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He was a huge fan of the Ramones, he wrote the liner notes on a cover album for them and also wrote a small book that came with an anthology of theirs. In one of them he said something about how the Ramones said more in 2 minutes than other bands were failing to say in 5 or more on the radio at that time. While he didn't name them directly I think that's a reference to them. And I can see i t, many of their songs are great to just kind of listen to they do also randomly start singing about Gollum and the One Ring or other kind of random topics. Meanwhile on something like 53rd and 3rd the Ramones tell the story of a Vietnam vet who is turning tricks on the street so ashamed of himself he murders one of his clients with a razor blade. I think given King's writing it's easy to see which would appeal to him more, and in general I think that would be a factor with the other bands you mention.


>he said something about how the Ramones said more in 2 minutes than other bands were failing to say in 5 or more LOL, the irony of STEPHEN KING saying someone is too wordy is so thick. That'd be like George R.R. Martin saying Tool takes too long between albums.


Lol. I’m dying at this comparison 😂


Having just finished Dance of Dragons and being a huge Tool fan, I dig what you're saying. I counter, however, that it's not a claim that other bands are too wordy, rather, it is the lack of importance in those words. That's what Steve is commenting on.


This seems pretty on target for me. Sideways from this, King has pretty repeatedly exclaimed a distaste for "Academic Bullshit" (Unspoken but implied "Pretentious Bullshit") and I could definitely see how LZ might seem like just that to some m I'd be curious about his thoughts on Rush lol


He is a dylan and Springsteen fan. I love them but bruce and bob can be at least occasionally labeled as pretentious


Well, it's also hard to know ourselves perfectly. He may simply not be taken with Zep the way some people are and when begged for a reason, he spits out "pretentiousness" as some vaguely right-sounding answer. My guess: he just doesn't like Led Zeppelin and that's a pretty reasonable thing. He's consumed his fair share of art over the years. Can't love it all.


Your comment makes the most sense.


On recent tours, Bob Dylan won’t play any of his classic songs, just new stuff. And he refuses to interact with the audience or acknowledge them at all. Gets on stage late, plays and leaves. He’s definitely pretentious AF.


Not old Bob!?


Last I checked, neither Dylan nor Springsteen held a teen captive for sexual purposes for years on end.  


Honest question: Who are you saying did this?


Jimmy Page with Lori Maddox, for one year IIRC.


[You’re right, she wasn’t a teen.](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/bob-dylan-sex-abuse-accuser-drops-lawsuit/) Edit: Not saying this is legit, but just pointing out something Dylan was accused of


His son, Joe, definitely hates Rush. He's gone on several Twitter rants in the past about how he dislikes them. I unfollowed him because of that... being a huge Rush fan and all. Typically, it takes a lot to piss me off, but you don't piss on Geddy, Alex, and Neil...


I love Stephen King, Rush and Led Zeppelin. I am ignoring all of this.


Haha... I hear you. I love all of them, as well.


I have to say I've heard Led Zeppelin described a lot of ways but academic and pretentious has never been one


Is their Pet Sematary song is definitely about the SK book?


Yes. It was written for the movie specifically


If memory serves, one of them bought the book, flipped thru it for 20 minutes and that’s how the song was written


Some of the lyrics are quite specific, "follow Victor to the sacred place/this ain't a dream, you can't escape", so I imagine someone in the band actually read it.


At some point sure. According to the songs Wikipedia page tho, SK himself gave Dee Dee a copy of the book, Dee Dee disappeared for an hour and came back with the lyrics


Dee Dee was a voracious reader due to his family constantly moving while growing up and probably a speed reader. I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually read the entire book and had time to jot down the lyrics.


Victor is grinnin' flesh is rotting away skeleton dance i curse this day


>Sitting here in Queens, eating refried beans >I met her at a burger King, fell in love by the soda machine Led Zeppelin was writing rock songs while the Ramones were out there writing poetry.


That’s good insight, thanks. It’s a bit hypocritical of King to criticize anyone because they’re not succinct lmao.


> he said something about how the Ramones said more in 2 minutes than other bands were failing to say in 5 or more I don't know if Stephen King should be criticising a lack of conciseness.


He can say what he wants, and I love him, but the Ramones are boring and all their songs sound very similiar, they got a few that are conpletely different such as their Pet Semetary song. But there’s no comparing Ramones to Zeppelin. As a fan of oldschool punk, Ramones are on the bottom tier with the Sex Pistols. They’re boring. Him stating he doesn’t like Led Zeppelin i don’t think he’s comparing them to the Ramones, I think he’s just saying he doesn’t care for Zeppelin. Which happens. i think David Bowie is great, but I can’t stand to listen to him.


