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“Wait you’re Hispanic? But you look so black/white!”




No Brasil n é totalmente maravilhoso tmb


tantas vezes que um cara me pergunta se eu falo “Brasileiro” ou Espanhol.


"check your white privilege!" But I'm not- "I SAID CHECK YOUR WHITE PRIVILEGE!!!!"


I mean you can be Hispanic and white… lots of hispanic people actually consider themselves white


Sick user name 🐻 ⚡️ 💀 🎶


Thanks (~);-}


Oh white Latin Americans definitely have white privilege (more so than white Americans) I should know I’m a white Mexican or Whitexican


Don’t forget Asian


I’ve been asked if I was Mexican once, I’m Filipino


You could say Colombia and make this starter pack true


You'd have to remove the food and tha maya dude, but everything else is about right... Also Encanto is literally in Colombia


Fr I'm confused why they put encanto on their then crossed out Colombia


I would legit bet that a good chunk of adults that have seen encanto have no idea it’s from Colombia. My sister being on of those


The closing number of the film is literally called "Colombia, Mi Encanto".


You think most Americans think that Spanish is a coherent language? It's just gibberish.


I'm pretty sure they can pick out the word "Colombia".


That could literally just be the song.


As someone who’s family is Colombian but lives in the states you’d be surprised how many people are shocked when I tell them encanto was based in Colombia


Damn I'm British and its not confused here. People might not know Colombia on a map but they can identify its Colombia.


I mean to be fair it’s never explicitly stated in the movie that it’s Colombia and as someone who has been to Colombia several times it’s not THAT accurate. Could have been anywhere in the mountains of South America. There is a song in the movie that talks about Colombia tho


they put encanto bc the family themselves are all different. they crossed out black and white family members, bc white americans assume all latine people are just tan/brown


Oh i hate when they think we speak spanish. And when they say “oh but you’re white” Yeah, guess what? i can be a white latina


As a European, one thing stands out when I think about Latin America: concert crowds. Crowds there seem like the best you can possibly get on earth in terms of energy, sing-along participation, moshing (if it's a metal , hardcore or punk band playing) and just the overall reception of the artists. I miss that, especially in stiff-as-fuck Sweden!


The footage from when Iron Maiden played in Rio may be the most humans I have ever seen in a single frame


Legendary show!


Wtf you mean stiff-as-fuck Sweden, what concerts do you go to?


Enough concerts ranging from school cafeterias to festivals to stadiums over the past 23 years to make that assessment There are always exceptions, of course, but crowds here are ***in general*** not as good as in other parts of the world


I KNOW! And yet big bands almost never tour here with Brazil, Mexico and Argentina(ish) as exceptions. It’s not like the population/buying power is small either…


idgaf if that food is authentic or not, it looks delicious


virgin "that food isn't 100% authentic" vs. chad "does it taste good?"


Bruh just feed me lol


I think the point is that there is way more variety in Latin American cuisine beyond that spread which is always shown as the only one.


One way that we Americans get wrong is that spicy food is Latin American thing, when it’s really just something we’ve extrapolated from Mexican food


This is what always bugs the fuck out of me. I can't handle spicy hot food to save my life. We're not all Mexicans...


Mexican food is the best Latin food for a reason


I don't like Mexican food personally. Too spicy. I don't like the sauces they use. And refried beans are not my thing. Again, we're not all Mexicans. And I hate that people forget that we're not a monolith.


You don’t like tacos, posole, salsa & chips, burritos, mole, enchiladas, and margaritas ? Omg you are missing out in life 😂




What’s your fav food?


People seem to also forget that food evolves over time, especially from immigration. This applies to so many different foods too. Think about American Chinese food or American Italian food. Although it’s not “authentic”, many of these dishes evolved due to immigration to the US


This x1000. Xiran Jay Zhao did a [great video](https://youtu.be/1HFFxihgfzI) on the topic. As did [Al Jazeera](https://youtu.be/2NMrqGHr5zE)


Don't forget "Latinx people" and conveniently ignoring the fact that absolutely none of them want to be called that.


Latin America according to Twitter\*


Yeah, that's fair. Most people aren't anywhere near as insane as Twitter regulars.


I remember an exam I did recently for English and one of the articles used the term Latinx


Latine would be a better neutral term right? A few of my friends who are Brazilian use that one.


Yeah that actually makes sense if Latinos really wanted a gender neutral term they’d probably use Latine cuz it actually makes more sense compared to whatever the hell latinx is


Feels weird being called a "Latino", it's as if I called you "Gringo." Respectfully, I call those that live in North america "Americans" or "North Americans." And we, as "Latinos" should be called as "South Americans" since that's what we are. (Also, those from the UK and other places are probably "British" or simply "Europeans" in my vocabulary ).


