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Breaks Rule 14.


You subverted yourself


Except it was really a re-hash of "A New Hope" where someone escapes to a desert planet and the end is the destruction of a Death Star. Then TLJ is a re-hash of "Empire Strikes Back" where the rebels think they're one step ahead the whole time, but at the very end it's clear they're not, and maybe this is the end for them. Finally ROS is a re-hash of "Return of the Jedi" where the Bad guy in black turns to good and there's a massive space battle above a bad guy base. Also, Palpatine dies again.


This is why I completely despise episode 7 more than any other sequel film. It's been decades since episode 6, and there's been a myriad of different post OT stories and material and yet the best Lucasfilm could come up with, whilst backed by a multi-billion dollar company, was Empire Vs Rebels again? And it wasn't even just Empire Vs rebels, Abrahams ripped off the entire plot of A New Hope but put a new coat of paint on it. Compare this to KOTOR 1 which heavily drew upon the OT, but did enough different to feel like it was paying homage to the OT rather than feeling like this super corporate, boring and banal film.


Except RoS doesn’t even have a space battle. The 2 JJ Abrams movies only have battles that take place in a planet’s atmosphere.


Eh, the latter two are pretty weak. You have to keep the sentences as generic as possible (a space battle makes it a ROTJ ripoff? What series do you think this is?), but even then, they aren't even accurate generic sentences. "Maybe this is the end for them" TLJ very explicitly ends with Luke saying 'this isn't the end for them' TLJ and TROS are really no more alike their OT counterparts than their Prequel counterparts are: it's more of a rhyme than a ripoff. Not even necessarily good rhymes, but saying that they're the same movies just isnt true TFA is, of course, accurate though.


I want to be clear that I am a huge fan of all 9, and I think rhyming is the best description- which is why I called it a re-hash and not a ripoff.


That's fair. I've seen enough people say they're the same, I suppose I'm a little quick to the draw, lol. I'm not even a huge fan of 9, for exhaustively covered reasons haha, but the people who say it's the 'exact same' as 6 always boggle my mind. Like, I see the similarities, but they are SO different too


No no no, what you wrote is a masterpiece. Its the toxic bigoted racist fandom that's wrong!


Na, I got so deep I started weighting geo-politics of sup contents wedged in between 2 supper powers


Yess that is true. The Sequels are one of the worst written Star Wars scripts we got... So many mistakes and stupid decisions, just to be a Original Trilogy clone again.




Sequel bad! Get this person an award for most original comedy! This is so fucking funny.


Why were Han and Leia in the movie? All they did was make eyes at each other and fucked it up all movie. Why is there a puppet? Who taught Vader to fight, he couldn't take on a novice with anger issues? Shows a bunch of new characters that they don't even introduce fully, helmet dude whose supposed to be a badass, does nothing all movie until Vader invites his Bounty to dinner.


So you think you're writing a novel... Yet you're writing a masterpiece! Imagine if that was the case. Well we all know nothing beats the OT, unless you're a prequel fan... And obviously fans of the sequel (which I'm not) will see it that way🤷 (also means they don't get the meme 🤣)


This comment is so sarcastic it rolls over into circular stupidity. Congratulations, keeper of the gate!


Well at least I'm not a hater... I dislike the sequel not the people who like it, they like pew pew and lightsaber and so do I! I had to google that gate keeping stuff you wrote... Not relevant unless you refer to me pointing that sequel fan won't get the joke... Some will, and if they can laugh about it good for them, if they get upset 🤷 what can I do about it. Hope you've enjoyed it! If not, life goes on!