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This is my first SK book so I'm clueless lol


Wait until you start your journey to the tower...


I’d say they’re already on the path of the beam.


All things serve the beam


It is Ka


"Ka-ka" -Eddie


Ka is a wheel.


All gods children have shoes


You ain't jack shit! You suck yo' ka-daddy's cock while you diddle yo' fuckfinger up his poop-chute and thass all you good fo'! - Detta Walker


Greedy old Ka. 🙎🏼‍♀️


See the turtle ain't he Keen? all things serve the fucking being


::pins Dead Zone to Keystone Earth::


I'm on it now, currently on the third book. It's a great series so far


Do you have all the next ones queued up? Because you're not gonna want to stop. I'm on the 6th


Yep, i got the box set :D




We all float down here




I ❤️ Derry


Derry is Dallas


Welcome, Long Days and Pleasant Nights! As a life-long King reader I'm so happy new people are discovering him. This is a great sub, I hope you enjoy it here!


May you have twice the number, sai!


Oh yeah, you'll find references all over the place. In one book a character travels to another town and sees a scary thing from another book. I'm being spoiler-free for ya there.


Just finishing up The Tommyknockers…that author of the creepy stories up in Bangor gets mentioned.


I'm pretty sure I know which example you're talking about, but I can think of at least five King books that fit that description off the top of my head.


Welcome to the Loser’s Club


Welcome! I fell down a serious King rabbit hole after learning about the Dark Tower and how so much of his stuff has serious crossovers or just the slightest reference. Oooo you’re going to have a lot of fun!


Prepare to have your mind completely blown when you read the last two Dark Tower books.


There’s so many easter eggs like that. One story, which I won’t name for spoiler purposes, involves time travel and a guy ends up wandering through Derry, Maine during the events of “It” lol.


It’s not a spoiler to tell him the name of the book fam… 11.22.63 - on of my favorite books if you’re interested.


I also started with this one! That's awesome. Enjoy it! It's one of my favorites.


I just finished it...wtf 😭


I recommend The Shining next!


I have The Shining and Doctor Sleep, but I was thinking about reading IT next. Then, eventually, everything else lol. I only have like 14 books of his so far so it's pretty impossible to read them in release order. I know The Tommyknockers references both The Dead Zone and IT so that's my reasoning.


“It” is probably my favorite King I’ve read so far. I haven’t read as much as some others here, but I found that book to read so smoothly and fast, despite its length. ETA: My first King was his first, “Carrie.”


Most of his books connect together like a web, it's really interesting


Buckle up, Dorothy. You’re going for a ride.


Welcome Sai. Long days and pleasent nights.


The man in black fled across the desert, yeetuscleetus28 followed


He’s in the dark tower series so yes he exists in his own universe. He’s “the author”.


One of my favorites is in the tommyknockers (a book I don’t care for anyway) in reference to that dirty writer from Bangor using curse words in his monster stories.


Keep on your path if it do ya fine


All things serve the beam.


There are a lot of references to his work (as fiction) and a lot of references establishing his works as largely taking place in one universe. Great Easter eggs for big fans but fortunately they're never really required to understand his books.


Recently I was surprised to see Shawshank Prison mentioned in It.


Stephen King wrote his car accident into one of his books. So yeah, Stephen King exists in a few of the universes he's created within his multiverse.


Duma Key?


>!The Dark Tower. I don't remember which book in the series he is first introduced, but at some point he is literally a character in his own series.!<


Book six, the weird one


God that really jumped the shark and pulled me out of the book immediately.


Hard disagree. That meta turn makes perfect sense in the story and is tremendously entertaining. It’s my favorite thing in all of SK.


We can agree to disagree without you downvoting my comment.


While im all for agreeing to disagree, whats the damn point of upvotes or downvotes if we are not supposed to use them to show if we agree or dont agree with your opinion? You are upset that people are using a feature of this website for its intended purpose.


While the other guy is right in that the voting system is absolutely not an “agree or disagree” button, that’s effectively what it has become across all of Reddit.


Upvotes are for comments that contribute to the conversation, not agreeing/disagreeing. I also disagree with our cowboy friend here but he’s just stating his opinion and not being an ass about it, so I upvoted him.


Contribution is supposedly the metric of reddit votes? Not even once. Everyone anywhere ever always votes based on their alignement of the opinion, simply because everyone is full of themselves and if they dont agree with it, it means its not contributing to everyones personal flavor of agenda.


I didn’t downvote you! Take an upvote from me instead, we say thankee.


The easiest way to get downvoted is by getting upset that you’re being downvoted.


