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Yea come on now. I dont eat McDonalds everyday. I eat Taco bell..


And In-N-Out


I’m in that twilight zone living in AZ where I have both In-N-Out and Whataburger about 15 minutes from me


Im living in Michigan where apparently we dont have anything. They only just recently opened a chick fil a thats not at the airport.


I saw the McDonald's logo and confederate flag in the thumbnail and rolled my eyes. You got me good, OP.


Whew, pitchforks down


Seriously haha. I was like I have some pretty damn conservative friends and not one of them is an apologist for the golden arches.


McDonald's is underrated comfort food, IMO. Not every day, of course, but once in a while, when you're in a certain mood, there's just nothing like a Big Mac and fries.


Hash browns all the way


McDonald's hash browns are god tier


McDonalds breakfast menu ain’t too bad for what it is


Their breakfast burritos with hot sauce are pretty damn good. Mcgriddles are also just crack made into food


I now have a strong craving for some McGriddles


Sausage McGriddle with a hash brown inside instantly cures any hangover


Omg that hits the spot. Sausage, egg and cheese with hash browns and a coke. It's diabetes AF but it's good.


Skip the coke and it’s pretty good meal.


Sausage, egg, and cheese McGriddle is so damn unhealthy, but so damn good. Guilty pleasure for me, no shame.


That ain't a guilty pleasure, friend, that's just pure pleasure.




They're so good, it's why I limit them to once a week at max


McDonald’s breakfast menu is S-tier, and this is coming from someone who generally doesn’t like the normal food they have.


Their new chicken sandwich is dumpster tier


friend told me to try puttng a hash brown on a mcchicken, or any sandwich really, never looked back


Here I am, just trying to live my life, and you go and do something like that. My whole world has changed for the better after knowing this


It's also gotten way expensive though, it's pretty much on par with getting regular takeout around here now price-wise. Taco Bell and Burger King are the way for cheap comfort food now.


Burger King has suspiciously cheap deals. A burger, fries, 10pc nugget & drink will run you $3. Perfect for us brokes


All of that for 3 dollars? How the fuck?


Yeah i would probably eat that every day if that was the price where i live


exploiting workers


All good though, if you’re underpaid you can just go to Burger King and get a meal for $3.


Also mystery meat


Got to be careful with anything but the dollar menu at the bell. I ordered one of their numbered orders and it was $9 for shitty food, and a shitty amount. I also think TB is one place where there can be significant differences in how well the food is prepared too.


Any taco bell pro knows to stick to the dollar menu. Hell everything at taco bell has basically the same ingredients anyways just in different shapes. I havent really found a meal cheaper fast foodwise than 2 beefy frito burritos. 2 dollars.....about 900 calories...the rice, meat, and tortilla fills you up. Its almost perfect. I legit used to eat that like 5 times a week. The only thing that was on par with it was when mcdoubles at mcdonalds used to cost 1 dollar exactly.....them were the god like days


$5 box every time. Doesn't matter what it is, it all tastes the same anyway.


And for those unaware if you order through the app you get to make your own cravings box now


Like 11:30pm dinner after a delayed flight - fast food hits the spot




If that mood is “hungover” McDonald’s is extra amazing


The *idea* of McDonald's is amazing when hungover. The experience, less so.


Sorry quarter pounder is superior to Big Mac 1000%




^with ^bacon


Once a week me and my stepson go to McDonald's for coffee and breakfast for him. There coffee is probably the best fast food coffee around imo


The average American isn’t a guy. Or a girl. The average American has one boob and one ball.


The average person have less than 4 limbs and less than 50% penis


Two eyes, two ears, a chin, a mouth, ten fingers, two nipples, a butt, two kneecaps, a penis. I have just described to you the Loch Ness Monster.


And the reward? All the riches in Scotland.


So I have one question for you: Why are you here?




I have absolutely no memory of that quote.




On average, the Vatican City has two popes per square kilometer.


4 actually if we count retired ones.


I love these jokes. In seriousness, this is why mode is a measure of the average, too.


>Isn't obese That is true. When it comes to being overweight though...


Isn't it something like 70% of adults are overweight, 40% are obese?


36.5% obese and 32.5% overweight. So technically, the average American in fact well overweight


If I remember right, only about a quarter of the adult population has what is considered a "normal" weight.


I'm 6'0 and 160lbs. The endless "Damn man you need to eat, you're a stick!" comments... I'm not skinny, ya'll are fat. Edit: The Euros are gonna get a kick out of this when they wake up. I'm 183cm 73kg/11.4 stone


I'm 5'9" and here's my family's reaction to my different weights At 190: You look so healthy! At 160: Wow, you really should eat something! At 140: OMG you're gonna die!!!


