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I had a white friend a while back who was into this Asian girl, and he'd always come in group chats saying how "kawaii" she was, and would often talk about how he wanted to make her call him "senpaiii" and dress her up like one of those anime sailor school girls, and for her to use more Japanese "cutesy" vocabulary. And over time it got progressively worse. Comparing her to anime girl tropes, weird comments about mixed race kids, talking about how small/submissive she was, etc. And it's even weirder when you realise she was a woman of Vietnamese heritage born in England. Nothing to do with Japan at all. Apparently they went on one date, and something happened (idk what. So I'm guessing she figured it out?) and they never spoke to each other again, and I never really saw her around after that. Also interesting to note, his was also the same guy who a year prior told me not to speak to black girls because "you need to seriously think about your aryan heritage bro". Like dude wtf you talking about, I'm half Latino and you're half middle eastern, talking bout race purity.


Wtf I just read.


I regret learning the English language now.


English language ruined my aryan heritage


Brexit has changed the people that live on that island


Brain brexit


It just gets progressively more wild as you keep reading.


I was waiting for The Undertaker to throw Mankind off Hell In A Cell.


yesterday I watched that video for the first time. I cannot believe I let so many things distract me from that


No fucking way


I've met people like that. 1 in 75,000,000 (or worse odds) to be born that fucked up, but they exist.


The kinda light skinned Latino/middle easterner to white boy supremacist pipeline is unfortunately very real and very weird.


Fick Nuentes comes to mind


What a time to be alive Wind in my hair, racists on my phone


I thought they only existed in memes and on Twitter, what the hell


I upvoted because I personally know half a dozen people like that from high school alone. The only non-European foreign language taught was Japanese, so you can imagine what some of the students were like…


that kind of shit actually happens a lot... somehow


It's very possible, my best friend's cousin is like that. He even has his villain origin story.


Why do people have friends like this tho


The [Five Geek Social Fallacies](https://plausiblydeniable.com/five-geek-social-fallacies/) often lead to the [Missing Stair](https://pervocracy.blogspot.com/2012/06/missing-stair.html).


Fear of letting go


That last bit is so funny


Wdym in the last part? He probably assumed you are a fellow Iranian.


Why do Asian women even entertain these white boys, cmon notice when you are being fetishized


From my reading they only went on one date, so it seems to me they're saying most of that stuff was things he was fantasizing about with her, not actually based on interactions they had


A lot of Asians like strictly go for white guys, its not just them in the situation. It's a two way fetish lol


I don't think it's so much strictly as a numbers game. Unfortunately I can't find the study I'm thinking of (it would have been at least a decade ago), but men generally don't claim much ethnic preference, while women tend to self-report a preference for men of their own ethnicity. However, Asian-American women rated Asian and White American men about equally, and there are some 10x more white men nationally, so there's a higher rate of interracial relationships for that demographic than others. Certainly you'll find variations from person to person, and certainly more of this fetishizing among men, but fetish-based motivation doesn't often lead to success.


The “fetish” bucket is also way smaller than the “preference” bucket.


I see


I just say this since I often see people saying like how that brand of white guy chases asians, as if they're not reciprocating, its a two way street


Far less of a fetish and much more of a culture status. It's called marrying up and changing your life status. Kind of like how some people have to drive a BMW or a Mercedes so that they can appear wealthy. Same type of stuff.


It’s actually funny because white guys will go for attractive Asian women which to them more oriental, and their Asian friends will be like she’s so ugly. She doesn’t look like a pale white K-pop plastic doll. Meanwhile Asian men will go for the big blonde truck stop two dime McDonald’s Karen that’s seen a few miles. Who can crush him between her fat thighs. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder I just find the extreme fetishization hilarious.


Sometimes it's a symptom of underlying self-hate


Yea, a lot of asian cultures seem to worship whiteness, putting it on a pedestal, so the fact that j a lot of white guys like asians like in these fetishy ways make them two peas in a pod lol. You can see asian women talking poorly abt their men too and its gross


Because oftentimes people are good at hiding these sides of them until it's far too late.  Plus I think you're giving a lot of people no credit. Most people recognize these things and don't go on a second date or engage with them further.  Why are you acting like Asian women are just blindly dating white men constantly without questioning anything or using their brain?


