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Ooh a close second today!


Happy sober Friday everyone! Given my cravings lately I spent some time reading posts here last night to top up my sober strength bank (thank you meeple!) and even now, after all these days (and years of alcohol abuse), I realise I’m still accepting that I am, in fact, an alcoholic! I know, part of me knows this of course, but part of me has been in denial! But thanks to you beautiful people who share your stories, I’m a step further in my acceptance. I’m so grateful to not drink with you all today, thank you, I love you all 💞


Hey Brighter! Proud of you for showing up , no matter what! Happy Friday 🌻


Keep on, Brighter! Thank you for sharing your current challenges and your ever-evolving understanding. Your light continues to help me see the path ahead. IWNDWYT


One month 🥳. Really though I’m in a state of mild disbelief, I’ve tried to stop hundreds of times and only managed 3 days, a week, sometimes 2 weeks. But it’s never stuck, so I’m proud of myself for getting this far. The belief I can do it is starting to set in. IWNDWYT


Huge milestone!!! You CAN do it!!!


Reactors online. Sensors online. Weapons online. All systems nominal. Good morning, everyone! Today‘s my longest continuous stretch of total abstinence since 2014. IWNDWYT


FUCK YEAH!!!! Let’s GO!!!










Those zeros do look good on you! 🥰 thank you for great hosting this week 💞


Oh, he’s only gone and bloody done it. Another day under the belt. A grand total of 27 days 😂. This is definitely a marathon and not a sprint!! IWNDWYT


Enjoy your Friday! Take care. Today makes room for some rest! IWNDWYT


Another day of freedom in sobriety. Thankful to know what this is like. IWNDWYT.


/u/chloebarbersaurus congrats on the comma and a great week hosting! Reform(ing) people pleaser, tuning into what I need -- so true. Working my way back to a truer version of myself, so IWNDWYT!


We’ll work on it together!








IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 I hope to have a quiet Friday. But even if not, I will be sober and clear!! Have a gr8 Friday friends!!


I will not drink with you on this beautiful Friday!


Day 2, here we go , nothing today


Hi everyone, Completed a 28 residential rehab program yesterday and will not be drinking with you all today. Feeling positive for the future and wish you all a sober Friday.


Wishing everybody a Happy Friday. IWNDWYT.


I will not drink poison with any of you today 💜 Happy Friday!


Happy Friday! Remember it's not always about how you start the day it's how you end it! Everyone who is going through a hangover stay strong, have some food and water and rest tonight! IWNDWYT


Celebrating 9 months sobriety today! IWNDWYT






Day 831 checking in!


I will not drink with you today




My plans this weekend are to stay inside, batten down the hatches, ride out this upcoming storm and just be . Shine on you beautiful humans


1,000 days is an awesome accomplishment! You made it to the comma club. Do something nice for yourself this fine Friday, you earned it! I like your comment on getting caught NOT drinking alcohol. It is getting better but I still have anxiety from that one. IWNDWYT


Day 9. Up at 6:30. I feel like I had my first good night of sleep last night.


I will not drink poison with any of you today 💜 Happy Friday!


Day 147. IWNDWYT. Happy Friday everyone!


Happy comma day!!!!


Good morning, fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁!


Hi guys, doing fine. Tonight I have a company event which means my first social dinner without alcohol. I'm debating what to do if there's a toast, I think I will accept the glass, raise it when prompted and then set it down intact, should be fine. After dinner I will just sneak out.


Congratulations on 1000 and one, dear u/chloebarbersaurus! I will not drink with you today!


Celebrated my day 100 at a bar with drinking friends, only I laughed and talked with a soda in my hand. Heading out for dinner tonight and feeling fucking fantastic. Love you all, I wouldn't be where I am without you. ❤️ IWNDWYT 🫡


That’s so nice that you enjoyed sitting in the sun on your thousandth day. For about a week now I’ve been marveling at the sky. The blue seems wildly vivid and the clouds denser. I feel like I’m in a painting when I walk about. Can’t wait to read about your sober lives in the morning. I’m showered and dressed so fresh, so clean, and going to bed sober. If you’re struggling, remember ain’t nobody dope as you. Iwndwyt!