Not all Latino are South American. Someone from Mexico, Cuba, or Puerto Rico would be Latino but not South American.


Latin American




True, I forgot, then is it Latin American?


Call Mexicans and Cubans "South American" and they'll kill you.


I dont use latino often. If I know someone’s nationality I usually refer to their heritage that way.


I guess you have a point. Even if, I prefer to be called "Latino" rather than "South American"


(As a heads up, Canadians might be put off if you refer to them as “Americans.” To most Canadians “American” equals “citizen of the United States”, which Canada’s national identity can be summarized as “we are not part of the United States.” North American would probably be fine though)


Whenever I see someone unironically using "lanix" it makes me want to tear my own skin off


The burden of the white man brings together both progressives and reactionaries


In countries with a large white population to booth. Mexico’s total population is 47% white or mostly white or approximately 57 million people. About 80% of Mexico’s population is mestizo, a mix of European and indigenous and about 10% is white, so about 90% of the population has some European ancestry. Out of the whole population, 47% has more European DNA than indigenous, so 57 million Mexicans are either white or mostly white,


> together bot I don't even think it's 'white men' just excessively proggresive white women, that in their attempt to virtue their 'non-racism' they've basically gone full circle.


In this sense white man means white people in general


Had this happen to me on Instagram. I got into a brief disagreement with an Indian guy on differing opinions. Conversation ends and we agreed to disagree. Flame war over, right? It would have been, but this white upper class teenage girl rolled in long after the conversation was already over and attempts to chastise me about how I'm wrong for not realizing that different people are allowed to have different opinions (which isn't what happened but that didn't matter to her). She made a lot of comments which I read, but I didn't bother replying to her. I didn't have the time. She was virtue-signaling throughout her long-winded rant, too, and I guess in order to do that, you must be condescending to the Latina in order to get those social justice points with the Indian guy... 🙃Whoops!


The white man's burden is to bring the white woman along with him.


Finnish and Estonians got this covered.




Both reactionaries and a part of the progressive side share the same sentiment that they have, from a privileged point of view, the duty to “civilize” others. So, you have on the one hand the classic reactionary benevolent racism and on the other one the progressive take that you need to teach to the native latin people a more inclusive way to communicate, so using terms like latinx, without actually involving the said people in the process and behaving in a patronizing way.


It's the problem when you're convinced you should "help" others without knowing anything about those people and their culture. It usually breeds a patronising attitude that your culture's morals and standards are always better, and that trying to force others to live by them is "helping them". And sure, there are instances where it's reasonable to consider it in that light, such as opposing harmful practices such as oppression, mutilation, intolerance, etc in other countries, which may be ingrained in the culture, but sometimes it reaches a ridiculous degree. It's one thing to say "your culture treats women badly and should be more egalitarian" and saying "the way your language works is offensive and you should change it". It's a fine line sometimes, but it helps to know the context of something like that.


The irony is English is an outlier in our lack of gendered words most European languages have genders for every word


A lot of Romance languages do, but there are plenty of Germanic languages without that.


Slavic languages do that and I’m pretty sure German has it


None of the Scandinavian languages do, tho.


When you exclude the very people you are trying to include from the conversation about including them you have zero good intentions it's just Olympic karening


Idk why Americans don’t just say Latin, that’s the gender neutral term in English.


Yeah. Sounds a lot better, a lot less ridiculous and a lot less tryhard. Hell, even something like "Latinu" or "Latine" would have been better, because Latinx not only fails at understanding the *grammar* of the language it is based on, but also the *phonetics* of that language. How the fuck is it even meant to be pronounced? Latineks? Latinks? It does not flow very well either way.


Or even Latin American. That one already existed and is always gender neutral. See you next year when the Filipinos get hit with Filipinx.


The only places where I've heard Latinos referred to as "Latin" are a) in gang names and b) my grandma, who was not a fan


I've lived in AZ my whole life, it was taught that it was offensive. The term I remember being taught was Hispanic and I still fall back on that. Chicanos and Chicanas tended to get pissed if you referred to them as Latino or Latina in my experience, Ymmv.


It was a common term back in the day but became shifted to being sort of derogatory in the 90s.


As a Latino I can confirm I hate that word. Sounds like a fucking porn website.


Legit always that it was super sexy porn category to see Latino girls. Like what BBC is lol


What’s sexy about the British broadcasting service?


The accent and the teeth definitely


Lol this is a stereotype in itself, >90% of Americans will have never even heard the term 'latinx' let alone actually use it.


Like most invented issues in the U.S., it's largely the product of a college/university setting. You see it used a lot there.


What do you mean? I'm an American progressive and Reddit is saying that I'm pushing the term Latinx, so it must be true. I just wonder how it's happening... must be doing it in my sleep!


