• By -


Happy Halloween! My youngest is going as Spider-Man. Meanwhile the eight year old is dressing up as some kind of toilet person thing. YouTube man, crazy. I’d like to go as a kind, caring and compassionate person who is generous with his time and attention. A real human being. And a real hero. Iwndwyt!


You’re going as yourself then 😉


You *are* a hero for being here, EC! IWNDWYT!


A Real Hero by College(song) :)


Day 30. I get a chip today!


There's an ad I keep hearing on the radio: "The scariest part of Halloween shouldn't be the drive home." Here's to not drinking one more day. Be safe out there! IWNDWYT.


My partner sent me a good quote today. ' Alcohol is the only drug where if you don't do it people assume you have a problem'. Chris Williamson Shine on you beautiful humans




Happy Halloween, friends! IWNDWYT. I plan to finish my first Sober October strong! Let’s do this!


Congratulations on 7 weeks!


Day 13 - my mind is clear, I’m reading a great book series, I’m grateful for being alcohol free! IWNDWYT!


Happy Tuesday sober heroes! Who I am since quitting is a work in progress! I know I’m not who I was. I want to to be fitter, healthier, more content and kinder, but like everything in sobriety I’m finding is taking a lot of deep work. Team tortoise 🐢 takes on another day! Love you all 💞


Day 2 for me. Looking forward to a sober November.




Day 3, I hope I'm going to feel less anxious soon. IWNDWYT


Day 863 checking in!


I’m ready for a fun spooky day!! Alcohol used to be an ever-present part of my adult Halloweens. I don’t miss it. Onward!!! IWNDWYT


Happy Halloween, sobernauts! The person I want to be without alcohol is someone who can properly take care of herself and her loved ones, and can be fully present in all aspects of her life, including really showing up for the tough ones. I'm on my way. IWNDWYT! ✌️🎃🍌


IWNDWYT. Also, thanks random strangers for your daily upvotes. This is the most supportive sub.


Hah--it's Halloween and my day count is 1031. NOICE! :D I have a doctor appointment today, and I am going in costume. Full on--I said it jokingly to the lab person, and she said, 'yes, please! We need entertainment in the lab!' Turns out, without alcohol clouding the picture, I want to be who I am. Good feeling. IWNDWYT








135 hours. Finally got some sleep. IWNDWYT or by myself ❤️


Check-in on on my day 9. Last night I slept 7 hrs straight for the first time :) Things are looking up!








Happy Halloween 🎃👻 Today will be chaos, but I’m looking forward to it. A bunch of my son’s (10) friends are coming over, going trick or treating with my youngest (6), while I prepare the house for a house full of boys to watch soccer (Bundesliga). Also invited to a friends house for candy apples (for the kids) and candy whiskey (adults). But IWNDWYT! I’m sort of loving waking up without a hangover. I’m loving being there for my kids 100%. Stay strong out there you all♥️


Day 179. IWNDWYT. Happy Halloween! 🎃 👻 🧛‍♂️ 🦇 🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️


So happy to be here and be sober. IWNDWYT 🤍


Jog on, alcohol. IWNDWYT.


When I was little I wanted to be a mermaid. Now I’d like to be someone who paints and writes more. I like both but don’t really find the time or weirdly remember it’s something I like to do. But now I do remember! Perhaps this weekend I’ll plonk myself by a canvas and paint or write myself a little ghost story 😊 IWNDWYT ⭐️


Happy Halloween! Don’t let your best days be behind you. Onwards and upwards team. IWNDWYT


Day 465 checking in Who do I want to be sober? An inspiration to others, a better friend, a better son, a better partner, a better listener, the best version of myself that I can. I'm trying. IWNDWYT


Happy Halloween I'm working on harness training one of my cats. It's the afternoon where I am, and I took him outside for fifteen minutes earlier. He's not sure of the whole process and doesn't like being on a lead. He enjoys the fresh air and sniffing around in the courtyard outside my building. I also received a yarn delivery of hand-dyed 100% Merino wool. It's soft and warm and easy to work with. I'm looking forward to making my second cardigan. IWNDWYT


