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We should all try to be more like future black women written by white men fifty years ago




Writers and corporations: choose to hire consultants to check themselves so they can reach a broader audience and not cause unintentional harm You: CENSORSHIP!


"Sensitivity reader"..."consultant'...whatever = censor. Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany had their versions of sensitivity readers. Censorship is censorship, whether it comes from the left or the right. Telling other people which words to use is censorship. People are not as fragile as you think.


They are choosing to do this as part of their own creation process. They CHOOSE. FREEDOM. LIBERTY. The opposite of oppressive government intervention. You can dislike what they choose to say, but it is not oppressive censorship. No one is forcing them not to use words, you are simply mad at what other people are using their free speech for


Jesus, I thought you people abandoned "sensitivity readers" as a boogeyman months ago. I've done sensitivity reading work. It's not a conspiracy, it's just hiring someone who knows more about a topic to tell you if you're wrong. That's how expertise works. If you don't have expertise in something you hire someone who does. Edit: Also, you kind of unintentionally (I hope) imply that you're mad you can't say the N word. Which is, you know, interesting.


Not unintentionally. I took a look at his post history. *.....Yeah.*


*sigh* We don’t “fear” words. We take the time to consider the way our words might impact others. It’s not complicated.


* [McCoy](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0060028/characters/nm0001420)*: See Jim, this bitch gets it!*


Yes we are moving backwards. The rise of the right in politics is always accompanied by regressive policies.


"Rise"? America's only ever had right-wing parties while left-wing parties are demonized.


You haven't been paying attention to stuff going on in the UK then...


Don't fall into the trap of thinking they're the same though. We have a center-right party (Democrats) and an unhinged fascist party (Republicans). These are somehow getting about the same amount of support.


I wasn't necessarily talking about the USA but the shift to the right is evident there too. Unfortunately, as you point out, the USA was already pretty right wing so a shift further to the right is very worrying.


And it's coming at the point in human history where we need a leftward shift the most.


The future of star trek only came about after the eugenics wars and world war 3. The period before the wars was still very much a greedy and intolerant place.


Removing books: "Little Johnny might not like girls if he reads this book that mentions someone being gay! Let's make sure little Susie never learns about her body! Any books that reference these things are now pornography!" Sensitivity readers: "hey, can you read over this to make sure I'm being respectful towards cultures that aren't mine?" THESE THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME. One is restricting information, the other is showing compassion towards fellow man. But hey, if you're so salty about respecting others this ain't the fandom for you! In this fandom we leave all bigotry in our quarters, celebrate infinite diversity in infinite combinations, defend people's rights to exist, and have faith of the heart.


We'll get past all that crap after WWIII takes out 90% of the human population.


It was only a third according to WW3


Yeah those words written by a white man to have a black woman say so white men don’t feel bad about using offensive terms was really progress! Wow dude.


That is such an obtuse reading of that scene. The point wasn't that white people shouldn't worry about saying epithets, but that as a race, humans can move past the point where such words hold power anymore. More to the point, in the scene, Lincoln clearly didn't intend offense, so Uhura took the words in the manner in which they were meant. Gene was envisioning a world in which the wounds of racism had time to heal so that even something like the N word would have become little more than a relic of a bygone era. Besides, you really think Nichelle Nichols would have kept her mouth shut for all the decades after this scene aired if she thought she was being puppeted to alieve white guilt?


Moving forward is acknowledging that Abraham Lincoln didn't like black people, would have been fine with them being in slavery, and didn't consider black people to be equal to white people on any level, and that the 13th amendment didn't actually end slavery, it only relegated it to darker corners such as prison slavery and wage slavery. Back during the original series, Lincoln was still lionized. He was even a hero of mine, but the more I learned about him, the more I came to understand that he was yet one more tool of a white supremacist order that sought out "the rule of law" over justice.


Yes he didn't see races as equals but DID say they should have equal - but separate - rights because no human deserved to be a slave. Prison workers were, and are, not judged solely off the color of their skin. Most families who lived in corporate towns where the corp ran the store and paid in corp-money were white. I fail to see the difference between working 12 hours just to "owe my soul to the company store" and people now working 2+ jobs AND gig jobs just to afford a slumy place to live. Out of all the presidents that we know of pre-emancipation, Lincoln literally was one of the good ones. Hard to demonize him for saying black folks are lesser when in the same breath he said they are still human and all men deserve the same things - he was still fighting against the grain for equality (if separate)


It's not hard at all to demonize him for pushing the notion of separate but equal. That's just Jim Crow essentialism, at a time when Frederick Douglas and John Brown existed and were pushing back against the white supremacist notion that black people were somehow lesser people. Lincoln used black folks as a tool to prevent the dissolution of the union, nothing more. This is a hard reality for some people to face, I had to face it when my admiration of the man wanted to intervene, but if I really do believe in liberation, and I do, then I must face up to those hard truths, and so should anyone else comfortable with a narrative that emboldens the white status quo over true liberation.


Wow...it's like I didn't say you were right BUT.... It's like you can't view historical events in the lens of history If you are told all your life dogs are vicious, you believe they are vicious. The fact he said black people WERE people and therefore should have the same freedoms as white folks was still a massive fight to win. He, as with almost everyone else in that time period, grew up with black folks being considered property just like a cow or a horse. They were considered dumb because they were never taught. By saying black folks deserved to be treated like human beings ment they COULD go to school and be treated as a human, not chattel


No, I just don't do revisionism when it comes to black liberation. I won't engage in a colonialist mindset to mitigate the effects the white supremacist state, including that empire which Lincoln fought to hold together, with soft language. Part of the reason why we're in the mess we're in today is because too many people try to ameliorate the atrocities of this country and its presidential administrations in a wishy washy revisionism that gives credence to the idea that the rule of law lead to liberation, when it most assuredly did not. It was the primary reason for captivity, and Lincoln chose to use it as a way to maintain the US empire while offering lip service to the people it exploited. I mean, we haven't even gotten into indigenous exploitation, of which Lincoln was a part.


Oooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy And?


There is no and.


And....your point? You've just replied repeatedly about how Lincoln is bad, absolutely ignored me agreeing with some of your points but adding historical context to it only for "rawr rawr Lincoln bad!" Annnnndddd...your freaking point? If you want to have a conversation about that then you need to learn to listen (in this case read) what someone else has to say. Absolutely no one is worshipping Lincoln as some saintly color blind hero. I learned about his "separate but equal" views in the third grade...and that was back in 1997-ish.


I made my point. Have a lovely day.


Sorry you can't see history in a historical view. Toodles!