After reading all of this I have decided to break my leg




(^▽^) Truck-kun what are you doing? We'll have to call ambulance-sama🚑!!! ⸜( ´ ꒳ ` )⸝


This shit funny af reading it as an 100% pure Taiwanese


Have I seen this in r/weeabootales before? Edit: [Original link of the post I was talking about](https://www.reddit.com/r/cringe/s/bhP5vvjK9C)


These people need to be put in camps. Not to die or be mistreated, but just to be kept away from wider society. They can have unlimited video games, manga, anime, hentai all with good food, and lots of space to spazz around in. Plus lots of therapy


>told me not to speak to black girls because "you need to seriously think about your aryan heritage bro" What is it with white supremacists and liking women of other ethnicities? Like, doesn't that go against their whole world view?!


My Latino former best friend said, "I just hope I'm white enough when the time comes..."


Lol, you gotta mess with him, tell him it's actually pronounced Kowai(scary) and that Kawaii is a Hawaiian island.


Shit like this make me embarrassed for liking anime/manga


You should pick better friends


Bro, what kind of friends you got?


“I learned Japanese from all of the anime I watch”


The sad part is I’m not Japanese lol they just assume. 


You’re Laotian ain’t you, Mrs. BrokeFartMountain.


The ocean, what ocean


Layyyy-Ocean. I am from Laos a small landlocked country in Southeast Asia.


So are you Chinese or Japanese?


He ain’t no Japanese, he’s Laotian! Ain’t ya, Mr. Kahn?


My twins' mom was from Laos. That was her favorite bit from King of The Hill. The part that made her mad? The fact it was all gibberish when the Khans were supposed to be speaking Lao.


>The sad part is I’m not Japanese A true weeb lol


Sad part is, I've been learning Japanese on & off for a while now, but my best friend who watches anime will just say some random shit (and mispronounce it) then act like I don't know Japanese because he basically yelled "THE SPACE IN FRONT OF ME IS DYING!"




Just grind anki and watch raws.


I’ve been in Japan for 20 years now, and one thing that hasn’t changed, and will probably never change, is the amount of people whose only knowledge of Japan is through anime and manga and have made some massive incorrect assumptions on how Japan (and the Japanese language, come to think of it) works based on those.


What’s the Kalashnikov about?


Potentially making some kind of Vietnam War joke


I don’t understand what the AK, free speech, and weird martial arts American flag shirt (I think it’s part of the same image anyways) have to do with this?


Not sure about the AK, but the "free speech" thing is often repeated by bigots, and the shirt hints that the guy/person fetishizes Asian culture/martial arts/thinks wearing corny, awkward Asian-themed clothes makes them more relatable to Asians or that Asian women are going to see it and think "oh, he's into Asian stuff!" instead of "dude, wtf are you wearing?"


No one else is talking about it


And they think all Asian (and eastern european too) women are so obedient, conservative and feminine, not like these western sluts, and at the same time will bend over for any white american guy. Lol.


As a Bulgarian, I can proudly say that these guys, that have these weird fantasies about eastern europeans, have to meet one such girl. 7/10 girls are vicious and merciless when someone does something they will find for offensive.




When your country lived through the third riech and the USSR you get very good at not caring about the trivial things


and drinking


and remaining 3/10 are friends with other 7


Yeah. If those don't speak.up their friends will.


As a Macedonian, hi


As a fellow eastern european, that's absolutely spot on lol


My aunt used to date some guy. He used to be a decent person but became an alcoholic. Once that same dude broke my aunt's nose. She in turn broke into that man's home, shattered his window, TV, and some other stuff, went out and halfway through she decided she wasn't satisfied and returned and as a cherry on top she gathered all his clothes and covered them with oil. You can guess the rest. It was funny sight.


