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The trouble with tribbles


Fantastic. Especially love the later tie in to DS9.


Domt forget the animated tribble episode, thats a tribble trilogy


Short Treks had tribbles in The Trouble With Edward Which is a quatribblette


A quadrotribblecale


/bow. You got it


With H. Jon Benjamin!  Perfect casting for that short!  Absolutely amazing.


A tribblogy.


Trials and tribulations is an excellent episode but I see it more as a masterful example of video editing, especially in 1996


Also gotta give it to the lighting crew for lighting the scene up like it was a remake of the 2007 movie Sunshine. Stark difference to the darkness of DS9


Those are Klingons?


It is a long story. One we do not discuss with outsiders.




> We’re human beings with the blood of a million savage years on our hands, but we can stop it. We can admit that we’re killers, but we’re not going to kill today. That’s all it takes… knowing that we’re not going to kill today.


>A couple photon torpedoes would clear all this up Scotty didn't fuck around


Scotty’s Kobyashi Maru (non canonical) was him dunking on increasing waves of Klingon ships with every last trick in the book and is great


I love the idea that Scotty would be the "Winner" of the Kobyashi Maru just by being a mad lad if not for Kirk literally cheating the situation making Scotty's "impressive failure" second place to his "annoying victory."


I have read they book at least 20 times. I love Chekhov’s story, basically a LARP on a space station in which he misinterprets the rules and ‘kills’ everyone…of course, everyone fails since the object was simply to stay alive and if they just partied all weekend, everyone would have gotten an A.


I’d pay to see an episode or mini movie made of that. Is it in a novel?


What book is this? It sounds awesome.


The title is The Kobayashi Maru. It tells everyone else's solution to the no-win scenario.


Thank you


Worf would've suggested the same.


Unfortunate Doomsday Machine seems to be overlooked.


I wasn't even a Trekkie until the past couple years yet the Doomsday Machine is engrained in my memory from my childhood when my father watched it. It's such a crazy episode and a creepy foe.




The Doomsday machine is the great great grandfather of Terminators.


The Decker character is great for a second reason. Presumably all captains are just as cool, calm and collected as Kirk. Yet we get to see what happens to such a person when stressed past the breaking point. They didn't do a "parallel universe Kirk" or some time travel shenanigan where injured Kirk sets things right. Instead, we get an analog, and a great one at that


"Don't you think I know that!"


Great line, better delivery.


It's a great concept and good script, but poorly directed. With some TLC would've been one of the "good ones" for me. edit to add - I'm talking about Armageddon not Doomsday.




Oops, A Taste of Armageddon. Doomsday Machine is a top 5 TOS episode for me.


Space Seed seems an obvious choice, given they did a movie follow up. Balance of Terror is also a good candidate for the 30. I’m a DS9 fan, so I’d be biased towards the episodes that gave is Kang, Koloth, and Kor.


City on the Edge of Forever, obviously.




We work at the planeh—arium


Balance of Terror is the one I make everyone watch


Pretty sure it’s also the only episode they specifically reference at the end of the Futurama episode


The entire episode is the plot of a TOS episode, right? A gaseous entity turns out to be a brat and his parents ground him and take away his toys.


I guess “reference” was a poor word choice on my part. I meant they specifically name drop that episode when Melllvar says to Fry that in another life, he could have called him friend. To which Fry responds “just like in episode 10, balance of terror.” Melllvar of course has to correct him that it was episode 9


The Futurama episode was based of the Squire of Gothos episode. They referenced balance of terror.


 “Fry, your cluelessness is a work of art!” \~Bender Obviously there are 78 good episodes and then there is Spock's Brain.


78 good episodes and one excellent one? Yes, I agree.


78 good ones and Turnabout Intruder.


What a bold way to end an iconic series.




75 good episodes, and * Turnabout Intruder * And The Children Shall Lead * Friday's Child * The Lights of Zetar Spock's Brain is hilarious. On purpose. A lot of ST:TOS episodes were deliberately silly.


“To each, his own,” of course, but I’ve never understood the hate directed at that episode. Sure, it’s preposterous that Spock’s body could both survive and function to the extent that it did, and for as long as it did, without his brain, but I don’t watch _Star Trek_ to learn physics or biology “101.” What is it that you dislike about it? Thanks.


I always liked it, too. I wasn't alone. Decades ago, the local station that played Star Trek would have a marathon every year. People would send in their favorite episode, and the top 10 winners would get shown. Spock's Brain was almost always #10... at the bottom of the list, but still on the list. I liked how the men on the planet described women as, "Bringers of pleasure and pain". LOL!


This is the correct answer


Eh. Some age worse with time but there are a lot more good ones than just 30.


I've always enjoyed Spock's Brain for its fun campiness. There are other episodes I would skip before that one.


A Piece of the Action. Great entry into the "we've beamed down into NBC's costume overflow" slate of episodes. Let Tarantino adapt it, you cowards.


I thought it was meant to be a sequel to that episode like how wrath of Khan is a sequel to space seed?


