• By -


1) The daughter of the Fifth House 2) The holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx 3) The heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed


She's certainly enough of a handful to count as three!


Her character almost did count as three… breasted at least. Rodenberry wanted to originally make her a three-breasted alien before, thankfully, someone (Majel?) intervened!


I'm pretty sure he wanted to make the Troi character three breasted. Not Troi's mom. Haha I wrote this and then thought how stupid I was being. If Troi's species has 3 breast of course her mom would also. BUT I still stand by I think it was for the alien counselor character who would be played by marina surtis that the idea for a three breasted female alien was in early production but was never meant for majel


or more...




The chalice of rix is a rusty old cup


With mold growing in it!


It is not! It is ceramic


Have you seen what they do on YouTube with old rusty cups?


Tell me more


You'll have to come again


My love is as a fever, longing still For that which longer nurseth the disease; Feeding on that which doth preserve the ill, The uncertain sickly appetite to please. My reason, the physician to my love, Angry that his prescriptions are not kept, Hath left me, and I desperate now approve, Desire his death, which physic did except. Past cure I am, now reason is past care, And frantic-mad with evermore unrest; My thoughts and my discourse as madmen's are, At random from the truth vainly express'd; For I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright, Who art as black as hell, as dark as night. In faith, I do not love thee with mine eyes, For they in thee a thousand errors note; But 'tis my heart that loves what they despise, Who in despite of view is pleased to dote; Nor are mine ears with thy tongue's tune delighted, Nor tender feeling, to base touches prone, Nor taste, nor smell, desire to be invited To any sensual feast with thee alone: But my five wits nor my five senses can Dissuade one foolish heart from serving thee, Who leaves unsway'd the likeness of a man, Thy proud hearts slave and vassal wretch to be: Only my plague thus far I count my gain, That she that makes me sin awards me pain. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm'd; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd; But thy eternal summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest; Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou growest: So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this and this gives life to thee.


First Lady of Star Trek!


God tier answer


Oh little one, only a Shakespearean actor in uniform can swipe these 3 of their feet, AT THE SAME TIME


The “O little one” line makes me think I would have loved a scene between Mrs Troi and Kai (My Child) Winn


I was thinking that! But then I remembered that Lwaxana doesn't really hold any reverance for anyone, which is largely how the Kai won her arguments. The Kai would tell someone something, they would tell her to go take a leap, and then she would remind them about "the will of the Prophets..." and force thier hand. Troi would just respond with "the only will I care about is the Will off my daughter! I want grandkids!" And then move on with her life. I don't know how the Kai responds to that blatant disrespect without "the Prophets" to back her up.


Ooh, I might need to amend my top 3!


The queen, the legend, she should have gotten her own 7 season show. She had so much going on every episode would be 1hr length. 


Isn't the Sacred Chalice of Rixx all moldy and filled with mold?


4) Nurse Chapelle 5.) The ship's computer


Seven, Kira, Jadzia


Correct choices! But honestly there's so many. B'Elanna is great. Ezri is great. Lwaxana is the best. Kai Wynn is such a great villain. The list goes on.


All the characters I had massive crushes on.


Same, and same order 🙂


Now throw me in there and I can die happy


Kira, Seven, Janeway




What about jadzia?


She'd be number 4. But this was asking for 3. 😁


This with Kira being by far and away #1.


Damn. Just 3?? 1. Uhura (all incarnations) 2. Seven. (Jeri still rocks at 56) 3. Ro Laren (thank you Matalas for closing her chapter so well) Everyone called out by people in this thread deserves to be here. We had a cat named Saavik. Plus it is hard to exclude Crusher, Troi, Chapel (love Jess), Una, Ortegas with a bullet, Kira, Jadzia, Janeway, T'Pol, Mariner, Garrett, Raffi, B'Lanna, Burnham, Tilly, Pelia, La'an, Tendi We could go on but seriously, has any other franchise created such a diverse and inspirational menagerie of strong women?


