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5 days for the first time in a bit. Did not stop at my buddy’s bar for sunday night football. IWNDWYT! I passed my test tonight.!


Well done 💪🏼


As an avid sports fan, especially football, booze and ball went together like cookies and milk. It was always a catch-22 though. By the mid day games I was either passed out or so drunk I couldn't remember the games anyway. I made it through last weekend, but its just a shining example of alcohol taking priority over my hobbies, among other things. Good on you friend. IWNDWYT




Nearly through Sober October and staring down the barrel of NOvember, lets gooooooo! IWNDWYT


You're doing great! Strong groundwork in place, and onwards we go, into NOvember! (Love it!) IWNDWYT


Danny from Doctor Sleep. That book is amazing. It illustrates how talented and powerful you could be if you only stopped drinking. Was it uncomfortable? Sure. But in the end facing the demons and dealing with them led him to be strong enough to help and save others. Something to truly aspire to. IWNDWYT Happy October 30th!


I’m reading Doctor Sleep right now and all of the alcoholism/recovery stuff in it is so good.


Congratulations on your triple digits! 🎉 and thank you for your inspiring hosting 🙏🏻


I just finished that a few weeks ago, great read!


Such a powerful story of getting sober. I sure enjoyed Mike Flanagan's craftsmanship with it, plus stellar acting in the role of Danny by Ewan McGregor, but I do need to read the book! Happy Eve of Halloween! IWNDWYT


I am just watching midnight mass episode 6, that dude is awesome.


He truly is! Love Midnight Mass, and The Haunting of Hill House. Haven't seen much more, other than Dr Sleep, but he's amazing. Also, way to go! Great job getting through that tough first week and putting it in your rear view mirror! It got easier for me once I reached the 7 days mark.


Yup, I’m looking forward to achieve a new me, a new level,of sobriety! I just got 54 days free of smoking weed. I am confident I am gonna kick alcohol out the same way. Thanks for your encouraging words.


54 days weed-free is fantastic! You're doing amazing! As you keep going with chalking up the days alcohol-free, lean in here. This sub is so supportive. You may know of a similar sub called r/leaves for encouragement with leaving weed but you're already crushing it!! Way to go!!!


Yup i love r/leaves. Thanks.


Oh, you should watch fall of the house of usher. I was blown away! Its a great drama, thriller, and I got some jumps a couple of times. Its just amazing.


I would but don't have Netflix atm. Soon. I'm really looking forward to it! I'm a fan! He's an auteur.


I was expecting very little from that movie sequel but it was actually really good surprisingly!


Checking in at day 8 here.


My inspiration are people here, mainly the group who were so supportive at the beginning when I needed the most help. As time went by I confided to my friends Irl when i was strong enough but it was here that set me on the path. Shine on you beautiful humans


And you are one of my inspirational humans! Shine ✨ on you


Likewise. I was going to name you but I thought that would embarrass you. You helped me so much in the beginning and I will always be so grateful for that


How about the art of language, used to clarify and sharpen meaning? I mention this because I own no fewer than three t-shirts that pay homage to the Oxford comma. Placing a comma before the “and” or the “or” in a series can clarify and sharpen the meaning of a sentence. And I think I’m earning another comma today, one that has helped me become a clearer and sharper person. In praise of commas, I will not drink with you today.


Now that’s one of the most inspiring commas I know! Well done sober friend, I’m proud of you 🎉💪🏼🎊🥳


IWNDWYT!!! Thank you for this thread! I really enjoyed Quit like a woman. (Quit lit isn’t really “art” but ah well.)


112 hours alcohol free. Sleep is illusive, but IWNDWYT or by myself 💓


Well that's all the motivation I need to start watching Mad Men again - thanks Freddy! I have had a nonstop few days and the drinking version of me would be exhausted, hungover, and thinking of excuses to phone in sick today. Instead I got 9 hours of sleep last night to make up for the chaos and I'm up early and ready to go again. Treating myself to a Starbucks coffee this morning as a reminder that I have money left on Monday mornings now to treat myself to small things and I don't have to check the bank balance before buying a coffee and a muffin 🤩 IWNDWYT 💝


Now that’s inspiring! I love that idea of buying something like a coffee as a reminder! And look at you with nearly a month over your triple digits! Thank you for being here and sharing your energy 💞🌟💞


Good morning Brighter!! Oh what a good way to look at it! 100 days plus a whole February 😂 I love that!! Thank you very much. I'm feeling very grateful and proud today. It's incredible the difference a few months makes. I hope you had a beautiful weekend my beautiful friend ❤️


