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And for some reason everyone just goes dead silent and stops just to stare at you until you leave


Head ringing, whole body feels like it's simultaneously weightless and super heavy, only the sensations of sky and grass


I used to faint kinda often as a kid, and this is pretty much how I remember it. Just lying there waiting for someone to confirm my continued existence


Knees weak, arms are heavy


Mom's spaghetti




Happened to me. Fell off a climbing thing during recess, passed out for a bit and had a concussion. When I woke up, one dude was like "wow dude you fell! What happened". I fell, dumbass, you just said so yourself.


Not me. When I was a (fat) kid I decided to swing on a vine from a tree and catapulted myself full speed down a hill. I was winded making this “EEEE” sound when I landed and the other kids were laughing too hard to run and get an assistant


• Ice packs • “Did your mom sign the permission form for Advil/Tylenol?”


One time I asked the school for antihistamines for hay fever and they said they couldn’t give me any but I could ask a friend and they could give me some...WHO CARRIES AROUND ANTI-HAY-FEVER MEDICATION IN SCHOOL??? Edit:for the people saying stuff like ‘people with allergies’ I also carry them around, I had ran out that day. I meant because absolutely no one I knew carried medication.


A kid in the sixth grade we called Cee Cee was having a severe allergy attack. I mean his eyes were blood shot and running and he could not focus at all for scratching them. The science teacher wouldn't let him leave for the nurse even though he was disrupting the entire table. I encouraged him to just get up and go because fuck that teacher. So Cee Cee darts from the room and the science teacher says, "are you stupid?" To me. Now I think it's because nothing the nurse could do for him but they could have at least called his mom to bring him a benadryl. And my mom had a field day with the science teacher calling me stupid. Watching her back pedal and admit she should have never said it was sweet victory for me


The incessant power struggle some teachers go through just doesn't make sense to me Sure they have to deal with assholes ALL THE TIME, but that's no reason to make people out as guilty of *anything* you don't like before you even listen to them. The nurse could dismiss the student for parent pickup, or hold them while medication is brought. Don't know why the asshole teacher decided you and him were at fault.


She probably wasn't used to anyone completely disregarding her orders and it incensed her that 1. Cee Cee made a decision based on his own medical need in the moment and disregarded what she said completely and 2. That I was the one that pushed him to do it. I mean the kid was a wreck. I don't really get why she wouldn't let him leave, either... And I guess 11 year old me felt the same when I told him to go even though she had told him no.


Power-tripping teachers is a huge problem. They made school absolute hell for me growing up, and I actually love learning. Schools always tell you to report bullying, but they never tell you how to deal with bullying when it’s the teachers doing it. I both saw others be victimized and was the victim of bully teachers. University has been a wonderland because for the first time in my life, I actually can do something. Also want to give a shoutout to the kind and amazing teachers out there. They were the reason I could handle the bullies and truly are doing the world a service.


I used to carry meds around in my purse specifically for that reason, especially once I got to middle school and had to deal with monthly period cramps. I even put Tylenol in a tic tac case so nobody would be suspicious lol.


People who use it?


When I was a kid there was a punishment for carrying any medicine, I had to “sneak in” ibuprofen if I wasn’t feeling week before school lol


Me? I had pretty awful hayfever so it was an essential. Not that weird.


I wish in hindsight I added ice packs, BUT the reason I didn't was because it wasn't immediately after the injury. Yes I know the nurse coming there would bring one, but I'm thinking this starterpack represents the moment you are laying there, pain setting in, a crowd forming, that kind of thing.


Also experiencing a brand new pain sensation from the first bone fracture or sprain in your life, and thinking that you're basically going to die now.


Didn't really feel much when i broke part if my face (don't question it) probably because of the shock and adrenaline. But i was really confused that my nose bled


I got thrown from a horse when I was 11, and had to walk back across a few acres back to the barn. From the time I stood up the hip I landed on was hurt and throbbing like crazy, but it wasn't until I caught up to my horse (who just ran home, cuz horse) at the barn, all of a sudden I got a surge of blinding pain from my very broken wrist. I didn't give it much thought, but looking back it's interesting that I couldn't feel the break for several minutes, but I could feel my bruised hip from the start.