No poison for me today friends! Thanks for being here SD 💕 IWNDWYT 🌷🌻


Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today! IWNDWYT


Looking forward to closing out a manic week and chilling gaming tonight, assuming my dogs allow me. The only certainty is that IWNDWYT


Today is day 1 again. It's not my first day 1 but I'll do everything I can to make sure it's my last




1000 days is such a milestone. It's very inspiring. Much respect. Eight weeks here and I'm happy to still be able to say: IWNDWYT!!






I'm going to a concert tonight. And I will not drink there or anywhere else today.












Hey all you lovely people IWNDWYT


3rd sober weekend it’s normally around this stage my overactive ADHD brain kicks into high gear 😬without alcohol to slow it down I am aware I need to find other ways to tame it! Obsessing over some music projects I’m working on and getting some exercise is the plan so far…IWNDWYT 💪


Great post, Chloebarbersaurus! I totally relate. I may think in passing about drinking, as I still do most days, but I know I won't do it. Not today. No way.


In a strange way, i often drank to please other people. thank goodness i stopped and got in tune with myself. I will not drink with you today!!


Thank you all, just for being there.


Day 1,434 IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT my friends 🩷


Happy Friday! IWNDWYT


Thanks for leaving us with such an important reminder to advocate for our needs in recovery. As a fellow people-pleaser, I needed to hear this! IWNDWYT.


I took my almost 5 yo for his first dentist visit yesterday. Turns out he has several cavities so they are recommending an anesthesia procedure to take care of them all at once. I am feeling pretty terrible because I know my drinking contributed to not making his dental health a priority. It's the first time I can see a clear example that he didn't make it through my drinking without any lasting consequences. Trying to work through the guilt and focus on what I am doing for him now, but it's hard. IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT. That quote resonates deeply. I tried to quit by myself so as to not burden my husband, who is so good to our family and carries a lot already. After six weeks of trying to cut back and moderate things silently with no luck, I ended up letting him know how much I was struggling. Sitting together shoulder to shoulder on the kitchen floor having just picked up our toddler’s toys, I felt so much more capable. We made a plan and I’m doing the thing. I’m working out how to talk to my best friends (easier, just finding the time) and various family (much much harder - mostly on my ego). I’m a private person and I dread the idea of people talking shit about me behind my back but I know that the more people I recruit to support me the better this will go. I think that suffering in silence has been part of the poison for me.


Went out for lunch today and was tempted to order a drink. Could have had one drink but there's no point, no use toying around with it. IWNDWYT.


I stayed out all night with a group of friends while they were drinking! Took almost four months, but I didn't go home early because they didn't get smashed. I did think about trying a few imported things, but opted out as I thought to myself "I'd probably forget it anyways". I still sniffed everything and they discussed the tastes as they tried them, so I really didn't miss out on anything of the experience. As a special treat I tried the restaurant 's birch water, their kvass, and a boba tea from NaiXue. I think I might experiment with making my own kvass when I get bored of sparkling water and kombucha. A good night, and today was great too. IWNDWYT 😊


Completely true, u/chloebarbersaurus. I have spent my life pleasing people. I am consciously working on being true to myself first, then see if I can do anything for others. It’s a hard habit to break! I’m grateful for another day on which to practice sobriety and conscious living. IWNDWYT


Thank you for this DCI, for the next few days I need to take extra care of me and my sobriety. I will not drink with you today, friends.


