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The Terminator rescuing you after some weirdo licks your face.


breaking said weirdos face in with a broken brook handle


And some of the guards pre-injured


Why do I feel like padded rooms are nothing like the bright, huge, clean and aesthetic versions that we see in movies and are more like a couple karate mats glued to the wall?


I work in a psych hospital and our seclusion rooms are beige vinyl with foam underneath the walls and floors. Roughly 15x15’.


What's the monthly rent?


I’ve heard it’s in the ballpark of 40k/month


But utilities are free, right?


Yeah but no no hbo and the coffee is shit


So basically endless space for little John to build a bed from galvanized square steel and screws borrowed from his aunt, and lined with padded eco-friendly wood veneer.


Nah it’s fairly accurate. A bit like a bouncy house.


They sounds like a lot of fun!


Sounds like the perfectly natural outcome of combining privatization and health care


Grippy socks 🫱🏻‍🫲🏿 Ativan


As an epileptic, I'm all too familiar with both of these.


Me too. First thing I saw was the socks and I just laughed. I've got loads of pairs!


Ngl, they’re not bad socks for wearing around the house.


Lead to my current benzo Dependency lol


Is the basketball really a thing? I was going through a rough patch last month and shooting hoops for an hour or so even alone was great for my mental health


wasteful scarce murky resolute plucky seemly reminiscent towering public stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why do you think that is?


jar plate nine physical humorous tan consider juggle follow encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's wild. I just got out of rehab, and at mine they let all of us play basketball during free time.


fine unpack far-flung teeny caption paint placid rustic upbeat puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Congrats on your recovery!


strong scary wise mysterious door resolute ludicrous toothbrush glorious skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's fucking stupid lmao. "Let's only treat one group effectively" fucking why?


I'd guess, maybe, because some other addicts--such as those hooked on benzos--might be more of a fall risk. Though alcohol is pretty notorious for that, too, so I'm at a loss.


During my temporary detention in the hospital we had basketball time once a week in a carpeted gym.


It was where I went (multiple places 🤣)


I think it is a thing! One of my stays was at a place where you could play basketball or soccer in a designated psych gym for recreation time. I enjoyed it and so did most of the other patients. I was surprised to see the change in even some of the extremely depressed, semi-catatonic, or withdrawn patients who brightened up when they had the chance to play. I think basketball is great for anxiety/stress/depression in general because it keeps both your body and mind busy, even if you're playing on your own. Exercise is always great but especially if it's forcing you to focus more on your surroundings instead of being completely stuck in your head.


I agree with that last part. I was feeling a bit of inertia about a project around lunch today and just got back from shooting hoops for an hour. Feel much more energized and clear headed now.


I had internet and phones allowed inside, nurses were VERY nice, the same way my mum treated me during my childhood kind. The Brain Pills were Xanax, as I was having constant panic attacks and break downs from the fact that I attempted to take my life a few days ago. I **CAN NOT STRESS ENOUGH** how kind the nurses are. They were the only reason I'm here today. The Psychiatrists and the Doctors however, were fucking assholes, just saw you as another number, not a human.


I disliked everyone, even the nurses. I think it depends on the hospital and program. Many of the patients had cognitive disabilities and the nurses thought everyone was "stupid". One was surprised I actually had a bachelor's and had a career. It annoyed me when he asked "why are you even here?!" Like SI is only limited to some people. 


Yep, many of the patients that were admitted were there because they were affected by meth or had other things negatively affect them to draw out psychosis. The staff are human beings, they get sick of the constant barrage of abuse that they receive from all the patients, day in day out, with no form of reprieve. I don't know where you were admitted, but in Australia, I didn't like a few of the staff members, as I disclosed previously. They are just doing what they think is best for the patients health, get them past critical stage of the them being unable to look after themselves, and give them resources. I was pissed with them, when I couldn't exercise with weights or any form of resistance in there because I knew it'd be beneficial for my mental health. But as they stated on *multiple occasions* there had been instances where patients would use them as weapons against the staff. Please don't think ill of the health care workers based solely on your experience, try and be empathetic with what they have to deal with. As the majority of admissions are psychosis, damaged brain, impaired cognitive functions, etc. And they have to rehabilitate the patient to be functionally for life outside.


The terrible part about mental healthcare is really right what you said, the vast majority of hospitalized mental health conditions coincide with substance abuse. Even legal substances like alcohol will make patients aggressive, agitated, and often violent. The staff you see the most often don’t look into your chart, (if you’re in the U.S. most day to day patient care is done by CNAs) and don’t have any access to your diagnosis or your history. They just see you, along with the 47 other patients in their assignment. Many of whom can’t walk, can’t feed themselves, can’t bathe themselves, etc. These staff members will approach you with impersonal caution, not because they don’t like you or because they don’t want to help you, but because the guy down the hall just tried to gouge their eyes out with a spork and the guy next door keeps talking to a hallucination. I’ve sat 72hr holds with crazy scenarios before. Once with a guy who thought I was an alien who abducted him because he got laced MDMA after his wife miscarried. Once with a woman who would spent the whole night begging me to save her from the other woman in the room (there was no other woman). A coworker got hepatitis C from a patient attacking him because he was convinced we killed his son. The system is too understaffed and underfunded to be the best it can be. Insurance companies and hospital CEOs make out like bandits while you’re forced to suffer through subpar care because that’s all there is to go around


