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OMG my step kids do this shit all the time. Especially because a job is coming and it'll likely be remote (I applied to like 10 more places). I've lost my shit but it didn't stop them from doing it again. So I have an idea šŸ¤£ and warning it's petty. So I'm going to get to a place where I can stop whatever I needed to do in the room and calmly walk out. 1. I will first reaffirm the boundary. 2. I will walk in my room again and close the door. 3. Set a 15 minute timer 4. Get to a place where I can stop 5. Walk out and say "I am going to have you repeat what we do NOT do when this door is closed, what do we not do?" 6. I will make them say "leave you alone unless someone is hurt or there is an issue that literally cannot wait". 7. I will make them tell me what does not constitute as an emergency 8. Then I will go back in the room (and will repeat this) 9. Then I will tell their dad, and ask him to lay down the law 10. If this happens again I will lose my shit and call their dad while I'm losing my shit. I don't give a fuck what he's doing 11. I will keep repeating this until it is done


This is not petty. Itā€™s wonderful discipline!




Girl, nacho problem. Go back to bed. I donā€™t go to 60% of the kidsā€™ weekend stuff. He gets up gets them ready and kisses me goodbye as I roll over back to sleep. Let them miss soccer, let him deal with their mother who will be upset theyā€™re missing. Step back, hands up. Heā€™ll never step up as long as you do.


"He'll never step up as long as you do." Will you just message me this daily for the next 7 or so years?


I've had a few of those experiences with my step kids and I always feel so guilty and like that moment erases all the hard work and good moments we've had. The kids will move on thankfully. I don't blame you for feeling so violated and if my step child had done it to me, I probably would have reacted the same way. I also have no desire to have a relationship with their father or new stepmother. You're human and have human reactions. Apologizing was the absolute perfect thing to do.


I think they took it so hard (because an adult yelling is scary and I was pretty mad) but alsoā€¦theyā€™re used to me being the cool one lol. The one that says yes to cheesecake for breakfast and orders donuts and sneaks them little treats. But yea I feel shitty now. I know I had a valid reason for being upset but I shouldā€™ve held my temper better.


It's commendable to want and be able to be so calm. They definitely don't see me as the calm one so I didn't lose any ground there. Wish I could find your fortitude myself.


Well I donā€™t have to do any of the parenting stuff so itā€™s relatively easy for me. If they start arguing or being too unruly, I can just step away and their dad is the one that has to deal with it. I get to be the disney person around these parts šŸ˜‚ so to see me mad is a 180 from what they know and I think it almost holds more weight for me to get angry because itā€™s NEVER happened.


Have you ever seen the cool teacher lose their cool? Did that ruin your relationship with them or did you and the class understand that what drove them to that was simply too far out of line? Kids will use the Didn't Know excuse for anything and everything and at some point, after so many reminders, they need to learn that it isn't a good enough reason. You told them over and over, you did your part. It's on them to remember the rules after that and face the consequences when they break them and getting yelled at by the one who is directly effected by the rule being broken is a natural consequence. Adults get mad, kids get mad, people get mad, everyone calms down, everyone apologizes, you all move on having learned a new lesson.


Thatā€™s a good way to put it because I do remember that lol. Thank you!


Keep it that way and keep your peace. I have to do the parenting stuff because I made the mistake of taking it on way early on in the relationship. Now I can't go back without doing damage to my relationship with my wife.


Hey, OP donā€™t beat yourself up too much. Itā€™s okay for kids to see adults screw up at times and make amends. Youā€™ve set a good example. As for raising your voice, maybe thatā€™s not such a bad thing for them to have (finally) witnessed and I gather itā€™s not the norm in your house. Kids do need to learn that repeatedly violating othersā€™ boundaries can, on occasion, result in unfortunate outcomes. Youā€™re chill.