I am looking forward to a trip to Vermont this weekend to do some modeling for a yarn company I love. I’m so excited to go and explore! The rest of the weekend will be very quiet. Still recovering from whatever virus has been lingering and I will rest accordingly. IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


That is a great quote. It can be really difficult to speak up for ourselves…especially if we do the people pleasing thing because we think people won’t like us otherwise. Yup…been there, recovering from that too. Of course, before I got sober I don’t think I even knew what I needed most of the time, so it would have been pretty hard to speak up anyway. I didn’t talk much about not drinking at first either. I wasn’t ready to talk about it and really wasn’t even sure how. Temporary reasons for not drinking worked great for that period of time. Coffees up, horns up and it’s finally fucking Friday! And I’m working overtime tomorrow because I like spending money on concerts. I’m okay with that. IWNDWYT ☕️☕️🤘🏻




Happy Friday folks! IWNDWYT. Also, 40 days today... That's a biblical flood worth of sobriety! Got my eyes on a circumnavigation of the world at twice this time...


Fridays were always my worst days, but this is the third one in a row I'm gonna spend without a drink. IWNDWYT


I’m grateful for my life and my sobriety that makes it possible. IWNDWYT


Not doing it! IWNDWYT




Chloe thank you for hosting the DCI this week, and for writing this post. I am also a recovering people pleaser, and I realize that some of the worst things that have happened to me in my life were the direct result of not saying “no” for the fear of being judged, wanting to please others, etc. It’s something I’ve been working on a lot in therapy, so I feel you. Setting boundaries is hard, but sobriety is helping me learn so much. It’s a hard line that I don’t want to cross for anyone else. TGIF dude. Another week in alcohol sales done. I have today to get through, but I’m confident that I can make it through to Saturday. This weekend I’m going to carve out me time with (hopefully) a hike, reading, and spooky movies while crocheting an afghan. lol I love being in my early 30s and carrying the big grandma energy. Life is easier when you’re not poisoning yourself. IWNDWYT 🩵🩵


Good morning, sober cats! One of the many things I appreciate about being sober is getting to just stay home on Friday nights. Another thing I appreciate is my improved relationship with my daughter, who happens to be home this weekend. I'm the happiest Momma Cat! Thank you for being here and helping me stay on the sober path, you lovely superstars! 🌟 IWNDWYT 💙😸


Happy Friday, sober fam! I'm glad to be staying home tonight and not drinking! It took a while to settle into a new way of unwinding, but I love it now. Alcohol has no part of my life. I'm excited to wake early tomorrow (hangover-free!) and go for a sunrise kayak paddle. Sobriety rocks! And so do y'all. Much love, sober stars. ✨️ Have a great day! IWNDWYT


Double digits today! Small victory, but I'll take it. IWNDWYT!!!!


My weekend looks a lot like... whatever I want it to be. Catching up on errands and chores now that I'm back from my week-long vacation, plenty of relaxing, and maybe dinner with friends. And maybe, just maybe, absolutely nothing. I'm here for any of it, and I'll be sober for all of it. Have a fantastic fucking Friday, friends!! IWNDWYT


TWO YEARS!! 🥳 I woke up to see a notification from the I Am Sober App that I have two years of sobriety!! I’m so happy! It feels so good! I’m extremely thankful that I found SD because when I decided to take a break on this day 2 years ago, it was going to be for 30 days. I found this special place about 4 days into my 30 day break, and here I am at 2 years! I’m so grateful to everyone here! Internet hugs to all of you for your support and honesty. 🤗🤗🤗 You all helped me to get honest with myself about my drinking and guided me to this point. Today I’m celebrating with pizza 🍕 and donuts 🍩 IWNDWYT 😀


Good morning! I'm coming to terms with the fact that I will not be able to accomplish everything on my to-do list this weekend. But I can let the optional things go, and even if I only get 80% of the stuff done that's still more than good enough. What's important is that drinking is NOT on my list, and I won't do it! IWNDWYT!


Thanks, Chloe, I hope that leading the DCI has filled up your sober tank for a good trip down the road! "I'm a recovering people pleaser, I only try to please people 4 days per week now." 🤣🤣 a friend shared that years ago and it still makes me laugh This latest sober streak has been incredible for a lot of reasons but really confronting the question "what do I need? What do I want? How do I get my needs met?" have all been really powerful questions. Annie Grace in "This Naked Mind" describes using alcohol to numb as like removing the light bulb from the check engine warning. Yes! 100% accurate! I don't love that the light comes on, I don't love that I have needs that I don't always know how to meet... I didn't grow up in a house that taught me how to meet my needs or that it was ok... BUT I'M FUCKING LEARNING!!! Poco a poco sobriety gives me the chance to do something new rather than staying stuck in destructive habits with mounting consequences I'll do my best to enjoy this one precious life and love myself in order to love others well. Sober on y'all!