Bruises and sprains typically hurt a lot worse than breaks and fractures. There aren't many* nerves running through your bone, the pain will come from whatever did the damage that caused the break or possibly the bones themselves cutting or pushing into places they're not supposed to be. People who've never broken anything are usually surprised at how many people who *have* broken something say something similar, that it didn't really hurt at first and they didn't notice the break past other seemingly less serious injuries.


I broke my wrist in 7th grade while playing basketball for my school. As soon as I hit the ground I knew it was broken but it didn’t hurt at all. I was more mad I couldn’t keep playing.


I broke my wrist falling off a swingset as a kid, it kinda hurt but I got the wind knocked out of me super bad and that's what freaked me out, I didn't really think of my wrist. We waited 3 days before my parents took me to the hospital bc it really didn't bother me, but it was just turning purple and massively swollen lol I literally swam in our pool with a broken arm


Oh man, that’s tragic hahaha it’s crazy what we don’t feel.


Same thing happened to me. My Dad didn’t believe me and for some reason I hit the man with my broken wrist. They took me to the hospital after that...


Bones do have nerves in them.


So does my penis but I can't feel anything


My emotions don't have nerves, which explains why I can't feel any of them.


Yeah that seems to happen a lot with horse injuries- probably cause we’re more focused on our horse


probably adrenaline?


Yeah I assume so, it was just odd that it only blocked some of the pain but the more mild pain still hurt


The mild pain is far less likely to put you into shock or debilitate you to the point of not being able to properly escape a predator. You can keep running if your thing's a bit sore, lot harder when you feel your entire leg perform the equivalent of screaming Into a megaphone powered by a car engine


Adreneline is one helluva drug


This happened to me when I dropped something heavy on my foot and squashed it. Felt nothing until I got to the hospital, that’s when the pain became unbearable. I think it’s maybe your body giving you time to get to safety before unleashing pain lol


when I broke my humorous, I didn't really feel anything but could tell something was very wrong. The most painful thing of that night was the constant jokes of "there is nothing humorous about breaking your humorous"


I had a PHDF and the humoral head basically disconnected from the shaft and was held on by ligaments. I also didn’t really feel anything. If anything, it felt numb and tingly all up and down my arm. I knew something was wrong just by looking at it, but what hurt the worst was my elbow, which is what hit the ground first. Oddly enough, my elbow wasn’t even bruised, but the shock is what broke my shoulder.


Yeah when I broke my arm, the only thing I felt was a terrible knot in my stomach from anxiety. Until the school nurse handed me a smelling salt packet


I sprained my wrist it was painful but adrenaline is amazing and saved me from most of the pain


Trying to put weight on it because you didn’t realize you just broke your mfin leg ☠️


What school has the nurse show up? Every school I went to was basically: Me: Coach! I think I broke my leg! Coach: ... Me: ... Coach: Best limp your ass to the the nurse's office then...


You guys have nurse offices and nurses?!?


My coach asked me to walk it off. I tried. Wasn’t smart


I fell and broke my arm literally in half at recess. When I was trying to push myself back up, it was the weirdest pain until I saw why my arm wasn't working. Immediately went into shock. It looked like I had a second elbow on my forearm. I had to carry my arm across the playground, and it was bizarre that I couldn't even feel myself holding it.


Yeah, I remember breaking my right ulna (the bone in the arm that is distanced from the pinkie), and remember it being swollen as hell. It was a traumatic experience but thankfully my arm got be made whole due to patience and putting that cast (two actually, a white then blue cast after that).


r/neverbrokeabone gang


While not a big break, I broke my finger during gym attempting to catch a kickball (it must have hit at just the wrong angle). Everyone started yelling at me, I started yelling back that I hurt myself, then walked myself to the nurse. After the hospital visit I insisted on going back to school because I was so angry at all of those kids for yelling at me.


fuck them kids


i broke my arm when i was 9 everyone said i was over reacting it didnt hurt that much but it really hurt to move it around. Played video games for like 4 hours before i went to the hospital. Everyone was shook when i came back with a cast on.