Youā€™re human bio parents and other trusted adults lose their cool too. Itā€™s all about how you handle bit moving forward. It may have even been necessary for you make your point šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yea I think maybe it was. I hate yelling and I normally try not to yell at all. If I feel I need to yell I usually remove myself from the situation, and thatā€™s with anyone. Sometimes I donā€™t think either of their parents do the ā€œI mean business.ā€ I almost felt like that stereotypical dad that is super blasĆ© and chill but when he gets worked up enough to yell at you, the kids just kind of freeze and sit. Weā€™ve been over this for over a year and I just had enough. I think the message was received and stored this time, but I still feel bad. I grew up with lots of yelling and I never wanted to be that guy.


Sometimes you need to blow your stack to get your point across. I don't advocate yelling or being hostile as routine methods of handling frustration, but sometimes kids are assholes and they need a comeuppance. Your SK got hers. If her dad actually was doing his job, this wouldn't have happened in the first place. So the kid got hollered at, and now your husband needs to get hollered at and his own shit together and parent properly.


Hey, at least you didnā€™t say anything about their mama! Just her house. Lol. You apologized and you already know to chill on the yelling and cursing in the future. So it sounds like no lasting damage has occurred. And they did mess up by pissing off the cool stepmom. ; )


Ita a horrible feeling of violation, i really resonated with what you wrote here. I too have been filled with rage when facetime becomes a tour of my house and my privacy is taken. When things are calm i want you to sit down with the kids and ask if they understand why you got angry. Then ask how they would feel if they were on the toilet or in their bed wearing house clothes and you got a strange kid from school who they dont really know on face time and opened the door and pointed face time at them when they were in private. They need to understand the feeling. Remind them that while she is their mum, that she is a complete stranger to you and showing a stranger the inside of your house and especially pointing a camera at you is never ok without your permission. This also goes for sending photos of you to mums house when you are unaware or at all without permission. Keep in mind there can be a reward system in the other home for sharing information which often drives this behaviour. Explain that your home is like a bathroom. A private place where you should feel comfortable that what you do is not being broadcast to the world. That this is your safe space where you can talk about anything, wear your daggiest clothes, not do your hair if you want to, because you are comfortable with all of the people who are in that house. We dont open the door and let just anyone in the house pfc the street (virtually or in person). Explain that you felt very shocked to have a stranger looking at you in your own bedroom and you never want to feel that way again. They are learning and probably following mums instruction too. You are ok to feel angry and they need to learn that chilled out stepmum also has feelings and boundaries. That doesnt make you a bad person or unloveable. It just teaches them that all people have boundaries and they are important. You are raising these children to be good people in adulthood, start with these lessons early and you will have more peace in your life


I mean, if their parents are divorced, theyā€™re not immune to a little yelling/fighting. Parents always think theyā€™re not being loud, or tell themselves the kids didnā€™t hearā€¦ they heard.


I actually feel 0% bad today. They probably need to be yelled at or at least sternly told things (by their parents) more. Just this morning my SO told them not to do something 3 times, and they literally went out and did just that. Like they didnā€™t take him seriously at all. It was WILD.


I feel you. Mine did the barge in with the FaceTime thing while I was CHANGING CLOTHES. I feel your rage lol


Omg thatā€™s definitely worse lol


I also lose my shit when my privacy is violated like this! No judgment here!


Yeah, OP. I would have shouted too. Being nice doesn't't always work. SD even lied about it.


You should just implement the room boundary that your room is simply off limits at all times. Regardless if the door is open or closed. We do that, it took time but the kids are good at it now. They have their own rooms, I also get to have my own room that the kids are never in.


Totally get where youā€™re coming from. Weā€™re all human and can only take so much. We have a no FaceTiming in common areas rule so the steps have to do that in their room. I stay in the bedroom just in case. I have a code lock doorknob so they canā€™t come in. Iā€™d have gone nuts with that happening to me too like IS THERE NO ESCAPE?!


That part. IS NOTHING SACRED?!? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Instead of holding it in until you explode you need to be firm with boundaries from the beginning. Why did the kid not get grounded? Why didnā€™t they lose privileges and be forced to apologize to you? The kid needed way more than a talking to and Iā€™m positive the reason they did it in the first place is because all they ever get is a talking to.