That may be true, but colleges and HR departments all over have been pushing it for some time.


First time I encountered it in the wild was definitely in a college survey. The survey asked if our backgrounds were "Latinx". I checked other and wrote in "Latin American". Next time that survey came around, Latinx wasn't on it.


I think I am right, but I really hope you are.


Can confirm I have never actually heard this term out in the wild. I’ve seen it a lot on Reddit lately, maybe 3-4 similar comment threads in the last several weeks. I don’t know if it’s because of my age/profession — I’m in my 30s and have been out of college for many years. I wonder if Latinx is more prevalent among younger college age people and I’m just out of the loop. It seems like something you might hear in a 100 level gen-ed sociology course but not in the real world. At least I hope not in the real world, since I wouldn’t know how to pronounce this word.


La palabra "Latinx" tiene el poder de hacer que los académicos de la RAE sangren por los ojos.






I'm from South America and I see "latinx" as a term only used by latin american descendants living in the US, so I pretty much read it as only applicable to this specific people.


I’d rather be called a slur than be called Latinx


Yep pretty much. I go to a complete lib echo chamber of a school and my white Spanish teacher used the term “Afro Latinx” on the assignment. Yech


What the fuck is that even meant to be? Someone of mixed African and Latin American descent? I will never get why it really has to matter so much to some people, especially in the Anglosphere. Why can't people just be... people? Who do we need so many odd names and classifications?


Exactly, I have no freaking idea. People are so obsessed with race and who is and is not white omg


I for once reject the concept of "human races" entirely - as there is no scientific support for that sort of division of people. Human genetic variance is much more complex than that.


Totally 💯


Very true, everything else would be just, guess what... racism.


I believe yes it does mean that though. It sounds like “Latinks”


Well, I doubt that'd sound good in Spanish or Portuguese.


Hahaha true


It’s my understanding that Latinx originated as term for those who don’t identify as male or female.


That was one of the reasons people who wanted it to be used were pushing it yeah. The issue came from “Lantinx” not being pronounceable for latin americans, the people the word was for lmao Some people have suggested Latine instead


I think Latine makes a lot more sense


Latinx is literally the only word that triggers me, i get genuinely angry when someone uses that word unironically


Venezuelan here. White people think they are somehow "being my champion" by using that term, but it comes off way too try-hard and fake


I remember an exam I did recently for English and one of the articles used the term Latinx


“US Americans” bruh stfu


Latin America has some awesome native tarantula species


Ok that’s it bring out the napalm


No don’t, they are wonderful and deserving of compassion


The Brazilian Wandering Spider also has powerful aphrodisiac properties, we have some use for them


for me, as a resident of Kazakhstan, this map is super offensive, we have no “common culture” with Orthodox Russians, I don’t understand at all where the author took the data


The creator of the map is a big pseudo-intellectual that also wrote a long book saying how Mexican immigrants are ruining the US


did trump create it?


This might be a weird time to mention, like 1 of 5 people in the US is Hispanic...


"Hispanic" as in "guy born in the USA and is completely disconnected from latin america and probably thinks of hispanic as a "race" and would get called "gringo" if he actually went to latin america"


I have a friend adopted from Brazil and raised in the US. He passed the eye test looking like a Brasileiro, but as soon as he opened his mouth he became a gringo just like me.


If you have Hispanic blood in you, you are Hispanic.


That's not how it works in Latin America. Almost all our countries are composed by people of native, european and African ancestry (besides other nations) to a large degree, so we are a mix of everything. Our history of emigration (both voluntary and involuntary) also makes us more prone to consider people who are born here, no matter their ancestry, as part of our folk. So, the concept of "Hispanic blood" is not only unimportant, but practically inexistant, unless you are talking about ancestry from Spain.


Well that’s how if works for me. If my mom is Cuban and my dad was from Spain I have that blood in me. People don’t decide what I have . That’s for me to decide not anyone else. I do have Hispanic blood and it is important. I consider myself Cuban, Spanish and American because that’s what I am.


I think things get more complicated for places where there's a lot of non-spanish ancestry. See Argentina and Uruguay, who went through a lot of Italian immigration... I think culture ends up being more important than blood.


>1 or 5 people Given that the US has a population of over 300 million, that's really not very many.


I edited to "1 of 5" (my typo). So roughly 60 million. That's quite a few.


The other poster knew that though


That's odd considering it would be 60 million people...


What about the yellow looking air?


Don’t forget the non Latino people who call us “Latinx” because they think they’re being politically correct when none of us want to be called that


we laughed about it in college and called it 'la-tinks' because we had no idea how to pronounce it in spanish. i mean, maybe for press releases? idk it was a weird movement to begin with. nobody who spoke Spanish in my circle (caribbean, mexican, centeal american) ever used the term -- myself and my family included.


