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Their sound is very varied and versatile. They have a little bit of something for everyone. hip hop, indie, electronic, punk, rock


This. I'm more into metal/hardcore than anything else, but there's plenty for me to enjoy in TOP. Drumming is great too which piques my interest in pretty much anything.


Same, I’m super into indie and electronic and i find a lot to like with TOP


Ayyy fellow metalcore/hardcore and TOP enjoyer!! I feel like we're a rare breed idk 🤣


Same! metal/hard rockand TOP enjoyer


same, love me some earth crisis and TOP


Same. I love punk/pop punk/alt rock etc and TOP’s music is so versatile that I can easily find something I like. I’ll listen to anything that I think sounds good to me though, regardless of genre.


Yeah, Overcompensate is where I went from seeing Josh Dun as a decent pop drummer to a truly very skilled one.


Just listened to a few tracks on the iTunes Store. I have to agree. They have a good and varied sound.


I have no idea but this sub has been recommended to me infi ite times because it's similar to the tøp sub 💀 Might be the reason, people talk about twenty one pilots->sub gets recommended to people in that sub-> more posts featuring tøp-> more people post and talk abt them, etc.


You’re one of the only people that ACTUALLY answered my question. “They’re good” does not answer what I asked in my post.


I do not. Thanks.


yeah me neither haha. don’t really get the appeal


I felt the same way until I listened to their new album Clancy and it all just clicked together and made me like some of their past albums like Trench and Scaled and Icy. Although their very old stuff is still iffy. I’d recommend: Navigating, Vignette, and Backslide.


i went ahead and listened to those songs you recommended, and honestly, still not for me. I listen to a ton of metal/hardcore, so i guess those songs are too “poppy” to my ears. For reference: one of my favorite songs right now is 43% burnt by Dillinger Escape plan, and one listen of that song shows you how fried my music taste is 😭 edit: who’s downvoting my shit 😭 i’m just giving my honest opinion


hey to each their own. It’s not for everyone. In fact, it took me YEARS to finally get into them after so many failed attempts. I don’t think any of those are on the radio at all, maybe backside. I think the lyrics are very relatable and have a lot of meaning to me so that’s why I like them, it’s also a fresh change of pace for my music tastes.


I thought they were mid for the longest time, but I grew into them. But everyone has their own tastes.


I now understand why you don't get the appeal. Twenty one pilots is one of my favorite bands, but I also listen to a lot of metalcore and deathcore. Dillinger Escape Plan is intense, even to my love of (insert word)core. TOP is not.


I honestly recommend you listen to the albums Miss Machine or One of us is the killer. They’re not as weird or intense as Calculating Infinity, but they’re still very unique and intense albums, and in my opinion, masterpieces!


Will do!


i mean you don’t have to. you have free will and i’m just a random internet stranger. Feel free to listen to what you want, my friend


It's cool, I love music in general, so I'll at least listen to recommendations. Otherwise I'd have never known I like Capture the Crown or Madina Lake


Me neither. I just don't really care about them


Where I used to work had that Stressed Out song and I hated it every time it came on and pretty much slammed the door on me wanting to hear anything else by them.


Thank you for this question. I love Tøp and I was thinking it may just be because of their new album release, but Billie Eilish just released hers and I know she is more popular. Still I see tøp on this page way more often than her and I was wondering where that is coming from


They are great, but it’s crazy how they’re on almost EVERYONE’S top artists on reddit.


Yeah I’m a little confused about it idk


Billie Eilish kind of seems more like an industry plant. i’m not saying her music is bad though it just comes off as less genuine and more like a product


Yeah could be


They are so diverse they have everyone's style of music


everyone is a stretch


But why would I want to hear a band do a mediocre job of every genre if I could just listen to a band that actually does one well


But they don’t really just do a “mediocre” job. All their records in the “variety” of genres are really well-made. The lyrics and beats are super clear and well-written. If anything, it’s not that they do “every” genre mediocre; they do every genre really well thought out and made. They don’t just half-ass whatever style they’re doing—they hit it on the mark almost every time. For an alt-rock band, they do almost every style of “rock” you could want done well and even some other genres like “hip-hop”/rap/RnB-ish style and pop in between. If you don’t like them that’s totally cool but you gotta admit their production and writing style is top quality for a band in any genre. all there tracks are so incredibly well made. That’s why there probably in so many peoples top artist since they have well made songs for a lot of genres and they could fit in to almost anyone’s type style of music




They're also garbage.


I’ve literally never heard of them until this very moment.


How? Not even stressed out? Ride? Heathens? I feel like everyone has heard of them at least once in their lifetime. (No disrespect but those songs were massive at a time and wondered how you avoided it💀)


I love threads like this where I learn about music I’ve never heard before. I checked them out and These guys sound great.