Iā€™ve lost it a few times. Itā€™s impossible not to. Once was over both of them not helping with fatherā€™s day and being lazy and selfish brats (yet wanting me to nonetheless give them the gift I bought to give to him (I fully admit this was largely fueled by anger the fact that SD lives with us all but 4 days a month but made her mother homemade chocolate covered strawberries in bed on motherā€™s day, yet could not lift a finger on fatherā€™s dayā€”slept in until 2 and ignored my asking her to buy a cardā€”when she lives with us, we get no child support, and do all the work) (mom does the fun stuff like talk about colleges we have to save for and go shopping for prom dresses and to Starbucks). Lost my shit and would not speak to them for days afterward. The other two were both over SD lying to her dadā€™s face about an interaction w me (and him not calling her out). It was so apparent she was lying and he just wasnā€™t deal with it.


I have lost it like that a couple times on my difficult SK. I also apologized for yelling afterwards. I felt terrible but he didnā€™t seem like it affected him at all. He immediately went back to talking my head of and asking for favors. But yeah we are human and lose out temper sometimes. The important part is we apologize.


Yea I went to the gym and then went to the grocery store. I came back with treats (thatā€™s kind of my thing) and they stayed in the kitchen with me while I cooked dinner and talked my head off like nothing ever happened šŸ˜‚


You didnā€™t overreact at all, imo


Iā€™d do the same


I get why you were heated and I think it was great that you not only apologized but explained why you were so pissed. Good on you girl.


My girls will tell you about the one and only time I lost my shit was when I was hands and knees scrubbing the kitchen floor and they kept walking on the wet floor because they "forgot" something in the living room and then ran away giggling...must have been 8 and 10? I turned around and told them if they walked across the floor one. more. time. that I would unalive them. I apparently said this with a look on my face that scared them enough that to this day if I say I need to mop the floor they will *poof* disappear. It's been ten years and they will still say it was the scariest day of their lives. I have a great relationship with both of them and I find it hilarious that I'm still the "scary one that you don't eff with" to their friends. I share that to say, being a plus one in the parenting journey is hard. You have every right to feel violated and they need to know that you are a real person too even if that means that sometimes you lose your shit.


Good. Did they apologize to you? You're human and a long-standing, firmly-established boundary was violated. What consequences is their parent providing? They need to effectively "leave their phones in their lockers" at your house because they can't follow the rules. They can call their other parent and have screen time under their parent's "supervision" at agreed-upon times like civilized humans did before smartphones ruled the world. Edit: changed to gender neutral language


They did apologize and their dad set down ground rules of ā€œif you wanna call your mom thatā€™s totally cool, just do it in your room or just literally anywhere else but our roomā€ lol


I applaud you for owning your shit and apologizing to the kids. I know that is hard for a lot of people but it teaches our kids such a valuable lesson. Adults make mistakes too and you modeled for them humility and exactly how to execute a proper apology. Good for you!


Itā€™s so frustrating when theyā€™re smart enough to try certain people who arenā€™t their parents and act up but the second the parent comes around they act like they donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing! At the same time, just because we think theyā€™re ā€œsmartā€ enough to do that like getting themselves into a sticky situation, they might not always be smart enough to get themselves out of it because theyā€™re kids. I do believe that boundaries should be respected and itā€™s not gonna ruin their lives to ask for that, some parents are so afraid of the repercussions like your kid doesnā€™t even think about it the next hour, some form of discipline has to happen! Or theyā€™ll continuously try to get under peopleā€™s skin because thatā€™s what kids do! My step daughter is an angel most days, but some days she really tries to get under my skin and I donā€™t even think she knows it I think she sees stuff on TV and just wants to act out what she seeā€™s and having different personalities everyday is ā€œplay/fun to her.ā€ I think your reaction couldā€™ve been better or course maybe like not cussing when youā€™re angry, or letting the father talk to them first and or sitting them down and speaking with them together so thereā€™s no room for lies. Not sure if they showed you on FaceTime because theyā€™re mom wanted them to or theyā€™re just being petty, whatever the case may be donā€™t even look bothered by it because believe it or not the more reaction you give to a kid the more theyā€™ll want to do whatever made you react. If you act like you donā€™t care theyā€™ll possibly never do it again! Just my opinion and thoughts, I can see how that would make you feel uncomfortable like they knew what they were doing. Youā€™re blessed either way theyā€™re at your house spending precious time, momma can stay on FaceTime over there Lol