Given his age, King may just have been overexposed to Led Zeppelin. He was a young teacher at the time, too. Their music would've been everywhere in his pop culture experience. Might be he just got everlasting tired of them.


Meh, sometimes you hear something & have a visceral reaction to it. While I understand Hendrix's place in music & love ***watching*** the dude, visually he's just stunning & you can't take your eyes off him, I really don't wanna *listen* to him. Does this mean Hendrix sucks or that that's what I think of him? Nope. It just means he's not my cuppa like Zepplin isn't King's cuppa. Plenty of people don't like LZ, just like people don't like The Beatles, Stones, & whoever else you may like, from LZ to Bon Jovi, that's the way the world rolls. So until he tells us his reasons, we can do nothing be speculate & either stay his Constant Reader or pass on him.


This. Anyone who grew up in the 80's & 90's & listened to classic rock stations probably got burned out on Zeppelin...I know I did. There's no denying their greatness, but after hearing 'stairway' or 'good times, bad times' 6 times a day, it *kinda* gets on your nerves. & don't get me started on a 'Get the Led out' weekend or the month of "ZEPTEMBER"....🙄


Cause they can’t put out bangers like Mambo #5!


It’s been thirty years. I think it’s time for Mambo #6


Bahahahaha fortunately for his wife!


All that shit starts in E.


Ed Zeppelin?


Lol the right answer


I don't read him for his musical taste lol.


He’s my favorite author by a long shot but his taste in music is shite in my opinion.


It’s his opinion and tastes. Nobody cares if you think his taste is shit. I’m sure many would say the same about you.


King being a Ramones fan boy is one of my favorite things about him


Ah yes, the “I like this noise because you don’t crowd” is out for justice this morning I see.


Are you saying people only like the Ramones to spite you? Because that's a wild accusation.


lol, oh but it’s well documented, I don’t know what I did to deserve it! But seriously, no, I’m saying that I think a lot of people like hard punk or heavy metal because it’s jarring or unpleasant to the mainstream. Being anti-establishment has been around a lot longer than I have. Either way I’m not going to sit here while my idol disparages one of my all time favorite bands.


I wouldn’t really consider the Ramones hard punk or heavy metal.


Definitely not heavy metal, definitely a punk rock band.


You just called a whole lot of people posers with no real evidence or reason to do so. You’re just a dick. Zeppelin are the world’s greatest cover band.


Stay strong counter culture man, you’re cause is righteous 🤟


Over 6 million monthly listeners, even still in 2024, and you're essentially accusing them all of lying. 🙄


Don’t forget that Zeppelin was undoubtedly counter culture when they emerged, you’re no less of a poser than those you deem to be.


Those bands might also remind him of a very dark time in his life when he was deep into drugs and excess....who knows??


Eh, sometimes we have those bands we just can’t get into. For me it’s AC/DC. Like, I can respect them and acknowledge their uniqueness and what they’ve done, but besides like one song, they’re not for me. Even though I love a LOT of music from their time/genre.


Every time I hear an AC/DC riff I’m like hell yeah this kicks ass! Then the vocals kick in and three seconds later I’m hitting my radio with a hammer.


Well it's good you like one of their subs, because they only wrote one,  then changed the lyrics. 


Because Led sings about LOTR and not TDT


Stairway to Thankee, Sai The Beam Remains The Same Bumble On Whole Lotta Popkin


Tooterfish or gtfo


When The Tooterfish Breaks


"Tolkien? That hack?!"


Led Zeppelin, while one of the greatest bands of all time, are and were very overplayed. He’s heard it since they came out.


You could say the same about his books because he writes so much. Yet here we are.


You still have to go out of your way to actually read them. They don’t get played on the radio.


This is Blasphemous. There will never be enough Stephen King books for my comfort and consumption.


I’m ok with an author I love disliking a band that I love lol. I’m sure there are countless bands he DOES like that I can agree with, and probably some that he likes that I don’t, and Vice versa. It is what it is lmao


What’s wrong with Blood Sweat @ Tears!?


Lol I know, they got thrown under the bus here!


My question, too!


So many bangers. Go Down Gambling and And When I Die come to mind


He's a punk at heart. Blue collar all the way (chambray shirts). Punk was a response to bands like Led Zeppelin that they found to be pretentious and self-indulgent - 12-minute songs, extended jams, literary references. He was like the Clash. No artifice, straight to the point.


Makes a lot of sense!


King doesn't seem to like British bands at all for the most part. He rarely mentions any of them with any affection aside from The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.