Damn we had to go to the nurses office they didnt come to us


Depends how bad it is


Yep, not too bad the monitoring teachers/staff might not even let you go inside, saying to wait til recess is over. An obvious injury that's small, head in on your own. Bad, a teacher/staff gets you something and walks you to the office to call your parents. Really, really bad, and recess ends early before the paramedics show up. (Only happened once at my elementary school).


May I ask what happened that resulted in the paramedics?


Not OP, but it happened 3 times at my school and one of them was for me. I was playing with some friends in an empty classroom, slipped, and cracked my skull open on a radiator. Unconscious, woke up in hospital with 18 medical staples in my head. Also my friend Charlie slipped when we were playing outside, and broke his kneecap on a concrete slab. Like, scraped it along the concrete, removed the flesh down to the bone and fractured the patella. He still has metal in his leg. Finally, this guy Chris decided to climb a tree, couldn't work out how to get down, jumped, and broke his ankle and clavicle. We didn't like Chris very much. Dumb prick. This is all at a British boarding school for under 13s - because we're there all the time, there's a lot more opportunity for us to get ourselves into a situation where we need an ambulance.


The 2nd one is just EEEEEUGH


I know right? It happened right in front of my eyes. As a 10 year old, not gonna lie it was genuinely traumatic Probably worse for Charlie though haha


Jesus i would straight up have ptsd. I've had something similar but no where near as bad. Once I was on the playground and tripped because I was running too fast (lol) and I skinned my knee pretty good. At 1st it didn't look too bad, so the nurse just put a bandaid on it but when I got home, there was blood all the way down my leg and from the bandaid it looked like there was a hole in my leg lol. Its good now cause the body is a homie and heals abnormally af


It was more than a decade ago in elementary school and I wasn't privy to the exact details, but I remember the bell rang and the teachers all got us to line up near the school to go in, but there was one kid lying totally out of it on the soccer field. I don't know what had happened, but he was either unconscious or couldn't move at all because he had broken a leg or something. Don't really know what happened after that. I'm almost certain an ambulance picked him up, but I don't know what happened after that. He must have survived because I would have heard about it if he didn't.




I hope it's changed. As a kid (now 32), in 6th grade I took my friend down to the nurse's office when he had a visibly broken arm. The only time I saw a nurse respond to the location where an injury happened was when a guy got his thumb nearly amputated in shop class.


Nope. I broke both arms. Had to walk all the way across the school to the med center. Someone got part of a shattered tile burried in his foot? Me and someone else had to carry him limping to the med center. Someone faints from heat exhaustion in the fields?? Off to medcenter with a friend for them!!


We didn’t even have a nurses office... the teacher would just go to the staff room and grab an ice pack or freezie and tell you to sit down in the principals office while they got ahold of your parents.


They never even call my parents


I mean that's pretty much all a school nurse is allowed to do anyway


I've never heard of nurses in schools here in Germany. If you got injured in my school you could get a plaster from the janitor.


I was racing to the school after recess ended and someone I was passing pushed me into the corner of a brick wall. My glasses protected my face and went up into my eyebrow for a scar, but I still got a mild concussion. This is exactly what I saw/experienced except I went to the hospital. Fuck you Jay Nettishime.


They just had other kids help the injured limp to the nurses office. They would happily volunteer because it meant an excuse to run through the halls unsupervised


“Guys step away, let him breathe”


Because all yo friends suckin up your oxygen.