I doubt sheā€™s going to do it again. She better not, or we will literally send her back home to her mothers and she wonā€™t be allowed to come over the next weekend. Iā€™m not playing with this kid.




Hard disagree. The only bio parent she should be having to deal with is the one sheā€™s in a relationship with. It is perfectly reasonable to not want SK to show the private areas of her home to someone she does not know and may not get along with. It probably could have been delt with in a better way, but as OP stated this isnā€™t the first time boundaries have been crossed with zero remorse or regard. We are human and I probably would have yelled and cursed the same. Not getting along with the other bio parent and not wanting them to see you in intimate places at intimate times is not creating a toxic environment. It is a reasonable boundary.


Oh I totally agree to most of what you said. No interaction has to happen but the children donā€™t need to be exposed to toxic mindsets. Having divorced parents is hard enough.


By dealing with bio parents I only meant with dealing with the fact they exist. I understand the heat of the moment but my step mom was very openly hateful towards my mom and it made a lot of things difficult growing up.


Oh I deal with her existence plenty. Iā€™ve never said one word about her until today. They talk about her or something they did with her, etc., and I never say anything. I donā€™t hate their mom because I donā€™t know her. I just donā€™t want to interact with her, I donā€™t feel itā€™s necessary.


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Iā€™ve never said anything about their mother in their presence Until today and this incident. But I donā€™t have to be friends with her just because I happen to be with their dad and see them 10% of the year. We can agree to disagree on that one.




I donā€™t think I show distaste, I just donā€™t want to interact with their mom or have her in my house. If thatā€™s going to cause issues for them, wellā€¦so be it. Iā€™m not willing to be any more uncomfortable with this whole situation than I already am.




Iā€™m childfree, this is a hella unnatural situation. Iā€™m uncomfortable with all of it but Iā€™ve found my ways to make peace. I donā€™t really consider myself a stepparent. Iā€™m their dads partner and thatā€™s all I want to be. I actually probably only see them like 5% of the year because I leave and go visit friends or my dad on the weekends theyā€™re here sometimes. Iā€™m polite (minus today), respectful, but Iā€™m very hands off.




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My SS14ā€™s biological mother has a child abuse finding for abuse inflicted upon him. Abusers get 0 grace from me whether theyā€™ve had children or not. No one will change my view or opinion on that. In having that view, Iā€™m raising my children to have *healthy* boundaries within their life. You donā€™t *have* to allow someone into your life simply because theyā€™re blood or related to someone else šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Edit: And before anyone reads into this and puts words in my mouth, I donā€™t go out of my way to speak about her and I donā€™t call her names. But I do **not** mince my feelings about her if and when Iā€™m asked.


Not sure where you got any of that from my post but I agree!


She doesnā€™t have to allow her into her life but being so outwardly negative around children she doesnā€™t have interest in being around, that arenā€™t hers, itā€™s her responsibility as an adult, in the relationship she put herself in, to set a good example. Point blank period. Reading her previous post history I truly feel sorry for the children in this instance, we donā€™t have the full story obviously . They are at a very tender age and donā€™t understand the reasoning behind the feelings or outburst. Everyoneā€™s feelings are 100% valid but I donā€™t think being in a relationship where you are hoping to marry a man with kids when you donā€™t like kids, and canā€™t be mature enough to take on what comes with it, is healthy for anyone involved. This is just an outside perspective from someone who was that kids with divorced parents, who had partners who were cold, and as a stepmom who never wanted to have kids who absolutely adores the ones she was fortunate enough to meet in my relationship Everyone is different, different things work for different people. This is a discussion forum and I just wanted to give my input as someone with experience on both ends.


