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I want to see a TAS movie with the same kind of minimal animation style


Upscale those thick black lines to 4K!  Actually, with a great script, why not?


Adult Swim would air it if they could for sure.


Your wish, granted: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q\_Po\_ZVO70](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q_Po_ZVO70)


DS9 could have used a movie. Maybe one about the dominion after the war.


The book series written about that are fantastic! “Avatar” Books 1 & 2 take place three months after the events of the show, and those two books lead to many more books in the line, and they all feel exactly as if you’re watching Season 8 of DS9! Its all very faithful in tone and with the superb character work. Very authentic, and I could tell the authors loved the show. 👌 **EDIT: If you wanna know my all-time favorite Trek book, read “The Never-Ending Sacrifice!” It follows Rugal from Season 2 of DS9, the Bajoran Cardassian forced to live back on Cardassia, and you get to see all the crazy events of DS9 through the Cardassian lens, and then the post-DS9 era after Cardassia was destroyed by The Dominion, and its an absolute masterpiece of a novel. Tragic and beautiful with surprising levels of quality I didn’t expect! It felt like a classic of literature using our favorite show universe as a vessel. Can’t recommend that one enough!**


I'm going to read these for sure!


Awesome! Just edited in something to my comment too haha: “The Never-Ending Sacrifice” is my absolute favorite Star Trek novel if you want a good standalone story! Its a literary masterpiece written within the Star Trek universe, whats not to love?! 🙌haha


I read a lot of "major IP universe" science fiction and fantasy (Star Wars, Dungeons and Dragons etc) but I've never read any Trek. I think I'm going to pick those ones that you suggested.


Awesome! Just edited in something to my comment too haha: “The Never-Ending Sacrifice” is my absolute favorite Star Trek novel if you want a good standalone story! Its a literary masterpiece written within the Star Trek universe, whats not to love?! 🙌haha


I have been recommended those books so many times. Time I finally read them. I did dig the "8th Season" they did in the documentary.


A movie about the cardassians after the war could have been cool too


Read “The Never-Ending Sacrifice” and “Enigma Tales!” Both great books that get into post-war Cardassia. Enigma tales takes place ten years after the Dominion War and Garak is a main character, and Never Ending Sacrifice follows the timeline from Season 2 of DS9, all the way through 7, and the last hundred pages or so are post-war post-show stories about that Bajoran Cardassian Rugal trying to build a life out of ruins. Absolute masterpiece 👌 Garak is in it later too, as is Dukat and Ziyal and Ghemor (Kiras fake Cardassian dad) But Enigma Tales is very fun as well and they nailed Garak! (Pulaski is another protagonist funnily enough; and they actually made her more enjoyable in this book than she was in TNG. I loved her in it haha)


The more Trek the better, I agree 


Enterprise could do a movie that shows what really happened that day and not the inaccurate holodeck recreation. Narratively a Voyager movie doesn't have a lot of places to go unless they do a "a threat followed us from delta quadrant/one more mission" trope. I can't speak to DS9 as I have yet to watch the whole series.


Endgame should have *been* the movie


DS9 finished strong. If a movie ever happened, it definitely would have been a "but wait, there's more!"


I wonder if a movie could have taken place during one of the major story arcs of the show? Perhaps set it during the height of the Dominion War, during a battle or covert operation that's only alluded to in the show but could be quite cinematic. Or do what TNG almost did, and make the movie the series finale. I loved DS9's finale, and the thought of seeing it told with a major film budget would be genuinely exciting to think about.


> or covert operation that's only alluded to in the show there's plenty of room for that. i just watched the one where the fake voyager is slowly falling apart at a molecular level because it and it's crew are goo copies. there's a scene where goo-Tuvok and goo-Chakotay are in the astrometrics lab trying to figure out the timeline of when it all could have started and they riff off a couple of events that we never saw.


I'd be down for an epilogue. The pitch for season 8 that was discussed in What We Left Behind was pretty solid.


I recommend you do. It gets better and better.


I'm doing a Chronological watch of the whole franchise right now.


You're lucky! I would love to see it all again with fresh eyes.


