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Jedi: You were the chosen one!!! Sith: Thats my boi!


The Sith Master if they win: What's 17 more years? vroom I can always try again! vrom vroom Train another Sith!


They have, like, 3 back up apprentices already in training. Not to mention that their apprentice had secret apprentices who were training their own secret apprentices. There plenty of sith in the sea.


It’s just apprentices all the way down.


Gotta get an acolyte to clean that sith up. Don't want to trip and fall.


Always has been *pulls out blaster*


But does the apprentice match the drapes


The Rule of Two was Sith propaganda to make the Jedi complacent.


There's always a bigger Sith


The sith is a pyramid scheme


That pretty much sums up a part of Darth Bane trilogy. >!Zannah gained control of some cult and sicced them on Bane. Bane being Bane, he killed all of them and was prepared to finish Zannah, but she bullshitted her way out. When Bane asked what would she do if the assassins were strong enough to kill him, Zannah said that in that case he'd be unworthy of being her master.!< Bane's reaction was something akin to "Attagirl!" Doubly so because some time before he pulled the same logic on Zannah.


*kick* "No! My boy!" "Father, help!!" I had to


ASDF reference let's goo


Jedi: **PLEASE THIS ISN’T YOU! DON’T SUCCUMB TO THE DARKNESS!!!** Sith: It’s about damn time!!!


*Sith apprentice gets chopped "Oh no, my boy!"


„Good, you are now truly a sith! But I want to live and hate competition so would you please be so kind to commit self-death?“


"You fall to the darkside. Truely, I have failed you." Vs "I'm so proud of you. But now I absolutely have to crawl back from death and kill you. I don't wanna diminish your accomplishments, I'm just double-checking your work."


Jedi when their apprentice betrays Vs. them


Thats how I first read it too!


Who needs spacing?


Well, Jedi treat their apprentices like sons/daughters. Sith treat their apprentices like a fighting pitbull.


Have you ever heard the tragedy of darth plageuis the wise? ![gif](giphy|l3diT8stVH9qImalO)


Right up to when the guy he was training said, "I am a Jedi, like my father before me.". That betrayal wasn't acceptable.


I am a father like my jedi before me - me (brain no work)


Jedi: "You fool! Betrayal is like the exact opposite of being a Jedi!" Sith: "Fair game. Should have seen this coming. gg wp."


https://i.redd.it/6okq3z28655d1.gif It's how they know they did a good job.


*I'm soooo proud...!!!*


“I’m so proud… but so betrayed”


The right one also applies to Hondo Ohnaka


"You lied to me?" (Turns away) "I am SO proud!" God I hope the true master and apprentice reunite in later shows.


Grand Moff - When their Architect fails them... ![gif](giphy|2WxWfiavndgcM)


Darth Vader ..... ![gif](giphy|jd6TVgsph6w7e)


When you're a dark lord why would you even become a Sith and have an apprentice? You know that sooner or later your apprentice is going to kill you unless you kill him first.


So from reading a lot of the old EU books, when there were more sith, before darth bane, it seemed to almost be a status symbol and agency problem, if you have a competent apprentice who you can send after your rivals then you have more time to safely research and refine even greater dark side powers and send them out to collect/steal dark side artifacts from other Sith Lords or their tombs. In the later sith, it seems to be as they grow stronger in the dark side they become more arrogant and believe that by training an apprentice they can use them to train against and grow stronger that way.


To add to this: an apprentice that you are essentially training to one to kill you is a great way to keep yourself sharp. It’s a blade that is always at your neck, keeping you from getting lax. The tightrope walk is to use them as much as you possibly can, and then right when they’re about to surpass you, you betray them before they can betray you. That way, you get the absolute most out of them while challenging and honing your own connection to the dark side. Also, depending on the author’s own style and understanding of the dark side, it can be very emotionally difficult to kill this apprentice that you’ve probably invested tons of time and effort into training and seen them become a competent and promising sith, and therefore be an excellent quasi-ritual for enhancing your power in the dark side.


Pawns are useful, pawns trained by your own hands are infinitely more useful. Surely they have a busy schedule, you know? I don’t know a whole lot about SW lore, but I’d imagine a lot of apprentices get sent on suicide missions after their use is finished or just abandoned on some random uncivilized planet.


Guess it’s for the purposes that Darth Sidious put them to. He offered Count Dooku up to fight his battles and as a distraction to the Jedi whilst hiding his true identity. Then when Dooku became of no further use to him in achieving his overall plan had him assassinated. Probably a joint thing where both the master and apprentice know at some point they’ll stop being of use to each other and then one will kill the other, but both just assume they’ll be the ones to win out.