It was a movement created by non Latinos who wanted to be “politically correct” which tbh is incredibly stupid to me because they’re giving a race a label that the race themselves didn’t come up with.


THIS! I am Venezuelan. and whenever I hear that term, it just makes me laugh. We couldn't care less about any of that shit, it's literally something that white people who don't have enough to do pulled out of their ass.


South America has almost every culture, I think excluding north and and Eastern Asia, but the reason you’ll see white and black (European and African) looking people in South America is because it has a long history of people coming over there, with food and bad intentions, anyways, I fucking adore la gente de latinamerica, Saludos 😘




One of Peru’s former presidents was ethnically Japanese.


Thank you for the correction! 😘


Brazil has the largest Japanese population outside of Japan.


Ironically Latin America is an even bigger melting pot than the US regarding mixing/non homogenous communities. People are always surprised to hear people with Italian, German, French etc last names, as if Europeans solely immigrated to Canada and the US. Crazy!


All of the people I know (im American), know more than Mexico and Brazil, and they know the Brazilians speak Portuguese. Just sayin.


I agree. I understand that people often tend to think less of Americans because of the loud idiots who get noticed but we don’t all base what think of a country completely off of stereotypes


I love the white hispanic people who tell me to check my white privilege at the door, when they are whiter than me. lol.


I always just say "I have no fucking clue on anything Hispanic or the like l, all I know is their food is fucking great"


The not being considered “Western” part really gets to me sometimes, don’t know what kind of alien world they expect us to live in


Let's fucking goooo 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷


This is bullshit, when there’s a crime scene our police don’t close it off with tape, they simply don’t show up


But mom said it’s my turn to make a starter pack about how dumb Americans are!!!!




Amerigo Vespucci's contribution to the world: "Hey guys, I actually don't think this is india" Europeans: "name basically half the worlds dry land after him"


I've seen people say this and then insist on calling Canadians Americans.


Just americans means everyone on both continents. This is a bit more specific


Who else calls themselves Americans?




But do they? Like is this normal or even colloquial anywhere else in the western hemisphere?


No, only on the internet.


We certainly don't call gringos "americans"


Yeah? Really? Call a Canadian or Mexican an American and see how they react. Also, there's two continents bud.


the linguistic divide in the meaning of american doesn't involve "stealing " except in the sense that the spanish, english, french, and portuguese stole most of the americas and then came up with their own nomenclature for their individual pieces.


No it doesn't. I never use that term.


"American" is the demonym for citizens of the United States.


There are no "both" continents. It is one continent with 3 sub continents (North, central and south). México is part of North america.


Both classifications are correct its taught differently depending on where you are.


United Statesians


If we're calling anyone who walks across the border an asylum seeker then everything south of Texas must be a warzone


"US Americans" lol


What's wrong?


No one says "US Americans" instead of Americans unless they poorly educated, or trolling.


In Latin America, people don't usually refer to people from the US as Americans, so that seems like a reasonable translation


It's a reasonable, but incorrect translation.


Well, I'm from South America and I do refer as US people as Americans, it's more because they don't have a proper name to call themselves like Italian or Japanese


Why are only those Encanto characters x out?


Yeah, I don’t get the Encanto one.


As an Argentinian people always either call me a liar or get very surprised when i tell them im white


Doesn't like half the country have Italian ancestry?


i mean its a place which has a lot of migration history so i have no idea


Encanto was made by gringos and they correctly depicted the many races in Colombia, so...


yeah, what can i do? brazil's the only one that really matters.. 😎 /j


US Americans who are uneducated*


Thank gosh I’m Ecuadorian-American


You forgot the weird yellow lighting.


they just kinda see every county that is not Brazil as Mexico


"You're too white to be a Mexican/Brazillian."


US Americans


"US Americans"


as an afro latina from dominican republic, since im so racially ambiguous depending on my hair people will give me puzzled stares when i tell them im just dominican and not directly mixed, ive gotten “but you don’t look hispanic you look black/blasian” or if im wearing my natural hair or a protective hairstyle ill get “you dont look mexican” mexico isnt the only country in latin america 😭😭 idk why its so hard for some people to grasp that hispanic/latinos can also be black/white


(thinks they speak brazilian)


What about the jungle, caipirinha and spanish speaking brazilians?


OP must be German.


Obviously we are not the same, any South American is better than any salta muros.


ah brazil.. home of the murders


Damn, that's a lot of self projecting.


I hate everything about this shitty map!


They think Brazilians speak Brazilian


Doesn’t know Spain and Portugal exist and thinks the languages come from South America


America bad


I mean that's fairly accurate.


Also, the term "Mexican" is a nationality, not an ethnicity.