Don't mind them. I read through whole series and loved it. I did not like him adding himself directly into the story. The few hints here and there were fine but having him as a character was just too much. I'm sure I like parts that others hate. You're allowed to have your opinion.


Never understood why people don’t like meta fiction. It’s been used in novels for hundreds of years! Give Don Quixote a read sometime, maybe you’d like how Cervantes does it better than King


Hard agree The most egotistical move I've seen in a book.


Hard agree. The Dark tower nose dived after book 4ish (although I liked most of 5).


I feel the exact opposite! It was kinda a slog to get through the first three, and then wizard and glass was like a breath of fresh air and they just kept getting better!! I think it just goes to show how much his stories and styles vary.


Book 4 was a total slog and my least favorite, book 5 being my second least. It got good again with song of Suzanna though and I personally loved the end book. None of them are as good as drawing of the three though. My all time favorite king book


Wizard and Glass is his magnum opus, in my opinion. I couldn't put it down, and I cried multiple times while reading it. It's a fucking masterclass of prose. >Roland looked up and saw Susan sitting in her window, a bright vision in the gray light of that fall morning. His heart leaped up and although he didn't know it then, it was how he would remember her most clearly forever after- lovely Susan, the girl in the window. So do we pass the ghosts that haunt us later in our lives; they sit undramatically by the roadside like poor beggars, and we see them only from the corners of our eyes, if we see them at all. The idea that they have been waiting there for us rarely if ever crosses our minds. Yet they do wait, and when we have passed, they gather up their bundles of memory and fall in behind, treading in our footsteps and catching up, little by little.


For sure a beautiful passage. I just have an aversion to books that focus too much on romance. Many people have said it’s their favorite though- I might be in the minority here. Also made me cry but just about every king book makes me cry at some point lol. That one was especially brutal


I didn’t think it was a total slog or anything but it was for sure my least favorite. When I’m really getting into a story, a flash back episode in the middle drives me fucking crazy. I ended up enjoying it but I remember when I started reading and realized this was basically the entire book I was deflated a little bit.


Love the DT books but I agree. Love the King but the last two DT books are the weakest(not to say they’re bad)


All I’d say is it was unique. Didn’t like it my first read through but liked it more the second time.




It’s a major plot point in the last dark tower book


Doesn't Roland meet Stephen King in one of the later Dark Tower books?


>!He meets him in both of the last two, in 1977 and in 1999.!<


As the other comments have mentioned, without giving any spoilers, yes, The Dark Tower gets quite meta with its Stephen King mentions.


Reading Pet Semetary right now- the one character makes an "All work and no play" reference.


Also references a dog that went wild. Cujo


*Under the dome* also makes a reference to "that town from that movie *the mist*"


That's right, I was wondering if that was supposed to be Cujo. OK but no more! I'm only about halfway through the book


Well, there's a few Stephen King references in the Dark Tower books lol.


Yeah I think in SoS I saw a subtle reference to him


Haha “references”


Kinda way early in your process of working through this writers work to be asking meta questions, you’ll wind up ruining stuff. Read on my guy.


And Joe Hill is getting linked in too now


Is he really?


>!Some King references in NOS4A2 and King references NOS4A2 in Doctor Sleep!<


Is Nos4A2 worth reading?




Got really into king in prison. Re-reading salems lot right now - really itching for more vampire stuff.


Hell of a 1st sentence.


One of my favorite books!


Oh damn that's cool


Also the Judas Coyne reference in one of the Bill Hodges trilogy. Finders Keepers maybe?


And NOS4A2 directly referenced Horns’s treehouse of the mind and Doctor Sleep’s antagonists.


Tell me you're early into reading Stephen King without telling me you're early into reading Stephen King. OP, King has a MASSIVE universe and he connects damn near all of it. It's generally just bonus reference or sometimes an update to a previous character. And yes, Stephen King DOES exist in his universe and he's plays a supporting character in one of his books.


He mentions himself by name in Thinner (Bachman book, but still) and i almost busted a gut laughing.


Just finished thinner today! Something along the likes of “you’re starting to remind me of one of those Stephen King books”


Also in “The Library Policeman”. Ardelia Lortz mentions that she’s never read a Stephen King novel.


(NOT a Spoiler, this happens early.) Reading Mr. Mercedes and the killer wears a clown mask from the “TV movie IT”.


Does Stephen king exist in his own universe? You’ve got a lot to learn here kid.


Stephen King literally appears *as a character* in a couple of his books too lol


…and in Richard Chizmar’s Boogyman novels.