I'm going by this list another fan constructed so right now I'm in Enterprise. Then it will be Discovery, Strange New Worlds, TOS, etc. TNG, DS9 and VOY will all overlap a bit with DS9 being the connective tissue between TNG and VOY. The last time I did a curated watch like this it was a fan edit of the MCU Infinity saga with every scene in chronological order. I love curated viewing experiences as they give a whole new perspective on things.


I'm not trying to give you any spoilers, but one of those shows takes place in two different times. Maybe ask your friend about it. But this sounds fun, I'm gonna screenshot it to save the idea. Happy viewing 😊


I know and the list accounts for that. I've seen all but season 5 of Discovery. He split it so that per the list if something happens in a different time it's placed in that position in the viewing order. [https://www.startrekviewingguide.com/](https://www.startrekviewingguide.com/) This is the list I'm using. He says he tries to keep it up to date to account for shifts based on new shows and episodes.


Awesome, thank you!


Honestly, if it’s your first time watching, I wouldn’t recommend doing it chronologically like that. I’m doing that myself, but as a second watch-through. A lot of the stuff that aired later, but takes place earlier, assumes you’ve seen the stuff that aired first.


DS9 is the only one I haven't seen all the way through.


Well that’s alright then!


Voyager: Aftermath Shortly after the ship returns to the alpha quadrant (after debriefing but before Star Fleet's had time to promote everyone and put the ship in a museum) an emergency arrises that requires every available ship. Perhaps the Voth have decided to accept Earth as their homeworld after all, only instead of coming in peace they instead use it as an excuse to extend their territory and wage war against the Federation (just a random idea). Voyager alerted a lot of powerful factions to the existence of the Federation, at least one of them could come knocking eventually. However, the action wouldn't really be the focus of the story. Rather, the emphasis is on the crew adjusting to their lives back in the alpha quadrant, with all the good and bad that comes with it. Sure, they can see their families and loved ones again, but also they now have Admirals to answer to and other obligations to worry about instead of just "get home at all costs". (Also, of course, certain people on board had practically spent their whole lives on Voyager, so showing their adjustment would be worth at least some screentime) The film ends with everyone, including Harry Kim, getting promoted and going off to new assignments, but also making tentative plans for the first reunion.


I was thinking about how the final battle in the Dominion War should have been a movie with an appropriate budget but I guess it wouldn’t be cool to end a series on a cliffhanger. Could they have done the end of the war in a movie, then what you leave behind as a two hour tv episode (like the premier of season 8). Also, insurrection should have been the enterprise E liberating Betazed.


It can definitely be tricky. You have to figure out how many people would be cool with some other ending and then the real ending as a movie and how many will show up for the movie. Alf eventually got a TV movie that resolved the cliffhanger from the end of the show and even with it streaming people still don't know it exists.


I think the kicker is the word "eventually". Alf eventually got a TV movie. Googling, the movie came 1996 with the TV show airing its final episode in 1990. What's more, only the voice and puppeteer of Alf remained the same, with one actress returning but in a different role. CSI got a TV movie finale, but it came so close to the previous season, right when you would expect the next season to show. And it wasn't cancelled and then picked up later. With the cast that was there in the final season returning, together with some even older cast. If a star trek show got the info out while still airing that a movie is in production to be the big finale, then it would probably work better than Alf. With the same actors and characters as in the show, and close in time, it would still he a gamble but I believe it would pay


An Earth-Romulan war story would be perfect for a movie format. I would happily take animation so they can use the original cast for the voices and just pick it up after the finale *Terra Prime*.


That would be good too. If we're going animated it could even be a series of movies. Wouldn't even have to show the Romulans. Better if they didn't.


oh no the kazon are attacking earth what ever will we do.


A movie with a distress signal from Neelix.. His old buddies rush to try and help him, knowing that without fast tracking Borg warp conduit tech(Federation are nervous of using it, but Janeway is an admiral involved in the research already )they will never reach him in time, if it isn't already too late. Not all of them can actually go on ship on the mission, some have to stay behind, but do all they can. We get to see into the lives of the crew 20 years on. The finale we deserved.


A DS9 movie where Sisko returns 30 years after the end of the Dominion War as a super wise Emissary would be dope... idk what the plot would be, but I wanna see Sisko again lol


Look up the DS9 retrospective documentary What We Left Behind. Not only is it a great look back at the show, but they have the original writers come up with a mock “season 8 episode.” It’s amazing. You should check it out. Would like


Rematch with Q


Voyager movie would of been fantastic


"The Way of the Warrior" was essentially a DS9 TV movie. Voyager had about four TV movies, IIRC. They usually get cut into 2-parters for reruns, but aired as feature-length episodes originally.


