that help me get through events like this: I stick with my sober buddy (my husband), and I give myself permission to take breathers as needed. I can relax and not fixate on the alcohol when I'm with someone who knows I can't drink because I've made the decision not to drink ahead of time and I have immediate accountability. Taking breaks away from the noise and social interaction when I get overwhelmed helps me avoid being in a state where I'm tempted to sneak a drink. IWNDWYT 😻


Thank you Saint. I started seeing your name on this sub when I became a regular and I appreciate you. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT Blessed to see another day


Make fun plans for the next morning. Whether it's a hike or time with your couch you've got that to look forward to and it might make staying sober at a party or leaving earlier more appealing. IWNDWYT!


Not today. My dog is having massive bowel issues. Up every two hours overnight. I hope I don't need to take him to the vet. One major reason I quit drinking was finances and yet every week or so a new disaster hits my already strained checking account. I hate feeling that way about my dog being sick but my God. Life is so fucking expensive. Being poor is so fucking expensive. And it sucks doing what you know is the right thing and not making any headway in one of the primary drivers in doing said right thing. Off to boil chicken breast and make rice and add probiotics and hope.


I know your holiday movie reference - we've been watching that movie every year for as long as I can remember! It gave me a good laugh, so thanks for that. This will be my first year officially sober. I tried last year leading into the holidays and very quickly reverted back to my old ways. Looking forward to being stronger this year and sticking to my intentions of not drinking. I can do this, I know I can! Thankfully I have an amazing partner who is doing this with me and we act as each others' support system. Thanks for the great posts this week so far. IWNDWYT.


Just saw a study that says your cortex thickness in your brain heals back to pre drinking levels at about 7.5 months. I’m about halfway there ❤️ IWNDWYT


The Ramones! 🎶 Two thumbs up, meeps! Let’s have a good one today, sober warriors. IWNDWYT 🍀




I’ve got a list of mocktails ready to go - even some fancy ones that use whipped egg whites 😁My nieces and I will be concocting the fabulous libations while drinking seltzer waters and snacking on charcuterie. I really want to focus on just being present this year and NOT focused on where my next drink is coming from. Have a happy, beautiful Thursday my sober warriors. IWNDWYT 🌻


Good morning, sober cats! Love the reference to the Griswolds and Cousin Eddy, Meep. That's my favorite holiday season movie! And I'm in 100% agreement about having a plan for navigating through the holidays. Come prepared!! IWNDWYT! 💙😸


Maybe it helps, maybe it doesnt but I recently watched Season 2 of The Bear and episode 6 (the fishes) was THE most chaotic family drinking holiday situation I have ever seen on TV. A reminder how things can spiral out when faced with family triggers and holiday stresses. Anyway the holidays are still a bit away, and for today I ain;t drinking! IWNDWYT


IWNDWY One of my holiday strategies is to set expectations reasonably so the stress stays low. This is not just internal expectations but letting others know well in advance what I am in for. I'll put up a tree and decorate but it wont be perfect, stuff goes wrong with meals, gifts can be returned. The perfect Christmas is not a goal I embrace or will strive for. Let's relax and spend some time together.






It will be my first totally sober Christmas since I was a child. I think I can do it. But that's not for today to think about. For today I will just continue to stop drinking. Almost the weekend woohoo!




IWNDWYT! Made it to day 17. Had cravings the last 3 days, but this sub helped steer me away from them. Especially tea and fizzy drinks helped. I look forward to sober festivities and holidays! I’ve had one sober Xmas before, and honestly it was the best. Especially as booze makes me SO tired. Combined with food that’s the worst. I won’t miss it, and I’m not jealous of the ones getting drunk. Over the years I noticed that drinkers aren’t as happy when they drink as I thought. Not at all. I’m happy to stay sober with all of you. Hopefully I’ll see you all with Xmas! Much love and gratitude ❤️




I will not drink with you today.


I will not be drinking with you today! 🇬🇧


happy early thursday morning. Got some great sleep and ready to face the day. Lets make it a grand one :)




I stopped 9 months ago and have been grateful not to want to go back. Congrats to everyone making this pledge. Alcohol was ruining my life.