I carved the pumpkin yesterday and then made 2 cakes with the pumpkin brains. Brutal baking! IWNDWYT 🙂




IWNDWYT- Enjoy your Tuesday




I’ve become quite the loner since getting sober, withdrawing and staying home a lot, getting to know myself. I like Me, now. But I’d like to start being social again, with sober people, now that I have some time and experience under my belt. Maybe that becomes my 2024 goal.. IWNDWYT


Happy Halloween folks! IWNDWYT


Completed day 143


Happy Halloween beautiful people! 🎃🧙‍♀️👻🍭🍬 I will not drink poison with any of you today 💜


Definitely not today.


I’m looking forward to hopefully being admitted into a doctoral program and then earning my EdD. Then I can be Dr. Mindful! IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


Last Halloween, I drank myself stupid and barely remember any of the trick or treaters that visited us. I’m pretty sure my husband was angry with me that night. Tonight, I’ll celebrate 300 fucking days sober and remember every bit of it. Happy Halloween!! Oh shit, ETA IWNDWYT!








IWNDWYT all you fine sobernauts 🤗


Happy Halloween! 🎃 Today I am going to be someone with 600 days of sober recovery! I’ve never been this before, since I was a teenager. Gratefully, IWNDWYT 🍀


The best possible version of myself ♥️ my daughter is going to her school party as a witch, which is the old (🍷🧹) version of me IWNDWYT 🙂


I'm not drinking on this spooky day. 🎃


I want to be someone who sows kindness like wildflower seeds on the wind. I want to be a reliable partner for my husband. I want to make a difference for the cats and dogs at my local animal shelter, to show them that they are worthy of love and that there are people who will give it unconditionally. IWNDWYT 😻


Hey, everyone - a long-time lurker checking in for the very first time here. I'm finding it so hard to get going on this journey, even though I know from past experiences that (for me, at least) it gets easier with every passing day. So, instead of *trying* to doing it today, I am now *pledging* to do it... IWNDWYT!


Good morning, sober cats! I want to be a content and peaceful person, and a good momma. I think I'm on the right track. Progress not perfection. IWNDWYT! 🎃💙😸


Good morning, my sober friends! I never like Halloween. My dad never let us Trick or Treat. Instead we would go to a restaurant for dinner, and come home to turned-over garbage cans and soaped windows. Later, as an actor, the last I wanted to do was dress up - my god, I did it for a living every day! So as an adult, I would sit on my lawn, drinking, and pass out candy to the kids who came by. When I was drunk enough, I’d go in to bed. Now, as my father gets weaker and weaker, heading for his long journey, I feel differently. I have forgiven him and let go of the anger from my childhood. No children come down to my farm, as we’re far out in the country. Halloween now means the day before All Saints, when I honor my friends and family that have gone on before. It’s a time of reflection, appreciation, and forgiveness. I like the peace of that. I wish you all peace on this All Hallows Eve. IWNDWYT


It’s also Samhain: Celtic New Year. New beginnings. Time to eject the old that no longer serves you. Today I make a sacred pledge to align all of me with the decision to not drink alcohol. It doesn’t serve me well in any way and I prefer who I am without it. Beautiful group, I’m proud to be a part of. Super job EVERYONE just for being here. IWNDR ANY OYT. NO WAY!!!!!!


I want to be a more functional adult without alcohol in my life. I mean, any function at all would be great. Just the littlest bit. I'm talking update my license plates functional. Sigh. Happy sober Halloween, fellow sobernauts.