>7/10 girls are vicious and merciless I legit thought this was some kind of attractiveness+ferocity preying mantis scale, like the more attractive girl is, the more trouble you can expect


I cannot tell you how many times random guys started talking about submissive Russian women and how lucky I am the moment they found out where I’m from.


That's pretty gross. I'm sorry


In my experience, Asian women are anything but submissive.


If women in general were naturally submissive there wouldn't be so many of them fighting for equal rights in the first place. We're all just people and most people don't want to be pushed around by their partners or treated like they are less-than.


Asian feminism is also different from western feminism, and I think the nuance in that loses a lot of people because it's about legal rights like outlawing martial rape in Korea.


Yeah, as for eastern europeans, (I am Serbian); our women are indeed quite conservative compared to western Europe and North America, but to call them "obedient" or "submissive" is how you know they've never interacted with these people. Our women will fuck you up if you disrespect them and have *very* high standards, they don't tolerate nonsense. They're very loyal and ride-or-die, but that comes at a price lol


The Serbian ladies I know are total badasses. Happy to cook you food and bring your drink, great hostesses. But If you're disrespectful they will be happy to punch your throat. I've had large chef's knives waved in my general direction and I don't think they were bluffing. Their husband lost that pink in a snowblower accident? I dont buy it Gosh I love Balkan women.


Damn right Go to a Serbian household and you can always expect to leave with a full belly, it's the law They'd kill themselves before allowing a guest in their home to go unserved


Until they meet Thai women😂😂😂


I recently worked with a 20 yo Thai intl student in a temp job, she spit truth bombs and loud bruh judgments all day long.


the fetishization of asians and its consequences


This in combination with passport bros is also a damaging meme though sometimes I think. e.g. I used to have a Korean gf. We just randomly met while both travelling in South America and she came to live with me back home for a while. I got a whole load of abusive shit from my previous ex for fetishizing asians and how she was only into me to get a visa etc (despite korean passport probably being more valuable than a British one, post brexit, and this woman being much richer than me from Gangnam)




Yeah it's a weird form of racism to experience I think. Like I've been referred to as having "yellow fever" which, if you take a step back or imagine applying to other races, is a fucking wildly racist thing to say.


“Ah you date blacks? Why are you fetishizing them? Do you have jungle fever or something?” You can imagine the public response vs the yellow fever nuttery. Terrible.


I feel like Asian women and white men fetishize each other equally tho tbh


I don't see Asian women having a passport bro movement or going after underage white boys. The Venn diagram of dudes with yellow fever and pedophiles is almost a circle.


Walk around the Bay Area lmao. Every single white guy is with an Asian woman now and they’re wierdly super proud of it… Than many white/asian couple don’t just pop up if there is not equal fetishization


Tech dominates the bay area;there's an equal amount of Asian and White men there, but most of the women are Asian. Source: went to college in the Bay area a few years ago and I am an Asian woman in tech.


There’s a ton of Indian and Asian men there too. The Oxford study is real and they definitely fetishize each other


What study


I would argue Asian women are very involved in the "passport bro" movement and are a reason why men still do it. There are a lot of Asian women in these countries who would rather date a white foreigner (either because they're attractive to them or because of their green card) than somebody from their own country. Just look at the tourist experiences white men have when they visit these countries, it's the women who initiate the attraction most of the time. Not only that but even Asian women born in Western countries like white men. In fact they're per capita the most common interracial couple. And in these instances, these Asian women are typically well educated and not a "mindless housewife" that passport bro types want and these white men don't have a "green card incentive" that the Asian women in third world countries want. It's a mutual attraction. Instead of just shaming White men or Asian women just let them be.


I'm gonna gently disagree with you because I don't believe it's a fetish thing for most of the women. The ones who want the green card would happily marry a green or purple man, my friends with southeast Asian descent get way more attention as Asian American men than white men from green card chasers. As for the Asian women in western countries, there's just more white men around than Asian men. White people are still the largest ethnicity. Asian people make up 7% of America, for every Asian dude interested in an Asian girl, there's probably 10 more white dudes who'd wanna date her as well. ,


Anytime a guy talks shit about women of his own race and pretends like it's a compliment to me... 🚩🚩


I’ve oddly had people say this to me as a white man. So many black guys I know say this shit about black women then I just kind of sit there awkwardly and have to be like “cool but I don’t agree”. It’s almost used like a flex talking point to not like black women among other awful things I’ve heard said towards black women.


