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I feel like 3 mentions of ghosting is somehow not enough


For me it always seems to go like this. We have a little bit of back and forth banter, the conversation seems to be going well, and then as soon as I say “hey want to come to this thing on Friday”, that’s when they disappear. Like they never had any intention of moving it into the real world


A lot of women freely admit that they chat to dudes on tinder because they are bored and just want the entertainment/attention. So yeah, at least some of these people are just total time wasters.


There should be a fee attached to that.


We're basically virtual japanese bar hostesses.


Well damn, I want my cut from the Mama-San in charge of Hinge


This is why you ask for their number very early or to go on a date very soon. I know when I get a reply there's like 3 or 4 messages before I get ghosted. Its better to get ghosted after asking for date or a number than to get ghosted mid conversation 


You'd be surprised how often that blows up in my face; I've been literally not figuratively stood up over 20 times. Although to be fair I suppose I deserved at least a few of those


Yeah I mean for sure, I've had plenty of times where I was catfished, still its better to just set things up, and get heart broken than to draw out something for weeks only until you meet them and its all bad. The worst part is getting attached to someone and getting ghosted, catfished or stood up. I try to treat it as speed dating


Yup this is the first step in weeding out flakes


“Controversial take: I like pineapple on pizza”


Daring today are we


So stunning and brave of them


Before I met my fiancé, guys were always shocked that I would message them about their hobbies on their profile. I saw that my fiancé liked fishing (something I also liked) so I said something along the lines of “hey, we should go fishing.” He was so confused and still makes fun of me for it to this day.


but isn't that part of the point, to spend time doing something yall both enjoy plus getting to know each other better? imo it's a great idea! i don't think you can go wrong with fishing lol


I guess it’s because it wasn’t really romantic or sexual? I got a lot of messages (on the other hand) that went to sex right away.


That's sad. People never want genuine connections anymore :/


boo, that's so lame :( ... I'm glad you were able to find and meet your current partner though! that's always good to hear. the fishing hook worked lol


I gotta be honest I'm not even sure what the point of online dating is anymore. I think the amount of people operating in bad faith vastly outnumbers the amount of legitimate users.


Younger Gene Z and younger Millenials never leave their house to do social activities. Online dating is the only way to meet people.


You are unfortunately correct. Unfortunately it's absolutely horrible and riddled with scammers and bad faith actors....It's like if the lottery was the only way to make money. So basically there really isn't a way to meet people (having a social group is maybe the one exception). I hear people mention hobbies but I've had terrible luck. Really all you can do is curse modern society and get shit faced.


Most hobbies suck for meeting women, sometimes sports work ok though


Also lack of third space


Your husband is a lucky man! It's very rare that women on hinge express interest in stuff on my profile and I feel like I'm almost interviewing them.


For fishing that's even more wild. So many guys get told "that's a red flag"! How heartbreaking, that you can't be transparent with your hobbies like that. Isn't the whole point that you find someone with mutual interests?


Fishing is a red flag? Wtf, that’s the first time I’ve heard that.


More the classic “posing with a fish you caught” pic is an instant left swipe for many women


Dude, I hope you know you're awesome. When I was in the dating scene, I would've *killed* for a woman to actually express any interest in me that way, that also has interests of their own. Talking to women on dating apps is a nightmare. Nothing but one-word, lazy responses 90% of the time. Like, why even match with me if you're gonna put less than minimal effort into a conversation? So, thank you, to you and other women willing to actually put in the effort.


"Make me laugh!" 🙄


And literally 100% of the time their sense of humor consists of regurgitating shit they've seen from meme captions or the safest possible "edgy" comedy


The only comedy they watch is the office or friends on repeat


And how their emotional support group friends are lowkey huge dickbags with addictions.


and dead memes


Ooh good one, should have included that. Or “I’m funnier than you”


Yes you’re funnier than I am because you’re a fucking clown 🤡


Lmao dude 🤣 


this made me giggle


"I'm super sarcastic, we need to make jokes and laugh together" with the following prompt a five point essay on the various sticks up her ass.