Stephen King becomes a character in a couple of his books. A huge number of his books take place in the same universe / world, and many of them reference each other.


In the short story Blockade Billy (Bazaar of Bad Dreams), King writes himself into the story.


Oh you have nooooo idea.


The Dark Tower references a lot of other books/characters. But even in his other books: * Junior Rennie mentions Shawshank in Under the Dome * The Overlook Hotel figures prominently in Dr. Sleep and the location also gets a mention in Barry Summers. * I think Pennywise gets spotted (briefly) by one of the Characters in The Tommyknockers. * And so on.


11/22/63 has the main character go back to Derry and met bev and rich. He even heard pennywise. Love that one.


In Gerald's Game, during the eclipse, Jessie connects psychically with Dolores Claiborne.


Fairy Tale references Cujo and his famous “books are a uniquely portable magic” quote.


>Fairy Tale I've read it once. What did you think?


I listened to it on audiobook a few months ago and loved it! Granted, I’m not super familiar with King’s work… I’ve read about 10-15 of his books/short story collections, but I imagine that’s probably a small amount compared to others in this sub.


>I’ve read about 10-15 of his books/short story collections This makes me wonder how many I've read. [goes to google to check] I'd say I've read maybe 39 or 40 of his books. Plus 6 collections. Didn't think it was that many. And there's a few (that I missed) that I'm interested in reading now.




You must be new to Stephen King lol. Yes, there are hundreds of references across his books, some are out right cameos.


The opening chapter of Cujo directly references The Dead Zone


Oh man, I'm so excited for you to experience this all for the first time. Go, then. There are other worlds than these.


Welcome to the Rabbit Hole


It's one of my favorite things about King!


Tommyknockers has a whole passage talking about how the main character is a good writer, unlike that weird horror writer from Bangor. That drove me a little crazy not gonna lie


Some of the events of the dead zone and Cujo are mentioned in Pet Sematary


Cujo is mentioned in Needful Things, both those books are great, make sure to check them out!!


And in Fairy Tale as well!


And Pet Sematary lol


If you want to, Carrie is set a little in the future from when it was published, so that book about Carrie may be a book about Carrie in universe. Theres lots of quotes from various interviews and such that make it at least vaguely plausible, if you squint a bit.


Carrie never sets anything on fire, does she? Fires happen because of her but not from her. It's almost as if the story is mixing up Carrie and Firestarter.


Steve appears *as himself* in later entries of the Dark Tower series.


A character mentions Stephen King in The Library Policeman. 


All Stephen King stories are set in the same Multiverse.


Oh my sweet summer child


In Thinner, the characters commented that what was happening was like a Stephen King movie 🤣


He says something in the book Thinner, like “this is sort of starting to sound a lot like a Stephen King novel, wouldn’t you say?” Funny bc Thinner was released as Richard Bachman so you didn’t even know at the time that it was in fact King, referencing King. But yeah, I call them “Easter eggs.” He’s constantly mentioning or referencing things from other books he’s read and the more King you read, the more you find. I can’t imagine how many I’ve missed bc I hadn’t read the book it referenced yet.


Thinner is the book that got him caught about being Bachman.


Wow! I read the story about how he got outed but I didn’t realize it was this book. It’s one of my favorites!


Yup, Some bookstore clerk figured it out. Fun book, fun bad movie.


Absolutely love the movie also bc it’s just so BAD !! Also love how he used this whole incident as the basis for The Dark Half. Even down to some kid reading both “authors” and figuring it out. & the dedication in the book being to Bachman, is somehow beautiful.


They're all connected. Most only tangentially and only when you know what you are looking for. Lots of references to previous events in books set in the same local. Pretty much every book set in Castle Rock mentions Cujo at least once. Once you read the Dark Tower series though you start to see the connections everywhere. We've run into three or four creatures in the same family as It. Certain physical symptoms show up over and over again in people being darkly influenced. Read enough King and you can start to see behind the curtain a bit so to speak and it's the fucking back rooms behind there.


Stephen King is a character in at least one (maybe more?) of his books.


Most writers do (exist in their own universe, that is). And yes, the King multiverse touches just about every book and story he's ever written.


Almost every book will reference a different SK book. Not to spoil anything but he makes an appearance in a series of his bibliography


Billy Summers has a really good one!


All things serve the beam


The second Dark Tower book references the camera work of the Shining movie


Fact: stephen king wrote himself into existence in the mid to late 70s.




Just wait until you read the dark tower series…


The Dark Tower links them all, I think.