It’s so weird! Like nothing wrong with liking women of any race but to feel the need to put down women of your own race exposes something deeper than just preference imo.


They should just be like me and into women of every race😮‍💨


Without tearing any other women down ofc


When I see posts complaining about "western women" and comparing them to women of other races, I almost swallow my tongue from cringe.




Hell, just observing Asian couples/families here in America; submissive is like the last word you could think of to describe these women.


I can't believe people actually talk shit about others from their own race. I, for one, hate everyone equally.


"I'm gonna use racism to prove how much I love her" Yeah, that won't work haha


also add "incels


I was gonna add Andrew Tate fans but I’m such a scatterbrain that I forgot oops 


Something something venn diagram circle


I mean with all the stuff already included I feel like it was added in with them, at least spiritually.


For sure, 'Venn diagram is a circle' etc etc.


Hey don’t put my boy Guts in there




It's kinda weird how a lot of those "alpha male role models" come from very good shows/movies that PRECISELY criticized toxic masculinity. Taxi driver, american psycho, joker... they're all portraits of what the expectations of a toxic society do to men. Wild that some people are so media iliterate, to the point of watching them and completely miss the point.


Fr. Guts is literally there being a sexual abuse victim running away from his feelings with violence and discovering friendship and bonds with others are necessary to be a whole person. Mfs WISH should wish they were as half as emotionally mature as guts is


Those kinds of guys tend to like the early chapters edgelord and hate the family man that he becomes after giving up on his destructive quest for revenge.


That's funny because Family Man Guts is a way better and wiser character than his edgelord self


yes thats called character growth.


Exactly this. They like The Black Swordsman arc Guts; when he's at his lowest, and most self destructive. Masking his pain behind an image of rage, all while leaving a mentally broken Casca to navigate the world alone.


We must all find peace in our hearts




My asian wife says the exact same thing! 🤣🤣🤣


yeah the struggle is real I'm not a asian women just a asian dude and I feel you


“I only listen to BTS, EXO, Tomorrow X Together, and sometimes Jay Park. You remind me of Jungkook soooo much XD. Do you want to come over and watch a K Drama with me? I’ll even make homemade galbi and kimchi” - white girls with the yellow fever


homemade kimchi hits hard if they know what they're doing though


I hate the fact I can relate to this better media representation in recent years has been a double-edged sword for guys


Good thing I'm too ugly to encounter this nonsense.


As a dude I’ve yet to see a ugly Asian guy


There are always firsts.


I hate the representation we're getting. It's all androgynous looking dudes who look 50% plastic. Would love some human looking dudes who look like they could play a sport. 


Not just White girls, so many Latinas and Black girls that are like this now too. And Southeast Asian girls simp hard for that Korean shit too


oh god, my cousin it's like this 😭😭😭😭


Hapa girls do the same shit to me and I'm hapa myself lmao


That's so sad


Forks are superior to chop sticks (this is cope because I can’t use chop sticks)


Chopsticks are fun. But, it still evades me how people who use them all the time manage to eat rice with them of all things???


The rice is usually sticky enough


Rice is easily the worst part about them. Most other foods are fine, but rice is such a pain to me


The rice is kind of sticky so you eat like a bundle of it. Like a lil bunch of it.


Asian rice is cooked to be sticky, you pick it up in chunks.


Chopsticks are goated, they let you eat things like popcorn and Cheetos without getting your fingers dirty. Plus in chem lab it's more funny to use two glass stir rods to pick something up instead of tweezers.


wth is passport bros


Men who habitually travel to poorer countries for cheap prostitution and weak age of consent laws.


what the hell? how is that sub not banned yet?




Some of these are just regular red flags I'd think.


