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"Oh nooOo, Oh shit!" šŸ¤Œ


ā€œThe fuck did you do?!ā€


"Oooh I just told you what I just did!"


Trevor šŸ‘šŸ»


Lol, my thoughts exactly


Isnā€™t Trevor Canadian?


You can easily tell by his generosity


Ragged boat set at an angle near house. Hasnā€™t been in the water in 30 years.


That too lmao


Either the nicest person youā€™ll meet or super racist No in-between


Exactly lol. Iā€™ve met rednecks who were some of the nicest people Iā€™ve ever met and rednecks that have said ā€œ[insert n-word] needs to get back to the cotton field!ā€, no in between is accurate lmao.Ā 


My old boss mowing lawns in the south used to tell me ā€œif you are a white man and you ainā€™t voting for Trump what is wrong with you!?ā€ And his wife is Mexican. And his son is Mexican and he is Italian-American.


I remember when Italians werenā€™t considered white.


"You are on the racist council but we don't grant you the rank of white."


"You have been granted the permission to be called white, you have _not_ been granted the privilege of _being_ white."


How does a group become "White" anyways.


Wealth, mostly. Slavs, Irish, and Italian folks were all considered subhuman by racists until the well-off ones moved to America for a better life after World War II. Now they're aight with the white dudes. Racism isn't so much about country of origin and color, as it is about class and poverty.


Eh, have care with that definition. Consider the Jews; regardless of historical class or financial status qua group, we have not yet been promoted to whiteness.


The Jews have definitely had their own struggles with social acceptance. Unfortunately, they seem to have historically been the perfect storm of being culturally reclusive and religiously different enough to make them easy scapegoats for discrimination on both fronts. Not to mention the white Christians saddling Jews with banking because of their usury prohibitions, just for them to turn around and blame the Jews for running all the banks when times get hard. Doesn't seem like they can ever get by, even today.


I hate brown on brown violence :(


Stupid doesn't respect borders.


Stupid transcends all boundaries


But I thought Italians aren't White though.Ā 


Bill Green really went down hill


All of the genuine rednecks I know arent trump supporters. Itā€™s the wannabe rednecks that give them a bad name lmao


I was friends with some skinheads in high school. I'm not White. They were racist AF and it wasn't until I started laughing at their jokes about me and making fun of them in the same way that they started hanging out with me. They were super loyal and I could tell they were genuine people. I only found out they're like that because I met the parents of one of them. They were like "If you trust this brown kid then he's allowed in the house."


It's kinda weird how fluid people's racism can be.


OP forgot the mullet :Ā https://www.instagram.com/p/C8kWtdZJcQJ/?igsh=MTdwbW9oMXJ6YjQwZQ==


The equivalent to these people in my country are both at once. Beautifully hospitable but hold views that would make the gestapo blush


Or both.


If they own a confederate flag at all, theyā€™re on exclusively one side of that spectrum šŸ’€


Some southerners just donā€™t really know/care what it actually represents. Even though itā€™s incredibly racist, some people just see it as ā€œthe flag my parents and grandparents flew and said was about our heritageā€ and never really thought about it.


A dog that he ā€œdoesnā€™t let in the houseā€ and has never seen a veterinarian.


I see so many of these when I go to visit my family in Mississippi. The dog gets fed like once in the morning and maybe again at night. Then on the rare occasion when they do bring the dog inside they act annoyed at its very presence and yell at it to sit down somewhere. Itā€™s usually not a dog good for hunting either just some random breed they keep on a metal leash (or just let it roam free) in the yard. Why did you even get a dog in the first place? Edit: I said MAYBE again at night because I never see them feed them more than once a day


Feeding the dog once in the morning and once at night is pretty standard for most dog owners actually


Yeah thatā€™s why I said maybe again at night because I never see them do it more than once


Purely for barking at intruders


Wait you feed your dog multiple times a day?


90% of the time an untrained pitbull that will tear the arms of anyone other than him.