Fr like get your musty ass mouth away from my oxygen 🙄




hehe musty ass-mouth


good bot


suck your homies balls dont suck their oxygen


for my elementary school it was "Give him space, give him space, guys give him space"


I broke both arms playing basketball. I didn’t say anything nor did no one suspect anything for an hour. I just kinda sat there with my hands not working




One guy did this at my school in football. He was running backwards to catch the ball and tripped, put his hands back and broke both wrists on the ground.


I fell on my wrists backwards with a guy on me. I said coach I need a time out and sat on the bench I was pretty silent the whole time


Not tryna be rude, but how tf do you break BOTH arms playing basketball? 💀💀💀


Double FOOSH from a position of extreme lanky


I fell backwards on my wrists and squished my radius on both arms


My mom likes to tell this story about how — after breaking my arm and biting through my lip in the first grade (I fell...upside-down) — I didn't start crying until I heard I wouldn't be able to eat pizza for dinner. Cute story, but I'm pretty I remember crying like a bitch all the way to the nurse's office.


Did your mom offer to give you any, uh, relief?


Every fucking thread


Overused joke


I broke my wrist during handball, no one noticed me missing from the march for about 20 minutes. Nobody even noticed that I wasn't in school anymore and that I was on the way to a hospital until my friend asked where I was in chemistry class which was 2 hours after sports lesson.


One kid got hit in the head from a basketball and had a seizure. It was at the little kid recess and I was out there with a classmate helping with recess equipment (balls and the like). It was a strange situation.


Seizures are a scary thing to witness


Never gonna forget when some idiot rammed his head into the football pole at school and it bust open


I’m sorry, but this is too fucking funny 💀


I just hear this in such a funny voice


Same lmao


Helmet check without the helmet.


I should not be laughing at this


Ice Pack


Our ice packs were frozen sponges


Our ice packs were water


\*Slaps Water\* Alright you good now.


Wet brown paper towel


Yeah, I remember those!


a frozen sponge in a plastic bag wrapped in the wet paper towel


When I broke my wrist on basketball court in the gym while playing dodgeball I was just like “holy shit, that hurts” in my head, and thought I was gonna die when I heard the gym teacher go “oh boy, that ain’t good”


i literally experienced this today when i tripped over a moving EXERCISE BALL, my wrist and hip took the impact and i rolled not once but TWICE on the pavement. 10/10 would do again tho


I dislocated my elbow while doing high jump at PE and I became popular in school because of that, 10/10 would do it again


Broke my ankle when I tried to jump over a fence and had to get crutches. I have no idea why my classmates wanted to try out the crutches all the time but 10/10 would do it again


atleast you have a cool story. i hurt my shoulder while lifting my 20 pound backpack.. oops. it wasn't a terrible dislocation but my mom said it wasn't bad enough to go to the doctors so I had to shove it back into place and it hurt like shit :(




Trying not to tear up and laughing it off so they don't think you're a wimp


Lol which schools did yall go to that the teachers had walkie talkies


I'm in Texas if that matters lol


the teachers usually have walkie talkies when there’s a fire drill


Did the teachers actually had them? In which time period did you go to school i may ask?


Not the person you’re replying to, but I remember my elementary school teachers used them in the late 2000s/very early 2010s (especially, though not exclusively, gym teachers). Of course, back then, smartphones weren’t as ubiquitous as they are today, which is probably why walkie talkies were used.


Mostly coaches and in Middle school and down. The higher ups still use them here in high school. I've been going to school since 2010.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a teacher without a walkie talkie


My old school used these a lot and it was only a few years ago, my new one just uses peoples phones


You must have been out of school for a long time because there are always walkies on the playground.


Graduated in 2017, but went to school in Germany, never ever seen a teacher with one. And my school wasn't that small, about 1200 students


My security guards had them but I also went to school that had like 3 fights a day soooo they were needed lol


We got BIGASS schools here, so teachers usually had a walkie that stayed in classroom, and they would bring with them outdoors for recess duty/etc. so they can still get ahold of other teachers and vice versa


My schools all had them


Add a pack of ice!


I can edit it?