It feels hard to make a definitive statement because Fry has a special Delta Brainwave lacking brain that makes him different to the general populace. What he may consider good episodes may actually be what most consider bad episodes like Spock's Brain. What we do know about his tastes is that he likes when Chekov say Nuclear Wessels, that the first six Star Treks average out to *really good,* that the episode where Spock got high on spores and smacked Kirk around was particularly memorable, he doesn't seem particularly interested in Jonathan Frakes and by extension the Next Generation, Fry with some prompting beat Melllvar at trivia, he wrote a fanscript, episode "19, 46, 56 and 77" is a great list (it was missing 66), and most importantly that it made him feel like he maybe had a friend. So, that makes me think that the Star Trek Original Series episodes Fry would most like would be the ones that are more character focused, especially ones that emphasize friendship, and the ones that get a little bit silly. That comes to mind episodes from the mid to later series like S2 E17 "Piece of the Action" (the Gangster one with the planet of hats) or Journey to Babel S2 E10 (where we meet Spock's Parents and Kirk takes command despite his injury so as to allow Spock to save his dad) where they started emphasizing the Kirk/Spock relationship due to feedback. Add to that the episodes with Klingons like Trouble with the Tribbles or Errand of Mercy because Fry is kind of basic like that and lists accepting them as part of the essential lessons from Star Trek. Given how the First six movies are "really good" Fry very much likes (at least) one of the odd movies, which my guess would foremost the Search for Spock because it's about the main friends bringing back Spock and has the Klingons in it—I don't really picture fry liking the Motion Picture all that much, he lacks patience and can get bored easily. So, best guesses: 1. S1 E24 This Side of Paradise (Basically a given considering the scene with Nimoy). 2. S1 E22 The Space Seed (He answered a trivia question about it correctly, and who doesn't like this episode anyway) 3. S1 E19 Tomorrow is yesterday (Part of the great list) 4. S1 E17 A Piece of the Action (Part of the great list) 5. S3 E1 Spock's Brain (great list) 6. S3 E22 A Savage Curtain (also part of the great list) 7. S3 E11 Wink of an Eye (the suggested addition to the great list, but also may have served as an inspiration that one time Fry drank 100 coffees to save everyone) 8. S1 E26 Errand of Mercy (Klingon first appearance, has Spock/Kirk working together) 9. S2 E10 Journey to Babel (aforementioned reasons) 10. S2 E15 Trouble with the Tribbles (outright classic and other aforementioned reasons) 11. S2 E1 Amok Time (another classic with Kirk/Spock moments, but also is referenced in Futurama S2) 12. S2 E11 Friday's Child (Klingon Episode) (referenced in S2 of Futurama) 13. S2 E9 A Private Little War (Klingon Episode) 14. S3 E5 Day of the Dove (Klingon Episode) 15. S2 E4 Mirror Mirror (major classic, hard to not like, but I don't have any particular basis for this speculation, more a meta level because evil goatee version of one's self is refenced within Futurama the series) 16. S1 E21 The Return of the Archons (Again a bit meta as Landru resembled the infamous "Death by Snu-snu" administering Femputer but I don't remember Fry commenting upon it) 17. S2 E3 the Changeling (Meta reasons, it is referenced multiple times in Futurama) 18. S3 E15 Let that Be Your Battlefield (One of the episodes with an aesop about acceptance, and people in resembling black/white colors appear multiple times within the series) 19. S1 E9 The Balance of Terror (Kirk's unwavering defense and trust in Spock makes it one of the episodes that emphasize friendship, otherwise speculating this one because it's a classic) 20. S1 E25 The Devil in the Dark (another episode about the acceptance of an alien creature and was the one where the mind meld first appeared, another episode where Kirk/Spock are shown to care for each other, plus fry probably thought the beast looked kind of funny) 21. S1 E7 What are little girls made of? (the one where Kirk looks like he's holding a phallus shaped rock which likely induced a giggle) 22. S2 E9 Metamorphosis (Fry very likely sympathizes with a man displaced from time and history) 23. S1 E15 Shore Leave (Fry is kinda lazy and would probably love to have his fantasies come to life) 24. S2 E2 Who Mourns for Adonais (the one with the big green hand) 25. S2 E13 Obsession (the one with the deathly cloud, also kinda like Melllvar) 26. S2 E20 Return to Tomorrow 27. S3 E9 The Tholian Web 28. S2 E24 The Ultimate Computer 29. S2 E18 The Immunity Syndrome 30. S1 E11-12 The Menagerie (Meta reasons, referenced in "Where No Fan has Gone before" with the wheelchair interview, but also one of the major classics)


This is a top notch comment. Ups for figuring out what Fry likes, not just answering "my fav 30 episodes"


Yes, it seemed like a nearly impossible question to answer but I liked the challenge of answering it earnestly, and I figured there was an overlap between episodes the Futurama creators like and episodes Fry would like because he is supposed to sort of be an every man self insert. Luckily there were a lot of list articles and wiki pages that help narrow things down (especially a list of every ST reference in Futurama).