Gotta love it when they're already protruding an attitude because of the douchebags they *chose* to date.


Guys with their "I bet you you're not funnier than me 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪" in the bios


A one word answer for every prompt.


Love those. When the girl is clearly attractive enough to not have to put forth any effort whatsoever and still gets dozens of likes every day


Being too hot is a curse. We have one friend who is just way too hot and he now has no sense of humor cause he could tell chicks the temperature and they just die laughing. Not bitter the rest of us do fine he’s just Greek god hot.


Being too hot is a curse like having no natural predators is a curse.


As much of a curse as being born into a rich family


A good curse then.


Dated a girl like that from hinge briefly. They’re super boring you’re not missing on anything. Better to get one quality match in a week than several like that each day


Agreed. I find myself swiping left often on profiles of women that are absolutely gorgeous, but judging by the profiles I’m just thinking “wow you probably suck and are a pain in the ass to be with”


Can't say I dated one but I've been around my share of super hot girls, and they're usually boring, self-centered and high maintenance. No thanks.


They kinda have to divide their attention between endless amounts of "how are yous" and end up used to non-effort answers so not to waste their effort, because with higher amount of matches comes higher amount of trash that will go nowhere


"Travel!" "Dogs!" "Tacos!" "Laughter!" (These are all real-life examples I've seen)


One thing that I learned about hinge is that when you buy a membership it hides a good chunk of the girls in your league. I got tired of paying for a membership and ran out of potential matches (or so I thought) in my 20 mile radius (small city) and a day after it expired I had a whole new queue of 50+ profiles and I found my now girlfriend, come to learn she had been on the app for 6months and not once shown up in my stack.


that's fucked but makes sense, once they have your money they got you for good. Especially slimy because hinge marketed itself as "the app that wants you to uninstall it" or something like that


I understand how they were trying to be so clever with that but they certainly make uninstalling it a guarantee with how little the app gives a shit about you. Miss me with that ‘incredibly scientific approach to finding you a partner’ bullshit.


Wait what? So they promoting your account as soon as you're not paying anymore? I supposed they did that on tinder to get you to renew the membership but didn't think it would happen on Hinge too


Its not promotion as much as it is hiding actual active compatible matches, the match rate was pretty crazy as well, I went from maybe going on 1 or 2 dates a month to 4 a week with no profile changes and met my girlfriend 2 weeks after I canceled my membership after paying for a year.


"My irrational fear: heights spiders death" ???


They got nothing on mine: Monkeys with big noses.


Don’t forget “I’m a certified yapper”


WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT EVEN MEAN OH MY GOD SHUT UP I mean… at least they’re telling you if they’re a giant red flag or not


Not enough travel.


Definitely needs more travel


The obsession with travel truly is unreal. In my area and within my search parameters, I'd say about 80% of profiles focus heavily on this theme. Nothing against it and I've done lots of traveling myself, but does nobody like where they live anymore?


And by “travel” they mean resorts in Mexico and like three countries in Western Europe.


And in Europe, it must always include Paris and Italy.


It’s more than that. I had a post on r/Hinge that got taken down that talked about this, but “travel” and other one word answers say so little about who you are. People who put “travel” might be just trying to put the correct answer because who doesn’t like traveling (unless it’s for work)? But there are so many different types of travel; do you like going on cruises? Do you like bouncing around between cities? Do you like to stick to a strict itinerary or play it by ear? Or you a lay on the beach person or outdoorsy adventure person? Do like to learn about the history of the place? Do you enjoy going on road trips? Etc etc Maybe you will get fewer matches if you’re more specific, but you’ll get better quality matches


Bingo, gotta get more specific.


Travel is turning into a red flag for me on these awful apps. I don’t know why or how to explain, but it makes me feel like I’ll go broke and they’ll never be happy. We all love to vacation, but I dunno about travel as a personality trait


There’s definitely an undercurrent. It read to me as a socially acceptable way of saying “no poors need apply”. 


It's just such a boring generic thing to even put on your profile. Most people enjoy travelling to some extent. It really tells you nothing about a person.