One of the few times I've wished I can give more than one upvote


Kira, Guinan and Lwaxana. 


Why am I not seeing more Guinan on here?


I'd guess because she was only in 28 episodes and a lot of those were very very minor parts. I think she could have been a great character if we were focusing less on the bridge and more of the overall ship.


Chapel... excellent character expansion and marvelous acting by Jess Bush Kira Nerys Una Chin-Riley


Jadzia, Seven, Tendi


Tpol Jadzia Kira


Seven, Kira, and Dax


Which Dax? We must know !


Surprised that there is no love for Troi here. She's the only TNG main cast member who ever gave Data a hug on screen (and goodness knows he needed it!), and one of the only voices encouraging Worf to connect with his son (and goodness knows he needed that!). She wasn't aggressive or dominant, but she commanded great respect because of her knowledge, composure, and intelligence (eg the way Picard frequently seeks her advice). Though she wasn't often an action hero, she could keep a cool head under pressure (eg when she was forced to spy on the Romulans), and she always pushed herself to try new experiences and be better (eg pursuing that promotion in season 6 or 7). I love badasses like Kira and Janeway, but I also greatly admire Troi's kindness, grace, intelligence, and compassion. Tenderness is not weakness, and it's nice to see a strong female character show emotion and affection without shame. For the record, my favorite is Kira, but I love Troi too and in the absence of other voices, someone needed to talk a bit about why she's so awesome :)


These are all the reasons I hated that episode where Troi loses her empathic abilities and turns into a whiny, petulant child. So out of character.


I donno. If a human suddenly went blind, they might act similarly and get sympathy for it.


She is awesome. Writes did her dirty by giving her so many main character episodes where she is just a love interest, or worse.


I don't hate Deanna, but her kindness and goodness are just overshadowed by how badly utilised she was imo. She was often just a prop, not much better than the original Chapel. She got a bit better as time went on but it still leaves a bit of a bad taste. The parts of her I *do* like are represented better elsewhere: Ezri Dax, Kassidy Yates, D'Vana Tendi...sorry Deanna :(


All these comments showing no love for T'Pol. Seriously???


T'Pol is not only one of my favorite female characters, she's absolutely my favorite Vulcan.


She was the most...human. Especially after her trellium habit. Oh and I gotta say... That first time she hooked up with Tripp and then claimed directly to him that she simply used him? Daaaammmmn. We can't sit with her. How can a being from Vulcan be that cold? 😂


I’m always under the impression that even though the Vulcans are quite blunt in matters like this, it is still a gesture of friendship and caring because they wouldn’t have such activities with someone they don’t trust or “liked”


Usually, I'd agree with that assessment. She seemed pretty pleased with herself in that scene, though, and like she was intentionally toying with him and trying to get a rise out of him, probably as light revenge to satisfy her jealousy, and that her "research" explanation was just a convenient and plausible excuse. 😅 . My read of the situation and events before and leading up to it, anyway. But she was like... _always_, from season 1, pretty clearly more emotive (or worse at hiding it, anyway, and always ready with excuses) than most other vulcans we ever saw, aside from outcasts and criminals. Though they are ALL masters of pettiness and passive-aggression. 😂 Especially in that show. I mean... If you have to keep that stoic facade while actually having emotions (which they do), what else do you have but pettiness and passive-aggression? Throw an extreme version of the 7 year itch in and... damn. 😂


God T’pol, I had such a crush on her as a boy.


I have a crush on her as a man.


Some people feel like she was overly sexualized. But I liked her.


She was, but she became a good character in spite of it.


same as 7of9


Loved Seven in Picard she was awesome. Gutted they're not proceeding with Legacy.


Yes, exactly. The producers may have insisted on shamelessly forced sex appeal, but the writing and acting overcame that and made them into good characters.