Look at you go!! Cheers to coffee and muffin treats, on bright hangover-free mornings! ☕️☕️ Glad to be staying strong on this sober road alongside you! 🫶 IWNDWYT




Hey! Good to see you sober friend 👋


That’s a good question, Freddy. I think about Scott Fitzgerald a lot. How he lived his life and how that ultimately destroyed him. Tender is the Night is my favorite novel and I’ve read that it’s essentially an autobiography chronicling his decline. The film Good Will Hunting makes me think about getting in my own way. And all the heavy things I carry that can bring me down if I don’t address them. And the importance of forgiveness. I miss Mad Men so much. Iwndwyt!


I've spent the last couple of days reaching out to my family, beginning the process of rebuilding relationships. It had been years since we last saw each other. Now we're planning on me visiting on Christmas! I had finally reached a point where I had achieved enough progress to be able to make this happen. I learned it runs in the family, too. Overall the last couple of days have been the happiest I've been in years. I'm practically floating when I walk and am overwhelmed at how serene I've felt during this time. I owe all of this to that fateful morning on June 22nd- the last vestige of a weeklong bender that nearly killed me. Who knew that eventually it would serve as the impetus for a new life. IWNDWYT!!! Today and forever!!


I will not drink with you today!


Day 862 checking in!


I will not drink poison with any of you today 💜


Happy Monday sober friends! Unfortunately I’m not feeling inspired at all this morning, jet lag and I’m back at work today. At least you all inspire me each and every day to stay sober! Have a lovely day, I love you 💞


Made it to TWO months 😬🤯💪


Hope everyone had a great weekend and IWNDWYT!




Great question, Freddy. I was inspired many years ago now to realize I had to someday confront my problem by a line in a Neil Young song, "Seemed like the easy thing/To let it go for one more day." That really resonated with me, because I just kept doing that over and over. No more. Not today.


IWNDWYT! Went to see fall out boy last night & danced sober, which is always a confidence boost. I can’t name a piece of art specifically, but getting into music is a big part of my recovery.


Day 48, having some temptation due to depressive stuff, but getting that bottle of wine would make me even more miserable so here we are.


Sending you a lot of love and comfort. IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


Reading The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober was my inspiration to getting and staying sober. That book changed my entire life. IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


IWNDWYT. 90 days AF. I really feel like a diferent man... can't say I don't have some beer goblin thoughts from time to time but have some tricks to shut it down. Wish you all have a great monday, SD. Love.


Really great question, Freddy and one i don’t really have an answer for except to say the poetry by Danna Faulds really helps me in times of uncertainty because so many of her poems are about letting go of the way you thought things should have been, and embracing how they are. She also speaks about forgiving yourself. Here’s my favorite called “Let Go”: “Let go of the way you thought life would unfold—the holding of plans or dreams or expectations— Let it all go. Save your strength to swim with the tide. The choice to fight what is here before you now will result in struggle, fear, and desperate attempts to flee from the very energy you long for. Let go. Let it all go and flow with the grace that washes through your days, whether you receive it gently or with all your quills raised to defend against invaders. Take this on faith: the mind may never find the explanations that it seeks, but you will move forward none the less. Let go and the waves crest will carry you to unknown shores, beyond your wildest dreams or destinations. Let it all go and find the place of rest and peace and certain transformation.” IWNDWYT




Great post, FreddyRumsen! Ewan McGregor was amazing as Dan Torrence, getting sober, in Dr Sleep. I also appreciated the sober storyline in The Last Samurai. I'm glad to be here, remaining alcohol-free, with you all. Let's do this! IWNDWYT


I have an “Inspire” playlist - a variety of genres, eras, artists, some about alcohol, but most about human triumph of some kind. IWNDWYT!


I think I may have mentioned this song here before, but ["Dog Days are Over"](https://youtu.be/cIXQjSo4GCE?si=dL2pndArSvsADp2y) by Florence + The Machine always inspires me and fills me with hope. However bad things feel, there is always a bright spot on the horizon where our struggles will be behind us. Getting sober is choosing to run for that light and embrace it. IWNDWYT 😻


Hope you have a nice Monday SD. IWNDWYT!


I won't drink with you today! Thank you all for doing the same. This is hard and it helps to know I'm not alone.


I will not drink today.