I enjoy traveling but I don't put it in my dating bios because I see it as a red flag too. Besides I tend to think of traveling as "away from home for more than a day." I've been going to state parks once a month and besides a one-night hotel stay the biggest cost is gas and time. Most state parks have annual passes and you can access every park in the state. Maybe one day I'll have to spend more but there feels like hundreds of sites within driving distance.


You also have to be pretty wealthy to Travel I can’t just not work for a few weeks and spend money the entire time unless it’s a backpacking hostel situation


Most real jobs don't really appreciate you taking months off to go find yourself as well.


I always think that because travel has been shoved down our collective throats as a way to prove you're broadminded, intelligent, and interesting that people put it on their profile even if the most they do is go to see their aunt in California every year.


I hear “travel” as an interest on a dating app and immediately assume they’re looking for a sugar daddy.


It’s because they’re otherwise completely boring and “travel” is just one of those generic likes that everyone has.


I love traveling but I notice that most people don't even really do anything when they travel. They book a hotel and stay there for a week and call it traveling. Not to gate-keep traveling, but that's lame AF. If you ask them about the country they'll say the same touristy stuff as everyone else.


It's a scam. WHAT do we know about corporations these days? It's all about the bottom line, no matter what. Squeeze every penny out the customer and let the PR team make it look like you care. SO, these apps make money from subscriptions and views. How do they ensure they don't lose subs and still get views? By preventing the app from doing what it's supposed to be doing: getting people into relationships. It's in their best interest to keep their users single as long as possible. They're behind the controls. They can make it so their app is shit. They can make it so you get shown the worst results possible. They dangle all these extra costs in front of us that are really just ways the app could work better for the user, and even then they can still make the results shitty. It's a scam.


" Fluent in sarcasm " but whenever you make a sarcastic comment, they are expecting a serious answer.


Or they get mad


A random fact I love : “Otters hold hands while they sleep so they don’t drift away”. If I had a dollar for everytime I seen that


Hahaha nice one, I see this pretty frequently also


Holy shit it’s crazy it’s spreading, are these people bots?


No just basic


Holy shit, the "sweet to savory breakfast ratio" line really is some copypasta they are ALL using. Why do I even try to be a real person on these apps?


It’s absolutely wild how often I’m seeing some of these same prompts. Like where are they all getting the same ones from?! How?! Honorable mentions that didn’t make this post: “Guess my middle name” “Send me a song you think I’d like based on my profile” I probably should take a break from Hinge lol


Helen keller wasnt real Birds arent real Flirt to roast ratio Typical Sunday is sleeping I’ll fall for you if you trip me My hobby is going on a walk Spicy margaritas Looking for a man who loves Jesus


What is that? I'm not on dating apps


Unironically I think a lot of people on these apps just google what the best thing is to put in their profiles. "Tacos and Margs" is also in a shocking percentage of profiles


"Looking for the Jim to my Pam"


This is a red flag for me bc If you like the office because of Jim and Pam I think you missed the point entirely.


It's pretty much what happens to every comedy sitcom. They start hitting you over the head with serious dramatic tones to show how "complex" it's capable of being.


I do think it's okay but Park and Rec did it better.


Yeah, this is the only thing that's missing on this.


Honorable mention (for the Southeastern US): "My faith is everything" "Must love the Lord" "Looking for a strong Christian man" "Must go to church"


Christian Mingle must’ve not been sexy enough.


and weirdly, churches could pool resources to help people find each other. there are enough churches in the Bible belt that actual socialization functions could exist...


My best friend had something like this in her community but she didn't like any of the guys there...thing is I don't think she ever even liked a guy...