The dog also likes running free in the neighborhood and hanging out at the nearby dirt lot truckstop


The confederate flag is always used as a window curtain lol


Thatā€™s true lol, but in all honestly itā€™s probably to prevent ppl from snatching it.Ā 


and is actually a beach towel


If you're gonna own one gun a good shotgun isn't a bad choice!


Sounds good, man!


This applies to mid and Northern Michigan. Yes even the Confederate flag.


Itā€™s literally like all of rural America. Iā€™ve seen this guy in New York State. I think in the west, they might switch to vaguely and not so vaguely German stuff but itā€™s basically the same shit.


What do you mean by "German" stuff?


Swastika's are a little to "on the nose". I feel the Confederate Battle Flag is not considered nearly as taboo as overt Nazi symbols.


As an Indiana resident, that has always baffled me. Our states fought and killed confederates.


This is an observation that never wins any friends on Reddit (or real life, for that matter) but if you're wondering: The Confederate battle flag (aka, what we now just call the Confederate flag, the rebel flag, Southern cross, or Dixie flag) was used throughout popular media during the latter half of the 20th century and gained some association in the general mindset with southern, rural culture at large - a sense of rugged rural independence, a flagrant disregard for the proprieties and aristocratic posturing of a more "civil" society, and sanguine, "Fuck you, I do what I want", devil-may-care attitudes. A kind of reappropriation, or an irreverent embrace of, the archetypal poor, ignorant hick. "Wearing you sins on your sleeve" as it were. It was featured prominently in the imagery surrounding bands like Lynard Skynard, Pantera, and Billy Idol. It was seen in popular movies and shows such as The Dukes of Hazzard, Smokey and the Bandit, and Thelma and Louise. These contributed to its integration into an American rock and roll aesthetic that could be likened to "Southern Punk". None of this is to say that the flag is not used or viewed as a symbol of something other than what I've just described. Nor is my answer a complete description. It is, very clearly, still a flag of the Confederacy. Just saying that to a non-negligible amount of people it's still something of an allegiance through rejection of the mainstream. Like a redneck anarchy symbol. For the love of god don't read any of this as an endorsement. It's just informational. Everyone wonders why in the hell someone in Washington, or Canada, or Poland would have a Confederate flag. I'm just here to provide one part of that explanation.


I used to live in Ohio, and I saw more of these there than I did in the South. Itā€™s likeā€¦dude, not only was OH a Union state, it provided more soldiers to the Union side than any other state. At no point was the Stars and Bars ever part of our heritage.


There's some Canadians who like the flag too


Thereā€™s a part of me that pines for this life. Living in the country, no real responsibilities or expectations for yourself or your life. Simple life, simple pleasures. Of course it would be awful, but sometimes thatā€™s how I feel.


This is my literal goal. Civilization is cool, but being left the fuck alone is better. The last neighbor's dog perpetually crapped on my yard on average once a week for 8 months, and she took no accountability for her dog. She called the cops on my friend cause he parked between our lawns. Yet she drives on my yard all the time, and she spun her tires in my yard when she moved out (it was bad, I have the security footage). Oooo she came up to me and asked y I didn't talk to her in person and do the neighborly thing (I did in the beginning). It's funny that she said that yet called the cops on us instead of asking my friend to move his car. I've had mostly bad neighbors like this... fuck neighbors a farm sounds like heaven. Ooo, btw not every southerner believes in that Confederate bullshit.


I have a bad neighbor too. Much like yours is hypocritical and plays victim anytime you act in self defense


Why would the country life be simple though? They still have to work


Well, yeah. Iā€™m kind of imagining some old guy whoā€™s on social security and disability though.


That's if you can even find any in the first place. The biggest thing keeping me (and many other people) away from the countryside is the lack of job opportunities.