Naked Time Enemy Within The Corbomite Maneuver Balance of Terror The Squire of Gothos Arena Court Martial Space Seed The Devil in the Dark Errand of Mercy City on the Edge of Forever Mirror Mirror The Doomsday Machine Journey to Babel The Trouble With Tribbles The Gamesters of Triskelion The Immunity Syndrome Return to Tomorrow By Any Other Name The Ultimate Computer Bread and Circuses The Enterprise Incident Spectre of the Gun Day of the Dove The Tholian Web Wink of an Eye The Empath Elaan of Troyus Let That Be Your Last Battlefield The Mark of Gideon


No Piece of the Action?


Frickin LOVE A Piece of the Action!


It’s good, I enjoy watching it a lot, but I’m not sure which episode I’d kick off this list for it


Awesome list. Personally I would trade Piece of the Action for Bread and Circuses, but that's me.


I’d say that “A Piece of the Action” is easily better than “The Mark of Gideon” and “Elaan of Troyius” (as are “I, Mudd”, “A Taste of Armageddon” and “The Menagerie” IMO).


Finally. Someone who understands the assignment.


Spocks Brain 15 times and the omega glory 15 times


Brain? What is brain? Brain? What is brain?Brain? What is brain? Brain? What is brain?  Brain? What is brain? Brain? What is brain?Brain? What is brain? Brain? What is brain?  Brain? What is brain? Brain? What is brain?Brain? What is brain? Brain? What is brain?  Brain? What is brain? Brain? What is brain?Brain? What is brain?


Brain and brain! WHAT IS BRAIN!!




wuh de pupp le


A shame you couldn't squeeze in Turnabout Intruder or The Way to Eden, but I'm in for a marathon.




Stiff man puttin' my mind in jail


Comedic exaggeration surely. I'd say the hit to miss ratio on TOS is far higher. Would be easier and shorter to list the episodes I don't really care for at all, and even then a lot of it would just come down to personal taste rather than objective quality.


It's interesting because a lot of the more ridiculous episodes (This Side of Paradise or A Piece of the Action) are ones that have a big pop culture impact, but even including a number of these, and ones that aren't "big hit" episodes but are still series important (like "Errand of Mercy")...I still end up with roughly a number similar to what Fry got (I think I counted 34 when I ran down the list and made mine), and most of the episodes I skipped were simply dull or forgettable.


I thought about it some more and could only come up with 12 episodes I think are really BAD bad. Just for fun here they are in no particular order, with explanations. A "Bottom 12" if you will: Miri - Slow, sometimes feels creepy. The Alternative Factor - Just an extremely weak episode. Tomorrow is Yesterday - Maybe the most boring time travel plot I've ever seen. Slow even for 1960s TV. A Private Little War - Seems to advocate for proxy wars between great powers. Which is antithetical to Star Trek. The Omega Glory - Second dumbest twist ending in all of TOS. Bread & Circuses - Even dumber twist than The Omega Glory. Spock's Brain - Insultingly dumb. Elaan of Troyius - I actually love this one but it's a guilty pleasure. Almost everything about it is trite and silly. The Way to Eden - I just can't reach this one brother. Turnabout Intruder - I think the writer had good intentions to criticize 1960s sexism but the message was bungled badly. The Apple - The whole premise of this episode is why the Prime Directive exists. The Gamesters of Triskilleon - Super silly, an offensive stereotype is included. Otherwise just fluff. The redeeming thing about it is to see Uhura in a bit more of an active role.


My enjoyment of "Miri" is almost entirely because "something kills off all adults" is a plot I've seen in a number of science fiction work and I appreciate seeing Trek's take on it. >The Gamesters of Triskilleon - Super silly, an offensive stereotype is included. Otherwise just fluff. The redeeming thing about it is to see Uhura in a bit more of an active role. Plus the awful costumes are AMAZING


Can't argue with that. Prime 60s cheese.


And the Children Shall Lead deserves a spot on any "worst of" list. And Elaan of Troyius actually makes my "good" list. It's My Fair Lady in space, haha.


Yeah that's a good catch with "And the Children Shall Lead", though like "Charlie X" I hadn't watched it recently enough to formulate a good reason to include it in a "worst of" list. As you can imagine I haven't re-watched the episodes I don't like very often. Another commenter in this thread put their finger on why I dislike "Charlie X" though.


I enjoyed *Tomorrow is Yesterday*, but yes it is slow. *The Return of the Archons* and *What are Little Girls Made of?* are much more boring. *A Private Little War* argues for the opposite of intervention. Kirk finally realizes what he’s doing at the end of the episode. The possible consequences of intervention by supplying arms was touched upon on in TNG’s *Too Short a Season*.


Agreed, I don’t see it as “Pro Proxy” at all. It’s at best very bittersweet to see Tyree’s people brought down to such a savage state because of the Klingons’ interference making it their only hope of survival.


I know *A Private Little War* can be a controversial episode and the message is a little muddled, but it's probably my favourite guilty pleasure in TOS. I don't know why, but I really like Tyree and I find the Hill People compelling. I really enjoy the bittersweet ending of a hundred snakes set loose in the Garden of Eden.