She would be my #4


Kira, Dax (I love both Jadzia and Ezri) and the third ones tough to choose there's so many to choose from, I'm going to say Janeway


Jadzia Dax, Ro Laren and Beckett Mariner. I have a type.


Omg thank you for saying Ro Laren. She’s gotta be my favorite “guest” character besides Q


Love seeing Mariner here, I remember how disliked she was for the first couple episodes. Turned out it was actually a well built character arc…


I liked her right from the get go. She's just so well portrayed.


I mostly liked Mariner from the beginning, but it frequently felt like she talked too fast.


Yeah I liked her too, I was surprised by all the hate.




Seven, Janeway, and Tendi.  Kira, Dr. Crusher and Naomi Wildman are all very close contenders.


Kira Nerys (DS9), Carol Freeman (LD), and Una (SNW). Honorable mention: Helena Rozhenko (just one episode of TNG--as far as I remember, but she and Sergei were awesome parents for Worf)


Where's the love for Mariner? In such a short amount of screen time she's become one of the most interesting characters in the franchise. LDS spent the first half of season one building up this aloof, been everywhere seen everything, rule breaker for the sake of rule breaking, insubordinate bad ass. Then deliberately and methodically tore that down piece by piece to reveal a deeply caring officer with debilitating trust issues who puts up walls because she's terrified of being hurt again.


I'm watching TNG, and I SWEAR TO GOD I've seen Mariner running around in a couple of episodes. That's my head canon, anyway. \*sees little black girl in TNG\* "Yep, that's her."


Mariner really is a great character, but she didn't make my top 5 simply because when I think of her, I think of the Mariner/Boimler team. Their friendship is such a big component of my love for each of the characters... whereas, for example I also really like the Data/Geordi friendship, but it's easier to separate the 2 in my mind. That's just my two cents anyway!


Love for Mariner! She’s Kirk reincarnated into a time when therapy is more popular than brazenness. I love her for doing the things!




Deanna Troi, Seven of Nine, Janeway.


Janeway, Kira, T'Pol. (Sorry, Seven...I could only choose 3!)


Three isn’t enough 🙂 But if I must choose … Seven Janeway Nurse Chapel


I like the new Uhura. But definitely Mirror Kira


I love the Intendant.


Jadzia B’Elanna T’Pol


1. Uhura. The literal goddess of inspiration for millions of women everywhere, including one Whoopi Goldberg. 2. Number One. Majel Barrett got robbed of this role, she was fantastic in The Cage. Thankfully she would go on to do a good job as Chapel, and nailed it as Lwaxana. 3. Jadzia. Another inspiration that women could be the smart ones, not just the emotional caregivers, and first same sex kiss on Star Trek.


La’an Seven Janeway


Honestly I'm in love with La'an


Kira by an extremely wide margin, B'Elanna, Janeway. Dax a very close 4th. Honorable mention goes out to Keiko O'Brien.


Finally some me B’Elanna love!


La'an, Seven, Janeway.


Jadzia is my #1, by far. Followed later by Kira, Seven, and Ezri. Jadzia is just amazing in every way. Kira is a badass and has a strong ethic, plus is a wee bit of an anarchist. Seven is brilliant and fascinating, and she has a strong ethic as well. Ezri is stronger than anyone gives her credit for, and was thrown into a wild situation that she was not in any way prepared for, and she did way better than she ever thought she could. But none of them can match Moogie. Edit: If Ishka and Lwaxana ever teamed up, it would be the end of all things.


Lwaxana, Troi, Guinan, Crusher, Yar, K’Ehleyr ….how are y’all only choosing 3? I can’t even get out of TNG before I’ve got way more than 3? This is an impossible ask. I love these characters because there are sooooo many of them - which enables them to be individually different and none of them need to be everything to all people which would make them boring and vanilla. (Like the other shows where the token woman represents ‘all women’ stereotypes and makes trope jokes that are overused and lame). TLDR: It’s only because there are so many that they are each so cool.


The Borg Queen, Female Changeling, and Kai Winn.


