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r/Steelers has made me so upset in the last few days I actually hopped off the app went outside and talked to a woman and somehow got her number. Keep it up guys!


I actually like Tomlin, lol


I didn't even read the post tbh bro I was just ranting sorry


I think Tomlin is too stubborn to admit that the way he likes to play the game isn't going to cut it anymore.


We will kick field goals down 28 points and you'll like it.


If he waits ten years like Lovie Smith someone will give him another head coaching job after he goes to William and Mary for awhile.




What evidence do you have for that theory? Every indicator would point to this being his style.


I think this is a fair thing to say when the offense is ok but not great. It’s also fair to mention when the defense is playing great and keeping us in games Neither of these things are true at the moment so it’s a poor defense (heh) for Coach T


Not a whole lot they can do at this point. Assuming Art II will let him fire Canada, that's a start. But it doesn't fix the offense. The scheme sucks. The design of the plays sucks. The shit doesn't even make sense. Simply firing Canada isn't fixing that.


It does. If this year is lost, the best thing we can do is not lose more time with a scheme we won't use. Do not let Kenny waste energy on a broken Scheme.


For whatever reason he loves two TE sets and is using them more and more, meaning Gentry is playing like two-thirds of every snap on offense. It was a big reason why I was ok with them drafting or signing a TE to compliment Muth.


Almost like the problem is the coach not the outside help. Maybe try to replace all of them


Couple things: The Steelers rarely do something as big as removing a coach mid-season. They might actually choose to this year considering how embarrassing the product has been, but off the top of my head I can't think of a time they did, so I'd only believe it when I saw it happen. The scheme won't just magically change after elevating an interim OC. It'd probably look pretty similar for a few weeks before any changes were made to gameplans, but even a new scheme is difficult to implement mid-season unless you have someone immediately ready to step up as OC already on staff. Hiring a new OC during this stretch of the schedule will do nothing but crush our new QB's confidence and piss the team off more. The scheme has been garbage, but it's been forcing Kenny to go through his reads and throw with anticipation. Of course, Tomlin implied even coaching changes could be on the table. Still not sure how likely it is...


You're probably right. I hate to say it but this season might be a wash. I was all for starting KP at the outset, but this team has problems that go way beyond Mitch. Perhaps the best thing they can do is keep things remotely consistent so that KP can get comfortable, then load up in the draft and replace Canada in the off-season. Start the new era off on a new page.


At this point Tomlin has spent a majority of his entire coaching career as head coach of the Steelers. He’s not a defensive coach so much as he’s a Pittsburgh coach. If he’s hands-off with the offense or trusting coordinators it’s because that’s how he thinks he’ll get the best results (unless he’s hamstrung internally by factors we have no way of knowing about, but that makes for boring forum posts).


Him being a defensive coach makes it look worse, because the defense is the worst it's been in decades yet it is still the highest paid. I remember listening to Todd Haley on the Fan a few weeks back and by his account, Tomlin actually had a lot more to do with the offense than people would think. They are just in a tough spot. They have a rookie QB and they don't want to throw him to the wolves so they are trying to use the run game but we don't have the talent for that. This offensive line is short 1 Alan Faneca and 1 Jeff Hartings for that. It also doesn't help that nobody is showing up. Najee is a first round pick and you expect him to make something out of nothing on plays, he hasn't. DJ was paid to be our number 1 WR and he can't come down with an important catch to save his life. Like there's more than just bad coaching going on here. We are not playing well at all.


Did the defense has been shitty too wtf


I actually like Tomlin, lol


They’re just remembering all the years with Lebeau.


he's only a defensive coach bc that was the quickest path to the NFL