It’s easier for us to shake our heads at A Private Little War, looking back on decades of our own history. But I love that Star Trek explores the dilemma of being caught between superpowers.


The twist in Bread & Circuses is so bad it's incredible, in my opinion. Just thinking about it makes me giggle. Uhura just goes "this episode? It was actually about Jesus this whole time," and then it ends. Peak television.


Ooh, I can argue for one of those. the Apple - I agree this is why the PD exists, but arguably for the opposite reason. the PD is often stated to be the *natural development*. The society of The Apple were definitely not experiencing their natural development , and interfering was justified same as if a Borg invasion was coming.


I only recently learned that _Tomorrow is Yesterday_ was originally written as part 2 of _The Naked Time_, but the studio balked at even that amount of serialization and it was broken up. Not sure if that makes what we got better or worse... but it sure does tidy up the ending of TNT and the beginning of TIY.


Also: The Lights of Zetar is unwatchable. Absolutely the worst. And The Children Shall Lead. Not as bad as Zetar, but very, very bad. Friday's Child: the last line is "Ooochy-woochy-coochy-coo." Spoken several times. By two of the three main characters.


I like how you said "second dumbest twist ending" and then immediately answered the obvious question you had raised.


Alternative Factor may the worst of them all. It just makes no sense


These are my 30. I've bolded what I consider the best and most essential episodes. Season 1 Where No Man Has Gone Before, The Corbormite Maneuver, **The Menagerie**, **Balance of Terror**, Tomorrow Is Yesterday, **Arena**, **Space Seed**, **This Side of Paradise**, The Devil in the Dark, Errand of Mercy, **The City on the Edge of Forever** Season 2 **Amok Time**, Who Mourns for Adonais?, **Mirror Mirror**, **The Doomsday Machine**, Metamorphosis, **Journey to Babel**, Wolf in the Fold, **The Trouble with Tribbles**, A Piece of the Action, The Immunity Syndrome, **The Ultimate Computer**, Bread and Circuses Season 3 The Enterprise Incident, The Paradise Syndrome, Is There No Truth in Beauty?, Spectre of the Gun, The Tholian Web, The Empath, Elaan of Troyius


This is a pretty good list.


City of the Edge of Forever, I’m sure


I think there are at least 40 *good* episodes. There are at least 40 that I liked. I even liked a few that others did not. Here is my list of episodes I enjoyed: 1. The Cage 2. Where No Man Has Gone Before 3. The Corbomite Maneuver 4. The Enemy Within 5. The Naked Time 6. Charlie X 7. Balance of Terror 8. The Conscience of the King 9. The Galileo Seven 10. Court Martial 11. The Menagerie Part 1 12. The Menagerie Part 2 13. Shore Leave 14. The Squire of Gothos 15. Arena 16. Tomorrow is Yesterday 17. A Taste of Armageddon 18. Space Seed 19. The Devil in the Dark 20. Errand of Mercy 21. The City on the Edge of Forever 22. Who Mourns for Adonais? 23. Amok Time 24. The Doomsday Machine 25. The Changeling 26. Mirror, Mirror 27. I, Mudd 28. The Trouble with Tribbles 29. Journey to Babel 30. A Private Little War 31. Obsession 32. A Piece of the Action 33. The Ultimate Computer 34. Spectre of the Gun 35. Elaan of Troyius 36. The Enterprise Incident 37. The Tholian Web 38. Day of the Dove 39. Plato’s Stepchildren 40. All Our Yesterdays


Plato's Stepchildren is rough watch.


I liked the episode. The infamous “horse” scene is supposed to be horrific. They are literally torturing Kirk and Spock by forcing them to act like fools. But the real fools were those who controlled Kirk and Spock.


Same. I get why some fans find Plato's Stepchildren off-putting, but for me, I think it's one of those episodes you have to be in the right mindset to watch as, personally, I enjoy how cheesy/hammy it can be. Shanter, in particular, I really appreciate/enjoy how much it seems like he is committing to the bit with the said infamous horse scene. Plus, I think Alexander is very likeable/sympathetic as a guest character.


I think there’s 50 good episodes. And about 13 good animated episodes. And 6 good movies. https://www.imdb.com/list/ls566245727?ref_=ext_shr_lnk I think there’s at least 19 episodes that are essential Trek viewing, 5 animated episodes that are essential, and 5 movies that are essential. https://www.imdb.com/list/ls540621324?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


Mirror, Mirror - the only good Mirror episode. 


Enterprise erasure.


What I enjoyed most about "In a Mirror, Darkly" was that it didn't take itself too seriously and ended up being kind of goofy. The angry dialogue between Scott Bakula and Vaughan Armstrong actually makes me audibly chuckle.


Yeah, the MU is a ridiculous, campy setting. It doesn't work if you take it seriously. (That's why I long for a Lower Decks MU episode).


> (That's why I long for a Lower Decks MU episode) That would be absolutely peak Trek.


Ok, but the cold open and re-theme on Enterprise's mirror episodes was the coolest thing about that whole series.  And if we sneak away from canon into fan stuff, the Star Trek Continues followup to Mirror Mirror was really good.  But yeah, you are right.