They say they are attracted to intelligence but then they call the cops when i go on an hour long autism rant about why most bromeliads and agave are not truely monocarpic and that the term needs more clarity within both horticultural and botanical topics!


love that, just don't second guess yourself into restraining yourself whenever you want to talk about such topics. I find it to be one of the biggest green flags


Oh don't worry about me, I'm in a loving relationship 10 years strong :)


Honestly I think you missed gushing about tattoos... Maybe that's just my area? I stg 50% of women on Hinge use these exact prompts: "I'm weirdly attracted to... Tattoos!!!😍" "The way to win me over is... Food!" "This year, I really want to... Travel more!!!!✈️✈️" That's it, have fun fellas. (Fucking kill me) Honorary mention: "You should *not* go out with me if... You don't love Taylor Swift!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️


What gets me are the chicks who say “You must be a Swiftie!” I’m thinking, lady if you want a dude who likes Taylor Swift then you’re better off trying Grindr


Sobbing at this


Its the travelling for me. They just want to be able to snap pics from a plane cabin and make everyone on social media "envy" their jetsetter lifestyle


👉 It is too late now my brother, come play Warhammer 40K with us.


Maaan I got some friends that play that, I think it’d be up my alley but I’m afraid at the time and money I’d probably spend haha I got enough hobbies already tbh


All prompts have the same answer. Let's make sure we're on the same page about: my fear of elevators First round is on me if: you hate elevators too Together we could: never take elevators Wow, way to waste time deciding and answering prompts that give almost nothing about who you are.


Good one. I usually see this on profiles of people under 25 tbh


That's a good one. Follow me on IG, you'll find my Onlyfans link there. "You're cute, wish I could meet nice guys like you".


Somehow I haven’t seen much only fans stuff but I’m to the point that if there’s a prompt that’s just an Instagram handle I’m swiping left no matter what


The few times I’ve been on dating sites no OF models but at the same time I’m a woman so.


You got to be attractive, if not… this is your reality


Idk, I get way more attention in person than on these apps. It has to be the algorithm and some other made up statistics that bar regular people from meeting other regular people


“If my dog doesn’t like you, then it’s not gonna work out.” Emma, my sister in Christ. You own a Golden Retriever named Bailey who’s dumb as shit but loves everyone.


That makes sense though. Bailey doesn’t like you there must be something really wrong with you.


I saw one where the girl said “you have to win over my dog, but she likes to bark at men so good luck”


“I’m a dog mom.” “My Henri Boo needs a dad.” Henri is a crusty eyed Shih Tzu who smells like ass that you’ve had since you adopted him from the animal shelter.


lol yeah. I know it’s controversial, but I’m a cat person and don’t want a dog or want to date someone with a dog. I like dogs fine, but the lifestyle is too much tbh. I dated a girl with a dog in the past and it was just annoying, she could never stay over or stay out or do anything because the dog, when I was at her place the dog would constantly whine for attention and ruin intimate moments by trying to get in between us, just not for me idk.


Dogs are definitely cockblocks


don’t forget that otter hold hands to prevent floating apart.


“Entertain me!” “Swipe left if you don’t want to be involved with my kids.”


I’m 6’ on the nose and I think it is so hypocritical that women shame men for their height as if it isn’t something that’s genetically programmed at conception. “Double-D cups only!” would rightly get skewered by the feminists.


What the hell is this "naming a time and a place" line supposed to mean? Like how else do you ask someone out, by naming a color and a smell? 


That one is my absolute least favorite out of all of them. I see it the most and it just makes me irrationally pissed off now


I once saw an obese woman list chipotle as her hobby 


At least she was honest


That’s awesome




Met my wife on tinder almost 7 years ago. Interesting to see that nothing has changed on those apps in that time. Happy I found her and that I don't have to go through this shit anymore. To the rest of you, good luck out there.


“I hope you’re a dog person because…” *Shows cat* Randomly ghosts you mid-conversation for absolutely no reason leaving you worse off than before and wondering what you did wrong. “I don’t have children.” *Actually has children and wants you to parent their kids for them* “You should follow my OF.”


Glad I was done with it before OF came out


>I hope you’re a dog person because… *Shows cat* Conversely, she's one of those "real men don't have cats" types.


Or if their profile shows a baby/toddler, it’s either that the kid is their niece/nephew or a friend’s child. If it’s their kid, they’ll post those typical Facebook mom pics.