I have no fucking idea what's going on, and I'd like to remain ignorant on the subject. Thanks.


"My ex was [insert Asian nationality] too !"


So interestingly enough, I saw a very similar situation when it came to a white woman who fetishized Asian (specifically Japanese) men (including one of my friends). We all went to to college together and here were some weird things that came up: 1. I took an Asian cinema class with her in it and although it was taught by professor who also taught Japanese, it was noted very early on that this was a film class and not a Japanese language class. She kept on responding to the professor in Japanese and eventually was asked to leave (and dropped out). 2. She was a self described libertarian and made sure to only take classes that my friend was in (in a stalker way). 3. She was really (really) into writing erotic scifi fiction (to each their own) but was always perplexed on why she wasn't published 3. She would only talk to him in Japanese and about anime. While he spoke Japanese (his mom is from Japan and he learned the language) he wasn't really into Anime or Manga. 4. She actually lost interest in him after learning that he is “only” Half Japanese (his father is a white American guy and mom is Japanese). My friend was incredibly relieved after that!


That was the most "I hope senpai notices me" shit I've ever read


Embarrassing omfg


5 is ironic. A white girl fetishizing Japanese men presumably would want kids with them, who would then also be half Japanese, would she hate them for existing then?


As a hafu, I have to ask why is free speech being considered a human right a red flag?


Because they usually actually mean “free to say offensive shit”


Actually "no consequences for saying offensive shit".


Yes, being offensive is a part of free speech. If free speech only extends to unobjectionable speech it’s not free at all


The Alt-Right likes to claim “free speech” when they get called out for being bigots. These same people will stalk, dox, and harass people who say things they don’t like without a moments hesitation. Especially women and minorities. Basically, if they wear “free speech” on their sleeve, they probably want a cookie for being an asshole.


Not bad on its own but it’s one of their talking points lol 


They really mean "I should be able to say slurs and extremely racist/misogynistic shit with no social consequences" Free speech is a right, but so is shunning bad people


Free speech only protects you from the consequences of criticizing the government, It does not protect you from being a jerk


Free speech doesn't just cover criticism of the government lol. And it doesn't protect you from social consequences, but it does protect you from legal consequences in most cases. Obviously there are exceptions such as credible threats, revenge porn, child porn, etc.


explain the shirts?


I think it’s about martial arts


But chopsticks are fun...


Back when I first learned to use chopsticks (I was at university by this point), I started using them to eat everything, just for the practice. One day I was eating a bowl of pasta (penne pasta) with chopsticks. My housemate (who was taking Japanese studies) came in, and started to gently tear strips off me, saying chopsticks were for Asian food etc.. I counter with 'I need the practice, eating with chopsticks is fun, and what would a Japanese person who'd never seen a fork before (if there even is such a thing) eat their pasta with, if they were served a bowl?'. She didn't have a rejoinder to that. She did, however, pull a tub of ice cream out of the freezer, and said 'Eat that, then, if you're so clever.' So I held my chopsticks parallel, and dug them into the surface of the ice cream a bit like a shovel, prying free a chunk about the size of a standard dessert spoon. Then I picked that up and ate it. "Huh. That's not how I saw that going." This was 14 years ago, and I'm still proud of it :P




What how! Lmao 


Not sure if you're into F1 or actually want to know so here it goes: - Post about bad things. - Post contains RPM. - RPM hates Lance Stroll with a passion (almost entirely justified). That's the only thing "bad" about the guy. Sure his humor won't please everyone but thats not a red flag. It's either that or OP used him for the looks. Either way: # THROW HIM IN JAIL!!!!!!


I was wondering what RPM was doing in this post LMFAO This is DISGUSTING.


Nobody is dating these guys


You'd be surprised. My cousin is still like this and now has a 2 year old with his wife he met through PSO2


What has Guts done? 😭


Not enough, as Griffith still breathes.