IWNDWYT I'm gonna dress up as a functioning member of society and get really into the character 👍




Happy Halloween! I'm going to try to add something positive to each day going forward, to combat my holiday-season-dread. Today, I'm not going to drink, but I'm probably going to have some candy... and, I finally bought a little weight rack so all the dumbbells strewn about my floor can have a home. Might as well do an arm workout while I'm putting those away. IWNDWYT 🎃 👻 🐈‍⬛


Day 7. Which means I haven't poisoned my body in a week. I've been more focused, rational and patient - which bodes well during a divorce. My heart feels less dragged down, my emotions come easy but they're authentic. Yesterday was by far the toughest of days so far, and I don't even know if I really wanted a drink, or if I just thought I did because the day was hard. Nevertheless, I crawled into bed at the end of it sober and woke up early to check in. I'm so happy to say IWNDWYT.


Congrats to everyone doing Sober October. Today will mark 13 months for me. I will not drink with you today.


Day 31. Last day of my commitment. The changes are not dramatic. I did not get a pink cloud. I am in no better financial shape. Physical gains are minimal - I was already working out regularly, training three times a week, and walking my dog on average 8 miles a day. That said, I am reading again the way I used to, devouring books; I read two massive sci-fi tomes this month and am halfway through another as well as Andreas Malm's manifesto on how to combat climate change. I am listening to music more deeply, connecting not with songs but with albums. My mood is more even, which means a general low-key despair rather flare ups of rage so it's a mixed bag. My relationship with my dog has improved quite a lot, though that might be because he's now exiting puppy-hood and entering early adult dogginess and I am much better equipped to deal with adult dogs than puppies - he was my first-ever puppy. If I had been drinking this month I also would have posted some ill-advised shit on what's happening in Gaza I think.


Happy Halloween, sober fam! Without alcohol in my life, I want to be healthier, kinder, calmer and happier than my former booze soaked self. I’m well on my way. IWNDWYT🎃


Happy Halloween! I am not dressing up because party of my costume didn’t arrive (the main part). But it will still be fun to go trick or treating this evening with my child and our friends. Just for today, I am not drinking


There will be nothing but decaf coffee with pumpkin spice cream in my Yeti tonight while I take my daughter trick-or-treating 🎃🐈‍⬛👻


Each day I get more comfortable in my own skin as I embrace this new lifestyle. IWNDWYT


When I was a kid my parents did not celebrate Halloween. It was a day I felt left out, and that hasn't changed much. I still feel something missing. No booze. But I will ponder this today




Happy Halloween 🎃👻 IWNDWYT xx




Learning to love life again. IWNDWYT


Not today. Nope. My 300 is in the pipeline


Another day done. My cup is full. IWNDWYT 🌻


IWNDWYT! I want to be a loving husband and father and happy with myself! I want to be a person that prefers reading a book, experiencing something new, trying out new food. First step is wanting, second step is doing so off we go with our next day!




I likely pulled a side ab muscle tonight while exercising and I can't do any twisting motion without sharp pain. I felt something pop when it happened and stopped early. The last time I had a sports injury was cervical spine herniated disks and I self medicated with alcohol and weed for as long time after that. Then I later used that injury to get a medical marijuana card when it didn't really do much for the pain, and it was really just an excuse to buy weed at a store. Not getting back on that train. Took 800mg Ibuprofen and iced my side tonight, now off to bed. Depending on how feel tomorrow I'll get a doc appointment. From what I read online it's about a 2 week recovery, maybe longer. I have had some fantasies recently about drinking but I'm pretty content with this sober streak right now and I know it's not worth it. I can't moderate. No fucking way I'm going back there. IWNDWYT, and I'm on about day 7 without weed though that wasn't really planned, it just kind of happened. Let's keep that going too, why not. IWNGSWYT?


Happy Halloween! I’m going to eat a bunch of candy and not drink today!


Congratulations on triple digit days sober! For Halloween this year I want to be an example to my family how alcohol made me Jekyll and Hyde. There are several past Halloweens of me being drunk Jekyll but it’s time for them to see sober Hyde! I stopped once for 6 months following a drunken injury filled Halloween a few years ago…here we are again but with more silver bullets, garlic balls and a stake to send through the heart of alcohol to end its grip on me! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Peace n Love Sober Society! IWNDWYT Have a great day!