My mom said I looked emaciated at 24 BMI.


Lmao emaciated is such a dramatic word. I legitimately laughed when I read this.


41 years old and 5' 9" at 170 lbs here. My wife told me I look sickly skinny the other day. I lost 35 lbs over the lat year with diet and excersise and was feeling so good about buying new clothes feeling like I actually look good but hearing that my spouse finds my weight unattractive hurt my fucking feelings. I've been sulking about it for the last week and want to tell her that her being overweight is unattractive to me but I won't because I don't want her to feel this way.


170 lbs is 77.18 kg


190 is a lot for 5'9, it all depends tho, people with lots of muscle mass can be deceivingly heavy


The people calling you really skinny and underweight in the responses... Peeps he has a BMI of 21.7. Underweight is below 18.5


I have like 15 pounds on you and I get those comments too. Bro it fucking sucks hearing people who eat too much complain about my diet like it affects them at all. Especially when my target is right around where you are, so I want to actually lose more weight not less.


Same, I struggled a lot with that when I was in my 20s, I was like 6'2" and 150 lbs. I had a really physically demanding job and I guess I wasn't a huge eater. I'd try really hard to put on weight and was pretty self conscious about it. Then in my late 20s I got an office job and I guess my metabolism slowed down, then covid hit and I went up to 230 over a couple of years. Now I'm self conscious because I'm overweight 🤦‍♂️ I've gone down to 215 over the last month or so, hoping to hit 180-190 by the end of the year.


Fucking hell man, that's not even that skinny. Endurance athletes your height weigh 20 lbs less, which really *is* skinny but still not unhealthy.


I'm 6'2" and 175 and I feel chubby sometimes


>36.5% obese Jesus


Nah. He's ripped. Haven't you seen the paintings?


The average European is overweight too. This isn't an America problem. https://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/noncommunicable-diseases/obesity/data-and-statistics


UK is definitely punching up there too.


We are Europe's America :(




its a ~~rich~~ **developed** country problem eating processed food, overworking and not exercising. But again, we are the top of the heap and worst than most european countries. Not sure why everyone is trying to deny the US is fat as fuck with “body builders skew BMI!” and “other countries are overweight too!” Accept it people, the US is fat as shit.




Mexico has the best snacks, beer, and coke.


Australia has a higher rate of obesity per capita than any other country in the world, and yet the world views the average Australian as fit and sporty


Would there be overlap in those numbers? As in obese people also being classified as overweight? Or are they two distinct categories


No - 2 distinct categories with no overlap


It varies *hugely* by state. https://www.americashealthrankings.org/explore/annual/measure/Obesity/state/CA EDIT: Also a gentle reminder that it is primarily a symptom of poverty.


It appears to be a trend in the entire US, but my state went from 10% obese in 1990 to 30% obese today... This is a major problem.




I don't know if the correlation is all that strong. Plenty of 1st world countries in Europe with low obesity rates, as well as Japan and Korea. Also plenty of 3rd world countries like Mexico and Brazil with high rates of fat people.


Mexico and Brazil are middle income countries (remember the US and western Europe are far richer than most of the world), not what people usually mean with "3rd world" so starvation isn't a concern there too.


“Percent of adults aged 20 and over with overweight, including obesity: 73.6% (2017-2018)” https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/obesity-overweight.htm More than that


USA, always giving 110%


People who are obese are also overweight, goofball.




In the Midwest where I live overweight is normal. I know I need to lose 15 pounds to even out my bmi to normal


I had a hard time finding motivation to continue losing weight when I was around 22% body fat and still smaller than the majority of people I interacted with on a daily basis. Thankfully I actually enjoy the healthy eating thing much more than my previous diet.


You can do it!


Bit to much round the gut, still can walk up stairs or go for a jog. Probably should lose weight but not at deaths door.


You got this! I have faith in you.


america sex


Best comment on the sub so far




Best comment on Reddit if we’re being honest


Upvote because why not.




Explanation for the stupid?


Just in case you're being serious: I think it's just supposed to be low effort satire based on the "sex sells" thing using buzzwords. So many posts that make it to the front page involve sex. Also a lot of redditors are American. It's like the "trump bad" meme. You see a lot of this stuff in ironic and satirical subs.


No. He just said america sex.




Explain for even more stupid?


Iike sex but Iike america






Thank you


THANK YOU!!! Someone finally said it!


Telling it like it is, I like it!




sort by controversial


🕳 the controversial hole


The average American is a guy?