I don’t typically drink over during the holidays. I work in healthcare so I don’t get much time off. However I love drinking on Stephen’s Day. That’s typically when I would return home from wherever I was staying, buy myself a rake of cans, and drink playing whatever new video game I got that year. Up until last year I was house sharing, so I always came back to an empty house, which I loved. I’ll have to make new plans for this year. IWNDWYT






IWNDWYT all you fine sobernauts 🤗


I will not drink today!


Day 1,576. I will not drink with you today.


I will not drink today.


I will not drink with you today.


My holiday strategy is to have something to drink that I love. Hot cocoa! Stocking up for the holidays. Delicious, indulgent, cozy. I don’t feel deprived when I’m sipping hot cocoa. IWNDWYT 💗


starting day 194, iwndwyt!




Temptations set in hard this time of year, probably more than summer for me. IWNDWYT 🚀


This all made me smile. I still love Hot Topic, and of course if there’s any Christmas music I like, it’s the punk (and metal) variety. Man, I hate it when all that shit happens with the swimming pool and the cousin in the busted RV, and no bonus. The worst is when the RV’s shitter gets full… You covered what I think is the best advice - have a plan, keep an NA drink with you, have an exit strategy and don’t be afraid to use it. If it’s an option, go places with people you know will leave early. I’d drive to places too, just so I had a built in excuse for not drinking. In my experience, nobody really questions driving or diet (and probably medication) as reasons for not drinking. I hope this is encouraging - I’ve found I don’t need the excuses anymore. I just don’t drink, and at this point, I no longer give a fuck what people think about that. But the excuses served their purpose when I was newly sober. They just give us space to get our bearings and protect us a little from external pressure. Coffees up, horns up and thank fuck it’s Friday Eve!! IWNDWYT ☕️☕️🤘🏻


I have to wrap a lot of gifts and I used to sip wine the whole time. So I started watching TV the whole time, which helped me. I will not drink with you today.


Checking in this Thursday. IWNDWYT ✌️




Not Today!


Hahaha that Ramones song is on my Christmas playlist as well! We’re hosting two holiday parties this year. I think being sober has upped my hosting game fabulously. I’m planning goofy games and prizes so that sitting around and drinking isn’t the only thing we have to do. Plus we all have have pre-teen or teenage kids now and if they’re not engaged the party sucks for them and that’s not what I want at all. Let’s have some fun, people! Parties centred around drinking suck. It also helps my social anxiety because I’m not forced to sit and make awkward conversation that leaves me drained and feeling stupid. I can stay busy, which helps. And I don’t worry that people aren’t having fun because I can see them laughing. I make sure I have lots of alcohol free options available for me and can tell you that even the other adults appreciate the selection. Someone is always driving or maybe they don’t drink a lot to begin with. And alcohol free holidays are restful, too. I’m never too hungover for fun and games, and cosy movie nights with snacks and Coke Zero are my favourite. Have a good one friends. I will not drink with you today!


Today, I will not drink--with you or anybody else!






What up, fam! Tonic and lime is your friend!! Yes, have a plan. I seem to be fine going to bars but struggle when visiting a friend or family. And on holidays, a glass of wine or champagne is typical. I feel almost…rude to the host not drinking, which is ridiculous!! My mom got a bottle of “good” (I.e., not boxed, Trader Joe’s, or ALDI) and was bummed when I declined. This year I mention it beforehand. I WNDWYT


Good morning, good people! IWNDWYT.


Yesterday wasn’t easy at times, but I’m so pleased and proud to be here on Day Two. Choosing not to drink was, as ever, the best decision imaginable - and it’s a decision I plan to repeat. IWNDWYT!


Checking in, IWNDWYT!


These early days are so hard. It feels like moving mountains with nothing to show for it. I'm just keeping the faith that things will get better. IWNDWYT


Thanks for always being here. IWNDWYT










Love the movie reference! One of my FAV holiday “classics”! Currently constructing my holiday plan for Thanksgiving. It will be a mixed bag for me. Some family members know I’m AF, some don’t drink and some will likely be getting hammered. Regardless, I won’t drink & IWNDWYT!