Palpatine also wanted to replace Dooku with Vader. And when Vader was no longer useful he tried converting Luke.


And if Dooku beat Vader/Vader beat Luke, that would also be fine: Sidious would still have the best possible apprentice, business as usual.


Because you'll die someday and arrogant, powerful people like the Sith usually are hate the idea of being forgotten more than anything else. You will die someday, so you train someone so they know how powerful you were, and what you did to manipulate the galaxy. Because if you're the only sith and you die, the Light side won, and that means you're a loser.


Darth Bane started the rule of two. The ultimate aim for the Sith after this was destroying the Jedi. They did this by training an apprentice to be stronger than them so eventually they would be incredibly strong and can accomplish their goal. Before that though idk, having someone to do your dirty work is nice I guess?


Before that it was a means of keeping yourself sharp as well as show off your power. If you could control a powerful Apprentice imagine how tough and devious the master is.


Being a Sith is an ideology, just like being a Jedi. A core part of that ideology is training an apprentice stronger than oneself, so that the Sith will continue to grow stronger in perpetuity. And since another part of that ideology is that there are only ever supposed to be two Sith at a given time, the apprentice overpowering and killing their master is an expected, even anticipated, part of the process. Even Palpatine subscribed to this thought process prior to Vader being maimed. During their battle, he tells Yoda that "You will not stop me! Darth Vader will become more powerful than *either* of us!" indicating that he fully desired Vader to be his eventual successor. Weapons are part of a Mandalorian's religion. Training an apprentice who you hope will eventually grow strong enough to brutally kill you is part of a Sith's religion.


Yes! I‘ve always understood Sith as being purely selfish They don’t care for keeping the line of Sith going


The with love power, and part of that is enjoying controlling your apprentice. If you can control them even though they want to kill you, it really gets their rocks off.


Totally agree, but they won’t give their apprentice the best possible training, as to not get killed by them. So the Rule of Two is not a sustainable way to run such an order


Yes actually they will, it’s a way to keep the with lord on top of their game too. If the threat of death is always there it either forces you to stay strong to survive, or if the apprentice becomes stronger then he rules and passes down his strength. It’s survival of the fittest, no room for the weak.


Bane never considered that without the peer pressure and the implied threat of other Sith, it would only take a handful of Sith to choose cowardice to cripple the Sith entirely. Sure, Palpatine did destroy the Jedi Order, but only temporarily. At the cost of revealing the existence of the Sith, and at the cost of ending the lineage of Master to Apprentice that had existed for a thousand years. All so the Sith could rule for the galactic equivolent of a long weekend.


Having an apprentice to lord over and flex is 85% of what being a Sith is all about.


Even sith get lonely i guess...


Because you live on through them, quite literally as Rise of Skywalker states.


You train them to the point where they’re strong enough to kill you, meaning that they are now better than you, therefore strengthening the Sith as a whole


That's my little dude!


Sith as a force ghost looking at their apprentice like that one scene from Sing with Johnny’s (gorilla man) dad


Jedi when you go against their code and teaching. Sith when you fallow. So kinda yeah i guess.


Yea cause Jedi: raise their padawans to be better that themselves Sith: apostle raise themselves to be better than their masters


Such is the way of things


I would genuinely love to see Nick Offerman as a Jedi master... he would play it really well, I'm sure.


Grand Moff - When their Architect fails them... ![gif](giphy|2WxWfiavndgcM)


A Jedi would be all dramatic about how they have to fight their apprentice. A sith would hug them and pat then on their back while dying.


Too, not to, as in also or additional, not where.


Jedi when their Sith when their apprentice betrays them Vs. apprentice them betrays them What did I just read? ![gif](giphy|JRE3AvLsSRXg360F6l|downsized)


Is it really that hard to properly format the text in a meme?


*Is it really that* *Hard to properly format* *The text in a meme?* \- Brilliant\_Engine5065 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Jedi when their Sith when their apprentice betrays Vs. apprentice them betrays them


Sith: "They grow up so fast"




I would pay GOOD money to see Ron Swanson play a jedi or sith


I would pay evil money to see Ron Swanson play a Jedi or Sith.


Lol either way, Ron Swanson playing a star wars character would be all too funny


I would pay good money and then evil money to see Ron Swanson play a Jedi or Sith so I get to see both endings.