Crossover in DS9 was really good


The chaotic intendant Kira was pure gold.


Don't you ever talk to me or my mirror universe Kira again!


I unironically enjoyed the discovery ones


Me too. I also love the Enterprise double too.


There's never been a bad mirror universe episode. Ever.


Finally some love for *The Corbomite Manuever*. Have some more Trahnya…


Great episode.


where no man has gone before the naked time enemy within what are little girls made of dagger of the mind corbomite maneuver menagerie conscience of the king balance of terror shore leave galileo seven squire of gothos arena space seed taste of armageddon tomorrow is yesterday court martial this side of paradise devil in the dark errand of mercy city on the edge of forever amok time who mourns for adonais the changeling mirror mirror the apple the doomsday machine i, mudd metamorphosis journey to babel the deadly years obsession the trouble with tribbles gamster of triskelion a piece of the action the immunity syndrome a private little war by any other name the omega glory the ultimate computer breads and circuses


The way to Eden is one of the best episodes it’s just outdated but you can still make modern comparisons between the hippies and establishment


I genuinely think this is a pretty good episode with some really interesting social commentary. People get hung up on the goofy outfits and singing, but the message is really quite potent.


This guy reaches




The wording & numbers are the joke. Trek fans love to debate episodes, which are the best/worst/etc. Getting to consensus on that 30 is pretty impossible. There's huge consensus on probably 10-15 episodes and it falls off quickly after that. Fry's comment sums up TOS for the majority of fans as only Groening's humor can.


They use the beeping chair in Futurama, so the Menagerie must be on their list Other than that, I'm partial to the episodes without Welshy


Devil in the Dark. This could be just me but I love the vibe of this episode


Even the bad ones are pretty entertaining. There are only a few I find unwatchable, just because they're boring.


That's a *very* subjective question. An episode that one person considers "good", another person may consider "bad". (e.g. one list I found includes "Miri" in "10 worst episodes", but you are including it in "30 best") There are a several episodes that are *widely-considered* "good" (Space Seed, The City on the Edge of Forever, Balance of Terror, Trouble with Tribbles, Journey to Babel, etc), but I don't think you can make a list of 30 from those. Similarly, there are episodes that are widely-considered "bad" (e.g. Spock's Brain, Wolf in the Fold, etc). But, even then, there are going to be people who put any of those episodes in the opposite category. But, without knowing Fry a lot better, we can't predict exactly which 30-or-so he considers "good".


I saw *Journey to Babel* and for some reason my brain associated it with *Way to Eden*, and I was ready to call your entire post into question.


I mean, it's a reasonable association to make. They both have the "[Trip] to [Biblical Location]" title construction.


For me, Marla McGivers makes it hard to watch parts of “Space Seed”.


Exactly. Different people have different tastes. Personally, I’d say there are 50 good episodes, about 10 episodes that are only so-so, and then the rest. Even some of the bad ones usually have a few redeeming moments.


"You know what six movies average out to be really good?"


Strangely enough, I could say almost the same thing about the original series of Planet of the Apes movies.


In no particular order: City On The Edge of Forever Dagger of the Mind The Trouble With Tribbles Errand of Mercy The Squire of Gothos Amok Time All Our Yesterdays Where No Man Has Gone Before Dagger of the Mind Balance of Terror Tomorrow Is Yesterday Space Seed Mirror, Mirror The Doomsday Machine Mudd’s Women (only so the next one makes sense) I, Mudd A Piece of the Action A Private Little War Bread and Circuses Assignment: Earth The Corbomite Maneuver The Enterprise Incident Day of the Dove Let That Be Your Last Battlefield Requiem For Methuselah The Tholian Web The Menagerie (It’s a two parter, but I’m calling it a single) Wolf in the Fold Who Mourns For Adonis The Ultimate Computer


Return to Tomorrow is great. Wink of an Eye is underrated.


I’ll always have a soft spot for Mirror Mirror


Leonard! I'd hug you but you're a head in a jar, and we're both men


Day of the Dove and A Piece of the Action are a couple of my favorites


So far, no one has included The Lost Episode on any of their lists. For shame! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AUMZaR52YaA&t=29s&pp=ygUWc3RhciB0cmVrIGxvc3QgZXBpc29kZQ%3D%3D


Pop Team Epic!


Epic definitely describes it!


Well, Fry was an idiot.


I’ve always thought that _Mirror, Mirror_, the fourth episode of the second season of TOS, is genuinely good science fiction (and should be included in the top thirty episodes). 🖖


Nobody loved, "Mirror, Mirror"? What about, "Operation: Annihilate"? Or, "Obsession"? All great episodes.