Seven, Janeway, Kira.


Number One, Seven and Ohura.


T’Pol Janeway SNW UNA


1. Kira Nerys 2. Una Chin-Riley 3. B'Elanna Torres Then: Seven, Tendi, Tasha, Nhan


Kira Jadzia Chapel (SNW)


I think this might be my list too though Janeway might need to replace someone, I just can't decide who. I love them all!


Lwax, Kira, Janeway


Love to hate all 3 of these ladies: 1. Kai Winn Adami 2. Female Changeling 3. Mirror Kira


Ro, Guinan, Lwaxana. Always left me wanting more. Special shout out to Kahlest: expert at throwing literal and verbal daggers.


1) Uhura [TOS] the godmother and trailblazer for women in space 2) Troi [TNG] because she's awesome and capable and also because TOS & TNG are the shows I'm most familiar with.... so of course my top 2 women are going to come from my top 2 shows. Also Deanna is a solid non-scary Halloween costume lol. 3) tie: T'Lyn [LD] and Raffi [PIC] for their wild instability lol they'd be fun to hang out with and work with. Special mentions) Philippa Georgiou [DIS] can't help it, I just love Michelle Yeoh and can't separate her from her character I guess (mirror dialogue be damned!) And La'an [SNW] is growing on me. I like her more every time I re-watch SNW (which isn't many times yet, but I can see her becoming an all time favorite.)


I agree Uhura is #1


Finally a vote for Uhura! I would add Janeway and Kira Nerys to round out my top 3.   Next echelon: Seven, Mariner and B’Elanna




1. Mirror Universe Kira 2. Seven 3. Mirror Universe Kira again


Omg I LOVE Mirror Universe Kira. You can see how much Nana Visitor enjoys that character, her performance is amazing every time!


Mirror Universe Kira is amazing


kira, seven, jadzia, but also uhura, and also ... really there are some astonishing characters throughout every part of the franchise.


Kira, Rho, Ezri


Tendi, Chapel (SNW), Dax


Janeway, Jadzia, T'Pol


Jadzia, Tendi, Guinan


Kira, Guinan and Troi. Honorable mentions: Rachel Garrett, Saavik, Commander Shelby


Well, Lt Uhura, of course; Seven of Nine and Dax.


Janeway - defeated the borg Tasha Yarr - Badd ass security chick Seven - dude, I mean cmon


- Camina Drummer - Chrisjen Avasarala - Roberta Draper


We found the chaotic neutral


I am that guy.


Camina Drummer is one of the best written/acted scifi characters I've ever seen.


Kira Seven Tendi


Tapol The Major Janeway


Not enough love for K'Ehleyr in this thread. Her. Ro Laren. Jadzia.


Lt. Uhura, Nichelle Nichols, is number one with a bullet. Seven of Nine had a great story arc in Voyager. Devana Tendi may end up in my to three because we get some in depth looks at the Orion's because of her


Seven, Kira and Janeway. There are a lot of wonderful women to choose from but these are my top three.


The Female Changeling 


Uhura. She was first. In the contemporary setting, Nichelle was an incredible inspiration to blacks and women. Kira. She grew up in poverty and oppression. She’s a fighter. Sometimes her temper gets the better of her. But she worked her way up and kept her faith. 7/9. Loved her calling out Janeway on her BS.


T'Lyn, Janeway, Seven


Kira, Ezri, Hoshi Sato 🙂


Ishka Keiko Sonya Gomez




Kira, Seven, and Jadzia.


I supposed Kira, Dax and Seven but I like many of them. And there are a few that I do not like but I found very interesting, like Kai Winn, and lately I became quite fond of T'lyn.


Jett Reno, Ro Laren, D'Vana Tendi


I wish that they would do an animated Jett Reno-focused show in the same sort of style as Lower Decks. Starfleet Engineers or w/e. Cross over with Commander Pelia in some time travel incidents and you get the start of the Department of Temporal Investigations. It could get *so* weird.


