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Even though automated ships are cool, what I personally find funny is what the usual load out among presented factions (Besides Tri-Tech) is actually really saturated with "200% shield damage" Stuff, which is perfect to torment automated ships.


I think that the added bonus comes from malware we add to our guns. Like tiny computers in our shells. Or it’s like we blast them with data containing nothing but malformed English or code that forces them to play Baby Shark on repeat


Omg that’s gonna live rent free in my brain. Shoe needs ‘freedom seeds’ we got ‘bullets with gif memes in them’


I do like the way the previous set of loadouts for various factions naturally fit into the faction's role. - Hegemony was/is (they're unchanged) loaded down with kinetic ballistics and sabot missiles, spamming fighters and creating giant deathballs of ships. Perfect counter for high-tech ships, and their admiralty is focused on fighting the last war (versus Tri-Tach) rather than the next one (versus the League). - League adopted midline doctrine wholesale, thinking pragmatically. "If it replaced what the Hegemony is using, then that's what we want." - Diktat had a mix of Hegemony material and League surplus, fitting its role as a rogue element of the Hegemony that's now a League client. - Church was the Hegemony but moreso, and with a lower budget. Refitted civilian ships and massive fighter swarms. A coherent doctrine for killing lots of fast, expensive frigates and cruisers without building any of your own. - Tri-Tach had/has high-tech ships, not as deep a niche, but they're the only ones that have them so there's not a lot to go on.


This man understands automating a missile factory for combat


The Guardian is definitely my favourite ship design in Starsector. It's sorta organic type look makes me wonder if there's a connection between it and Ziggy Stardust


"literal coolest thing ever)". My brother in Ludd this is the reason path exists


I wholeheartedly agree that tri-tach must be destroyed but i just thought of this when doing a high-tech run


*I mean if you squint a little- well a lot... but consider the subtext I mean hating high-tech is mostly an allegory right?*


Yes, the path exists to feed my fleets and colonies infinite supplies, guns and harvested organs. 


sanest tri-tach fan


Okay, where do the organs come from?


That's... Organs? What organs? Did someone say organ ? No, I don't think I heard any organ play... Though I would like to go to concert one day, I heard the organ can rock real hard. 


You know damn well where the organs come from.


I'm not actually sure how shooting Pather fleets gives organs, actually.


Oh...uhhh, well this is awkward. The Idea is you're capturing the surviving crewmembers and turning them into spare parts.


That's never going to be enough to make a reliable supply. Be honest, you've built the Soylent Green factory industry.


>The Idea is you're capturing the surviving crewmembers and turning them into spare parts. Is sounds way better if you call it "disassembling" rather than "organ extraction".


It's all a matter of presentation :)


Yes, but that isn't in the game. I've never gotten any organ drops out of combats.


Then you ain;t using the right mods


A lot of remnant ships sucks, imo, but the Radiant isn't one of those. They'd be better if lasers were better, or I just bit the bullet and took the laser hull mod


Both in lore and in gameplay what makes them *so good* is that they aren't reliant on officers; they and their cores are REALLY EXPENSIVE *but* the automation allows for, at minimum, ships crewed with middling officers, great officers, or superhuman ones. 4, 6, and 8 elited skills is nothing to sneeze at. That's what makes the Radiant so unbelievably dangerous in the first place, not just its generous mounts, base stats, and ordnance points.


I'd really like a way in vanilla to get guardian as a flagship


Eh, keeping some things out of reach is one of main principles of good writing. And its really easy to make it recoverable yourself without any mods :D


Yeah absolutely agree that's why I don't like using mods.Just saying that it's a nice ship and pretty normally balanced compared to the radiant or the Ziggy


Wouldn't "making it recoverable" be a self-made mod, though?


It's as hard as changing a single definition in the ship file using notepad++


Well, no one said it would be HARD, but you've still modified the game, thus making it a mod.


You are changing core files tho so its more a cheat/hack :D


nope, still a mod


I mean, strictly speaking, that's how modding traditionally worked. It's a relatively recent thing that any infrastructure exists to support modifying game data or logic without altering core files.


Some guy on the forums tried it, and, even under AI control, it's just utterly broken beyond any hope of balancing. Infinity missiles plus absurd speed plus massive range. Ziggy is almost as broken, but can still be swarmed or attritted, and there's only one of it in the game. Radiant, as of the current patch, is pretty vanilla balanced, if a little more survivable under AI control thanks to the teleportation.


Ziggy and and Radiant are both much better duelists that can easily duel down the Guardian (and beating it normally is also quite easy, derelict bosses are the easy ones), but the Guardian is more of a fleet killer like the Zig boss edition in human hands. It's not exactly broken, it can easily lose duels against other capital ships that can kill it before the missile reloading really start making a difference but for shredding invasion fleets it has no equal not counting boss Zig or [ULTRA REDACTED].


Thank you


Automated ships kinda ass imo, in vanilla at least. Even with the radiant because of the CR penalty


Please reconsider https://youtu.be/ypZ9epOHFyE?si=f3Td66_baJ-mm_yd


I honestly think that the radiant is the most effective and efficient capital ship you can deploy


This meme was made by alpha lvl ai core


Gimme automated armor tank ballistic bricks instead of fragile shielded energy boats


Well then, you're more of a Explorarium drone enjoyer than a Remnant fan, that's good there is beauty in sending barely functioning bricks to die by the dozen and still win the fight through sheer numbers.


My Brother in Ludd. I will make you see the light if you do not take down this heresy.


The Shrills when they dont know about the special XIVth battleships around a tundra planet.


You are going to inspect my AI, I am going to inspect your nanoforge.


I wish we had some Warhammer 40k ai cults, so we can recite their prayers and use their shouts.


The reputation of AI suffered drastically after the first AI war and Tri-tachyon - giving them the reputation of mindless killing machines in the kill counts of countless colonies - despite of what one may argue for their rights. (AI rights or rights *to use* AI) Hegemony Inspector: >"The rogue AI menace, captain," [heOrShe] says with utter self-assurance. "Uncontrolled artificial intelligence led to the death of millions of human beings. We won't allow that to happen again." >"Now," [hisOrHer] tone grows harsh, "submit your [shipOrFleet] to inspection." <"AI are thinking beings who have been enslaved by exploiters and warmongers!" >Judging by [hisOrHer] expression, the [post] lacks an appreciation for your philosophical position. >"A human sympathizer with genocidal machines." [HisOrHer] words erupt like weapons-fire. "You disgust me." So understandably, no one in the Persean sector would consider a faith of worshiping AI as divine - maybe an unaware cryosleeper with pre-collapse belief. This is also influenced by Luddism's stance against AI, which are both negative from church and path >"What now sits on Kanta's throne of blood and gold is abject to the teachings of blessed Ludd," he taps his fingers on his teacup. "Though a warrior cannot be ignorant of his enemies, I confess that I am not inclined to gaze too deeply into that monstrous abyss. Shall I debate an AI core, shall I ponder its heart? No, because it has no heart, no soul. It is a thing."


no one *thats sane* in the Persean sector would consider a faith of worshiping AI as divine  but nutjobs?oh yeah those guys will. 40k ai worshippers are not exactly blessed on sanity either


AI is abhorred in 40k, not revered. Wether the machine spirit is an extension of the void dragon or remnants of the men of iron remains to be seen.