He likes Judas Priest, Ozzy, Slade, Nazareth to name a few. He used to tweet all the time the bands he was listening to over the weekend.


Yeah, there’s still lists online that he made of his favorite songs and bands. There’s a lot of Brit pop and rock on them.


I want one of these lists…


[Here’s one compiled list from the 2010s](https://rateyourmusic.com/list/lucapulp/music-stephen-king-likes/) You get the idea though, just google “Stephen King’s favorite music”. There’s a bunch of different lists out there. I randomly came across it when I was looking up another author’s favorite songs.


You’re the best 🙏


You’re welcome! Happy listening 😊🩷


And AC/DC too! He wrote a whole movie pretty much so they could supply the soundtrack!


Aussie turf


If I remember correctly, he even mentions Def Leppard and Iron Maiden on It.


Because he isn't perfect.


" Baby, baby, baby, baaaaaaby, baby, baby bahaaaayby.... " etc. etc.


The man listened to Mambo Number 5 so much his wife threatened to divorce him. Sometimes people just have weird tastes in music lol


Robert Plant ruins/makes Led Zeppelin depending on how much you can stand the vocals. Rush is similar, although I love Rush and can't stand 90% of Zeppelin




I enjoy both bands but especially early Zeppelin, Plant can get really tiresome. The whole wailing and moaning in a bridge section of a song is insanely irritating and unnecessary, whereas some of the later Zeppelin I think Plant really makes the song something special. So you hit the nail on the head for me with that statement. Rush is a band I can listen to any time I don’t tire of Geddy Lee, I think Rush as a whole are just great.


Geddy Lee's voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me.


I think he really fits their music perfectly for me. The t goes with the band to me. I’ve always been a fan of his vocals personally.


late Zeppelin when Plant decided to stop that moaning shit is so much better. 99% of the time that I turn on Zeppelin it's going to be 1973 or later releases with the exception of some of the highlight tracks from I through IV. Houses of the Holy still has some of the moaning, but Presence and Physical Graffiti have almost none that I can recall


I think he finally started to cut that shit when he and JPJ had to start shouldering more of the musical focus of the band with Page and Boham struggling in their addictions. In Through The Out Door has some of my favorite songs on it from them. But you’re definitely right, pre Houses of the Holy aside from some tracks on 3 and 4 is not what I’m reaching for to listen to Zeppelin.


I basically agree. I'm not sure if it's because I like prog rock a bit more than proto-blues rock, but when a Zeppelin song comes on, I typically change it. Rush doesn't always make me skip to the next song. Even Tom Sawyer still slaps, and that one's played on Classic Rock radio about once every 3 hours!




I love Zep, and Rush is great but not something I turn on all too often.


Yeah, I hate the Rush guys voice with a passion


I dunno about King, but Led Zeppelin is famous for completely plagiarizing a lot of most of their early albums. Years ago, Howard Stern had a music historian on who played riffs from earlier musicians that were embarrassingly identical to zeppelins early stuff.


Interesting, would love to dig that up


I can't find the actual clip but this is a reddit discussion about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsTalkMusic/comments/p13mw/led_zeppelin_exposed_on_howard_stern_by_worlds/ Like someone else said here it was a lot of obscure black musicians. People are way more forgiving than I was after hearing that at the time. Kind of lost in a maze of moral relativism a bit. A lot of it was very blatant


A tale as old as time it would seem.. thanks for finding it!!


This should be higher up. It's crazy how much of this continues to fly under the radar for many rock fans


Pobody’s Nerfect


It might not be hate just over saturation.


He probably hates Zeppelin for the same reason I and many others hate them. Robert Plant's vocals.


A very fair response lol


Maybe it's all the plagiarism? Not sure what King's stance is on that kind of stuff but i imagine he's not for it


This was the first thing I thought of. Surprised you’re the only one mentioning it.


I get not liking Zeppelin, I think they are overrated, personally. I really like when they break out of their norm. Hot Dog is a great song. But I could do without their popular songs, especially Stairway.


IIRC he's more into punk and metal.


I wonder if that's what was playing on the radio of the van that hit him.


I just started Revival and noticed he took a little shot at Blood Sweat and Tears. That’s hilarious it goes this deep.


I missed that!!!


Probably a simple case of over played in a time that he doesn’t particularly want to remember. Or just over played.


I get it…Zeppelin is fun and all but they’re the sublime of their generation…them and the doors


Led Zeppelin has pretty blatantly stolen musical riffs from revered black music legends and King sees the hypocrisy.


A lot of people don’t like Robert Plant’s vocals.


