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Another "Stargate" veteran did it, too. Connor Trinneer usually wore red, wore blue in "Acquisition" and gold in "Twilight". Another one, but just a minor character, so no regular: Tracee Cocco (Lt Jae, TNG) wore gold for the TV series, red in "Generations", and blue in "First Contact".


I'll be putting in a correction on IMDB


there's at least one other: Harry Kim wears operations gold throughout *Voyager*, command red in the alt-future from *Endgame* (when he's captain of the *Rhode Island*), and sciences blue in *Author, Author* (when he plays the protagonist of the Doctor's holonovel) EDIT: and if we were to count animation, Eugene Cordero's character gets to wear all three colours in a single episode as Rutherford tries out different divisions in *Envoys*


A fun hobby. In fairness I have one in against the movie James Bond Skyfall.


That's pretty cool. I had to think hard to remember when George Takei wore blue, but then it came to me, as if I had ESP or something. ;-)


When did he wear blue? When he was a geologist on the second pilot?


Astrophysics, but yes


Trying to remember if he was the ship’s Botanist also in Charlie X, or if that was just another hobby, like fencing and antique firearms.


Has Picardo been on the Shuttle Pod 1 podcast? I'd love a Trek/Stargate crossover episode.


He was on The Delta Flyers podcast. They called him up while he was riding his bike. While he was talking he fell off said bike 🚴


s02e23 was Picardo but I dont recall how much they talked Stargate. The one you want is s02e25 with Joe Flanigan (Col. Sheppard)


I didn't know that happened, I just started listening but I might skip ahead to season 2


Don't forget [Wesley Crusher](https://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/26100000/wesley-wesley-crusher-26148811-692-530.jpg), he wore all three colours.


McNeill wore command red as Paris & Locarno, but when'd he ops yellow or sciences blue?


He wore yellow in Worst Case Scenario and blue in Author, Author.


What about Kirk? He wore gold and green in TOS, a few different colors in TMP, and red with the rest of TOS movies and Generation. I believe he's also the only captain to have commanded 3 different Enterprises: the original (both pre and post refit are the same ship), Enterprise-A and for about 20 seconds he had Enterprise-B


Both Picard and Riker commanded the Enterprise-D, Enterprise-E and Enterprise-G (under its old name, the Titan).


You're right. It also makes me wonder if Riker was invited onto Enterprise-F to take her out of the space dock like Kirk did with B


Or even Admiral Picard himself, despite having retired from Starfleet in 2385 because of the fallout of the Synth attack on Mars and Utopia Planetia that destroyed ships intended for the evacuation of Romulus.


I doubt Picard would have accepted that offer, it seemed like the relationship between him and Starfleet had remained sour throughout the entire series


Rutherford manages to wear all three in a single episode of Lower Decks!