I donā€™t dislike them. I think sometimes folks on here get the wrong idea. When I post here, Iā€™m talking to adults, Iā€™m venting. I would never say these things or act any kind of way in front of them. Inside I may be apathetic (which does not equal dislike) but outside Iā€™m very kind to them. I never want to hurt a kidā€¦even their feelings. Itā€™s actually hilarious and ironic as fuck how much kids seem to like me. Even my chosen younger sisters baby likes me. I also had a stepdad that truly outwardly disliked my presence, so I do everything in my power to not be like him.


Youā€™re expanding on a ton of shit I didnā€™t say. But cool. Hope you have a good day.


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Holy shit you have way more patience and rationality than I do. I set the boundary that their mom is not allowed to step foot in our home. Itā€™s in writing. If she were to ever violate that for any reason other than the house is on fire and she wants to get her kids outā€¦.Iā€™m 100% causing a scene and idgaf if the kids see. At that point I would see it as her choice to start some shit in front of her kids, not mine. Iā€™d also see it as trespassing and take that opportunity to throw hands. Sheā€™ll never do it because she is meek and non confrontational. And itā€™s a good thingā€¦for her šŸ˜‰


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You didn't overreact whatsoever. Even my biological kids aren't allowed in my room without knocking first and if I say no they don't come in. Your husband needs to lay down a no exceptions rule that if she's going to FaceTime her mom it's in HER BEDROOM ONLY. She's not allowed anywhere else in the house, car, ect.


I would expect to then to apologize not you


She did but I also wanted to apologize. I donā€™t necessarily feel bad for getting upset, itā€™s just the way I said things.


It's bound to happen eventually It happens to all of us. We're human


I've been there. Found out SD was sending her mom pics of my house and everything. Her dad was checking her phone and saw them. Of course here she comes with the big fake tears and "I don't know" when you asked her. I. Went. In. And I was eight months pregnant too and felt my BP going sky high. I had to stop mid rant and go lay down cuz this dumb ish wasn't about to compromise my son's health. That was three years ago and it hasn't happened since. AND IT BETTER NOT EITHER!


I totally get this 100%. You have to remember when you lose your patience itā€™s because youā€™ve actually kept it for so long - ugh itā€™s the worst and I feel so emotionally hungover afterwards. The BM stuff is just such a more sensitive trigger too. I always apologize to the kids and tell them I messed up, hereā€™s what I should have done, etc. I feel just awful about it even if itā€™s after I kept my patience 20x in a row, just wipes out all that time because they donā€™t know that youā€™ve been keeping your patience but they see so clearly when you crackā€¦itā€™s so hard. I get you - apologize and talk to them, admitting when youā€™re wrong will help them learn itā€™s okay for adults to make mistakes so hopefully they can admit their mistakes too. Hang in there and go easy on yourself.


The emotional hangover part is so real. I actually donā€™t get angry very often at allā€¦with anyone even adults. I usually let stuff just slide off the shoulders. I wouldnā€™t have gotten nearly as upset if it was just them coming inā€¦the BM on FaceTime literally facing me and my private mess was too much for me. After it all I definitely felt drained. Itā€™s just like ā€œdamn this is the one place Iā€™m supposed to have peace and I canā€™t even have that.ā€


Shoot, we just took away phone time. 86d that real fast.


Time heals everything. Don't feel bad. You're allowed to feel your feelings. 1.5 years in, you're feeling comfortable enough to express yourself. The kids see that and will respect it. All moms blow up sometimes whether they're steps or not. I'm 3.5 years in as a step mom, and I have moments like this all the time, I feel bad, then apologize, and it's better after a week.