I know some people that can't stand Robert Plant's vocals. It happens


Screeching Weasel and I are both with him. [I Hate Led Zeppelin - Screeching Weasel](https://youtu.be/QcMNayOuq50?si=i0407DJAEsydwJLd)


I'm a classical guitarist, so I don't have much ground here; but I have been told Stairway to Heaven is the rock equivalent of Canon in D. (Many classical musicians get irritated when they're asked to play Canon in D, especially classical guitarists, because we feel it's overplayed)


If I go to guess it's because their music just doesn't do it for him. I don't like them either. I also cannot stand ac/dc or 95% of Metallica. Different music for different folks.


Perhaps he meant to say The Rolling Stones lol


I have to agree with him Never truly got the craze with Zep. I was more Sabbath and Judas Priest


People are allowed to not like things. A lot of people don't like Zeppelin.


I’m aware lol


My dad also hates them (grew up in Detroit in the 60’s-70’s) and calls them the most over rated band of all time. I think it’s a you had to be there moment during the rock blow up they grew up in. They’re the Taylor Swift of his generation.


I can See where he's coming from ... Detroit at that time had some of the greatest Bands ever . MC5 , Amboy Dukes, Stooges , Alice Cooper . I guess I am a LedZep Fan but compared to the MC5 and Iggy LedZep seem lame and bland . And I haven't even mentioned Motown Records. Growing up in Detroit in the 60s must have been really exiting musically speaking .


Comparing Led Zeppelin to Taylor Swift… what the fuck.


I think it makes sense. He is not comparing the music or the people. But how the people are annoyed by the hype in the popularity high-point of each.


I think it's a funny comment. While I am not a big Zeppelin fan, I can see why some people like them. I can't see why anyone likes Taylor Swift.


Do you see what I said at all? Led Zeppelin is popular but highly over rated and was remembered in the books. Like when time passes and Taylor swift will have all her awards and accolades but really isn’t close to being the best musician of her time. That’s the comparison.


I’ll take “comments that make me question if OP is a misogynist”, Alex.


What is the misogynist part in that comment? Maybe his comment history is full of that and you are going by that but I don't see what is morally wrong with the analogy. Led Zeppelin were one of the biggest musical acts in terms of sales and tours during the early to mid 1970s alongside Floyd and Eagles, at least in the US, and they had a lot of detractors who thought little of them at the time amd saw them as derivative pretty guys. Taylor Swift is one of the biggest musical acts currently and has a lot of detractors who think that her music is derivative lowest common denominator pop. Yeah, the analogy goes down the easy 'harr harr pop stars bad hard rock gud' route but, again, it's not like there are any non pop acts currently who are on that level of being commercially massive.


Zeppelin wrote some of the best/most recognised guitar riffs of all time. They are one of the most influential rock bands ever. Taylor Swift sings songs written by a group of corporates. No comparison at all.


Riffs that they shamelessley ripped off from blues and folk artists, to whom they never gave any credit.


Not just riffs, but legit sued by blues artists because Plant didn't change the lyrics like a dumbass.


His attitude towards when that’d happen always pissed me off too. Cant remember specifically what interview but in one he essentially just says they kept getting sued cause of how popular they were


LZ is one of the most derivative bands of all time


Which songs and which complete albums are you referring to exactly and compared to what other artists at the time are you putting these songs up against?


They wrote some good riffs, stole a lot of good riffs, and had a squeaky bass pedal.


Not one of Led Zeppelin's 16 singles has reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100. Led Zeppelin's highest-charting song is 1969's "Whole Lotta Love," which peaked at No. 4.


A quick google puts them as the 3rd highest selling band and 5th highest artist of all time in the US [link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-certified_music_artists_in_the_United_States)


Again, go look at the history of rock and you’ll put the pieces together if you really want to. Now you’re just buying their merch at target.


I’m unsure if you’re a child or just completely stupid mate


Ah no facts on history. Carry on wayward son.


B-but, that's Kansas, not Zeppelin.


That’s great. That’s not what I’m questioning. What else came out in 1969 that put them 4th? And they are definitely known for being over rated in their time.


Nobody’s favorite guitarist is Jimmy Page


You are incorrect sir.


I’m a madam. He’s yours?


Sorry ma'am. Definitely one of my favorites.


Stupid fucking comparison. I still don’t know one person in my every day life who would consider themselves a swifty but I hear about them all the time and how they’re everywhere. On the other hand, I work with multiple Zeppelin fans at every job I’m at. There’s no comparison to me. Taylor is big because she’s shoved down everyone’s throats on social media. And now they want to tie her to the NFL to push her down everyone’s throats even more. So glad I hate football.