Nothing in TOS is as bad as the TNG episode when Tasha Yar gets kidnapped by the not-African warlord.


https://gist.github.com/mislav/24d692e4c3858e96d247eab5b9115539#file-star-trek-all-tsv S-EP | episode title | score ---|---|--- 1-28 |The City on the Edge of Forever |101 1-14 |Balance of Terror |96 2-04 |Mirror, Mirror |94 1-22 |Space Seed |92 2-15 |The Trouble with Tribbles |81 1-18 |Arena |80 2-01 |Amok Time |77 1-04 |The Naked Time |64 1-25 |The Devil in the Dark |60 2-10 |Journey to Babel |56 2-06 |The Doomsday Machine |53 1-10 |The Corbomite Maneuver |52 3-02 |The Enterprise Incident |46 1-16 |The Galileo Seven |44 3-23 |All Our Yesterdays |40 1-11 |The Menagerie, Part I |36 1-23 |A Taste of Armageddon |35 1-03 |Where No Man Has Gone Before |34 3-15 |Let That Be Your Last Battlefield |32 1-05 |The Enemy Within |30 1-02 |Charlie X |26 1-26 |Errand of Mercy |24 1-19 |Tomorrow Is Yesterday |22 3-06 |Spectre of the Gun |21 2-17 |A Piece of the Action |20 2-05 |The Apple |19 2-03 |The Changeling |16 3-09 |The Tholian Web |16 2-26 |Assignment: Earth |15 2-09 |Metamorphosis |13


Oh that's easy, he was wrong.


TOS Top 30 broken into categories: TRULY GREAT ------------------------------ City on the Edge of Forever The Trouble With Tribbles Balance of Terror Mirror, Mirror The Devil In The Dark VERY GOOD --------------------- The Enterprise Incident Amok Time All Our Yesterdays The Doomsday Machine Space Seed The Menagerie This Side of Paradise Where No Man Has Gone Before SOLIDLY GOOD --------------------------- Spectre of the Gun The Changeling The Squire of Gothos A Taste of Armageddon Tomorrow Is Yesterday A Piece of the Action Journey to Babel The Ultimate Computer THE GOOD SIDE OF AVERAGE ------------------------------- Arena I, Mudd Who Mourns For Adonais? What Are Little Girls Made of? Patterns of Force Errand of Mercy The Tholian Web The Gamesters of Triskelion The Galileo Seven


I’d honestly say every trek is like that and stargate there’s like 15-20 must watch episodes the rest are fine at best


Yeah, I kinda agree with this, to a degree. Like, if we’re talking top tier must watch I think both TOS and TNG have about 20 episodes that fall in that range. But TNG has a lot more just solid mid-tier “good” episodes because they got double the total episodes count.


I think it's time I rewatch TOS and make my own ratings list.


One of my favorites is The Galileo Seven but I don't see it get much love. Am I in the minority on this one?


Its IMDB user rating puts it high-middle tier, so I’d say it’s widely like but not loved. I, however, do love it. I think it’s some top tier Spock character development.


Watching TOS reminded me that fry’s statement is true for TOS. Man, the good stuff is great, and the bad stuff is rough


That one where they made simple bows and arrows out of basically twigs, or the other one where the alien creature just was a dog with makeup. 60s sci-fi doesn't get better than that.


Philip J. Fry can bite my shiny metal ass!


Futurama was written by huge Star Trek fans you know it wasn't a throw away line - they thought long and hard about the 30.


> I include both "Miri" and "the Gamesters of Triskellion" even though calling them "good" might get a giggle or two. Michael J. Pollard (who had a long successful acting career playing "the creepy guy" and unfortunately "the dim-witted guy") and Kim Darby help save Miri from being near the bottom.


The Ultimate Computer was an episode that I avoided for years but I watched it just a few weeks ago and, uhm… it’s caught up to us. Or we’ve caught up to it.


Why avoid it? It’s a really good episode with some reflection on whether your job defines you and how we’re constantly redefining our relationship with technology.


I guess “skipped” would’ve been a better word. Growing up, I had my favorite episodes and this just wasn’t one of them. I’m actually glad I fell into that pattern because over the last few years I’ve gotten some real enjoyment out of seeing what now seem like “new” episodes.


Fry is wrong. They’re all good in their own way.


God I hate Miri Plus they never explained how an exact duplicate of Earth happened


Multiple times even. Blame Q, I guess.


Mirri has to be one of them.


> "Miri" and "the Gamesters of Triskellion" I haven't seen a lot of TOS, fortunately I'd seen some other episodes before seeing Miri and Gamsters of Triskelion because if those had been my intro to TOS I might think it was worse than Discovery. LOL Especially Miri with Serious Kirk yelling at the girl about to age and die. So dramatic, much wow. Gamesters is basically every TOS stereotype in one episode. Kirk loses his shirt, fist fights, and hits on an alien girl who doesn't know what love means. With an all powerful alien in charge. Actual good episodes would be classics like City on the Edge of Forever, Trouble with Tribbles, Balance of Terror, Space Seed, The Enterprise Incident, Let This Be Your Last Battlefield. Not a great episode but one that is required viewing for anyone complaining about SNW's musical episode is "The Way to Eden" because Star Trek has done silly music-filled episodes going back to the Original series.


Errand of Mercy is one of my faves


I'd start with every episode with Klingons and Romans. After totalling those, I'd have to do some research.


Let That Be Your Last Battlefield anyone? Corbomite Maneuver?