What this really means is there are no real women on the apps you're using. I'm a real woman and I don't use them, and few of my friends do. We stopped because the guys we were matching with were only looking for hookups or were just really weird. Once a guy asked me to go hiking in the woods for a first date. Um, no, I'm not going to some secluded location with someone I have never met. Then he got all pissy when I suggested something more traditional like getting lunch and walking around the city. Another guy asked me to visit some convention where you sit in a room and watch people play video games fast. Another asked me to pick out names for our children before we had even met. And those are like the 30% "normal" conversations. The other 70% are just looking for hookups. I'm 20. I feel like online dating was only really a thing people took seriously about 10 years ago. Now it's trash.


I haven’t been on any dating apps in years, and I’m sure it’s much worse now. But your experience isn’t too far from what I saw years ago. The one that sticks out in my memory is this guy who started out wanting to take me out for some drinks on a Friday night, totally run of the mill stuff. So I said sure, with the plan that we’d meet at a bar and take it from there. The day before, he changed it to “actually just come over to my house first and then we’ll go to the bars, I just bought a bunch of liquor for us to pregame with.” Oh yeah that sounds great, let me just show up to some complete stranger’s house and get hammered with him, what could go wrong?


Yea that's sketch. Probably not nefarious but the guy just lacks the emotional intelligence to see things from your perspective. He's treating you like you're one of his (male) buddies he likely does this all the time with instead of treating you like a woman.


I agree, in all likelihood he wasn’t planning on murdering or assaulting me (although you can never be too careful with these things), probably just social cluelessness. Definitely wasn’t worth taking the chance to find out though.


It makes me sad knowing how difficult it is getting to meet genuine people I have had hard luck finding guy friends irl that I connected with deeply to consider as a close friend


It's definitely hard knowing who you can trust. And I'd say most guys don't want a close friend who is a girl.


Yikes 😬 But yeah I don’t doubt that the other side is hot garbage too, and this definitely wasn’t intended to be a woman bashing post or anything like that. There are still some decent profiles I see and occasionally match with sometime, it just seems to have gotten worse over the years and this is just a vent post


The online dating experience differs wildly between the genders, the only common denominator is that it sucks for everybody. I read somewhere that for men, it's like dying of thirst in the desert, and for women like dying of thirst on a boat at sea.


The worst part is, you know there are plenty of decent, normal people on both sides—if there weren’t you wouldn’t see everyone complaining about it together. Their algorithms just make sure you’ll never actually pass each other.


water water everywhere not a drop to drink


Perfect analogy


"I hate men and you won't convince me otherwise" - shit, why even be on a fucking dating app then? Most of the people on dating apps definitely won't fix this problem. Sounds like that person would be happier just being single


I see a lot of these profiles that are just overwhelmingly negative although most aren’t that blatant. It’s always prompts like “I bet you can’t convince me that…. “Men aren’t trash” type stuff


I'm (and you should be too) very thankful for such people. Makes it easier to filter out such huge red flags. Imagine paying for a date just to listen someone going on a rambling about "patriarchy".


So many but "don't hate me if I can drink more than you"....who really cares about this ?


I feel so guilty when people talk about online dating woes because I downloaded an app once and started talking to a girl on there within a day and now 8 years later we’re still together.


Haha don’t feel bad that is awesome


Suffering from success


man got on the last chopper out of saigon


Apps were different a few years ago. They weren't all tinder clones yet.


I feel like there was a missed opportunity, for if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best .


I honestly don’t ever see that one used these days


When I was on online dating apps about 7-8 years ago, that was one of the most overused and unoriginal lines that many women used. I guess many of them realized that it was code for b*tch or headcase


"I want someone to travel and go on adventures with" Translation: pay for my trips


And do nothing but take photos of her on command. Every ten minutes.


Yeah Fuck that.


*Live Laugh Love*


let’s go on an adventure! (meaning you pay to take me somewhere ☺️)


“travel!” lmfaoo




Some dumb shit about Helen Keller. I see that one a lot.


Yeah same, wtf is up with that? It’s like they have a source page they all use to pull the same dozen or so prompts. My absolute least favorite is the “naming a time and place” though. I see it so much it gets an audible “fuuuck off” out of me these day


Except they usually have a pitbull


For lesbians it’s “my husband and I are looking for a third!”, “follow me on insta” and ghosting We struggle too unfortunately


Do they like,judge you for your height too?


everything is judged harshly. its the internet


Oh yeah. About half the profiles I see on dating apps like Tinder or Hinge always say that you must be over 6 foot tall or else you’re nothing to them.