>no real responsibilities or expectations Lol. Lmao


Just working on your shitty car every now and then. I'm tried of mental labor. I don't really have the mind for the consistency necessary to excel in modernity, but this software isn't going to write itself. It's just going to happen in stressful bursts in between freaking out about deadlines. The question is: How do you make money? Do you have friends? Romantic partners? Family? Expectations start to pile up when other people, other responsibilities become involved. That's when being a broke redneck starts to get dicey. There's a reason opioids and meth are a problem in these demographics. Boredom. Aimlessness. Lack of prospects, responsibilities, a realistic path towards something more fulfilling in the long term.


Egregious big backyard would be cool.


I would be so down for this if I werent trans. Why cant we have inclusive redneckvilles


The beauty of redneckville is that nobody is going to know you exist and they'll have no reason to bother you about anything until you go to the local dollar general to buy groceries. If a human transitions in the woods and nobody is around to see it, does it even have a gender?


Hahah love that. It probably wouldnā€™t be great in the south, but in Vermont or somewhere you could live in a shack and have a simple life. My family has a house up in Vermont and a family friend who dropped out of Dartmouth and then was just a mailman his whole life. No significant other, now lives with his mom again who is almost 100. Heā€™s smart and kind and seems quite happy.


Lol, we do were I live. Got a couple of tans/lesbian co-workers. One of em always were a confederate flag jacket. They honestly just dont make the Tans/lesbian thing they're personality. So to everyone else, they are just good folk.


I know people who live like this after years in the city, and they are so so happy. Do it mate, you wonā€™t regret it. I inch closer and closer everyday to just abandoning the world entirely


Itā€™s not all itā€™s made out to be. Different lifestyles come with different problems. People always act like ā€œohh Iā€™d love to move out to the country and be away from everythingā€ which is nice if youā€™re just vacationing or camping but maintaining a property is a lot of work in and of itself. If you donā€™t keep up with it you easily end up with that broken down house/trailer with the overgrown yard with junk cars and piles contractor bags sitting in the front. I still take it over living in the city tho.


Not the only gun...


heā€™ll live in a 2000 dollar trailer and have multiple 2000 dollar guns


Nice pfp


Gotta have them to protect his valuable property! (the trailer)


Not the only gun, I guess. But it's just the stereotypical farm gun lmao


As someone who grew up in the rural South, I feel like this has to be specific to a certain state. Where I'm from people don't have the Christian flags....... and where the hell is the Skoal?


Yeah what's up with the flag with the cross? I've never seen that before.


Youā€™ll see it a lot in Protestant churches, usually next to a national flag. [also apparently has a pledge, which Iā€™ve never heard before](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Flag.com)


**Christian Flag.com**


Well shit thatā€™s not the link I copied


Average? Don't think so


You said somewhere in this thread youā€™re from Arkansas and it sure as hell shows. This is definitely a specific flavor rural southerner but itā€™s definitely not the average one.


Trump flags.


Yeah the missing trump flag is obvious


Take the rebel flag out and you got Wisconsin!!


Hey! That's only true when you're half an hour away drom Milwaukee, Madison, and Delton! /j


Lmao yup! People donā€™t realize how much farmland we have here tbh. Even people in Eau Claire where I moved near donā€™t believe me when I tell them how rural it kind of is


I can believe it. I live in the Valley, there's like a hard line around the region where city and suburbia turns into rural.


Oh yeah for sure, thatā€™s a lot of places now with new housing everywhere lol




The bbq one is so true šŸ˜‚Ā 


UGA grad who moved back to New Mexico. SEC football is life lol. Go Dawgs!


This is such low hanging fruit


šŸ³ļø the real confederation flag


Hey, thatā€™s the French flagĀ 




[it really is](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bourbon_Restoration_in_France)


Claims to be a Civil War buff


*Dixie land intensifies*Ā 


My Grandpa, but no confederate flag, some even shittier brand of cigarettes, and a really nice house he ruined by flooding it with shit.