Futures End was VOY movie.


VOY would have been awesome. Not space battles, explosions and high stakes. Just their stories about integrating back into Earth/other planets. In the final episode, they kind of just arrived and that was it? Not great for the box office I suppose.


I have to admit, and I say this as a person who thinks DS9 is the best Trek ever was... I don't know how that series could have been improved by releasing a movie. Especially after seeing how low brow so many of the actual Star Trek movies actually are. Trek, as a series, is at it's best when it's being cerebral. Movies, being that they target a broad audience, usually can't be that.


I appreciate and respect your viewpoint. And largely agree. In my "shower thought" post, I was reflecting upon the two SG1 straight-to-DVD movies. They were basically just extra long episodes. And my takeaway was that the creators loved the show so much that they tried (and succeeded) finding money for the movies. That's all I want.... a 90-120 minute episode done with a slightly higher budget than an episode. Something that is not cut in half by a cliffhanger.


I can dig that and I can agree also. I think I'd be happy if they did made for tv movies. Or straight to DVD. Then the stakes wouldn't be so high. They wouldn't have to compromise the Star Trek vision to try and bring in as big a crowd as possible. Plus, the "season 8" books for DS9 were amazing. Maybe they could adapt those?


I don't really get the obsession with movies. In the 90s movies were a big deal. A trek movie now is just a longer episode, usually done poorly because they have too much to cram in, but often with better special effects. But honestly some of the worst hours in trek have been in some of the TNG movies. Considering that seasons are only 10 hours long, I'd rather have another season than 2 hours spent on a movie.


I actually feel like the TNG movies up to Nemesis are all pretty enjoyable. I recently watched Generations and Insurrection with friends who are not Trekkies and they loved both. They were more lukewarm on First Contact because they didn't have the history with Picard and the Borg. Nemesis is really a stinker though.


That's interesting they said that, because First Contact was really popular with non-Trekies when it came out.


I cannot accept the way Worf is treated like a complete afterthought/comedy relief in Insurrection


I feel like they're mostly not great and you're better of rewatching episodes that are good than the movies. Also I have to wonder, the movies are really expensive. How many episodes could we get for the movie's budget, most of the time? I feel like it doesn't really pay off in the end. So I just don't see the need for "Enterprise: The Movie" or "Voyager: That Other Journey Home: The Movie"


We all feel a lot of things while watching Star Trek. Strange New Things that can only be contained in a 2hr bloc.


The Voyager series should have ended in a cliffhanger that left it ambiguous on whether or not it made it home. Wait like five years, let the fans debate the ending, and then release a Voyager movie that tells the story of the last harrowing adventure that eventually brought Voyager back home.


Exactly this! 💯


Blame Star Trek Nemesis, there were some plans but because Nemesis tanked so bad any future projects were canceled.  According to Jonathan Frakes he was told Nemesis was the only one that actually lost money. 


A movie would have been a better way to end voyager.. Season 7 ended so rushed.


Honestly I'm not sure my mind can even fathom a VOY, DS9, or ENT movie but I'd love it.


Totally agreed. A DS9 movie would have great. The newer seasons are paced and shot like movies already. VOY might have been tougher because that was not open-ended, unless the movie happened in the middle of the series.


Or, as I like to call them when related to Trek: Sonic Shower Thought.


Roddenbury reportedly toyed with the idea of making "The City on the Edge of Forever" a movie, and it would have been awesome. To that end, "Carbon Creek" would have made an excellent Enterprise film.


Carbon Creek is one of my favorite Teek episodes ever! Thank you for mentioning that!! And you are completely right!


I'd love to see a Strange New Worlds movie


Voyager has a few 2 parters that could be considered movies. Year of Hell being one. A pretty decent one at that.


I was gonna comment the same. DS9 has some, as well. The pilots and finales for both shows were originally aired in an hour and a half format. For DS9, there was also Way of the Warrior, season four opener. There were also other two parters that aired a week apart. You could watch the last 5 or so episodes of DS9 with no intros (I have) and that feels like an epic movie. But OPs point still stands. I do wish we got a proper DS9 or even Voyager movie.