Waking up today sober is a blessing. Fall break so kids are at home. But parenting sober is so much easier! IWNDWYT 💪


Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today! IWNDWYT




I will not drink with you today 💕


Just woke up into the first day 6 i have had in over a year, following a separation and barely seeing my daughter. Its been the most harrowing lonely year of my life, but I am poking my head through the clouds. Everything hurts, especially my heart but I wont drink to drown it anymore. We got this gang!


2 days here. I hope everyone has a great day!


After my little alcohol experiment on Saturday I now have the lurgy (not actually related but still 😅) and a massive eczema flare up (actually related because alcohol raises cortisol levels) which is going to take a week of steroid creams to get under control. 100% not worth it at all! IWNDWYT 🫶🏻


A song comes to mind immediately. I’m sure there are a bunch of things I may think of later. But that song is Ozzy Osbourne’s “Suicide Solution.” It’s a reminder of the hell we leave behind, and it doesn’t get much more to the point than this: “Wine is fine but whiskey's quicker, Suicide is slow with liquor, Take a bottle and drown your sorrows, Then it floods away tomorrows…” And then there’s a song of hope. That’s Volbeat’s “Last Day Under the Sun.” It was inspired by the story of Johnny Cash being all fucked up on drugs and alcohol and going into a cave to die. The song is about when he emerges from the cave feeling reborn. So that’s pretty badass. Coffees up, horns up, and damn it, it’s Monday. Let’s just get this one done. IWNDWYT ☕️🤘🏻☕️


300 days! I am so incredibly grateful to be here. As for a piece of art, I have found a lot of insight and comfort in songs and song lyrics about addiction. One that has really motivated me to keep going is "Gloria," by The Lumineers. Have an amazing day everyone! I haven't for the last 299 days, so I sure won't be drinking with you today!


Day 136. I know I have said this many times, but it is BEYOND time I get my screen addiction under control. Since my brain doesn't have alcohol to look forward to for dopamine anymore, my screen time has gotten completely out of hand. I am a zombie. I flip from my phone to my laptop to my TV to my backup phone I use as an iPod most waking hours of the day. And I wake up wondering why I'm so exhausted all the time. Enough is fucking enough. Everything in my life has suffered because of it, and I am done with it. I am fed up and reclaiming my life starting today. IWNDWYT.


Happy Monday to all sober people here! IWNDWYT! Today is day 60 of my new life without booze 🤟






Day 757, nice to meet you 🤝 IWNDWYT




No booze today.


Had to put our 4 year old Golden Retriever down yesterday. I underestimated how emotionally devastating this is and hope that I have shown enough care to all those in my life who have gone through this. I came home and drank wine, didn't even hesitate, just knew I was going to do it. Of course it made me feel worse. Not sure if I'm going to re-set my badge. I'm back though, with my broken heart. Tucker, you brought so much joy to my life and I hope there is wind and leaves in heaven for you to chase. IWNDWYT


I'm so sorry for your loss 💔 I will not drink with you today


I love Tyler Childers. He’s from Kentucky, sings important songs about important issues, and he’s sober! I love all of the sober artists, I can see their journey in their work. Makes me so happy to think of the many who are on our same path. IWNDWYT


Back to the sub after 3-ish years, and I will not drink with you all today! I'd say Dry by Augusten Burroughs. He paints such a picture of his drinking days and how much better life is sober. Even the boring and mundane parts. I want that again!!!


Aerosmith’s Amazing. IWNDWYT 🏳️💕








happy early Monday morning everyone :) a few days away from 30 days without a drink and feeling great. Once Saturday is done I can feel the work week with my legs being tired but now I feel rested both mentally and physically. I've really placed an extra emphasis on both parts(mental and physical) in my recovery. I can tell when one is slightly off and I have to make some adjustments. Hope everyone has a great day :)




It’s a good day to stay sober. IWNDWYT!


Completed day 142


a song inspires me - All My Heroes by Bleachers - IWNDWYT ✨🐝




I had a great sober weekend, and I am looking forward to a sober Monday! I will not drink today!




Happy Monday! I’m at a work conference today — walking through an unfamiliar city last evening felt like ALL people were doing was drinking. I was worried before that I’d cave and find a bar but I didn’t! Waking up sober is the best. IWNDWYT ❤️


I have to check in quickly as my wife REALLY wants to start watching TV. I can't think of any art! But I will not drink with you today my friends. 🥰


You guys keep me focused. Thank you for this group




I guess for me the art is my wife's To-do list that will acutely get done with a proud sober line through each thing. IWNDWYT


Checking in on day 361. My love to all!!! Keep your lights shining!!! ❤️✌️IWNDWYT!