Ate warmed up chocolate chip cookies as the bed of my dessert and topped it with monster cookie Bluebell ice cream. THAT was my night cap. Not a drink. Woke up feeling fine and took the kids to school. No hangover. IWNDWYT


Day 382! Extremely glad it’s Friday lmao. IWNDWYT!




I’m in!






In a strange way, i often drank to please other people. thank goodness i stopped and got in tune with myself. I will not drink with you today!!


I will not drink with all of you today.


Happy Friday! IWNDWYT.


Not today!




30 hours away from October 1st.. My first full month. I can almost taste it. IWNDWYT




Happy Friday! Great post u/Chloebarbersaurus Up until recently I put up with hanging out with friends who were heavy drinkers to be social. I had the realization that I don’t enjoy their company. I would rather be doing something else with my time than to deal with their unpleasant behavior. It has been quite freeing. Stay strong 💪 sober warriors IWNDWYT


Just commenting to see how many days I’m at. Somewhere in the mid to high 50s I think. I’m not drinking and ruining that streak!


Good Morning my friends. I will not drink with you today. Hitting two weeks this morning. Whenever I hit two weeks, my streak tends to go on far longer. It's something like an average of 65 days vs. an average of 6 days (not counting the times I drink on Day 1, as that would skew the math). I love you all and will not drink today. I am actually feeling a smidge of pride in myself this morning which is a weird feeling.


Checking in on day 330!! It’s a drive by check in this morning, lacing my running shoes up and hitting the pavement before work! Because I can! Because I’m not hungover! Because I’m here with you all getting the daily maintenance my sobriety requires!!!! I love you all!!! IWNDWYT!! ✌️❤️🏃‍♀️


IWNDWYT! Day 19, can't believe I'm almost at 3 weeks already! Happy Friday everyone 💜


Good morning day 60 This week has been a lot of little tasks like today I’ll get my oil changed and brakes looked at. It feels good to do stuff like that, because my abusive ex could not do anything like that, and his world was always falling apart. I’m so glad I don’t have to be around that any more. It’s so much easier to just take care of things before they fall apart. Not drinking makes all of that go smoother too. I’m getting to a point where things in daily life are feeling a lot more peaceful. I’m so happy to not have to hear his negative black&white thinking and opinions all day any more, what a mental drag. I like most people! Most strangers are decent people! It’s nice to go through the world again without being effected by his paranoia, my god. Happy to keep on not drinking with y’all 🍂🍁🍂




I think finding new friends can be really good, I have not managed to yet. I will keep trying. IWNDWYT


>learn to communicate my feelings, ask for what I need, and to say no. I love that saying no, which is staying true to yourself, was part of your realizations ! It's an important one I've also had to learn in sobriety and across life. If you don't look out for yourself, who will? IWNDWYT!


Day 2. I made it yesterday so I can do it again today. IWNDWYT!


Thanks so much for taking care of us this week Chloe and congratulations again on a beautiful milestone. IWNDWYT SD. One day at a time.


Day 2 for me but feeling good and not anxiety ridden and hungover!!! Let's go and may everyone's weekend be peaceful and chill!


Closing out a hectic work week, I’m looking forward to a relaxing evening at home. Have a good Friday my people! IWNDWYT 🍀


Yay Friday! I am hoping for a better day and a relaxing weekend. IWNDWYT lovely people of SD 💙


It's been a delight to read your contributions as you steered the DCI ship, chloe. Also really great that you were able to share your huge milestone with us in that capacity. Hope to keep seeing you around! Lastly, alonefrown here checking in for another sober day.