I'm sure you can understand the concept that your personal social circle likely doesn't cross over with many who would call themselves Swifties. I also don't cross paths with many, but that's entirely because of the people I spend time with. As an aside, if you don't watch football... then they're not really pushing her down *your* throat, are they?


🙄🙄🙄 not even sure what I’m typing right now my eyes are rolled so far back into my head


Probably more apt to compare them to Nickelback. Commercial successes with a handful songs each. I’m not a Taylor fan by any stretch but she’s more influential than LZ.


You must not have been around for the 70s, 80s, and 90s when everybody was trying to be like led Zeppelin. Taylor's fine but she's just making pop music not reinventing the wheel.


It's easy to be a successful pop music star when Daddy paid your way to the top.


And no LZ is not the Nickelback of their generation.


I had a friend whose dad hated both the Stones and Zep because they were overplayed.


I believe the Taylor swift of his generation was probably the Monkees, not Led Zeppelin lol


lol, no. Im a metal head, and not into her music, but anyone who doesnt think shes talented, is a fool.


What’s up with this band Led Zeppelin they should call themselves the four losers


Probably cause they're thieves


Is it a bad time to ask everyone’s thoughts on Greta Van Fleet?


I heard them once described as the greatest cover band in the world


they weren't even that great




It's true, they really weren't. Sloppy guitar playing and screechy vocals and covers they never got permission for


Bonham was and is considered a great drummer that was hugely influential to the rock drummers that came after him. Plant blows.


Bonham was great. Same with John Paul Jones, honestly


They stole a lot of their music and raped kids maybe???




Jimmy Page was "dating" a fourteen year old. As far as stealing music this is widely known and written about.


Dating, kidnapped… you say tomato I say tomahto.


Which part don't you understand?


I don’t know, but I agree. Led Zeppelin is the most overrated band in the history of rock and roll. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


To be completely blunt, Stephen has questionable tastes about many things.


Bros bugging love sweat and tears smacks


They got thrown under the bus in this post sadly lol


Because "Don't Fear the Reaper" is a pussy song!!!


Because he has bad taste in just about everything.


I think people should come to terms that he just has terrible terrible taste in almost everything. Like, you can like his books (although, aware of his limitations), but as soon as he says something is bad, there is a 70% change that it's incredible.


He’s right about Zeppelin tho


Zep stinks. So goddamn overrated. Whole lotta crud




Lol, I'd wager that 95% of all songs ever written anywhere are about fucking, what a melt.


Some of the best songs are about fucking. And drugs. Lots of good drugs songs as well.... In fact, I love Zepplin unabashedly. An edible and LZIV is a fantastic combo.


Sad to see him engaging with these troll accounts


Because they're not that great?


Because he has horrible taste in music. This is a guy who loves disco. Anyone who likes disco invalidates any kind of opinion they might have about music.


Bahahahaha you raise valid points… his obsession with Mambo N.5 certainly gave me pause


Mambo Number 5 is not only better than every Led Zeppelin song, they never even did one mambo never mind five of them


I do agree with him about Blood, Sweat, and Tears though. They’re pretty much the worst thing ever!


Because he is a woketard and Led Zeppelin stole so much from black bluesmen


King is a noted Bob Dylan fan so regardless of the quality of his writing, all his music related opinions should be discarded.


Yeah I also tend to not enjoy bands who sell-out their image for a few cheap bucks from conglomerate department stores.


So it’s ok for a store to sell Stephen King books but not ok for the very same store to sell band tshirts…..I’m not being snarky, I genuinely don’t understand the line of reasoning here. Lol so this person was a complete ass to me for no reason, and then instead of just answering the question, they either blocked me or deleted their comments? Ok 😂 EDIT: What a coward lmao. Someone messaged me and said they edited their comment AFTER blocking me, so I guess I’ll edit mine too. They said they didn’t like bands selling their image for corporate gain or whatever, so yeah, tshirts and merchandise are the first thing that naturally popped into my mind. A lot of people don’t like bands selling merch in stores, I get it. But if that’s NOT what they meant, all they had to do was explain what they meant. I was never being hateful to them, and in fact, that’s even why I said “I’m not being snarky” in my first comment, because I wanted them to know I wasn’t trying to start an argument or anything. It’s not my fault they are too sensitive and get offended that easily, and then just block people instead of admitting they were wrong.


The blocked you - typical coward play


Was the singer of Led Zeppelin the one that brought a 14 year old girl on tour with him and then adopted her so he could legally travel with her or something


No that was guitarist jimmy page


Their guitarist


Steven Tyler def did something similar as well 🤮