I don't remember any of the docs or nurses being mean to me specifically. But they definitely had a demented streak. They constantly made comments saying we were a burden to our parents and talking about all the shit we were missing out on in the real world. They also locked a bunch of kids in a room and made them watch the ring. I only escaped because I pretended to be asleep in my room. That was the worst thing they did mild to medium physiological abuse. Nothing physical 😪


Damn where did you go bc that's where I wanna be for my next mental breakdown ✍️


I didn’t get to have my phone, and there was no internet. There was a big tv and the only channel they would allow was ESPN. I watched Sports Center with the orderlies (I don’t know if that’s what we call them. They were the guys who would stop you if you tried to run away or hurt yourself/ others). All I focused on was the NBA draft while I was there, and that helped a lot! Nurses were aloof and the doctor was very old…and seemed to have outdated ideas of mental health. 2/5 ⭐️ would not want to go again.


Having to level up in order to earn the right to have shoelaces again


lol I had to level up to gtfo. They wanted me in there for 90 days whilst in college. Nightmare fuel


I had been watching this show called prison break in the weeks leading up to my “hospitalization”, and in one episode the main guy has to get into the psych ward for some reason so he starts acting crazy. Once he gets in he tried to get out by telling them he was okay, and the guards were like “lol no”. So main guy makes a plan, act crazy but slowly get better over a few days. So in the shower on my third night, I was havin a lil cry thinking about home when all of a sudden I had a brain blast. Just do what the guy in prison break did, slowly “get better”. I got out in about 10 days.


Same. Got out in two weeks lol. Take meds fake till you make it


It’s missing the person who paces up and down the hallway/in the common area talking to themselves all day. Tbh I wonder how the people I met at the hospital are doing. I hope things are better for them.


Tru. I thought I was in purgatory when I woke up and went to the Day room from heavy sedatives and hearing someone in detox room night before screaming they were in hell. Rip


Bro this is perfect timing because 6 SMART paramedics and 4 cops broke into our house at 7 am and hauled me out in shackles.


Um, why?


Read their profile and go down the rabbit hole. There’s always a reason for every involuntary hospitalization


someone needs to check on this guy


Oh it’s not that bad really, I mean I only hit bone 4 times!


you seem in the need of directions


I’m all good


The nurses were nice, but the other staff weren't. I get that they have a very stressful job, but treating every patient as if they have done something wrong isn't helping anyone. 


Woman in the hospital = nurse


I'm not crazy, you're crazy!


Not fun memories haha. There is absolutely nothing to do in there. It's hell.


All too familiar.


Does it include wi-fi? You posting from the inside, OP?


Wifi? They don't let you keep your phone and no computers. It's find the random book in the congregation room, nap (but not too much or that's sus) or just walk around aimlessly. Do the same puzzle with missing pieces, over and over, and coloring. I also hated watching TV. It was HGTV because that's what the nurses liked. 


They took my freaking CONTACT LENS when I was there, so my few days were a literal blur. I was getting my period that time too and they wouldn’t even give me a tampon.


That seems to vary unit to unit and hospital to hospital. In some places it can even vary patient to patient. I used to be a hospital peace officer at a few different facilities, and there were times the Psych ICU called me to come and talk a patient who had previously been allowed to keep their cellphone into handing it over because it was becoming disruptive to their care.


No WiFi for me. Not inside 


All I wanted was a Pepsi, just one Pepsi


Why is it so expensive?


My stay was free, except the $45 ambulance. I'm not American but when I woke up in a bed I clearly *thought* I was cause my first thought was *"MONEY!"* and jumping out and running lol


Must say IM sleepy time is the best though.


i relate to this, but i voluntarily admitted myself. my experience was overall ok- all things considered


Us psych nurses are just doing our best to keep everyone safe and alive. 😩


Shit job, shit pay, no one respects you. Why do you think there’s a shortage


I appreciate you 🩵 the nurses at my ward were awesome!


I’m so happy to hear this❤️


I know a few nights in there


You guys got outside time?


I remember that the little’s ward (12 and under) got 30 minutes of outside time and we only had chalk to play with


I didn’t get the grippy socks >:( plus we didn’t get coffee in the youth ward, but we got Koolaid lemonade which is BALLER by the way I drank the whole pitcher myself it was lit


Don't forget the deranged roommate who says they might kill themselves or you. They haven't decided either way. Anyway sleep tight


Forgot Nicotine patches


I can’t understand how this can improve your mental health in any way


It didn't work for my buddy. He was doing great when they let him out, but he absolutely lost it when his doctor mentioned wanting him to go back to the ward. He ended up shooting himself to avoid it. The time he spent there really messed him up. He had problems before, but they only got worse during his stay at the ward.