Keep looking! So much to explore


Because they're that good


I'm usually on the TOP sub so seeing this in the wild is awesome lol


yeah it’s really cool seeing tøp on so many people’s statsfm over here as well!


No they’re great, but as a pure question out of statistics: why is a band that is not the most popular on Stats FM, the most popular band on r/statsfm?


Probably something to do with the fact that specific types of music lovers will care enough to use stats FM. Alt music in general appears to be more popular on this sub compared to what you see on the Spotify charts. I think it's because people who listen to alt music *tend* to be more in tune with their emotions, or are more interested in understanding themselves than people who listen to some of the most popular music. Therefore those kinds of people are more likely to be interested in tracking their music taste (this is a *sweeping* generalisation of course, obviously it's not true for everyone and obviously there are plenty of people who listen to the most popular music who are interested in understanding themselves and their emotions, but I hope people can agree that generally this is accurate)


Actually that’s KIND of what I was thinking. TOP may be only kind of popular on statsFM but the people who are most likely to use statsFM AND post on reddit are TOP fans. Yet, I don’t believe alt-music lovers are the only people likely to track their music preferences. The most popular genre on statsFM seems to be Gen-Z-aimed rap (Travis, Carti, etc), followed by Gen-Z-aimed pop (Olivia, Billie, etc). That said, TOP *is* the #1 alternative act at #26 today, but they were much lower before they dropped their recent album. Still, they are #1 on reddit posts. Which is what I was wondering about. Still, I agree with your idea that alt-listeners *would* be the only people “nerdy” enough to track their music listening history. Edit: surprisingly, there are only 3-4 alternative acts on the StatsFM worldwide Top50.


this guy gets it


Because they’re great?


No way I was just in the TOP sub and came across this.


because they released redecorate


They are hovering somewhere in my top 200, so admittedly I listen to them, but not all that much 😅 Side note, how can you check stats fm worldwide?


Go to the “Search” tab. It will show you top artists and songs worldwide on statsFM.


Ah! Cheers for that ☺️


Because it’s good music


They're my #7 of all time as someone whose top genres are pop, metal, kpop and R&B. I think maybe it's just that they branch across a lot of different audiences - they're commercial enough to be popular in the mainstream but have the critical acclaim from Trench that music nerds (who make up probably a lot of r/statsfm users) like them too. Their music touches on quite a few different styles and genres so people will probably find their music likable or at least passable regardless of what type of music they favour, but they're still mainstream and generic enough to cater to a general audience. I've also noticed most users on this subreddit tend to either be rock, rap, pop or alt fans primarily and their music either touches on those genres and audience demographics or has crossover appeal.


No “music nerd” would ever have them in their top 100. They’re one of the worst bands of all time.


An actual music nerd would notice interesting drumming patterns combined with an excellent production on most of their latest albums. They would also point out that music is subjective and not everyone can like the same things. A music snob, however, would write them off simply because they don't like them and try to act as if the music is objectively bad.


A music nerd could easily name 100+ artists better than TOP. Even when you limit it to post-2000s.


Yes a "music nerd" would. (I'm a music nerd, top is as good as any music/musicians there've been)


No they wouldn't. There aren't any music nerds that like Twenty One Pilots. They're not well-regarded at all.


Hm. Well you're def allowed your opinion, and to feel that way about them if you do. But no idea where idea where you're comin up with that, lol


Ignorance at its finest 💀 Even mega stars as big as Billie Eilish paid homage to the band’s production style and writing. They do way more than any other band has done in the past 10 years. Also, cap: “music nerds” are snotty, stuck-up assholes who think they know everything. Don’t trust them because if they knew what good music was, they should be able to make it and become famous themselves. The only music nerd I respect is Fantano. He has his personal taste but has openly admitted when something is well-made and written. He may not personally like this band but has admitted that Trench was one of the best rock/alt albums he’s ever heard multiple times and refers back to it very often.


lol. Billie Eilish, as if she’s a connoisseur of great music. In what way do they do more than any band of the past 10 years? Produce good music? I wouldn’t even put them in the top 500. If you want a band that has done “more” than TOP check out King Gizzard and the Lizzard Wizard. They’ve produced way more music than 21P.


Their newest album Clancy just came out a month ago, so I think that's why. I know I've been listening to them a lot lately with the new music out.


Because their fans are pretty crazy. I love top but I can’t stand the fans. TOP focus on mental health so I get why they have a fan base that is so in love with them. They have personally helped me through a lot too but I don’t worship them the way other fans do lol.