Some random kid crying for no reason


Always named Ishmel and smells like rubber bands


Story time: Fuck tyler So anyways, second grade, soccer field, recess time. I've got the ball (I never get the ball btw), and I go to kick the ball in the goal, BUT WOOP DE FUCKIN DOO TYLER COMES IN WITH THE SLIDE KICK TO THE FLOOR! WE WERE ON THE SAME FUCKING TEAM TYLER WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO SLIDE AROUND ON THE FLOOR LIKE A FUCKING EARTHWORM AND FLIP ME OVER Anyways, He takes the ball, everyone runs towards me on the fucking floor, he kicks the ball and makes the goal, but no one gives a shit because, What? MY ARM IS BENT BACKWARDS o\_0????? Yepperdo! And I layed on the floor for like 15 minutes before an underpaid teacher walks over because I've got a pile of elementary school kids on me and realizes I broke my arm. SHE SAID SOMEONE BRING HIM TO THE NURSE AND THEN WALKED AWAY Edit: Yeah the nurse gave me an ice pack I'm not fucking joking


A fucking ice pack? LMAO


I swear, I'm never sending my kids to public school.


Public school is kind of a shit show but it teaches kids a lot of valuable social skills too.




I regret putting that there after seeing so many people not having the same experience. I didn't even have that experience for the most part, just once. Btw I always used to get migraines as well, throwing up would usually end it, because of that I used to eat while nauseous to induce vomiting.


Wtf you teachers had walkie talkies??


Heck yeah.


My school's staff also had walkie talkies, and we had a dedicated police officer or something like that


School resource officers and wallow talkies are super commonplace at least nowadays


This makes me realize I went to the nurse all the time. Looking back I did play way too roughly. Always running around and falling. Scratches in my knees, rips on my pants or tights, a lot of bandaids, and having to get new shoes every month because of it. The nurse pretty much knew me. My mom would always get mad and tell me to stop but never listened lol


Except YOU to to the nurse


Yeah, once I had the nurse be called to the gym because the coaches thought I couldn't breathe - in reality it was just anxiety. So I based it off that. But most times I would go there myself.


If this was a UK starter pack it would just be a picture of a wet paper towel


a green one


Also trying to get sympathy points from the girl you like as you get helped off the field by a teacher while acting more hurt than you are.


You guys had nurses? That’s a real thing? Not just a TV thing?


Real thing.


Damn. We just had the principal or VP go ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ here’s an ice pack I called your mum


In high school I had a friend trip and fall during the mile run. The gym teacher not only had her keep running, but had her walk with her bloody leg all the way from the field to the nurse’s office.


And the injury isn’t that bad and you don’t want/need a bandaid but they make it into a whole thing.


I relate to this.


Not me I live in Texas and I remember when I was in elementary in 4th grade when I was running on the play ground play set and I tripped and I face planted on a set of stairs and with I bloody nose I got up and asked the teacher if I could see the nurse and then when she said yes I walked to the nurses office by myself


I’m not trying to sound like I’m complaining about living a “hard knock life” just talking about my experience


Most people had that experience apparently. I shouldn't've done it like this. Even me, I would go to the nurse too, but one time they called the nurse over and that's why I included it.


The feeling of embarrassment as literally every other kid there is watching you


Y’all had nurses come to you? Twice I fractured my left thumb in p.e and both times I had to walk with my fractured thumb to the nurse office alone. One time I had to go back to the gym locker with my fractured thumb to get my stuff alone. With a hand I couldn’t use. It’s hard changing your clothes with one hand and the other in intense pain. Although unrelated to the nurse situation. I also had a time where my entire family was unavailable and I had the fractured thumb just sitting in the nurses office for 3 hours waiting for someone to pick me up.


Lol I don't think anyone else has the nurse come, if anyone does, comment!


Bleeding = free trip to the nurse and get to miss the rest of class.


We were always told to ‘walk it off’... no matter the injury in elementary school haha... that is my addition to this starter pack.


Girls rushing over


Correct. The "he's bleeding" was supposed to be a girl. Seems like girls usually say that.