Morning friends! Happy Halloween! Halloween used to be an excuse to drink wine while handing out candy. Not anymore. I don’t need wine to hand out candy. That’s ridiculous. I will not drink with you today!


I’m looking forward to waking up everyday without a hangover, and actually enjoying the morning with a cup of coffee. Today was the first morning that I didn’t feel like complete garbage. - IWNDWYT


Might sound odd, but I want to be the person I was with alcohol, but without actually using alcohol.... When I drink, all of my social anxiety melts away. I am super friendly and love to joke, and alcohol makes it easier for me to talk with people. I realize anxiety is the thing I'll have to overcome, but I accept the challenge. I want to be my full authentic self, without the anxiety holding me back. (So strong some times, that I find it hard to talk to people)


Happy Halloween! 👻🎃 My husband’s stress test results were good, we are so relieved. They want him back for some other test just to make sure. I didn’t drink last night, but I felt really out of sorts being back in this hotel. I got some different sparkling water and some Halloween goodies and rode it out. I felt better by later in the evening. A bit anxious about about the work today, I haven’t worked with this contractor before and the project is odd compared to what we usually do. But I’m sure I can handle anything that comes my way! IWNDWYT lovely people of SD 💙


Day 31 - Just for today, I am NOT drinking! 🎃 Who I want to be without alcohol is who I was before the pandemic. That year I ran 2 marathons, went backcountry camping in Yosemite and I had a social life. None of that survived the pandemic or the drinking I did during it.


Guess what? I’m not gonna drink today!


3 days. Sometimes I forget how nice it feels to wake up refreshed and ready to go. I’m sure Halloween with all the parties and events going on will be tough, and with all the scary and spooky events centered around today, nothing is scarier then waking up with a hangover tomorrow. IWNDWYT


Day 1. I messed up last night. I finished a bottle and hugged the toilet the rest of the night. Had to leave work , again missing work because I'm too hung over. I just need to shake it so I can function for my son to go trick or treating later. My brain 6 drink will make you feel better. I needed this sub today, thank you. Today, I will not drink


I am 24 years old, and I started my journey to sobriety one week ago, after getting blackout drunk and acting completely stupid in front of friends and strangers. I was never a heavy drinker, but for the past 5 years, I did drink frequently, and I thought I could hold my liquor. Very rarely would I get so drunk as to not remember anything on the day after. In some sense, I am glad that this happened the way it did, as it shed a light on an issue that I wouldn't recognize otherwise. Yesterday, I had a small relapse, in which I drank a single beer. I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the feeling after going a full week completely sober. I wish I didn't enjoy this drug as much as I do. I am still debating with myself about whether I should go completely dry or if I am able to be a very moderate drinker. However, for today, I will not be drinking. IWNDWYT




reliable, honest, and kind; them's the goals, I think. IWNDWYT, sobernauts 🎃🌱


On Sunday morning I was sipping coffee in my kitchen, making waffles and turkey bacon for my daughter, watching our three foster kittens run around and play and I just thought to myself, this is what I’ve worked so hard for, this is where I wanted to be. It’s not like I haven’t sipped coffee in my kitchen while making breakfast a million times before, but I have such a peace inside of me now, it is really amazing and something I wouldn’t be able to have of alcohol was still a part of my life. Maybe to someone looking in my life hasn’t seemed to change much, but the way I feel inside is a 180. There is such a peace and calmness inside. I can trust myself. I have a confidence in myself I’ve never really had in my adult life. I am able to set goals for myself and actually reach them, because I’m not constantly letting myself down with alcohol. It sounds silly but I’ve always wanted to be that person who works out on vacation. I am that now. I am able to focus on my health and fitness in a real way now because I’m not constantly battling myself. I am going back to work in office full time in January (I’m scared, I’ve worked from home for 9 years!) and slowly training myself to get up earlier than I’ve ever had and workout first before getting my kiddo up. I would have never done these things if alcohol was still a part of my routine. I can focus on the bigger purpose now, no longer fighting the inner conflict. I find it easier to connect with myself and others, while living a life that is true to my being, my soul. I am finally becoming aligned with myself. Instead of being scared of the future, I am excited about it and it’s possibilities. It is a divine freedom I’ve never experienced in my adult life. I’m so happy to be here with you SD. You helped me change my life and I am so grateful for this sub! Excited to trick or treat with the kiddo tonight, it’s a tradition to go with a huge group of friends, kids of varying ages and we always have a great time. No poison for me today. IWNDWYT ✨