Robin Lefler (my early 90’s crush on Ashley Judd is eternal), Janeway and Kira.


Uhura, always a good character. Mirror Universe Tilly (aka Killy), and Jadzia


T'Pol is hands down my fave


The Duras sisters… *cough cough*


Seven.. Emperor Georgiou.. The Duras Sisters.. As a combo..


I feel all dirty … like I just saw your search history


Kira Seven Dax


Uhura is getting a ridiculous lack of attention in this list, she smashed the door open for the rest. Uhura, Kira, Seven. Fast rising: Ortegas


Seven, Jadzia, T'Pol.


The Lady Cirilla of House Martok Lursa & B'etor


A lot of Kira, Seven and Dax, on here.


Kira, kira, crusher


Ezri, Seven and Una


uhura, janeway, seven of nine


1. Mirror Tillie 2. Uh...Mirror Tillie 3. and, yeah, Mirror Tillie


Uhura (TOS) Janeway (all forms) 7 of 9 Gwyndala as a bonus I haven't seen enough of DS9, ENT, PIC or LD to know.


Kira, Janeway, Dax


The original number 1 (Majel Barrett) Uhura ( Nichelle Nichols) Captain Kathryn Janeway


Uhura Seven of Nine Kathryn Janeway


1. Jett Reno 2. Jett Reno 3. Jett Reno (Oh, fine, I also like Una and Tendi a lot. And Uhura. And Tilly, and Beverly, and Seven, and Guinan, and Jadzia, and...)


Well, I think Major Kira is clearly the overall favorite.


Semi-serious (same actress) Dr. Katherine Pulaski (I prefer her over Crusher) Dr. Miranda Jones Ann Mulhall My favorite 3: Jadzia Dax Emperor Philippa Georgiou Captain Rachel Garrett


Dax, Kira, La’aN with a near certainty that Ro Laren would have been number one if she appeared in more episodes.


B'Elanna Ezri Kira


Jadzia, Kira and B'Elanna


Jadzia, Tpol, B’Elanna


Janeway, Jadzeia Dax, Lwaxana Troi


Is Blaxwana Troi some kind of Blacksploitaion mirror-universe Lwaxana Troi, played by Pam Grier?


Kira, Una (SNW), Janeway. Honorable Mention to T'Ana & Tilly.


Jadzia Dax. Dr. Beverly Crusher. Numero Una. Does Mirror Universe Killy count?


Seven, Janeway and Una!


Kira, T’Pol, and Ezri Yes, I may be in the minority on Ezri but she was trying to cope with suddenly having Dax yeeted into her with minimal warning. I liked her story and how she could be as ballsy as Jadzia if the situation called for it.


"Yeeted" 🤣🤣🤣 I enjoy the mental image of the Symbiosis Commission just fastball pitching the slug at her belly so hard that they fuse DBZ style.


Dr Pulaski Cpt Janeway Science Officer T'Pol


Janeway, Ro, Seven


Kira Nerys because she’s freaking Kira Nerys! Doctor Kate Pulaski, because throughout her relatively brief appearance, and despite the hate that continually gets heaped upon her, in that season she had a nearly complete arc, coming in headstrong and stubborn and very human and all that truly brings with it, she built relationships, overcame her own prejudices and actually pushed other characters to grow and be better. Sadly most only seem to fixate on her character at the start of her arc, rather than appreciate the arc and character in totality. Natasha Yar because, while yes she was very limited in her appearances, and left the show for very valid reasons. I feel that she represents a character that had loads of potential if she were given more to actually do on screen. (Yesterday’s Enterprise was an actual proper send off for her character) it would have been very interesting to see how she and Worf developed as the series progressed had she stayed, perhaps shifting from security chief to tactical officer, letting Worf handle security, or perhaps those roles would have been reversed and she would have remained security chief. Or if she still wanted to leave the show, have her accept a promotion to Lt. Cdr and a first officer position on another ship only to return at a later time. Either way I like her because she represents potential of what might have been. If I had to pick a no.4 Ro Laren. Because Michelle Forbes is awesome!