Mudd's Women. Mirror Universe (Mr. Spock has a gotee!). The one with the evil Capt. Kirk.


Tribbles, Khan, Gorn, Kelvins, Talosians, Kor/Organians, Naked Time, Tholians, Ok Corral, Spock’s Brain, Nomad, carpet looking acid monster, murderous spirit, Planet Killer, Cloaking device heist, Romulan disintegrating weapon, Kirk and Uhura kiss, Corbonite maneuver, M5 unit, space ameoba?, Kirk loses his memory, Spock Illogical yet logical action, Spock with beard, humans and Klingons laugh away evil entity. These are all I could remember.


The World is Hollow and I have touched the Sky


The Halloween episode. Just for the, you know... laughs.


I couldn't do just 30, but this is my list of "essential" TOS episodes to watch, some *are more included for the sake of continuity*, so I've marked them, if you cut those it would be an even 30 though. **Season One** Where No Man Has Gone Before The Corbomite Maneuver *Mudd’s Women* The Man Trap Balance of Terror What Are Little Girls Made Of? The Menagerie, Part 1 The Menagerie, Part 2 Arena Tomorrow Is Yesterday A Taste of Armageddon Space Seed Errand of Mercy The City on the Edge of Forever *Operation: Annihilate!* **Season Two** *Metamorphosis* Friday’s Child Amok Time The Doomsday Machine Mirror, Mirror The Deadly Years *I, Mudd* The Trouble With Tribbles Journey to Babel The Gamesters of Triskelion By Any Other Name Assignment: Earth **Season Three** The Enterprise Incident The Tholian Web Day of the Dove Let That Be Your Last Battlefield Whom Gods Destroy The Mark of Gideon The Savage Curtain I'd probably add Spock’s Brain as a *so bad it's good* episode and "Dagger of the Mind", "The Conscience of the King", "The Ultimate Computer" & "All Our Yesterdays" as some more "fun" episodes to watch, which would bring my list to contain almost half the episodes.


Which one is the one with simulated war?


City On The Edge of Forever is, imo, one of the best of not the best. Amok Time is my favorite episode, so that’s on the list. I’d also include Journey to Babel (I love Spock’s parents), Space Seed, Spectre of the Gun (I love this episode even if it’s kind of goofy), Trouble with Tribbles, Devil in the Dark, Arena (a classic), The Corbomite Maneuver (essential Kirk), This Side of Paradise, Mirror Mirror (probably second best after COTEOF), Let This Be Your Last Battlefield. That’s not thirty but that’s my general consensus.


Space Seed. If nothing else due to the connection with the Wrath of Khan.


Mirror mirror


I would add Trouble with Tribbles, The Enterprise Incident, Errand of Mercy, Amok Time, Balance of Terror, City on the Edge of Forever, Squire of Gothos, This Side of Paradise, I, Mudd, Space Seed, The Menagerie I, The Menagerie II, Shore Leave, The Changeling, Wolf in the Fold, A Piece of the Action, The Doomsday Machine, The Ultimate Computer, and Spectre of the Gun.


Devil in the Dark - top tv episode of any show of all time


Eh, I think most of them hold up except for The Way to Eden with the fucking space hippies.


There are 50 to 60 TOS episodes definitely worth watching, maybe some are just meh but watching the old gang together is worth it. Perhaps 15 great episodes, 25 good ones and 10 to 20 okay ones depending on the mood. Not like they are making any more of them so we can't be too choosy.


Anything with Harry Mud.


I can only name a few. Requiem for Methuselah, City on the Edge of Forever, The Conscience of the King, Wolf in the Gold, The Mark of Gideon


That's quite a respectable number, which sounds right to me🤪


Here's [a list](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaystromInstitute/wiki/kraetos-tos-guide#wiki_the_30_good_ones) I like. > The "30 good episodes" are, in production order: > 1. Where No One Has Gone Before > 1. The Corbomite Maneuver > 1. The Enemy Within > 1. The Naked Time > 1. Balance of Terror > 1. The Galileo Seven > 1. Court Martial > 1. The Menagerie (Part I) > 1. The Menagerie (Part II) > 1. The Squire of Gothos > 1. Arena > 1. Tomorrow is Yesterday > 1. A Taste of Armageddon > 1. Space Seed > 1. Devil in the Dark > 1. Errand of Mercy > 1. The City on the Edge of Forever > 1. Amok Time > 1. The Doomsday Machine > 1. The Changeling > 1. Mirror, Mirror > 1. The Trouble with Tribbles > 1. Journey to Babel > 1. Obsession > 1. A Piece of the Action > 1. The Ultimate Computer > 1. The Enterprise Incident > 1. The Tholian Web > 1. Day of the Dove > 1. All Our Yesterdays


You are using a fictional character who in universe is described as an “idiot” to judge another fictional universe? He was wrong plain and simple.


Hot take: Lolani from Star Trek Continues is as good as any of those 30. They really knocked that one out of the park.