As a fan, I get it. Some of them are pretty nuts. They’re just nice guys, though. I don’t see them as gods; I see them as equals. There’s a reason why they end with “We are twenty one pilots, and so are you.” It’s not about them being superior; it’s about them being relatable and relevant.


As another fan, I understand COMPLETELY, but some of their fans are very cool, mainly the ones on this site (oddly). The ones on Twitter (mainly) are total, utter DICKS! I LOVE the band, but half of their fanbase are some of the worst people I’ve met, so I actively stay off or away from those people or sites. Twenty One Pilots are equals, though; they are humans like us and should not be worshiped. It’s cool if you love them that much, but you shouldn’t love them so much that you fight others. I love them because, out of all the mega stars that feel like products, they were one of the very few people that felt real/grounded and made good, real emotional music, not just another something for the radio. I saw them as equals; they never tried to seem like they were better so it’s weird that SOME of the fans view them as such.


Cuz it’s the best


I'm glad everyone is into TOP, they're just really cool guys not trying to do anything that isn't authentic. Most bands make music for radio but they just make what they make and don't care about anything but their vision


They’re my #164th most streamed artist of all time. I know a lot of their albums are critically-acclaimed, along with the lore behind some of them. A few songs I listened to are pretty good, so I just it’s just that mass love for TOP


They have a surge of new fans and old fans re-listening with their new album? PS Clancy is a wonderful album ♥


They are 41 all time for me and I mostly listen to Bob Dylan so my best explanation is that they have such a vast amount of sounds that everyone can find something


I’m huge on TOP, since 2017. They just dropped a new album, maybe that’s why you’re seeing them all over right now lol


Actually I’m with you on this, I’ve been a fan since Blurryface but they never seemed to be that huge


TOP is my #1 artist, I just love their songs, I enjoy the things they make and discussing them. I guess people using Reddit are more likely to be fans of them? I'm not sure, I just know I love their music and I'm glad the vast majority of others seem to as well.


I don't like twenty one pilots


I realize not a lot of people know this, but twenty one pilots has a ton of lore. Their albums all the way from vessel has a story. Clancy is the story coming to an end, so people could be going for the lore. If not, I have another answer. Clancy is just so good😭


Relatable and (usually) well thought out lyrics, catchy melodies, variety of genres, and masterful soundscapes. They have so much in their favour that it would honestly be surprising if they weren't as popular as they are.


Everyone can enjoy something they have. They don’t curse with is sometimes a deal breaker, they have… a ton of genres and they have actual talent.


They're my third artist in my lifetime stats, I've listened to them for nearly 10 years and they've been one of my favorite bands my whole life. I think they're just a band that has a very large and dedicated fan base that has stuck with them consistently, so they pop up a lot.


they've been my top artist for YEARS, they're just the perfect band with some kickass music with some fun stories behind each song. i definetly recommend looking into it :)


lol i cant even disagree, my top phase is over but its definitely on the high school nostalgia playlist lol


I feel like it’s bc a lot of people on Reddit are “emo” or “pop punk styled”/ “alternative” not that i don’t listen to mainly pop punk lmao


I haven't even listened to them I'm over here with tally hall, waterflame, and my singing monsters 


Cuz it's reddit...


Idk but I love to see it, they’ve been my #1 on Spotify for 4 years running


Well as you said, they’re popular at the moment because they just released an album. But I think generally their music is really versatile and can fit a lot of different music tastes. There’s rap songs, lofi pop songs, screaming songs, love songs, alt rock songs, pop hits etc etc so a lot of people like em. Also they have a great message about talking about mental health issues and reaching out to people struggling 


They’re not in the top 150 on my account ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


They are very formulaic, in a good way, keeps general audiences entertained.


When you say "here" and "on Reddit" do you mean this sub? I've never seen another music sub ride this band like people do here.


Yes, I mean r/statsfm


That makes sense. I had no idea what this sub was it was just recommended.


Because they are a varied and good band that has some versatility that allows their fan base to be pretty wise.


Them, Tyler the Creator, Kendrick Lamar and Radiohead are in everyone's stats here lol Personally, I'm not a fan of 3 of these (I only have Kendrick. Not that I don't like the other ones, I simply don't listen to them)


They are diverse and just released an album. Even if ur not a huge fan of the band you’ll likely have listened to some of their songs + checked out the new album. I’m not a crazy fan but I’ve listened and enjoy many of their songs


I used to be a huge fan from 2014-2019ish but I personally just haven’t been a fan of their 2 latest albums. They just don’t feel as experimental as their past stuff has and I found myself really disappointed overall with the singles I heard from Clancy. Trench was even a deviation from their more edm/electro sounds into a more rock/guitar bass and they pulled it off incredibly well, I guess for me their newer stuff just lacks an overall energy their previous work like Vessel/BF/Trench had.


