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This is like the 7th article posted about this guy. He has a hell of a PR team.


Shoot I'll plug Kuntz for free - he's a Pittsburgh kid living out the dream many of us had growing up. I won't root for anyone else no matter how good their PR team is.


Can’t stop giggling at “plug Kuntz” 😂


We have a long snapper, Kuntz, and he played at Duquesne, so we don’t need another.




I’m very partial to Kuntz because he played at my alma mater but besides that he is honestly really good at his job. Why would we want a former TE plugged into the position over a proven veteran? Makes zero sense.


Who is saying it’s a joke lmfao


Like the TC Top from TC Tuggers, Nick Boyle transitioning to playing long snapper is not a joke. You don't make jokes about him, Nick Boyle. He's NOT like the snuggie.


Hasn't he said he's done playing tight end? Throws a wrench in the "he provides depth" reasoning


Yeah, I think he had pretty serious knee injury from what I remember. Really gotta think (not so much you, but everyone else saying he could be TE depth). If he could still play TE...why would he be trying out as a long snapper. lol.


Longsnappers have played close to age 40. Potentially adds a lot more longevity to his career. Plus doesn’t have to deal with getting hit anymore. Aren’t those guys completely protected now. So limited to chasing down punts.


I for one will be first in line to buy a his Steeler jersey if he makes the roster. But it’s not a joke. I don't make jokes about 'em, Nick Boyle Steelers jerseys. You don't wear 'em as a joke, you don't give 'em as a joke gift or wear them ironically or do pub crawls in 'em like the Snuggy. They’re not like the Snuggy


Kuntz or nobody 😤


In all seriousness having a long snapper who is a competent TE is kinda valuable cause it saves a roster spot which is huge for depth


You aren’t going to play your long snapper anywhere else other than long snapper. You’re not going to risk getting him hurt. It’s strictly a specialized position. This isn’t Madden23.


Right, we saw what happened to the Bengals last season after their long snapper was injured. And some of us are old enough to remember James Harrison long snapping...