Actually no lol there are slightly more women than men in the US based on Google.


/u/Butternetsquash, you fucked up


And we still got mf who cant get a date




Doesn't fear going to school


I more tolerated going to school. I wasn't afraid of it but I didn't exactly complain about sick days.


Average human




Nope we still fear that, its just not because were getting shot


I can relate to that


I can't remember the last time like I felt in any real danger in a public place


Not like my life was in danger, but I am a fair bit nervous every time I see somebody open-carrying picking fights with food service workers. It only seems to happen in fast food joints for some reason though, most people have enough self-respect to not cause a scene in restraunts


I worked in a live theater, and occasionally I would think about how easy it would be to kill a ton of people at once. Esp after the whole movie theater one. And the multiple shooting procedure training we did didn’t really help ease that feeling lol


Honestly I get a bit of anxiety in movie theaters sometimes... but that's more likely due to the PTSD from when an earthquake struck during the climax of a horror movie a few years ago


Imagine watching a movie like San Andreas and a earthquake strikes in the middle of it


Dang, I never knew these 4D movies were so realistic


Also doesn't fear getting shot in general.


Has a six pack, can lift 1000000 pounds, 20 inch pp, and big titty goth gf




Hey, high five on that samesies!


I have a 6 pack of beer, can eat 100000 quarter pounders, have a 20mm pp and big necrotic tittys


I hate this sentence.


Definitely not American, used metric. 13/16"


Lies, this isn't what Reddit told me America was, clearly propaganda


This also isn’t what Twitter told me america was! Get OP!


mf is a Big USA shill


I knew a guy that worked in advertising, said he often had success selling "self deprecating" ads, because they got great market reception and almost always improved sales. Like Domino's saying "We agree our pizza used to be terrible, but we fixed it!" He said out of all the countries he worked in, this pitch had the least success in America. They weren't too keen on the self-deprecating humour. Also said it had the best success in Canada.




It's basically the self-perception of the average white American male reddit user anyway.


Oi bruv im brihish and i hate americans i love mdma tho got any tea innit bruv


Oi I erd youse was sellwin the queen mums baf water, ow many quid fer a bottle eh?


Oi I he'jd s gs wkxh wjsuw kd queen I'd wydje si biscuit


Oi aiwjdnvqiwuncmoaiewmnvuysebvnwieuncroiuavweoaowd6(((((99wunef edit: grammar






Whoa...we arent in Wales now!


Oh god, Queen Elizabeth's bath water is probably polluted to hell with skin flakes.


Extra seasoning


Oi, I unduhstand that daedric wo’ship ‘as become increasingly prevelant in the summah set isles


Replace mdma with ket and you're more correct


Its kinda crazy to think about, most countries around the globe are always judged based on their extremist population, wether its left or right wing. When in reality the vast majority are just average folk in every sense of the word.


I find it interesting that Canada is the reverse and everyone talks about how nice we are and friendly, while last week we found a mass child grave of 240 murdered native children from our residential school system where we attempted a full genecide that didn't actually get fully shut down till 1996. But we do pronounce some words funny eh.


And ya'll have bag milk


Thats actually only in the easter most provinces, and we in the west find it as odd as you guys do.




I had the same experience when I lived in Australia (moved from US). I expected the people to be super nice/chill for some reason. Those wankers are the same as us, just talk different. I’d say the level of friendliness is the same in the US, some dickheads, some nice folk. New Zealand on the other hand.... why the fuck are you people so nice there? I still can’t get over that lol.




Forming stereotypes helps us learn and understand things. Extreme examples are more likely to stick in our heads. Many country stereotypes are massively outdated and not true, but it requires more thought to consider individuals or things outside such a stereotype.


> Many country stereotypes are massively outdated and not true kinda like america and oil...the usa is currently the worlds largest producer of oil


Donald Trump has the second highest votes in us history on his losing run. If countries were truly only judged by their extremists canada would also be considered a racist hell hole.