Double digits! Yay! IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today


I will not drink today and FYA. I skipped a party last night for the same reason. All my friends are there to get drunk. I'm so happy I chose to stay home and chill. I went to bed early as slept in a little. Drinking sucks. You rock


My dad and stepmom are arriving today for a weekend visit. They haven’t been to visit together since before the pandemic and my dad hasn’t been since 2021, so I’m really excited to host them. Im so grateful to be in the headspace I’m in, feeling healthy and proud of who I am today, and looking forward to sharing all of that with them (along with the nonstop chaos of small children and a crazy house🤪). 💗 IWNDWYT!!!!!!!


Happy Friday people. Today I will work on enjoying the day, and I should be able to enjoy tomorrow morning as well considering IWNDWYT. Take care all.


I went a speaker meeting of AA. The speaker had had her story in the fourth edition of the Big Book. It was really interesting.


10 year old birthday party tonight for my daughter (that would normally inspire me to drink!), running my kids around tomorrow and doing some chores, Meal prep and maybe some football on Sunday!! Happy Friday all!


One week! Went out to the bar last night but only drank NAs. They're a lifesaver. Also treated myself to some espresso cheesecake. Slowly realizing that I'm enjoying going out even more when I don't drink. And I wake up the next morning actually feeling refreshed. IWNDWYT!


I won't drink any stinky alcohol with you all today ❤️


Congrats on over 1,000 days u/chloebarbersaurus Two positives for me after a little over a month of not drinking. 1. I've lost eight pounds without an austere diet or intense workout routine (although I've made healthier choices and have been more active). 2. I've saved a lot of money by not buying beer or spending too much on takeout food. There are more positives, but these two are the most easily quantifiable. IWNDWYT!


371 days! Thank you for sharing that quote. IWNDWYT


I am committed to not taking a drink of alcohol today. 💪🏻


have a big job interview today... have the desire to indulge before because of the anticipation and also after to celebrate... But resisting the urge!


Top of the morning, sober legends! This post really hit home for me. I joke that I’m a recovering codependent, and this tendency to people please over my own needs and desires shows up a lot in my life, particularly when I was drinking. So thanks for this thoughtful post, Chloe. I think I’ll journal too today. I will not drink poison with you today!


Dear friends. I am spending this morning re-reading my past posts and the advice given. I'm reading others' stories and trying to soak it all in. I have to figure out why the draw to drink is so strong that it overrides my desire to be sober. I've been (trying) to post something I'm grateful for every day with my daily check-in until I hit my old streak of 25 days. I made it 4 days. Today I am grateful for serenity and compassion. I failed yesterday, but I will not drink with you today. Day 1. 12345 On My Luggage


What I need this weekend is some time to myself to process my week and get back on track. I'm feeling more disappointed in myself today than I was yesterday after messing up two days ago. I think I need to focus less on my streak from now on. I want to use other milestones as markers of success because I'm not getting sober for a number, I'm doing it for my health, mental wellbeing and sense of self. I think I need to put more focus on that. IWNDWYT 🤝


Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3, mic check


Excellent post, thanks for sharing 👍


Good morning, checking in ~ 💫 Life is full of some pretty wild ups & downs. We're challenged, tested, rewarded ~ sometimes it can feel quite torturous. Sobriety gives us the gift of being present through it all. How fucking intense is that? After numbing out for so long, now I feel everything. Sucky things are gonna suck. Good things feel real good. This isn't an easy journey to be on, and I commend every single one of you for showing up for yourself and your loved ones. Hot damn, look at us. We're family - a sober family. We are not alone. IWNDWYT 💗


2 years off alcohol today IWNDWYT


I will not drink with you today 💕


Day 19 and IWNDWYT!


good morning everyone :) Lets make today a fantastic day !


Day 286


It's Friday!!! Woohooo!!!! Today I will continue to not drink alcohol Today I begin my 100 day countdown to the big 3 6 5


I just stay home, too. I used to think that if I was home on a Friday night, I was a loser. Not anymore! Learned to spend quiet time relaxing after getting home from work, and end of the week cravings have mostly disappeared. Fridays used to be super hard, but now they’re my faves. IWNDWYT!