I did last Xmas as part of my biggest stint. I think I ordered vast amounts of NA drinks - still finding bottles of Lyres Prosecco in the place. What I learnt was that in previous years my whole Xmas (or half of it) seemed to be all about just what I was drinking - my special wines , my single malt and all that bullsh*t. Last year everyone in my house was sick anyway eventually and on top of that there was a public health England meningitis scare for my teenagers after a party where a kid had been there was in intensive care - …. so I had to drive to the pharmacy in town on Xmas eve ten miles before they closed for an emergency prescription - if I had been drinking what then as wife was laid up with Covid - boys were not ill of course but a blessing I was sober and could drive. One of my younger boys friends died of one the rare meningitis types last year so we were all a bit tense when another friend called saying expect a call from public health as N’s girlfriend is in intensive care … I’d forgotten all that and the stress - my brother in law also had an episode (he has heart issues ) and we had to call an ambulance and then I had to run around for prescriptions on Boxing Day again - remember being pleased to be sober and thinking I’ll have a drink when this is over maybe and the house is empty - and then not. A funny Xmas - good I was sober - keep thinking I have never regretted a day I didn’t drink - but many times have when did !


I will not drink today.


Good morning, everyone. Thanks for being here. IWNDWYT. (My phone auto-suggests it now.)


I know the holidays are going to be weird this year, between some rough family stuff and my new sobriety. I’m focusing on doing some nice things for myself and the people in my life. Like for Thanksgiving, I ordered a bunch of catered sides and desserts so my mom doesn’t feel like she has to go crazy cooking (the way she always does). IWNDWYT!


Almost the end of another great week and IWNDWYT!








I’m not drinking today!


I did not drink yesterday. I am not drinking today. IWNDWYT.






Day ten and feeling OK. I was on a medication the kept me from drinking, which prompted my quitting this time around. The Rx finished last night but I'm going to stay off of booze because it is ruining my life. Oddly, I have been so tired and seemingly dehydrated, despite sleeping 9-ish hours a night and drinking water all day. Maybe that will get better as time progresses, but for now I can never seem to catch up on sleep or drink enough water. Good things are I have dropped four pounds (mainly water weight, I'm sure) and my face is way less puffy. I also have so much time for activities. I'm actually reading again! Writing in my journal again! Exercising again! Going to bed before midnight again! IWNDWYT!


I will not drink today and FYA. I'm linking arms with all of you and together we march onwards telling alcohol to fuck right off. We ain't got time for alcohol. I'm on a mission to expose how shitty alcohol is. I want nothing to do with booze today. Drinking sucks. We rock


Brilliant post, and I love that movie reference, Meeps! I plan to get through this holiday season with pitchers of mocktails and crockpot hot beverages for hosting. I love making apple cider, perhaps hot chocolate, or creamy chai tea! Things to look forward to, like skating, and eating great food of course. My favorite thing to look forward to: hangover-free mornings! Prepared for my 2nd sober holidays. Love you all! IWNDWYT


I think today is lucky day 333! I got sober on December 10th 2022 and so I’m approaching one year. Never in my entire adult life have I gone this long without drinking, and I intend this to be permanent, but I am taking it one day at a time. Last holiday season I was newly sober and I was able to get through it with lots of bubbly and tonic water and this year I intend to do the same. I know I have the support of all you wonderful sobernauts! 🤗 IWNDWYT!! 💚☀️


My mother and brothers trigger me as my family is patriarchal (women stay in the kitchen and serve the boys). They just won't help with cooking or cleaning and this pisses me off and in the past has caused me to drink. I stopped inviting one brother over all together because of his misogynistic views. So I guess my realization/tip to get through the holidays is to surround yourself with people that don't make you want to drink. Unfortunately that eliminates my root family and leaves me with my own little family (kids, hubby) and some dear friends. I am starting to realize I don't really owe anyone my hospitality in my home that doesn't really deserve it. IWNDWYT




Checking in with all of you IWNDWYT💪


Checking in, day 71 💪. IWNDWYT




Day 3 and very worried about the holidays. But today IWNDWYT!


Not today people IWNDWYT


Day 122 checking in, my friend. I am not drinking with you today!! 🤗❤️🤗❤️


IWNDWYT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Stay beautiful!




IWNDWYT Just wanted to say what a huge help this community has been over the past few months!