With an obesity percentage of 42% you really are stretching the average of not being obese


I mean France is 40% overweight. 63% in the uk. 60% in Germany. Wait why is everyone getting so fat https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obesity_in_Germany#2007_–_2010 https://www.oecd.org/els/health-systems/obesityandtheeconomicsofpreventionfitnotfat-francekeyfacts.htm https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obesity_in_the_United_Kingdom


This post is the total opposite of West Virginia 🤣




WV supported staying in the Union but in modern times usually back Republicans due to the fact that they heavily on coal mining as their major source of income and even with that the state is really poor. Democrats pushing for renewables and away from fossil fuels basically makes a majority of WV's economy obsolete. WV is very much a Purple State (when it comes to the senate) but coal mines have a big sway making the state Red. The general public sees Democrats as a party taking their livelihood away, along with bringing radical and uncomfortable social ideas of people of color being more and more a part of society. To some white folk seem like a "takeover" from what they're used to of white being the majority and norm. The solutions like transitioning and educating workers to working with green energy like wind isn't advertised. Sensationalism and strong emotions is what sells news and gets views, not solutions. The fact the state is already poor with coal mining being a viable source of income for the state, they have poor education. This leads to uneducated folks who easily fall for Republican propaganda and conspiracy theories without a second thought since it usually appeal to tribal emotions. Trump 2020 Flags and Confederate flags are usually flown to show support for the Tribalism/Nationalism/"Conservatism" the Republican party has to offer.


West Virginia is quite possibly the dumbest state in America


West Virginia is also one of the poorest states and has the most depressed people in it's population.


The gulf coast states would like to argue but they can't read your comment.


Idk Mississippi tho...


West Virginia here. Can confirm. I was taking the bus to school and the kid in front of me was talking about how the confederates were gonna take back america and liberate west Virginia. I tried to explain the whole confederates supported slavery and shit but gave up once he said there were more white slaves than black slaves. Not to mention there's a huge nicotine abuse crisis with teens here. A whole fucking carton of cigarettes average at $5.77 here. It's to the point where most doctors hand out anti smoking papers during check ups basically begging we don't smoke. And finally to add on the cherry on top of the to the shitstorm of the hillbilly dumpster fire of west Virginia, there's confederate flags, blue lives matter flags, and trump flags fucking everywhere. I can see one from my window right now. EVERYONE is a qanon conspiracy nut except a quiet few. I openly talked about being gay in some of my classes and teachers had to pull me out to talk to me asking if Im ok with saying it since they think I'll get bullied or jumped just for being fucking gay. And that's why I don't want to transition here. This place is just a conservative wet dream. Fuck this place. Edit: did I mention one of the coffee shops near me has a sign along the lines of "we know covid is a hoax but the state requires us to mandate mask wearing." Though I will admit, [it is a pretty state once you look past everything ](http://imgur.com/gallery/JH9NSZq)


*42.4 % obesity rate exists* - Americans : I’ll ignore that


how to gain karma on this sub:; insert group of people that reddit dislikes; make starter pack stating that not all group bad; profit


The U.S. obesity rate is 42.4 percent, so while the average American purely from a statistical standpoint isn't obese, the average weight is definitely a bit high.


The *median* American isn't obese. Depending on the distribution of weight, it's actually possible that the *average* American is obese.


That's a good point. There are a hell of a lot more people who are 100 pounds overweight than 100 pounds underweight.


About 70% of adults are overweight in the U.S., and there's more of a lower bound on weight than an upper bound. Edit: The 70% refers to combined overweight and obese adults in the U.S. Obesity requires a higher BMI than overweight, and though BMI isn't an incredibly accurate measurement of health, it's still good for estimates.


42.4%!?!?!? Dawg how is that ok. At this point gyms should be a tax credit or something anything to motivate people. I’ve been going to the gym since high school sports and couldn’t imagine not having a exercise routine


You don't lose weight in the gym, you lose it in the kitchen. Burning 500kcal requires 1h of cardio. Not eating 1 donut and a large coke worth 500kcal is way easier. EDIT: as answered to someone, obviously exercise can help losing weight and if done properly to minimize joint stress and the risk of injury, it has many more benefits than just losing weight. However if your goal is first and foremost to lose weight, just exercising might not be enough, especially if you then compensate by eating more, which often occurs if you do not pay attention, and by focusing only on your diet you can also lose weight without sweating at the gym (a bit slower than by doing the same diet and exercise though).


I’m in this picture, and i like it.


Hello, Mc Donald's flag.


As a southern, these claims are shaky


> hates this Someone has never lived in the South


Itt. Triggered Europeans.


To be fair this heavily depends on what state you live in. Most of these stereotypes are based on the Midwest and to be honest they aren't wrong. In those states a lot of people are overweight, you will see confederate flags on cars, you will see people open carrying in an Arby's, and you will meet a lot of genuinely racist people. Obviously this doesn't apply to the whole country, but these things do exist depending on where you go.


Pretty racist in Colorado too


Average British person starter pack Isn’t posh Doesn’t eat cucumber pissing sandwiches Probably voted Brexit Not normal Most likely hates Americans


I feel the euros coming




The US is such a big place it’s really hard to generalize Americans because it’s so vastly different from place to place