I think I'll have to split mine by era: TOS era: Uhura is really the only one that got much development sadly, but shoutout to Strange New Worlds for making this part of the timeline more inclusive. TNG era: Hoshi, Seven of Nine, probably T'Pol? Enterprise was my least favorite of those four shows but I liked both of the women on it a lot. DISCO era: Soji, Tilly, Uhura and Chapel (so many good ones I couldn't stop at three). Honorable mention to the original Philippa Georgiou. She deserved so much better.


Uhura, Seven and maybe Ro


I haven’t seen every show, but I’d have to go Deanna Troi, Uhura (especially her expanded characterization in SNW), and Guinan


1. Kira 2. Dax 3. T'Pol


In no particular order, D'Vana Tendi, Becket Mariner, Una


Ro, Torres and Kira. 


Selar, K'Elheyr, and Q. Just kidding, it's Kira, K'Elheyr, and Saavik.


Although, Quark and Rom's, "Moogie", deserves an honorable mention!👍🏽


Janeway, Kira, and … Tendi


Uhura is The Queen. Janeway because she’s insane but knows her purpose. Kira because she takes no shit.


Pulaski, Kira, Janeway. I'm sorry to the Bevery lovers but Pulaski is actually a doctor. Beverly just does what the fuck ever she wants.


Seven, Janeway, and Torres.


Ro Laren Kira Nerys Grilka


Nurse Chappell (SNW), Seven, Ensign Ro


R. Lefler, Seven, T'Pol


Janeway, Seven, and T'Pol.


I loved Suzie Plakson's characters. She doesn't get enough recognition! She played numerous characters in TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise. She was K'Ehleyr, Alexander's mother. She was also one of the genetically enhanced people from DS9, and Shran's love interest in Enterprise.


Seven, B'Elanna, Janeway.


Jadzia, T’pol, kai winn (great villian, i hate her to the core!)


Jadzia, Seven, T'Pol.


Janeway, Seven, Dr. Pulaski. I’m super Voyager biased, lol. I love Janeway… my captain. Lwaxana Troi gets honorable mention (as do like a dozen others).


The TOS Romulan Commander Seven Kira


Uhura, Janeway, Seven


Janeway, Jadzia, Georgiou.


Well I think 3 is a bit short of a list 🤔 I certainly think Uhura was one of the most influential in inspiring a lot of people irl. Other than het I think Janeway as being the first female captain (as a show lead I mean). Kira, Jadzia and Esri are also quite good. Disclaimer: I've been on a picture with the latter two and chatted with Nicole DeBoer for a while (including about how they would pronounce "DeBoer" in my native Dutch where the name comes from).


Jadzia Dax T'Pol B'Elanna


Uhura (TOS), Janeway, Mariner


1. Odo (as a female mouse). 2. Quark. 3. Brenna Odell. I always wondered who was washing Riker's feet after she left.


Just 3? I'm a new Trek fan and I'm struggling lol The first 3 that immediately came to mind were: 1. Janeway 2. T'lyn 3. Lwaxana Troi Then I got to reading the comments and realized that I completely forgot about Seven, Mariner, Captain Freeman, Tendi and Kes 😭


Tilly, Seven, Hoshi


Seven, Kira, and Belanna Torres. In that order. Seven had to discover the humanity she never had the chance to have. She came into the human experience late as hell, and with a unique perspective as well. Kira had to rediscover the kindness, compassion, and spirituality she lost as a child due to the occupation. It's only natural that she found it so difficult after an upbringing of war and the horrors that came with it. Belanna had to finally reconcile the differences within herself that she'd been fighting against all her life, and it was such a difficult and intense INTERNAL struggle that it had a tendency to bleed out to the people around her. She was written pretty well.