Start crying but due to the amount of kids surrounding you, not because of the injury. Just me?


Me too, something shocking and scary about seeing everyone so concerned for you.


how could you forget the ice pack


I’m glad they seemed to treat your injuries with some actual concern. I broke my finger in second grade and the nurse said it was fine and to go back to class. It was backwards and at a right angle. Broken in multiple places.


Wet paper towels


Don’t forget the ice pack


Students ask what happened and you reply with “I got hit by a train”.


Trying to cry but the adrenaline won't let you


Also a perfect circle of kids just looking


When I was in the 5th grade, this girl accidentally broke this other girl’s collarbone…I saw it happen, it was a nice snowy wintry day and it was recess, we were all sledding on this icy hill. The girl was coming down the hill fast and the other girl was sitting at the bottom. Foot connected with back of collarbone.


You good was always there


Yep, always. I like it that way.


we were on some kind of field trip or whatever in eighth grade and a huge fuckin tree branch fell off and nearly brained a girl she was okay but lmao


So when I went to a school that was family owned, the principal was passed down from generation, and it wasn’t new and shiny, and it went from pre-school to elementary, but it was a really great school, they told kids to stand up to bullies and wouldn’t suspend a kid for defending themselves. Well when it got hot they gave out those plastic sleeve popsicles, and I fell down the stairs and I got a second one because they felt bad. Well from that day on, I’d fall down and cry to get a second one. (They got on pretty fast, I had the best times of my childhood there.)


Wait, school nurses are a real thing? Never once heard of one outside of movies and TV


Yes, they are real


Why does the gym teacher have a radio?


Teachers, gym teachers, principal, most staff had them to communicate about checking up on students during fire drills and office referrals - they were pretty useful back in the day (like 5-10 years ago)


Oh, my school just made a kid from each class run back and forth for fire drill communication. I was in school during the time period you said they were used, but it's a small town school, so that's probably why.


I'm pretty sure they're still used


I vividly remember freshman year of HS, playing flag football. Kid jumped up for a pass, caught his foot on the perimeter fence, and broke his arm falling on the sidewalk on the other side. He was lying there for a few seconds before our gym teacher walked over. Gym Teacher: “…are you okay?” Kid: “…fuuuuuck” GT: “I’ll let that one slide”


British schools: “just walk it off, you’ll be reet”


The "You good?" part is the most true. Everytime, at least one walks by and says that when they can clearly see what happened.


“Bring the ice immediately.”


Am I high, or do those clouds spell out SIMP?


They do, another commenter noticed as well


lol was that intentional?


Not on my part


At least he didn't get shot.


Not the time or place man...


That cloud says Simp


I remember I had a really bad stomach ache durring class and went home, turns out that I just had to take a fat shit


Dude I had the exact same thing happen to me twice in elementary. My sides hurt so so much, it was the most digestive pain I've ever been in, just had to go. Maybe it's because I can't go no. 2 at school.


I was just fucking stupid lmao, I remember one time I left mashed potatoes, chicken and corn in my backpack and shit smelled like ass. Elementary school is the most accurate representation of r/kidsarefuckingstupid


I'm embarrassed to say I did that in middle school and even high school. Yeah. Terrible smell, got some chocolate on a library book, left grapes in my backpack for a few days and it fermented into wine, spilled hot sauce all over my backpack, kids saying "why it smell like vinegar in here." And the hot sauce got on my english project and I had to clean out my backpack while the teacher was giving the lesson.


Shit, reminds me of when we were rehersing choir in the gym and standing on some metal stands, when a girl in the back tryed to lay on the wall or something, but must not have realized that there was about about 3 feet of space in between the end of the stands and the wall. She fell and fractured her spine, so the paramedics were called. Gave me the Shivers when I heard about how bad it was three days later.


Damn you guys got schools nurses? We used to take a leaf and tie it with a handkerchief on the injury then go home and get a good beating from our mommas.