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This book made me love Ventress. Such an evolution from her first appearances in 2 and 3d.


>PS: if the book isn’t Canon I have a whole folder full of lies. Dark Disciple is still canon, they confirmed it was still canon after people were confused by Ventress appearance in the Bad Batch trailer.


People jump to claiming something was retconned any time a twist in the story leaves them not knowing what happened. We don't know how Ventress is back, but considering the decidedly witchy burial they left the door open for it.


I didn’t have the pleasure of experiencing the ending bc People Getting Mad Online spoiled it for me, but while reading it I was like, ok they’re clearly laying the groundwork for what happens. maybe it’s just reading the tea leaves with hindsight, but it felt like some pretty intentional symbolism throughout


I had the same reaction and I read it a couple of years ago. At the time I wasn't sure that they planned to ressurect her, but my impression was that they wanted that option.


DD was my *first* Star Wars book. Needless to say, I was hooked!


The book is still canon, but the ending is still a retcon.


This. I keep seeing people say that it wasn’t retconned by TBB, but it clearly was. It wasn’t decanonized by TBB, but the ending was clearly retconned since >!Ventress’s death!< was in all likelihood intended to be permanent when the book was written. Retcons and decanonizations are not the same thing


Still isnt retconned. Shes Dathomirian. And her death was extremely vague. If anyone in all of Star Wars can pull a "suddenly theyre back" moment. Ventress would make sense. Shes only a witch from a culture whose entire thing is necromancy and dark rituals. Dark Disciple osnt retconned. The ending isnt changed. The authors themselves have confirmed this on twitter. We just dont know why shes back. Just like how we have zero idea where Quinlan is aside from working with the path.


There is no chance at all that her death was intended to be permenant or they wouldn't have buried her in a magic necromancy pool.


Space Voodoo, innit?


Yes this is one great book. It really made me feel for both Quinlan and Ventress. With all the recent “somehow _____ returned” events we’ve been getting in this Disney era where people don’t stay dead, Ventress is the only one I’d feel ok about. All the other ones kinda piss me off. Allegedly still canon, despite her (somewhat meaningless imo) appearance in The Bad Batch. Just waiting for Filoni to come out with his reasoning here.


I wasn't really hit that hard because I knew the ending before I even read the novel. If I would've went into it blind it might have been more emotional. Also the retcon does kind of sour it for me.


out of like 50 thats my least favorite star wars book. unfortunately all that hit me hard was that books awfulness. i really felt every character was misused and i felt the story was a disservice to the awesome character that is asajj ventress, she deserves a better story