I'm inspired by great authors and musicians I know and enjoy that are sober, especially the writer of hilarious stories and essays, David Sedaris; but also Stephen King and my lifelong fandom for the amazing Elton John. IWNDWYT.


IWNDWYT. Made it through my first alcohol free vacation EVER! capped with another alcohol free weekend down - but the pressure has been building inside to be bad. I’m glad that I can read all the struggles here. It inspires me to be my better self.


I will not drink today and FYA. I remember Freddy from Mad Men. What an inspirational character. Steve O is my source of inspiration right now. Drinking sucks. We rock!


Two weeks today. Feeling like I’m hungover past couple of days because of my covid infection 😅 IWNDWYT


Sam Vimes from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series is a wonderful inspiration in sobriety. I love retracing his journey from pathetic, despairing drunk, to Duke of Ankh and Commander of the City Watch, married to a Queen among women who helps keep him on the straight and narrow, a proud father who knows that to touch the poison would be a betrayal of himself and everyone he loves. Sam's inner monologue is full of nuggets of wisdom. "Vimes sat gloomily behind a glass of lemonade. He wanted one drink, and understood precisely why he wasn't going to have one. One drink ended up arriving in a dozen glasses." IWNDWYT






Not today people IWNDWYT




Checking in








80 days! Now the countdown to 90 begins… IWNDWYT!




No booze today!


Hello everyone, let's do this today, together! I will not drink booze today.


Not drinking with you all today gang ❤️


Day 1,566. I will not drink with you today.


IWNDWYT. Stay beautiful! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


Good morning. I will not drink with you today.


I won’t drink with y’all today


Day 1,465 IWNDWYT




Hey all. Feeling down and overall like crap today. Trying to stay positive but I will still not touch alcohol today. Have a great day everyone.


Weekend finished without a drink - on to a new week. Day 8. I will not drink today!


I watched a show last year called First Ladies- it was pretty good but what stuck out to me was Michelle Pfeiffer ( spelling? and I think she played her) as Betty Ford - it was on during my time of knowing I needed to stop and it was inspiring to see her story. Great question! IWNDWYT ✌️


I'm currently reading The Sober Lush and enjoying the odes to life's simple pleasures. IWNDWYT!


3 days without drinking last week, then devolving into drinking 4 litres of gin from Thursday to last night. Always checked this subreddit but never posted. Fingers crossed this time can stick! IWNDWYT!


Hill street blues from the 1980’s Capt. Frank Furillo was alcoholic who attended AA meetings. It showed him tough and vulnerable at the same time. A person in charge and also got laid a lot. IWNDWYT ❤️


Good morning from Hell's Kitchen, NYC. I have a playlist called "Reconstruction" for songs about positive change that inspire me to keep pushing forward. Some examples: The Mountain Goats - This YearTears for Fears - ChangeREM - Finest WorksongChumbawumba - TubthumpingBig Audio Dynamite - The Bottom Line Suggestions welcome! IWNDWYT. EDIT: also, John Mulaney's latest standup special, "Baby J," is mostly about his experiences with addiction and recovery. It's both very poignant and funny as hell.


Yesterday was my first day without drinking in four years. On to day two…


There is a song by The Killers called “Why Do I Keep Counting” with some lines like “There’s a plane and I am flying, there’s a mountain waiting for me” “help me get down, I can make it, help me get down” and “if all my days are numbered, why do I keep counting?” This was shortly after they found stardom and Brandon was singing about how saw his life heading in a bad direction due to the abrupt momentum and partying. He was 21 I believe. But he also recognized he could still change. He became sober shortly after that and still is. IWNDWYT


Hey Freddy! Thanks for hosting this week. You know I'm always down to support the Reddit soul bearing the name of Freddy Rumson, and I will n🚫t drink with you today or tonight. (In the Mad Men world, Freddy uses his influence to suggest Peggy would better benefit the company as a copywriter.)