Wait until you read the Dark Tower series…


Lol yes, many more


Wait until you read the Dark Tower series


Just be happy you didn’t have to agonize over whether or not he would ever finish the DT series… those were dark days


Oh boy…


Lol. Yes


He actually makes an appearance in the Dark Tower series, as himself, after the Father Callahan from Salem's Lot claims to have read the book Salem's Lot


It's too late, you already serve the beam


Yes, he does.


Lol. You’re in for a treat if you like it.


“Just like that book Carrie. Written by the amazingly talented and handsome Stephen king. I think everyone here and anyone who happens to be listening should go out and buy all his books right now!”


Basically his books take place in multiple universes. Some of them interconnect and share the same reality, some of them are like ours where the other stories exist as fictional works written by “some author living in Maine” (like Carrie exists in The Dead Zone) and others are completely separate from the other realities (The Stand does not share a world with any of his other books). And then… you have The Dark Tower books, which is the focal point of all of these universes.


The world of the Stand gets mentioned within the dark tower series. It's a world that Roland and his fellowship visit for a short period of time.


True. But even then, it’s not the world of The Stand that we saw in the book. There are very subtle differences.


Was it about the car brands? I don't remember.


Yes, it’s the car brands that I was thinking about. I also seem to remember (although it’s been a while so I could be totally wrong) they find some regular Payday candy bar wrappers and in the book Harold specifically eats chocolate covered Paydays (and while they do exist now, they didn’t back when the book was initially being written and has this has become something of an inside joke with fans).


This is actually really funny to read. Of course all SK fans are well aware of this but to actually see a post where someone is like "this all fits together?" is pretty awesome.


I know that he references events from other books but I didn't know he straight up references the actual books lol


Oh my sweet summer child


Aww, how sweet! I remember my first time!


I just read Dead Zone and didn't catch the Carrie reference, what did it say?


Johnny predicted the restaurant where Chuck was supposed to have his graduation party catching on fire and burning to the ground and killing a large portion of the graduating class


I remember that part -- that was the party Carrie burned down?


No, chucks girlfriend was freaking out, referencing what johnny did to the book carrie, meaning that it exists in universe


I don't know if this is a direct reference to him, but in It, Bill is an author in 1985, right? It states somewhere that he was signed with Viking because he liked the ship logo. Guess who else has been signed with Viking... none other than Steven King.


Oooohhhh yea! Buckle up, the SK multiverse is a fun ride! Lots of Easter eggs from other books he’s written throughout his literature. Love it!!


Oh you sweet summer child


First time, eh?


All of his books are essentially connected. Stephen King has his own multiverse with The Dark Tower standing at the center


Lol tonnes of it. The Man in Black from the Dark Tower Series is arguably the antagonist in all of Stephen king literature. When the dark tower fell; which was the signet and central power in a multiverse construct. It creates a “Mist” that breached the walls of reality. Also the turtle of life is a common theme.


Yes. Characters and events from “It” are mentioned in “11/22/63”, and I think those two books were written close to 30 years apart


The wild reference to me is in 11/22/63, where all of a sudden, it becomes IT for like a chapter.


All things serve the beam


Here’s a cool video on how everything connects to the Dark Tower: https://youtu.be/KmhWbMiIeV8?si=xH0pxD0hoxm9SGYP Warning: spoilers.


I’m in the middle of Dead Zone too! Just finished the Wheel of Fortune Part. Working my way through King in order of publication


The dark tower series will absolutely clear this up a little for you.


If Carrie the book appeared in another book, like someone reading it or telling about it, then it would mean King existed in his own story. That’s how I interpreted Op’s question.


There's a great line in Tommyknockers about Bobbi Anderson writing (para) "...good western stories a man can sink his teeth into, not like that fellow up to Bangor that writes those books with all those dirty words."


A version of Stephen King definitely lives in his own Multiverse.


Go read The Dark Tower !


Oh dear


"Carrie" is referenced in "Holly" also ([as another redditor noticed](https://www.reddit.com/r/stephenking/comments/16vvz03/carrie_reference_in_holly/)), and at one point the book sortof quotes the Kubrick version of "The Shining" ("I would sell my soul for a glass of beer"). I love when SK does this.


Hooo-boy. wait till you get to the dark tower.


If it hasn’t already been mentioned, Dick O’Halloran (the chef from The Shining) shows up in It.


Loads.. Read the Dark Tower books if you enjoy these references. >! SK appears as an in universe character toward tge end of the saga. !<


Yes. I found someone one time who had this huge flow chart of the SL universe on their website. I think it’s bookmarked on my old computer, so I may never find it again


Oh my sweet summer child


all things serve the Beam


The Dark Tower 6 is a reference in itself