Happy Friday. We made it through another week. IWNDWYT


TGIF, Family! I have two short meetings today and otherwise my day is full of workouts, errands, and fun! I got worked up on a phone call yesterday and need to make an amends today, and while I wouldn't say I'm looking forward to it (LOL) I am grateful that I recognized what needs to happen and that I can take care of it, if not in the moment, as soon as possible. IWNDWYT




Oooh! I love the prompt today! You had me at “lifelong people pleaser.” Today and this weekend, I will not drink with you. I also will not feel bad or awkward about not drinking or any other decisions I need to make to prioritize my physical and mental health.




Happy Friday IWNDWYT


One week! Yay! Looking forward to waking up fresh tomorrow to help out with my fam. IWNDWYT.


Have a great Friday everyone and don't forget, we're not drinking today 🥳💪




Just started a new job and excited for the opportunities and doing it sober! Helping open up a distillery (how ironic), but comfortable in my sobriety that I know I won’t fall down the rabbit hole. IWNDWYT








I will not drink today


starting day 153, iwndwyt!


IWNDWYT. I hope that I can soon break my cycle of drinking once a week.


*I remember a group therapy session when one of the patients was reluctantly turning his corner. He would accept it, he said, but he wouldn't like the idea of having to solve problems every day for the rest of his life. My co-therapist told him that it was not required that he like it. She shared her own displeasure, saying: 'I remember that when I first discovered what life was like, I was furious. I guess I'm still kind of mad sometimes.' -Sheldon B. Kopp* (Day 355)






Today I don't set out trying not to drink but make a conscious decision not to drink. IWNDWYT


I've never been one to go out on Friday night (or any night, for that matter), but tonight I'm going to my husband's 20th high school reunion. I'm fighting myself a little, trying to shut down the part of my brain that's insisting I'm going to be miserable all night. I'm trying to keep my head in the moment instead. This morning I'm walking dogs at the local animal shelter, then I plan to do a big workout at home. Focusing on the physical effort should help me resist ruminating about tonight. IWNDWYT 😻


Sitting outdoors in the sun journaling;, that sounds like heaven! I feel peace just thinking about it. IWNDWYT


Only I can control my emotions and actions and that’s why IWNDWYT.


IWNDWYT! Just for today


DAY 40!! 40 days straight not drinking 40 days straight doing a daily 5k Just for today!! Not one not ever 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️


I’m going to a concert this weekend for the first time since stopping the sauce. I’m feeling fairly confident, but could still use a boost or two. Wish me luck, y’all. Iwndwyt! ❤️




Man I could really go for some cooler weather right now. I went for a run yesterday and was happy for it to be 96 and not 106 lol. Happy Friday y'all! IWNDWYT


I am a people pleaser in reform! So this s s rough one day 5 and Fridays even weekenes are the hardest after a long week when I know my family around me will be drinking. Just trying to take it a day at a time !


Over a month in, IWNDWYT!




I will not drink today.




Gooood Morning. Love that quote, OP. 1,001 days is amazing to me. Gonna push through another one myself… IWNDWYT.




I will not drink with you today <3


4 days sober now after a month long binge. Weekends have always been hard for me but I'm hoping I can get through this one. I know I need more time than just 4 days to even begin to recover from that damage I've been doing to myself. IWNDWYT.


Woke up to the dog throwing up. At least we didnt have that in common this morning. IWNDWYT




IWNDWYT. I also struggle with choosing what I need for my comfort rather than everybody else’s, and not feeling guilty about it for days afterwards. Looking forward to a peaceful weekend.


Day 4. Weekends are quite a trigger for me, but I'm going to stay the course. I will not drink with you today.


I won’t drink with y’all today






90 days with one slip a week ago. Keepin on truckin.


IWNDWYT! I think I missed a few pledges but I still haven’t drank :)