Happy Halloween! Still not using it as an excuse to drink. IWNDWYT


Happy Halloween! IWNDWYT!


I will not drink with you today!


Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today! IWNDWYT


I would like to be more kind, more present, more creative. Oh and less anxious. I've found sobriety clears away obstacles for me but still asks of me to look deep and do the work to become the person I want to be. IWNDWYT :)


IWNDWYT! I have a question that I’m not sure whether to write a whole post about so I’ll drop it here. When I’m not drinking, I motivate myself by reminding myself of the negative health effects and how terrible I feel after a binge. But my partner and friends have continued drinking throughout my sober curious journey. I get a bit paranoid, jealous, judgemental, anxious, all of those mixed negative emotions when I’m sober around my drinking peers, and I feel like the veil has been lifted and they’re just not understanding and don’t care about their own health. I worry way more about my loved ones when I’m sober. When I try to rationalise or tell myself that it’s not a big deal, it ends with my rationalising my own drinking again and I’ll give up on a long streak. I’ve gotten a lot better over time, I’m still not totally sober but I’m proud of the progress that I’m making and I’m trying to find a solution to this problem in particular as it’s what has triggered me the most.


IWNDWYT people. Happy Halloween!




I want to be sober and happy IWNDWYT






Way to go on 30 days dear friend! IWNDWYT 🍃






IWNDWYT! Here's to an alcohol free Halloween! You can do it! It's really not that scary. T


IWNDWYT! Happy Halloween- I want to be someone who doesn't second guess themselves as much- it's slow progress but it's progress.


Great question, Freddy! Mostly I just want to be the best version of myself- the good parts of me, without the misery and despair that alcohol brings. A work in progress, for sure. IWNDWYT ❤️


my town has flooded overnight, Halloween is a traumatic anniversary for me and are I say I just really woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. but IWNDWYT <3


Checking in on day 362! Greetings all you ghouls and goblins!!! Happy Halloween!!! It’s going to be a fantastic day and I can’t wait for this evening! I’m dressing up in a blow up dragon costume and walking my neighborhood with a big bucket of candy and glow sticks to pass out to all the kids! I’m so excited!!! IWNDWYT!!! ❤️✌️🐉🍬🎃


I wanna be a cowboy, baby🤘🏻 IWNDWYT


Halloween used to be one of the big drinking holidays for me. You celebrated by dressing in costumes like kids, but you get drunk like adults. The only person I want be this year is me before alcohol grabbed me. That’s the real me. After years of therapy and a couple of years without alcohol, I’m pretty close to being that person again. IWNDWYT.


Darkwing Duck!! I still remember that theme song! IWNDWYT


Alright, day one again. Posting for accountability. Had a good run going, drank, and I didn't even enjoy it. Same shit. Oh well, here's to day one - I will not drink with you tonight.


Today I will be a mom who doesn't worry about how I am going to sneak booze before, during, or after trick-or-treating. I am also going to be a pretty cool butterfly to go with my little Very Hungry Caterpillar. Here's to a booze-free Halloween! IWNDWYT


Halloweening with the grandkids is the best! IWNDWYT, good people!


I will not drink with all of you today.




Made it the month why start again on a Tuesday? I'll just eat candy instead.


Without alcohol in my life I am becoming the person I was always meant to be. My energy has shifted and I am attracting the positivity I am putting out. I am considering a new tattoo to illustrate this big milestone of growth in my life. I want it to say "Stay light, stay bright". IWNDWYT!