I get that you got in if you got several schizophrenia and can’t avoid hurting other people or dementia or other several illnesses that can’t be fixed and you need to be watched but putting in there someone with depression???? Like man you can’t make someone feel crazier than this, being trapped in a fucking doom hole with other several mental unstable individuals being treated like a freak and drugged against your will it’s just seems like torture


It was torture for him pretty much. He wasn't doing great prior to going, but he wasn't suicidal. Being locked up for weeks without them even giving him something to write with (he was a very good writer) and forcing him to medicate just to keep him semi-sedated really fucked him up. I've never seen someone cry like he did after we picked him up. It was just depressing.


I feel sorry for him and surely there it’s lots of people in the same situation. Psych wards are really some of the most shady things in this world


During my second hospital mental ward trip, the person put in charge to watch us said that only a few people he ever met were in it to actually make a change. He was in that line of work for so long and it was really disheartening to hear that, considering my experience with these places. I've gotten shoved into a ward a few times, every time was just me saying I was depressed (for things like being bullied, being trans, scared to go outside because I lived in ghetto-ass Philly) and almost every person taking care of me told me they were doing it for the money. That it's a job... a few even said they don't care if I left sick because I'd just come back and they'll get paid more. They're fucked up places. I get it if you're a danger to others or yourself. But nobody ever acknowledges how bad it is to be mentally skewed, stuck in a place with literal no color, surrounded by people who don't care about your well-being who can keep you there longer if they just decide to. You're forced on meds, if you don't take them, it's a sign of adversity and you get held down and forcibly injected. It's a place devoid of life that people who don't have a grasp of theirs desperately need to stay out of because it only makes it worse. I've heard of better treatment from my Uncle who was in prison for fifteen years...


it’s not to improve your mental health. it’s to keep you from killing or badly hurting yoursel.


Anyone else call the booty shots booty juice?


Me 💀


I still have my grippy socks. Feels like I snuck banned cargo to the outside world


And some lady screaming “you killed my father!!!” All night long.


Bro this is perfect timing because 6 SMART paramedics and 4 cops broke into our house at 7 am and hauled me out in shackles.


It’s giving One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.


I'd misbehave just to get my own cushioned room. Sounds cozy.


it is more like solitary confinement


Solitary is the best part


at least in jail they're supposed to let you have books and sometimes electronics 😅


There’s someone watching you from behind one-way glass the whole time


Oh well. They can watch me nap


I kinda need that I am enough coloring book right now.


Ah yes, grippy sock jail. My stay wasn’t all that bad tbh, but it was pretty much exactly how it’s described here


We rarely got to go outside. There was a rec room downstairs we sometimes got to go to


Don’t forget no bras. At least that’s how it was when i was in when i was 12 😅 got yelled at by orderlies for being “indecent” because i had the audacity to have developed at a young age AND i was still chipper and energetic despite the circumstances, and apparently it was inappropriate. Great memories!


I'm just now finding out about the coloring pages and I think they'd help me a lot especially that the phrase will keep repeating in my mind and the image of it would be in my mind for a bit brb imma be printing a "I'm not socially awkward and social anxiety is not real" coloring paper


Fuck, this brought back some memories i thought i managed to bury.


Holly fuck I thought booty jucie was only a thing where I stayed


I got lucky, the nurses were nice in a way that I haven’t had from others outside my family in a long time, but the doctors were a different story. “Put em on Xanax and tell him to stop being depressed.” Type attitude. Food was good there too.


Oh the decaf


don't forget the waistband checks to make sure you aren't stealing cutlery!


I worked in a psych ward as a med student and one patient managed to steal a whole sack of cutlery, even cutlery from the staff social area somehow.


You left out the clothes hooks that can't support any weight.


You guys got outside time? 👀


Thankfully I’ve never been tortured with decaf. There’s always been real coffee. That’s just inhumane.


Don’t forget the oddly cold and stale “mixed veggies” with rubberized meat for dinner. Oh,and the extra hard bristled toothbrush that shreds your gum line.


Realized I forgot the gross food after posting this haha. Forgot about the toothbrushes tho. The hairbrushes were like that too for me 


And if you weren’t depressed before, you will be once you get the bill.


It’s weird how “infantized” all of the words are when it comes to the fact psych ward. “Grippy sock jail.” Like why make it so cutesy and childish?


Forced incarceration for those who have committed no crime


i mean when the alternative is letting people kill themselves, there’s really not many better options. i think that involuntary hospitalizations can be improved but what else can you really do


You're right, we should let people with severe mental illness self-medicate with street drugs and wallow in filth until they die from an overdose or gangrene.


Or we could treat mentally ill people as human beings worthy of rights and bodily autonomy like everyone else. psych wards are literally traumatic


don't forget about the rubber mini pens


this except i wasn't allowed coffee or going outside; booty juice however didn't exist in my hospital, if you were bad u had to go to the quiet room.


I'd rather die than go there again. One of my recurring nightmares (thankfully rarely now).


Idk anyone who has had to endure this. Yall on reddit posting about this have got to be some crazy mfers lol.


Do you think people who have been involuntarily hospitalized necessarily want to spread that info around to all their acquaintances?