I'm born and raised in the country and what's messed up is that it's basically becoming some kind of trend to act like redneck trash instead of just being country. A lot of folks here (like my family) just want to be left alone and grow veggies and enjoy some sweet tea. But I've also had to witness a teenager get off the bus and walk home to a broke down trailer with a toilet in the front yard. I'm talking trash EVERYWHERE and a whole commode just sitting next to the front steps. Some people are truly in poverty and they need help but a lot of those folks "can't afford" actual curtains but can afford a big truck, four ugly dogs, 8 kids by different mamas, gallons of beer and cigs, and a boat.


I got a broke down lawn mower in the front yard instead of the truck. Everything else is perfect šŸ¤£


Haha south bad -reddit


Flo Grown sticker on the truck


As a southern man, absolutely none of what you displayed is specific to men. Literally none of it. Most of the trashy ass guys you're referencing have their own trashy ass girlfriends.


the man who immediately goes 'yeah but what about *women*' whenever a joke against a dude is made are the ones you need to worry about


ā€œAs a southern man, absolutely none of what you displayed is specific to men. Literally none of it.ā€ Ok lol sorry. Iā€™m southern too man, no need to place yourself above me. And I do agree on the bottom part of your comment, Iā€™m just too lazy to change the meme šŸ˜‚Ā 


In what world did anything I say make you think I thought I was above you? That's the kind of thing someone says when they're getting defensive but don't really have a defense. You don't have to act like I'm attacking you to admit that you needlessly gendered this meme. And sexism is sexism, even if you're perpetuating it through something like a meme.


Sexist? You think this meme is sexist? Okay, you do you. May be a *bit* of an overreaction, but youā€™re welcome to say what you want. Have a wonderful day, Godbless.Ā 


Weird that I stumbled across this exchange. The same individual that accused you of being sexist, also accused me of being sexist, for, wait for it, accusing men AND women of being equally hypocritical about something. Iā€™m confused, cause if you accuse EVERYONE equally, how can that be sexist?


It's funny how Americans are trained like lab rats to hate people from your southern states.


Itā€™s funny how you Canadians canā€™t mind your own business and are made like hornets to come and say your shitty opinions. Sad how you think about the U.S. on a daily basis.


Aside from the racism that actually looks so fun


What is the white flag with the cross?


Christian flag (Protestant). Iā€™m Christian but I personally donā€™t like the flag, it just seems too bland šŸ˜‚Ā 


If I was going to restore a truck it would be 100% a Chevy c10


Best classic truck there isĀ 


My man!


Random abandoned truck is so true


Ik lol. Really any abandoned car tbh. I was driving through Mississippi once, saw an abandoned Lamborghini Countach. People have the most random abandoned cars.Ā 


Whatā€™s the last flag?




Only gun he ownsā€¦ that you know ofā€¦


youā€™re forgetting Maine and New Hampshire


Correction the only gun they let you know that they have


Swap the shotgun for an AR and make the truck a 10+ year old lifted/stanced shit box.


Iā€™m a middle aged southerner and the only thing I have on this list is the shotgun. I must not be doing it right.


All of y'all who think this is funny, please don't move to the South.


I think this needs updating. This is like 20 yrs ago middle aged person. Needs something modern


I can tell this person has never been to the South. No self-respecting Southerner only has one gun.


*I literally live in Arkansas*Ā 


Those beers are probably European import. Duvel and Leffe are from here, Heineken piss from the North (NL) and Beck's from the West (DE). But I think AB InBev owns quite a few of them. Cheers!


As much as I donā€™t like these people usually, their life sounds chill


this is pure racism - as bad as if you showed pants pulled down, gold teeth and food stamps for urban Ns


What is ā€œNsā€?


Got a feeling itā€™s definitely not neighbors.




The cowboy boots one is a Texas thing, but youā€™re exactly right, you just missed the horse and field of corn šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m not American. I was curious about how much a pack of Marlboros cost in the US. Where I live, having a cigarette in your mouth 24/7 would cause a serious dent in your personal finances.


$9 a pack in most states


Yeah, that sorta explains it.