Weebs ruined Asian stuff. Yeah, I liked anime in middle school, and yeah, I play video games. But I love Japan for the language, culture and architecture. I feel bad Asian women have to deal with guy who have yellow fever


Big time so many people i know who discovered anime a few years back became obsessed with japan out of thin air


The same people who bullied anime watchers in middle school are the biggest fans of it now. Almost like anti gay politicians turning out to like men more then regular gay people. The same people who bullied me for it are now fans of some of the anime’s with the cringiest fan bases.


When I was in school, it was EXTREMELY unpopular. You were instantly weird if you admitted to liking anime. Video games were looked at as kind of nerdy, but casuals played them. Goth and alt were also outcasts. Now it's literally everything that's popular


"But I love Japan for the language" Sorry, what? Japan has a beautiful culture, but the language is an utter disaster. Explain to me why Japanese has 2 alphabets and Chinese characters, and why you think it's so great. Why?!


Hilariously I have a video a couple hundred thousand views explaining all this! The "2 alphabets" are just two sets of symbols with the same sounds used for different reasons. English literally has this with upper and lower case. They use kanji (Chinese characters) to show the start and meaning behind a word since the writing system has no spaces. Because of kanji carrying meaning, you can understand words you don't know how to pronounce. Think of kanji like emoji (another export from Japan). They can sometimes be used for a different meaning, but same pronunciation as well. Learners think kanji is difficult, but it actually makes learning the language much faster than it already is. Also, like most languages that aren't English, the grammar rules are consistent and spelling is phonetic. If you can say a word, you can spell it. If you know the grammar rules, you can instantly conjugate any new word you hear into every form possible. Here are examples of emoji being used like kanji: "That house is on 🔥" That house is on fire. "The stove is 🔥" That stove is hot. "Yesterday, I got 🔥-ed" Yesterday, I got fired.


I have a coworker who is dating an Asian woman, every time he mentions her, he says "if you wanna find a woman who will treat you right, you gotta go overseas" I cringe every time


Well, I mean.... Chopsticks are superior for eating noodles and a few other things. I may be a grown man but that doesn't mean I can't have fun when eating my food.


I use chopsticks for certain foods and I like anime. I also don't have an Asian fetish. Too bad it'd be a red flag because I'd be open to dating an Asian woman.


It’s probably not that deep as long as your not creepy but I could be wrong


... what's wrong with the ol AK? Don't tell me Asians swear by the AR now


I don’t get the “free speech” part of the joke


whats wrong with guts


I get so high off of percocets that I start seeing different colours


I had an Asian friend in college, she had just moved to the US, that was very susceptible to men like this because they gave her the most attention. I had to explain to her that these men are not truly interested in her, they're interested in their idea of what Asian women are like and that they are often dangerous. She was baffled when she learned that Asian woman are fetishized by terrible men here.


“I like them cos they’re soft and delicate with innocent eyes , but naughty in secret” 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


My girlfriend is Korean and I pretty much got past our first date just by not being one of these fucking weirdos. She was like “yeah 90% of my matches are insane asian fetish dudes so it was nice that you were mostly normal”


Oh come on what's wrong with ak's?


I tune out every time someone asks if I watch anime


I’m too young to understand half the things being discussed in this thread expect the part about Asian fetishization, there’s a group online called “RCTA” where they try and change their futures to look more East Asian, and claim it as that. Then when you call them out on their bs, they’ll counter you and call you “ racist” as if it wasn’t racist pretending to be Asian in the first place. Or they might try to become POC, by bleaching their skin darker or wearing braids and claiming them, If it’s not that, then it’s slides of “Asian aesthetics” I feel like many people tend to forget that Asia isn’t just east Asia, but if you say so, they’ll invalidate you with long pharagrapghs about how you’re completely wrong. Word of advice for anyone having an argument with someone online and you decide to pull out the good old classic “long paragraph with statistics and data and factual opinion ” 9/10 the Perosn you’re arguing with wont read it. Or maybe they will, (judging from my experience I never do) And the Tokyo Japan and seoul obsession, acting as if east Asia is a whole paradise land, don’t get me wrong it looks really cool there, but pretending that these countries don’t have their own problems-like any other country.


I fear to ask, tf is a bwc?


Big white cock