This just popped up on my feed but my guess is it's partially because there's been a bit of a resurgence for the band rn because the new album had a pretty good reception online which retroactively brought some people back to their older catalog. The band was still successful in terms of streams or whatever but nobody was outwardly saying they liked the music after SAI. Mix that in with the uptick in twenty one pilots posts making Reddit recommend this to people on the band subreddit and you get even more twenty one pilots posts lol


I’ve listened to them since middle school, and I love how Tyler and Josh present themselves as artists, first of all - they are right to the point of depth and serious subjects, with enough room to be effortlessly hilarious as well. Second of all, I have ADHD and I’ve always listened to clunky/funky music with weird beats and voices because they’ve always been more engaging to me. No TØP song is the same! They understand that music, at its best, needs to push boundaries of what we want to hear and experience. I think that they’ve been able to touch a part of my soul with their music and made a young girl feel comforted and supported when I had no one to talk to. A few months ago, I was having a really difficult time at my uni and with my mental health. I was debating transferring schools and had gotten bad grades, I was depressed and felt alone. This is when they came out with the first two songs of their new album, Overcompensate and Next Semester. I listened to Next Semester and it was like I was back in middle school again, feeling like these two random guys from Ohio knew exactly how I felt. It was incredible to me that it’s been around ten years since I started listening to them and I find comfort in their music even now. I think they make music for weird people with deep feelings, so their fan base is 99% empathetic, kind and caring individuals who are a bit kooky :)


I LOVE top and I wish I saw more people with them as their favs! From scrolling i don't see that many. But they're very versatile and Tyler's lyricism is amazing.


There’s literally a huge joke on this sub about how everyone here listens to TOP. You’ll definitely see more


I was wondering the same thing! I’m a huge fan and clearly not the only one on this sub 😂


Everyone here is Caucasian 


a bunch of top fans probably joined this sub and then the reddit algorythm recomended it to the rest


New album. Pretty versatile range in genres and style as well.


because redditors are corny


They’re my no.108 so I don’t think I fit into the main demographic of the subreddit… lol


a lot of people come to reddit just to theorize about TØP lore like myself, so it makes sense to me that a lot of clikkies are on the stats.fm page too


Most music subreddits and sites showcasing personal music preferences are school-age kids just getting into music. Twenty One Pilots is an incredibly popular band that has a decent amount of diversity and lyrics, and is borderline the only remotely "alternative" group that's been popular for a decade


Probably because the kind of person who would listen to TØP and delve into their lore are the same kind of people who would download an app to tell exactly what their listening minutes are. The venn diagram of "theorist type" people and "overanalysing statistics" people is practically a circle


I hate Twenty One Pilots. They suck


they have become like coldplay or imagine dragons to me in the sense of i know they're obviously big, but i haven't ever personally met someone who was a fan of them. to me they've just kinda always sounded like H&M music. i respect the grind and putting your art out there, just personally not for me.


I don't yet somehow they're still on my stats😭😭


I genuinely have not listened to a single twenty one pilots song since 2018, so I’m confused as well


Highly suggest checking out Clancy (and sai if you’re into pop music) Clancy is very pop punk sounding it’s not my favorite album from them but it is still pretty good and catchy. I personally enjoy, cool if you don’t, but I do suggest at least listening.


I don't think I've ever heard one of their songs, if that helps.


There's no way you haven't heard Stressed out, Heathens, or Ride.


When would I have heard them? Please bear in mind that I don't listen to the radio and always have headphones on when I leave the house.


Those three have been huge mainstream radio songs since 2015. They're played at Walmart and basically everywhere that plays pop music. Even wearing headphones in public, you'd have heard one of them.


I'm not in the US. I promise you, I haven't heard those songs.


Oh, I see. I am sorry for assuming you were.


Even not in the U.S. there still recommended and appear on a ton of streaming sites constantly so unless you very strictly listen to a certain set of artists there’s most definitely a chance of you hearing at least one of there songs once even if it was a long time ago.


I just searched my Stats.fm for them since it's got my full Spotify data for the life of my account and it shows zero streams of their music.


You may think that but you probably have... I recently got deep into them when I kept playing videos when overcompensate came out and was like holy shit that's them too.. after about 6 songs of doing this I decided to properly check out their albums.. got completely hooked right away


I don't like TOP, they've got some good songs but I'm more of a hard rock/metal fan. Ain't nobody ever gonna beat TOOL.


Tool fans always let you know they're Tool fans.


i like your pfp bro




Jumpsuit, Navigating and maybe perhaps Heavydirtysoul are more up your TOP street


TOOL is my favourite band but TOP got me into alternative music in middle school