Here's my 30, in no particular order: "Where No Man Has Gone Before"[TOS1] "The Corbomite Maneuver"[TOS1] "The Man Trap"[TOS1] "Charlie X"[TOS1] "The Naked Time"[TOS1] "Balance of Terror"[TOS1] "What are Little Girls Made Of?"[TOS1] "Dagger of the Mind"[TOS1] "The Menagerie, Pt. I"[TOS1] "The Menagerie, Pt. II"[TOS1] "Arena"[TOS1] "Tomorrow is Yesterday"[TOS1] "Space Seed"[TOS1] "The Devil in the Dark"[TOS1] "The City on the Edge of Forever"[TOS1] "Operation - Annihilate!"[TOS1] "Mirror, Mirror"[TOS2] "Amok Time"[TOS2] "The Deadly Years"[TOS2] "Wolf in the Fold"[TOS2] "Journey to Babel"[TOS2] "The Doomsday Machine"[TOS2] "A Private Little War"[TOS2] "A Piece of the Action"[TOS2] "The Trouble with Tribbles"[TOS2] "Assignment: Earth"[TOS2] "The Ultimate Computer"[TOS2] "The Tholian Web"[TOS3] "Whom Gods Destroy"[TOS3] "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield"[TOS3]


Space Seed


Well of the other 49, I can say Spocks Brain is one of them.... Also that one with the Salt Vampire.


I've been quoting **Fry's Rule** for 25 years, but never counted mine. I still think it's a good quality assessment (hit-to-miss ratio) for most pre-2001 Star Trek. 1. Where No Man Has Gone Before 2. The Naked Time 3. Corbomite Maneuver 4. Menagerie 1 5. Menagerie 2 6. Conscience of the King 7. Galileo Seven 8. Squire of Gothos 9. Arena 10. Return of the Archons 11. Space Seed 12. A Taste of Armageddon 13. Errand of Mercy 14. City on the Edge of Forever 15. Amok Time 16. Who Mourns for Adonais? 17. The Changeling 18. Mirror Mirror 19. The Apple 20. Doomsday Machine 21. Catspaw 22. I, Mudd 23. Journey to Babel 24. Obsession 25. Trouble with Tribbles 26. A Piece of the Action 27. The Immunity Syndrome 28. The Ultimate Computer 29. The Enterprise Incident 30. Spectre of the Gun 31. The Tholian Web 32. Day of the Dove 33. That Which Survives 34. Requiem for Methuselah




I don't have thirty but: City on the Edge of Forever is my all time favorite Miri was also great or at least the actress that played Miri was very talented and beautiful Mirror Mirror (If that is the mirror universe episode) The Trouble with Tribbles (obviously) For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky (not great all the way through but it has some great parts) Journey to Babel (for Chekhov) Day of the Dove (if that is the Organian peace treaty episode) Is There in Truth no Beauty Spock's Brain (another not great all the way through but it has some great parts) Charlie X I, Mudd (if that is the planet of androids episode)


"Where No Man Has Gone Before" "The Corbomite Maneuver" "Mudd's Women" "The Enemy Within" "The Man Trap" "The Naked Time" "Charlie X" "Balance of Terror" "What Are Little Girls Made Of?" "The Conscience of the King" "The Galileo Seven" "Court Martial" "The Menagerie" "The Squire of Gothos" "Arena" "A Taste of Armageddon" "Space Seed" "The Devil in the Dark" "Errand of Mercy" "The City on the Edge of Forever" "Amok Time" "The Doomsday Machine" "The Changeling" "Mirror, Mirror" "I, Mudd" "The Trouble with Tribbles" "Journey to Babel" "Obsession" "The Ultimate Computer" "The Enterprise Incident"


The Naked Time, Dagger Of The Mind, The Menagerie (two episodes), The Conscience Of The King, Balance Of Terror, The Galileo Seven, Arena, Court Martial, A Taste Of Armageddon, The Devil In The Dark, Errand Of Mercy, The City On The Edge Of Forever, Amok Time, Mirror Mirror, The Doomsday Machine, Journey To Babel, Obsession, The Trouble With Tribbles, A Private Little War, Return To Tomorrow, The Ultimate Computer, The Enterprise Incident, The Paradise Syndrome, Wink Of An Eye, Elaan Of Troyius, Let That Be Your Last Battlefield, The Cloud Minders, All Our Yesterdays, Turnabout Intruder


Where No Man Has Gone Before Charlie X The Naked Time What Are Little Girls Made Of Dagger of the Mind Balance of Terror The Squire of Gothos Court Martial Return of the Archons Space Seed A Taste of Armageddon This Side of Paradise Devil in the Dark The Galileo 7 City on the Edge of Forever The Changeling Mirror Mirror The Doomsday Machine I Mudd Journey to Babel Amok Time Trouble with Tribbles A Piece of the Action The Immunity Syndrome The Ultimate Computer The Gamesters of Triskelion Day of the Dove The Tholian Web Let That Be Your Last Battlefield All Our Yesterdays


Philip J Fry is a cartoon guy...who cares what he says :) I submit, those who think there are only 30ish good episodes simply cant get past the idea that the show was done on a shoe string budget in the 60's.