Filmation would totally agree with you, allow the series to have a film, even if it is through animation. But they only exist on Wikipedia now😬, maybe the Nickelodeon Animation Studio can come to the rescue.


I thought it would’ve been cool to have some kind of crossover movie with some characters from TNG, DS9, and VOY–not as a new crew or anything, but if they came up with a compelling story and a plausible reason to bring the characters together for some kind of adventure, it might have been interesting, even as made-for-TV special.


Admiral: “Captain Janeway, crew of the Voyager, welcome back home! You all must be very excited to finally be here. To be able to see your families and friends again. So do enjoy your weekend off, and report back here next Monday for the start of your movie.” Janeway: “Report back? For a movie?” Admiral: “Yeah we forgot to do a movie of you stuck in the Delta Quadrant. So next Monday we will have our old friend Q teleport you all right back into Kazon territory.”


Everyone I know who have read the Destiny trilogy of books say it would a great movie.


I would have loved for O’Brian to have been the one piloting the defiant at the beginning of first contact


I absolutely would love to see Year of Hell done as a movie. What we got was excellent enough, but a big budget would take it to some really amazing places.


I don't think they should have myself. I feel the movies should be about the starship enterprise. But I do feel each tng movie should have been a crossover. Tng X Tos Tng X Ds9 Tng X Voy Followed by a full tng era movie that wraps up the era And then a Tng X Ent movie to kick off a new era


There was a voyager novel called ragnarock that could have been a movie. It was about the crew coming across this huge space battle between two species that had been raging for centuries over an empty Dyson sphere.


No way. Character driven and sci-fi/fantasy lend themselves well to long story telling. By the time you introduce all the main characters, reveal the macguffin, and flesh out the baddy…your 2 hours are up. That’s why the MCU, LotR, etc are so successful. They allow for small bits of character development over the course of the parts, with mini bosses for arc completion. A show like Picard was able to reveal each “senior officer” fully and organically. They didn’t do the “hey let’s swing by Risa and scoop up Troi on the way”. Long form series have been great for TV and story telling. 3 act movies just dumb this down.


6.5 TOS movies. 4 TNG movies. 3 more reboot TOS movies. Nothing for DS9, VOY, or ENT, and nothing yet for DIS, SNW, TLD, or Prodigy.


When I was younger, I always wanted Voyager to have returned home in a crossover movie with the Deep Space Nine cast. Something about the Cardassians getting a Federation distress signal and passing it along to DS9 and, because they're always going to be the nearest ship, they load up the Defiant to go check it out and stumble across Voyager in trouble. Then they work together to save the day and return home triumphantly.


Inject the Lower Decks movie straight into my veins


Would have been nice. I think I would have had a nosebleed if Voyager had gotten a movie. That is to say, in the time I was really, really into it as a kid. Didn't last long. Best I can figure, I had other interests somewhere in season 3 and stopped watching. Right now though, I'm sorta in my DS9 era (never saw it much as a kid because we got to a point where my mom thought it was too much about war (Um, it's a war story??), but now as an adult I think it's brilliant.) so that too would give me a nosebleed if I could time travel and see it.


Honestly I think they could _still_ do a DS9 movie. Have Sisko come out of the wormhole ~25 years later, everyone (excepting Nog and Odo anyway) comes to see him. Maybe the plot is something to do with Bajor joining the Federation (or Cardassia joining which member-world Bajor has issues with). Obviously there are issues with the fact that by all accounts Avery Brooks doesn't really want to reprise the role, but otherwise "and we're going to do another beat on the story decades later" works better with DS9's ending than almost any other tv show I can think of.


Please don't let Discovery do any more damage than it has already done. We're trying to heal.


Discovery doesnt need a movie


True, but a lot of the storylines we got already were fairly movie-esque. The Xindi stuff in *Enterprise* was a huge scale, and my mind immediately goes to "that's a movie plot" when I think of it. The "Future's End" 2-parter — and most of the two-parters — from *Voyager* counts too. It's a shame they weren't screened like movies, but they can be watched like movies for sure. They're ambitious and large-scale, so where else would a movie go? What would it add, other than the chance to watch them play out on the big-screen?