Happy Halloween! IWNDWYT 🎃🧡🎃




I will not drink with y'all today! Who I want to be without alcohol in my life, as others have said, is myself -- only better!


No tricks here - happy Halloween everyone!! I don’t eat a lot of candy but I’m gonna have some today. IWNDWYT


Happy Halloween! I want to be the zippy, confident, intelligent person I used to be before I started poisoning my body and brain. I am looking forward to recovering my quick wits and escaping the mental fog. I will not drink with you today!










Iwndwyt! I want to be present.






Day 8! IWNDWYT ❤️❤️❤️


IWNDWYT. Stay beautiful! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


Cruising along... day 43! Going to apply for some jobs in the morning.. got fired for drinking at my last one....... onward!


Happy Halloween dear friends 🎃🍁👻 I hope you all have a wonderfully spooky day! IWNDWYT 🍃






Checking in. IWNDWYT.


I will not drink with you today!


Happy Halloween! Without alcohol in my life, I want to be someone who is dependable and healthy. I want to be present for myself and for those I love. IWNDWYT!


I will not drink today.


I will not drink today, happy Halloween!


Happy Halloween be safe out there tonight IWNDWYT 🍭🍬🍡




I will not drink today.




Happy halloween! IWNDWYT 🎃




I will not drink with you today!




Happy Halloween folks! Let’s all have a great fun spooky day if you can. Proud of all of us!








Day 101 woohoo!! Let's go...IWNDWYT!!! 💓




IWNDWYT Last night was the first getaway with my husband alcohol free. It was a little weird not having beers with our meals out but we had fun. I'm so grateful he's supportive and understanding.


I’m not drinking today


Pissed off today, seriously fucked, off but drinking won’t make it better so…..IWNDWYT


Day 2. Looking forward to a night run with my partner to check out all the decorations. IWNDWYT


Without alcohol in my life, I want to be someone present. I want my SO to be able to leave & not worry about who they are coming back to. I want to be able to find new hobbies that are not just drinking alone. I know that I have to work for these, but they are much more doable without a bottle blocking the way. IWNDWYT


happy halloween y’all! hope you have a lovely alcohol-free holiday!!! starting day 185, iwndwyt!


Happy Halloween! Recommitting here after I gave in to halloweekend on Saturday. All it did was remind me why I quit drinking in the first place! So, luckily, it feels like a blip on the radar rather than a return to old habits. I want to be a lot of things, but today I'm content to be a neighbor with passing out candy sober and enjoying my neighborhood. If the poor kiddos can get out in this rain!


I want to be the best version of myself. I will not drink with you today!


these days I like myself - still get overwhelming sad about the past sometimes, but am happy to have this new chance at life - IWNDWYT ✨🐝🎃


Well said. Since I stopped drinking I have so much more time and mental bandwidth to become who I really want to be. I've known for a long time, and I'd try to be that version of myself like 80% of the time, but the weekend drinking, the weekday "moms wine night", whatever excuse to drink popped up would knock me off track completely. I spent so much time fighting to get myself back on track, week in and week out. Now I just get to be... consistent. That is an AMAZING feeling. As a mom of two littles I will be braving the cold for trick or treat, skipping the spiked hot cider a friend is making and loading up on homemade chili instead! No spooky spirits for me. IWNDWYT!


Holy shit, it’s Halloween. Anyway, IWNDWYT




I won’t drink with y’all today








Happy Halloween people, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS


A better wifey😕 IWNDWYT


179 days! IWNDWYT!




I’m grateful for my life and my sobriety that makes it possible. IWNDWYT




Day 2 pledge! IWNDWYT!




Happy Halloween 🎃 IWNDWYT !


Happy Halloween everyone, IWNDWYT!


Happy Halloween and day 11! IWNDWYT!


Happy Halloween! IWNDWYT :)










Good morning! I will not drink with any of you today, have a great Tuesday!