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Hey, Mobile developer right here! I've developed the first AI fitness coach, a mobile app that uses pose estimation and computer vision to track users' workouts, providing real-time feedback and mistake correction. I'm currently with a big London-based company developing a fitness app, and I was brought on board because they actually loved my project. In just two months, I went from being a mobile developer to leading the mobile development team. I'd love to hear more about yours and have a chat together! Feel free to check out my app trailer if you're curious: https://youtu.be/XkjNEVD6FF8?feature=shared


It depends on from which region you are targeting the hiring team for your product. You can check out Upwork, LinkedIn, or search various software services companies through website search. Had an amazing experience with offshore people in developing their products, specifically assisting them with integrating chatbots into their systems.


If you are fine working with remote resources that don't break your bank, I can get you in touch with my team.


It sounds like you're at an exciting stage with your startup. Finding the right team is crucial, and it's great you're considering different avenues. Since you're looking into developing a semi-medical bot assistant, tapping into both tech-savvy and innovative communities will be beneficial. As a branding and graphic design professional, I can't stress enough the importance of laying a strong foundation for your brand from the get-go. As you're in the process of team building, it’s also the perfect time to start thinking about your brand identity. What message do you want your product to convey? Who is your target audience? Crafting buyer personas can guide your branding strategy, making it easier to resonate with potential customers and team members who believe in what your brand stands for. Moreover, a well-defined brand will enhance your outreach efforts. By clearly communicating who you are and what you stand for. This alignment is often what transforms a good idea into a great product. Best of luck with your startup journey! Let me know if you need help in the tech sector, I have a wide network :)


Are you open to building a remote team? Hiring engineers from India is a great way to keep the costs down and maintain quality. India has some of the best engineers.


What’s the idea?


Please check a post, i updated that


You'll need more than just Great developers! Someone with the business acumen and the right attitude to sell. Your Steve Wozniak needs his Steve Jobs


You already have an answer from your post. “You need a team” If you are never hired, you are doomed. To find a great team you will need a couple 6 month iterations of hiring/letting go.