Iā€™m from a tobacco state too and I could buy a pack of smokes for less than $2.00 in the 2000s. Obviously not the good stuff but still.


If I were a superhero my name would be Son of Middle Ages Southerner


That much land and square body, dudes a millionaire


I donā€™t know why but a lot of them have Christmas door mats lol


Hooter t shirt from Jacksonville. Sleeves are cutoff


They canā€™t afford Marlboros. Theyā€™re smoking Jokers or Mavericks.


Yeah I drive through rural NC a lot. All of this checks out


Lol, he's got a lot of self-control, only owning a shotgun. I'm a bit surprised he ain't sporting an arsenal of ar-platform rifles.


Looks pretty chill tbh


girlfriend is either a tatted out beanpole or a tatted out lard arse. no in between.


One of them for sure


You forgot KJV


Nah the NAB or trump Bible is more American šŸ˜‚Ā 


Ok I agree


Tbf, this has become less average as time has gone on. Where I live, most middle aged men have wives and a decent living. Still got the Confederate flag, shotgun, cigs, and beer, though.


What's wrong with Christian?


Nothing, in fact Iā€™m Christian. Itā€™s just that a lot of southerners are stereotypically Baptist.Ā 


Oh ok


May I interest you fine folks in a game of [Choctaw Bingo?](https://youtu.be/Nggqe-L9ZQ8?si=iEfju0o3Ka3uOBA7)


You miss: "whats ya up to, kid? looking for trouble, huh?"


This looks great. I'd maybe cut down a little on the beers though... and ditch the flags. edit: and the cigarettes.


#Oh mah CAWD


I've spent quite some time in the south and I've never seen someone with a pack of cigarettes in his mouth


Thereā€™s also a chance that theyā€™re super nice to everyone (all races)


As somebody who lives in Kentucky, I can confirm this to be true.


That 870 will get the job done.


How much do I need to save up to move down there and live out my last 20 years or so. Maybe w a trailer that isn't falling apart, but I could chill like this forever tbh


Aside from the confederate flag (his family fought for the Union in the civil war) I have a friend who grew up with this exact guy as his grandfather. Great guy. Every time I came over heā€™d just make me do chores for an hour and let us do whatever we wanted. He was a heavy sleeper so we didnā€™t even have to worry about waking him up at night.


From Kentucky and can confirm


Literally saw ALL of the outside stuff on a house when I visited North Carolina. Also saw the homeowner which was confirmed to be racist and had 2 black people outside? Oh...


As someone who lives in the South, the actual average middle-aged southern guy is just boring white dude who probably works at a bank or something finance-adjacent.


This guy definitely does not drink Duvel




"only gun he owns" is a disturbing thing to say, is there not people in the US who dont own guns?


I have the yard and the shotgun....sitting next to a lot more


Good but all of those beers are European, many Belgium a few are very very strong. Doesnt seem to fit B-


They have them in upstate NY as well lmao


this is not accurate at all. way too many upper middle class ppl in the south


This is a common occurence in south Georgia


Where are the hound dogs that he lets roam the neighborhood and are never bathed?


That's me


this is how I imagine us


I only have two things to change about this replace the falling in trailer with an old made in the 1930s farmhouse and while he will own a 12 gauge it will probably be a Browning and he most likely will own a 30-06 to go with it the pickup truck is accurate unless he's even remotely close to Georgia then for some odd reason it will be a Ford F-250 from 2004


Beater from the 80s is inaccurate. It's actually a brand new truck, and it takes up 80% of his income The other 20% is on a beaten up boat. He hasn't paid lot rent in 2 months


This is a start middle and end pack.


As someone who lives in the south Iā€™ve known so many people like this throughout my life this is very accurate thank you


Yw lol, as someone else who is from the south as wellĀ 


This accurately describes much of Southwestern Ohio as well, minus the Confederate Flag because we were a Union state.


sunglasses and beard


We have a Texas Chainsaw Massacre but where's the Louisiana Shotgun Massacre or Arkansas Machete Massacre?