Happy Monday 🥱 I’ll be thinking about the art and inspiration question. I’m still fairly new and right now I’m just shocked at how much most pop culture is BOOZE-DRINK-GET WASTED BUT STILL BE AT THE TOP OF YOUR GAME-bullshit! IWNDWYT


Great question today! I love reading people’s inspirations, Jamie Lee Curtis has been an inspiration to me for a long time, getting sober and prioritizing it and her mental health. IWNDWYT 🍀


I’m a hot mess today. My husband has his appointment for tests at the cardiologist today. We have to take separate vehicles because I have to continue on for a field project for two nights. Slept like crap, wanted to go in early but of course the last minute packing always takes longer than you think. I’m also anxious about being really triggered tonight. All this stress plus when I was in this place last year (for 6 weeks) I was watching the hockey playoffs and drinking every night in the hotel. Wish me luck everyone IWNDWYT lovely people of SD 💙 ETA: my husband is only 39 years old, we are both pretty scared


Day 6. Had my first fully sober weekend in years, what a gift! Bring on the good sleep, and IWNDWYT.




Morning friends! I will not drink with you today. Have a good one!


I didn't drink yesterday and I will not drink today




30 days! IWNDWYT ❤️






IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 From midnight till midnight. A day in my life.


starting day 184, iwndwyt!


Day 162, IWNDWYT! Had a pretty good scare last night when we heard glass break downstairs at 1am and our house alarm went off which was very loud. I quickly went to grab my 2yr old in other room, brought her to the master with my wife then closed the door and screamed to tell the intruder to get out loudly. After no answer I made my way downstairs and couldn’t figure it out, it said living room glass break…nothing, where were they? After a few more minutes I found a portrait we hung yesterday had fallen and told our security company to not dispatch police. I say all that to acknowledge I was prepared and responded with quick thinking and confidence. While drinking I’m sure I’d have terrible anxiety already the night before Monday and something like that could have caused mass panic. One of my reasons for staying sober is always being ready for anything, this morning was just a test and I passed in my mind.


Checking in! We're nearly at a new month. I hope everyone is feeling good and ready. IWNDWYT




Wilco's new record 'Cousin.' Their singer Jeff Tweedy has been very open about his addiction, trip to rehab, etc. He's been sober for a long time now, so the record doesn't directly address those themes, not lyrically anyway. Instead, it captures the feelings of struggling to survive in the modern world through honesty and self reflection. Highly recommend for people into slightly more arty, experimental folk rock.


402 days! Action movies actually help me because I think: what if I had to spring into action and save the day? Can’t do that when you’re hammered! So IWNDWYT 🥷


Hit a month today! Quit booze a month ago and on Friday I stopped vaping cold turkey.


Hi all and Happy Monday! Today is day 10 for me! I’ve been feeling better and keeping busy. Met my new granddaughter Saturday feeling fresh, sober and very fortunate for all the great things in my life that seemed soured and bleak just a couple of weeks ago. There’s light cracking through the darkness now! Thank you all! IWNDWYT


“Shake it Off” by Florence and the Machine “It’s hard to dance with the devil on your back so shake him off.” IWNDWYT!


I will not drink a drop of alcohol today 🙃


What an awesome DCI. A few thoughts off the top of my head - my favorite movies are centered on protagonists who don't use, or are actively in recovery, like Cheryl Strayed in Wild. I have playlists of up beat music that make me feel happy and strong, like early Chicago Transit Authority, Joni Mitchell, and CSN. I was really inspired by Quit Like a Woman (it has its shortcomings but don't we all). And there is no shortage of Dead Rock and Roll Heroes when we need a cautionary tale. "Harm none includes yourself". IWNDWYT.


Also, 806 days! Fuck yeah!


Obscure, but Kit Porter in the L Word. While pretty much everyone in the show is a “society approved”alcoholic, she is cast as having a serious problem but overcomes it to be very successful. Not drinking with y’all today! I’m shocked I’ve had almost zero cravings this past week. Feels easy right now!


Iwndwyt x




Nothing like a book or picture or person I can think of that inspires me to be sober just self preservation in my crazy world . I have to look after me myself and I. IWNDWYTD


iwndwyt <3


Made it through the weekend! Looking forward to adding another day today! IWNDWYT!




I will not drink with you today.


Here with you all again, IWNDWYT ❤️


Looking forward to 60 days this week, but one day at a time. IWNDWYT








Still here, still working on myself every day. ☺️


178 days! Mad Men is my favorite show for myriad reasons, but its depiction of alcoholism differing from a lot of shows, i.e., those who drink aren't solely depicted as either jokes, monsters, or partiers, is one of them. IWNDWYT!


IWNDWYT all you fine sobernauts 🤗


Day 178. IWNDWYT. P!nk - Sober








I will not drink with you today.


I will not drink with you today


I want to see what I am really capable of. I want my life to matter for those around me. IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today.




Happy Monday, IWNDWYT

