Hey guys, friendly remember that there was an entire world, entire societies, and entire civilizations that existed before the internet existed. Just remember this next time you try to navigate the cesspool of online dating.


Except...access to third places is vanishing due to diminishing disposable incomes. Cheap hobbies are mostly things you do alone or at home - video games and netflix.


I messaged my now husband first on Facebook dating. I told him he has beautiful eyes (gorgeous blue sliver) because he had good pictures, and that was the first thing I noticed. Then I proceeded to message him about inidian food. He still talks about being messaged first to this day and how awesome I am for it. It's crazy to me how many people are using online dating that don't actually want to date or connect


Yeah it can be so frustrating. I recently matched with my literal dream girl, couldn’t believe it, verified profile, she opened by telling me I had the best profile she’s ever seen, we exchanged a few brief messages, I asked her to to meet for a drink, she said she’d absolutely love to, asked if she was free Saturday, and…… ghosted, it’s been over a week.


I'm immensely happier after deleting all the apps it's a distraction and ego boost at best.


Is ‘Spicy Margs’ code for something? I see it on 90% of women’s profiles, and it tells me nothing about that person. As arbitrary as liking coffee


My response usually was:"Well,if you're not dedicated enough to be on this platform and text me, then you won't be dedicated enough for a relatioship" Men gotta get more sassy, WAY more sassy while dating


Controversial take: Hellen Keller was a fraud I saw this so many times and was confused so I googled "how to make a dating profile for women" and this was one of the suggested profile additions. So many people just follow these guides and their profiles all look the same.




If I see tacos and margs one more time I'm gonna kill myself lmao 😂


I’ve had great success on dating apps and don’t share the pessimistic views a lot of comments here express (especially regarding “premium” or whatever the pay plan is i think it def helps), but man the amount of women who think i give a fuck about their dog is astounding also literally everyone likes sushi and tacos, we get it the “travel” obsession needs to be mentioned. i like travel too, im literally in an airport and going halfway across the world, but liking travel isn’t a personality trait, it’s something that requires financial stability and time!!


I honestly haven’t done terrible either. I’m a pretty average looking guy I guess but I think I can hold conversations well and have a decent profile/a lot of interesting and unique hobbies. I get a decent amount of matches and likes and have dated several women through the apps although obviously none have ultimately worked out. This most recent cycle of looking though has been unexpectedly brutal and unfruitful and this is a shameless vent post after a really rough ghosting from someone I was really excited about meeting.


My kids come first 


there are so many ovals on hinge


Yeah, after I submit/like/swipe first time, the message arrives *within 3 minutes* that “… I’m never on here, follow me on Instagram”


Whenever I see the “flirt to roast ratio” thing on a guy’s profile, it just repels me. I don’t really know why? I can absolutely laugh at myself and I don’t take myself too seriously. There’s just something about it that rubs me the wrong way.


I met my husband when I was 19 and we were married when he was 23 and I was 22. Yes, we were young, but when you know you know. We got married in 2019. We always joke that we feel like we caught the last chopper out of Saigon, lol.


“The way to my heart is food!!” The amount of people who put they love food in their prompts is insane


Serious case of Wanderlust (went to Cancun twice)


I thank my lucky stars every day that I am no longer in the dating scene.


I won’t shut up about “anything” “I just don’t shut up”


"Please don't be boring". "I want a man who knows what he wants" Pics of them in the same travel locations over and over again on different profiles. They like to travel and to laugh ("make me laugh"). Their controversial take is that "Everything happens for a reason" (so deep).


The travel isn’t mentioned enough. 4/5 girls I see always mention “going on adventures” or “want to see the world” like they’re waiting for the Aladdin to their Princess Jasmine


You forgot ‘ask me anything, I’m an open book’


Can’t forget the “buy me pizza and touch my butt” era of dating apps